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Release Dates
Red/Blue (GB) Japan: Released America: Released Australia: Released Germany: Released United Kingdom Released
Pinball (Rumble/GBC) Japan: Released America: Released Australia: Released Germany: TBA United Kingdom: Summer.2000
Snap (N64) Japan: Released America: Released Australia: Released Germany: TBA United Kingdom: Summer.2000
Green (GB) Japan: Released America: Never Australia: Never Germany: Never United Kingdom: Never
Yellow (GB/GBC) Japan: Released America: Released Australia: Released Germany: TBA United Kingdom: March.2000
Stadium (N64) Japan: Released America: Never Australia: Never Germany: Never United Kingdom: Never
Stadium 2 (N64) As 1 Japan: Released America: March 4 2000 Australia: TBA Germany: TBA United Kingdom: TBA
Trading Card Game (GBC) Japan: Released America: April 10 2000 Australia: TBA Germany: TBA United Kingdom: TBA
Pikachu VRS (N64) Japan: Released America: Summer 2000 Australia: TBA Germany: TBA United Kingdom: TBA
Gold/Silver (GBC) Japan: Released America: September 16 2000 Australia: TBA Germany: TBA United Kingdom: TBA
Super Smash Brothers (N64) Japan: Released America: Released Australia: ??? Germany: ??? United Kingdom: Released
Attack (GBC?) Japan: Never America: Summer 2000 Australia: TBA Germany: TBA United Kingdom: TBA |
Tuesday, February 15,2000 5:05 PM Updated by Damintri
- TLC Possibilities I know my last split website idea was a bummer but I just want to show my appreciation to my favorite musical group TLC. So I will get a TLC site up soon!
- Jigglypuff It should have arrived if you sent money for it, mine did. At first I thought it was a CD, but it was the Jiggly Promo card.
NEWS Boy Band Member on a Pokemon Comment ****** EXCLUSIVE NEWS - YOU SAW IT FIRST AT POKEMON FRENZY***** - If you a fan of 98*(the music group), then you must visit the website frequently. On the Spot, which you can send in questions for the one person of the group each month, features Drew. One of the questions was "What 5 things would you put in a time capsule for 1999?" or something like that, he said, 3. "A Pokemon Doll(since they were so big and I don't know why". Not everyone likes Pokemon ya know, so dont send hate mail. |
Sunday, February 6,2000 5:18 PM Updated by Damintri
- Release Dates Its been a while since my last update, but I got around to updatea few things. As you can see, I updated the Release Date list to the left. It now has colors and updated information. Also, if you are from any other country than listed there and know a bunch about POkemon, please email me for information on how to be a helper.
- Fan Fiction Its named that for a reason, FAN fiction. No one hasn't been sending in any fiction, so send in some fiction and the first person will have his/her website advertised here. I will be writing up a series of chapters soon for a new story, not the one talked about there. So expect it out soon.
- Delayed Projects There are some projects I talked about that will be delayed.. Review for Red : Possibly Valentines Daye Poem Section : End of February Episode Guide : Beginning of March
NEWS New Episodes are " Much Better" - 3 New Episodes aired yesterday, "Fit to be Tide" "Pikachu Re-Volts" and "The Crystal Onix". Fit to be Tide was the first to show the nicer color scheme and the fade action scenes, and more action time. These episodes were much more better than the others, there was more action and better dialogue. We've got to hand it to them, they've improved Pokemon. Lets hope the next 2 new episodes will be able to match them. |