Light Version Fanfiction #1-Swine of All Ages, by Navi the Fairy--Official Scribe of Light Version

It was a dark and stormy day. Count Chocula was at rest, and the Big Bad Wolf was hunting.
Hunting...for the hunted. And who was the hunted? Well, Wolf didn't quite know right about then.
But he knew he was hunting. And for what? I think we've been over that. With nothing better to do, Wolf hunted for the sliding glass door that constantly eluded his grasp as he trudged around and around in circles.

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CHAPTER TWO: Linked to...uh.. >.< I can't think of any "link" jokes to put in this title!!!
Link floated along the river, just as he'd been doing before a plot hole had dropped him temporarily into a little slumber he was hurt, wounded, and gnawed on to great extent.
Still, he floated on........and on, and on, and so many more "and on"s that I won't even bother to say them all.
He'd left the frigid,, infested...waters a while back, as well as the bodies of Zelda and Mario.
He was alone...the only warmth that kept him alive was the bomb he had lit.
Or is it litten? No, that doesn't sound right. Suddenly, out of the blue, for no apparent reason, a huge explosion sent Link flying. He hit the ground hard.
Of course, he could have climbed out of the water earlier, but he felt like a nice swim.
Link shook the water from his hair, howled, and scratched at some fleas before he realized he was in the wrong fanfiction. He blinked and stood up, checked to make sure all his equipment was set...somewhere, then looked around to see where he was.
A large, open plain, covered with smoking wreckage.
Looked like the far corner of Hrule Field, but strewn with metallic bits and pieces, dragon-like masks of former life, claws broken to pieces, and a huge pile of gore and blood, which he purposefully avoided looking at to keep the ratings low and his political standings nonexistant.
The ruins of the Dragon Tanks. Link gasped at the site, and it's annoying scrolling text, and slowly walked forwards as if drawn by the grisly horrors.
Actually, he was drawn by a really good artist, but you couldn't tell from his all pointed-looking nose. Very pointed, you could poke someone's eye out with it!!!
And then, like a bunch of munchkins from the beginning of the Wizard of Oz, except much more pathetic-looking, thirty-six thousand costumed heroes emerged from the wreckage.

CHAPTER THREE: Skating Champion
"BANZAIIIIIIIIIII!" Nny yelled, slipping through a small crack in a wall and past.
He was roller blading along a very small track, screaming and yelling while holding a gun and a sharp knife, slicing and shooting anyone he got near, purely out of habit (not the roller blades, the killing).
His mind raced as he leaped over a Mankey, then landed on it on purpose to send the pig monkey into a tar pit.
He landed smoothly, although he'd never skated before. Things just seemed out that way for him.
A police car sped by, but for some strange reason, the car's tires seemed to deflate all at once, for no reason at all.
But Johnny the homicidal maniac didn't have any tiem to marvel at his luck right now, or to attempt some handy-dandy suicide, or even to exterminate some bugs.
He was chasing a treasure, and a robot. Nny skated up a ramp and onto a building's roof like something out of a psychotic Tony Hawks Pro Skater game, ignoring the white numbers and letters zooming by.
5000 points.
"Oooooh...nifty," Nny commented. Then he spotted the target. The limousine, below on the street. And the key to the treasure.

CHAPTER FOUR: Driving Mr. Robo
Robo beeped and whrrrrrrred.
R2-D2 did the same back. They shared a brief kiss...more like a mutual headbutt, but they're robots!
C'mon! Then, Robo swung open the door of the limousine.
R2-D2 only had time to beep in alarm once before being flung out the door. Nny watched R2-D2 become some schrapnel and roadkill on the ground, scattering a full thirty yards before hitting a wall with a small explosion. Robo laughed.
"All the pieces are falling into place," he droned to the driver, an automated driving system Robo had found crashed near Death Mountain in a huge crater, probably of alien design.
Robo had repaired it himself, and it served him well and without complaints.
The limousine was heading in the direction the map Robo held indicated.
The city he was moving through, in the very center of Light Version, was known as the Gateway, the stairs to the Webmaster, or so the legend went.
And the map pointed straight the underground catacombs.
The limousine shrunk down at a single command from Robo, and practically, or impractically if you want to look at it that way, flew into a small tunnel leading down...far down...past the underground catacombs, and into the deepest regions of Diablo I...Robo chuckled and swiped one of R2-D2's spare screws, rolled up the window, and tossed it out.
He rolled the window back up dramatically.

CHAPTER FIVE: Finally, Good Old-Fashioned Battle #1
Buffy growled and ducked under a swinging pole. It flew past, breezing through one of her hairs and slamming through a wall.
Her crossbow was out in an instant, not that it mattered to the foe she faced.
Kari Kamiya, dressed in darkly-colored robes, muttered a few words and balled her fists.
A ray of light burst through the air at the well-known vampire slayer.
She ducked and fired a bolt, but it bounced harmlessly off a powerful glowing shield that surrounded Kari.
It flashed for only a moment as Buffy's arrow bounced off, and during that instant Buffy vanished.
Buffy faded into the shadows and was gone, blasting a hole right through the floor and sliding in without a sound.
Kari waited a moment, sweating and panting from the exertion of the battle, then glared and started floating towards where buffy had been, a magical sword ready in her grip.
Kari raised it slowly, ready for an attack from the front...suddenly, she glanced down as she remembered that in all the movies the monster attacks from below.
A sound from above made Kari turn up and start slashing the air above her.
During that instant, strong hands reached out and grabbed Kari's feet. Kari screamed and plunged into the chilly waters below.
Buffy came kicking and clawing like someone out of a Xena episode, sending Kari flying through a wall.
But Kari wasn't done yet...she floated forwards, eyes glowing red, and balled her hands into fists. Dark energy seemed to flow in front of her cute, innocent face, as a huge, dark ball of evil materialized before her.
Buffy dropped her crossbow and ducked for cover, barely dodging the huge surge.
The energy broke through the sewer tunnel, and instantly a barrage of water rushed in.
Buffy leaped, grabbed a sewer ladder's wrungs just in time, and held on tight as the water rushed by. Kari wasn't so lucky.
She disappeared under the current, and Buffy struggled until she made it to the top. Once above, Buffy quickly ran across the, narrow...street, then at a seemingly random interval as she ran, stopped and leaped into a manhole cover.
She stood up, wiped away a bloody nose, ripped away the cover, and leaped into the hole this time. Buffy managed to grab Kari's hand, with a triumphant "Action Man, nothing!" as she dragged the nine-elevenths-drowned Kamiya girl, sorceress robes badly shredded, up to the surface.
Kari slowly started to come around. The first thing she saw was Buffy's long sword pointed between her eyes. "Okay, Kari...I've got one question for you..." Buffy said, in a very determined voice.
Kari tightened her bluish lips.
"Where is Ultimate Evil?"

