Battle52: The Return

Location: Randomly Generated Wilderness
Player: illumina Version Webmaster
Narrator: Story/PB Narrator

hm... I wonder why I couldn't access my password before...
Narrator SILENTLY observes!
erm... I'll pretend as though I didn't hear that...
Narrator Appeared!
Oh, Hello There, Narrator. I did not notice you before!
THAT is because NARRATOR is very STEALTHY!
Yes, perhaps you could tell me what is wrong with my password?
Narrator starts to speak!
1337er Appeared!
Why couldn't you have just said something when you stated that you were about to speak?
Silly webmaster person! That would have just obstructed plot! ^_^
What plot? The version is on School-time hiatus!
Narrator Maintains SILENCE!
Yeah, sure...
1337er: j0
Narrator activates translator!
1337er: Bonjour! Donde Est puis je aller au lavabo est le steak-frites!
Narrator kicks translator!
Translator Fainted!
j0, \/\/|-|0 @43 '/0|_|?
You speak 1337?
I wouldn't say 1337 exactly...
This slight detour of speech to cover up a loop hole brought to you by America Online! So Good no wonder it's number one!
O.O; Why the hell is there an AOL ad on here, of all things?
1337er: '/00 g|_|'/5...
0|-| '/3@|-|... (0|\|7][|\||_|3...
1337er: j=0110\/\/ |\/|3
ehm... sure why not...
1337er ran away!
illumina Version Webmaster followed!
Small House appeared!
House is covered with banner ads for AOL!
1337er: ][|\|5][|)3...
illumina Version Webmaster entered house!
1337er followed!
1337er: Ok, It should be safe now...
O.o No 1337?
1337er pulled off 1337 Mask!
1337er was Renamed Brandon!
Brandon: Much has happened since you-- Ah, Damnit I forgot the whole "you abandoned us and left us to die routine!"
Brandon: Could you leave and re-enter?
illumina Version Webmaster ran away!
illumina Version Webmaster Appeared!
Brandon: You abandoned us... you left us to die... anyways, moving on...
Brandon: Recap: When you left all was frozen in stasis for a time as it should've been... but then mysteriously one day everything started up again... It was not long before the mysterious figure behind all of this revealed himself. This mysterious person was a somewhat illiterate, self-proclaimed hacker who had come from AOL and hacked into your geocities password by guessing at it. He soon took the entire version under his control with an iron fist of leetness forcing all that would not be leet to convert to leetness or suffer the consequences. Why he wanted everyone to be leet I still don't know.
Brandon: Will you stop that?!
O.o erm.. I mean, uh.. sorry...
What were the consequences?
Brandon: The person would be hit by a leet ray which would force him to permenantly become leet.
Brandon: -_-
erm, sorry... ^_^;;
What happened to everyone else then? What of Kita? and the current plot-line and any of the other characters that I forgot because..
because you're an ignorant jerk? ^_^
Yes that'll Do quite nicely...
Brandon: They were all destroyed.
Brandon: Oh wait, sorry; The characters survived, the plotline was destroyed, sorry about that...
What became of Kita, the other main-character?
Brandon: She... fell prey to the leet ray...
O.o;;; That rhymed... Oh and I guess an O.o; for the getting hit with the leet ray thing too...
Brandon: -_-
Brandon has a strong desire to fwap you!
So what happened after Kita became leet-ized?
Brandon: She ended up joining the evil side of the invader, you know that whole cliched story thing. Also her name is K17@ now, btw...
Whatever happened to all those random characters created by the explosion of that A.P.U. thing?
Brandon: Oh, they were all undefined... It was very easy for the invader to convert them to leet drones for his leet army
Brandon: Will you stop that?
um... nope O.o
Brandon: ergh... -_-
So, The only people who can fight against this huge army of this invader is Me, you, and the Narrator?
Brandon: Well, you see, the narrator is actually working for the invader, no conscience and all that...
Narrator nods vigorously! ^_^
Brandon: And he's probably been signaling the enemy as to our location this entire time...
Well, What about you?
Brandon: Oh, me? Well I've pretty much become a coward after years --
Brandon: Months, whatever, after months of hiding and running from the evil forces.
Explosion Appeared!
Wall Fainted!
Brandon: Whelp, that's my cue to run like hell... good luck fighting off all the hordes by yourself.
Brandon ran away!
What?! Hey, come back!
leet Hordes appeared!
Suspense building shadow covered person appeared!
Oh gee, I bet that really maintained the suspense -_-
Hordes captured illumina Version Webmaster!
SBSCP recieved illumina Version Webmaster!
Bye-Bye illumina Version Webmaster!
Would you like to rename your new pokemon?
SBSCP: hMmMMm.,,..,...
Narrator begs for hEl-- *ahem* SBSCP to rename!
Narrator doesn't want to continue typing out such a long-name!
SBSCP: oK,,. i reNAMe YOu: SSJ005 goKu
O.O;;; I... think... I am going to have to... kill myself now...
SSJ005 goKu used Suicide!
Not enough PP for that move!
SSJ005 goKu fainted!


