Cinnabar Fan Battle #2: Cowman and the Un-charted, which will soon be charted later in the battle, damn I just gave away the ending.
Location: Unknown
Player: Cowman
By Shadowstar

Whoa, where am I?
Narrator: You're in the Un-charted!
Why is it Un-charted?
Because YOU lost the charter!
Oh yeah... well, desperate times call for desperate measures!
Cowman takes out survival kit!

Narrator: What's in there?
Oh, just some stuff that without which I would wither away and die.
Narrator looks through the stash!
Narrator: Dashboard dice?

Dashboard?  What a great place for those!
Shadowy Figure appeared!
Hey you!  Guess where these are going?
Figure: In the garbage?
No, that's where I found them.
Shadowy Figure evolved into Hong Chong Willy-Wong!
Huh?  Who're you?
Hong Chong Willy-Wong is a mutated dishwasher from Japan!
Oh yeah?  Well since when have dishwashers been able to talk?
Since they mutated!
Hmm, sensable enough.
HCWW wants to fight!
Abbreviations!  Pfft, that's old school.
Old School is insulted!
Textbook beaned Cowman on the head!

HCWW is waiting impatiently!
Hmm... let's go!
Cowman kicked dishwasher!
Narrator: You idiot!
HCWW threw out clothes!
Cowman is dressed!

AAAAAGGHH!  I'm a cow and I'm wearing clothes!
Audience laughs!
Cowman shoots laser at audience!
Audience members die!

Except you!
I'll deal with you later!
Cowman can't think of what to do!
HCWW spit out some underwear on Cowman's ear!
Laugh Track is heard!

Cowman breaks Sound System!
Bye bye, nerdie!
Cowman takes out rifle and attaches it to udder!
Cowman fired rapid-milk fire!
Hong Chong Willy-Wong is destroyed!

Yay!  That's one small step for a dishwasher, and one giant leap for me!
Giant missles exploded on Cowman!
Director: Stop right there!
Director comes up to Cowman!
Director: Now that was great, you see up there?
Cowman saw camera up on a building!
Director: Well, you know where you were?  You're on...
Audience: Candid camera!!

What the hell??!!??  You made me get hit by missles and beat up by a dishwasher for your stupid under-rated show?
Director: Yeah!
Cowman is mad as hell!
Cowman mortally wounds everyone on the set!

Except you!
Huh?  You're next!

Battle exploded!
Ow!  Is there a Doctor in the house?  Or at least a Band-Aid?...
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