The network - ARMOR VERSION

Welcome to Armor version. Part of the Network. Don't say this site looks bad, I know it does. Beacause the guide that I learned HTML from missed out on the whole "Advanced section". Also, Im a neat freak when it comes to websites. And please excuse the pop-up ads that angelfire has set upon us. I set it to pop up so that you can just get rid of it at the first sign of it and because I also don't like it on my page. This site is undergoing an extensive facelift.

I am sorry for the lack of updates. I have been rather busy with MS Frontpage doing a new version that looks better than what I have now. Expect a rough ride for a little while as I upload what I have! (Armordex is STILL uncomplete in it, even though it does have the existing dragongods...)

Lookie what I have here...


12/05/01- Arrrr, its the scourge of the *7?* internet ISPs...And its bit me access off! Mind ye that it will give it back at the end of the month *ARR!*...(If you dont know what I am talking about, its NetZero. Apparently, it cut me off on the 6th of may, and Im accessing this through *ALL HAIL* DSL connection =/)
5/05/01- Ding Dong the monsters dead...A href="">Darkgarultarmor was defeated by the shining bird 4/12/01- Wrote a battle. Its located on the 1 to 30 page. Also, I am uploading all pages to the new armordex...Please be patient if there is a page missing in there, It is a massive thing.
3/16/01- Wrote another battle on The Armorbattle page. And if you didn't notice By now the BG was changed then Im just gonna say it was. THE BACKGROUND WAS CHANGED!
3/13/01- Added link to The DragonGod Art Network...Now open mind you. Get your artwork in! There IS a deadline for entries.
3/06/01- Partially wrote a battle on cut my time short though. Will finish it tomorrow.

Welcome to Armor Version
Home of The DragonGods...


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