#11A Perilous Game of Chess... or Tetris... or Yatzi... or whatever... I don't do games.
#12Don't blame me, blame the lichor.
#13I don't know. Gods on Ice? Gods: The Musical? The Godly Bunch? Something like that.
That there was my comic. It's over now. There might be more later. Yep. This is all. Don't try and scroll down to find some sort of secret message, or highlight the whole page for blacked-out text, or right-click all over to try and find the secret image, or anything crazy like that. Crazy kids. Crazee. The cereal that screams for mercy for your mouth as your teeth grind and gnash them into little bits and pieces and then melt them into nutrients and.. okay, maybe I'd better go to sleep.
Oh, wow. You found the blacked-out message. Congratulations. Now go send me a message at NICKMANRMB@aol.com so I e-mail you a snowcone. Do it. Now. Or else... Uh.... Well, that's all now.