Thanks for the donation of a certain character: Go to: Emerald Version

Battle53: 1337 ][|\/|p4][50|\||\/|3|\|7, '/0
Location: 1337 p4][50|\|
Player: illumina Version Web -- erm... SSJ005 goKu
Narrator: J/H Narrator

ugh... Where am I?
SSJ005 goKu is in the leet prison!
urgh, that's right... I have to go kill myself now...
SSJ005 goKu used suicide!
Attack failed!
K17@ appeared!
K17@: '/0u |-|@v3 n0 (ha|\|c3 70 5u4\/i\/3. m@|<3 y0u4 7i|\/|3.
Well, I think an o.O describes things well enough.
K17@: 83j=043 y0u @43 (0|\|\/3473|) 70 1337 f043v34 y0|_| @43 70 83 7h4@5h3|) 8'/ \/@4i0|_|5 3|\|3|\/|i35 0j= y0|_|45...
Enemies? I didn't know I had any enemies...
AOL appeared!
Ah... Of course...
K17@: |-|@\/3 j=|_||\|
AOL wants to fight!
oh... a fight... better than a ruthless beating I guess...
SSJ005 goKu sent out almighty deletion staff!
Geobreeders anime now available at low low prices at your local anime store!
ADS --
stop acronymizing things.
Narrator will do as he pleases and if you resist Narrator will kill you with various sharp implements and hang your carcass over a river of molten lava until it melts completely to nothing! ^_^
O.O; erm... anyways...
ADS used Deletion!
Password pop-up appeared!
Password pop-up: You must have authorization to perform this action, enter password.
Urrh... Ok then... Almighty Thwap!
ADS used Almighty Thwap!
Attack missed!
Enemy never sent out pokemon!
AOL sent out Advertisement!
ugh... everything is about advertising lately...
Almighty Thwap!
ADS used Almighty Thwap!
Almighty Thwap machine! Now available at your nearest joke store!
erm... huh?
ADS always advertise things!
It's a staff, not an advertisment!
So... Let me get this straight, you sent out a team of almighty delete-ers!
That's not allowed! You can only have one pokemon out at a time!
Narrator used Smite!
ADS fainted!
No! Not a team, It. Was. A. Piece. Of. Wood!
Primary grade Wood, now available at LumberJack Jack's Wood depot!
um.. hello?
SSJ005 goKu sent out SSJ005 goKu!
SSJ005 goKu used ElectroKinesis!
Advertisement was electromagnetically wiped from AOL's memory!
AOL sent out AOL!
Now, you die.
AOL used Transform!
AOL suddenly transformed into a 100 foot tall 100 foot wide blackish AOL logo with spikes and holes and spikes through holes and Monster Truck wheels underneath it with spikes on them!
AOL used Charge!
AOL charged towards SSJ005 goKu!
What? nothing about credit cards?
Silent peon! Narrator does as he pleases! Narrator does not obey the whims of others such as yourself! ... ^_^
Plus Narrator is scared of Uber AOL...
Yay, irony... erm...
SSJ005 goKu used sidestep!
AOL missed!
AOL kept going!
Prison wall fainted!
AOL was paralyzed!
erm... Thanks?
leet hordes followed after him!

Also, since the story-line hasn't been finished due to some missing battles, I will reveal who the character donated by Emerald Version is, though it's probably somewhat obvious by now.
... Hell Dude
lol, anyways, hopefully I'll find the other 7 battles sometime soon