CHAPTER SIX: Bundle of Big Booming Voices...argh, Voices doesn't begin with a "B" x_x
NARRATOR is ready!
Came the booming voice from above. The setting was a volcanic wasteland. Rocky canyons and hills covered the area.
The Narrator had arrived at the chosen place, and waited eagerly for the mysterious "Purple Voice" to show itself.
PURPLE VOICE appeared!
And so it did, although no form was visible, just the echoing voice from the sky, accompanied by purple crackling bolts of lightning coming from hazy purple clouds.
Ah...excellant! PREPARE TO DIE!
The Narrator and Voice were ready to fight.
How, I don't know. All I know is that there was a lot of thunder and lightning, some slapping, a fewmountains thrown around, and a lot of arguing.
It was completely unlike anything I had ever seen before.
Absolutely. *chuckles* Er, anyway, after a few hours...
BASTARD! You will!
Oh really? Wellll......why don't we follow the yellow brick road?
Purple Voice asked, in a complete disregard for quotation marks, and in a seemingly nonsencial set of words.
I knew it!
Everyone did! JUST SAY IT ALREADY! I can't live in fear ANY MORE!!!
And with those words, a tendril of purple mist lashed out.
A red curtain inconspiciously hidden in the corner of the world map fell reveal an old man with a microphone.
"Hi!" he said cheerfully, waving and pulling the curtain back.
Purple Voice sweatdropped and quickly opened the curtain again, but the Wizard of Oz was gone...or was he?
I'm right HERE!
A giant face emerged from the cloud and started glaring at Purple Voice evilly.
Very very evilly. Purple Voice merely chuckled.
Don't taunt me, old man. I am more powerful...than you can ever imagine...
Slowly, a purple cloud bank started to drift away.
A tiny, horrendous pinpoint of evil slowly drifted down...the Wizard's simulacrum backed away slowly, flinching at the sight of IT.
The purple form unfolded and grinned, revealing it's slimy emerald belly, and cackling evilly as it landed on the ground. The Wizard of Oz drifted back, shocked, from the evil little beast.
I...I never knew...
He murmered, over and over, his eyes diluting as thunder crackled...wait, doesn't lightning crackle and thunder roar? Well, whatever.
The abyssal black orbs focused on the floating head. The purple-and-green dinosaur stood tall, and roared.
It's shining scales bristled back, and it's tale whipped against the ground, cleaving a cactus inappropriately placed near a volcano in two.
It roared again and charged to attack. "Barney's coming to give you a hug..." it screeched evilly.

CHAPTER SEVEN: PUFFFF! DOOM! hehe, gotcha scared there ^_^; Just kidding...
"I'm not so sure about this..." Derik said cautiously, terrified, as he walked slowly towards the platform.
It was a raised section, a small floating area of Light Version, linking back to Red Version.
Beside it was a link to Lime Version, but that was of no consequence to Derik.
He had his own plans. "So...we just have to get the webmaster to link to Aqua Version?" Derik asked his comrades timidly, poking the hole to Lime Version and come back with a green finger.
"Feeling green just got a fourth meaning..." he murmered obscurely as the straight jackets huddled next to him and conversed in silence like a bunch of football pads.
"Alright, Mr. MHE..." the largest, gruff jacket said with a good itallian accent. "We simply need to convince the Webmaster to link to Aqua Version, and we're all set. Now, the Webmaster's a lazy son-of-a-bleep, which I wouldn't normally say if this isn't a fanfic. But anyway, he's so lazy he won't put a link without a very good reason. We need a good reason," he said, taking out a cigar and smoking it.
"Now, the only obvious reason is if good 'ole Webmaster plaguearizes something. Then he has to link or be attacked by the version. This goes fine with weaker versions like Shell or Purple, but he's not going to risk such a thing with a powerful Version like Aqua. Do you see what I'm getting at?" the straight jacket asked, before bursting into flames from the cigar lighter.
Another jacket with a sombrero shuffled the dying mafia leader away, and another hitman took up his job immediately, smoothly inventing an itallian accent that actually sounded like Dracula combined with Elmo.
The jacket continued where the last one left off, ignoring the expression on Derik, mental hospital employee's, face.
"So, you must understand the position we're in. You HAVE to start copying Eric, MHE in every way if the Webmaster's going to make a link over to Aqua! The name isn't enough, there's already a few characters mimicing the legendary figure. You have to actually QUOTE him, copy ligns of text, even if only for this short block of text in the fanfiction. Okay?" he asked calmly, lighting a cigar.
"Uh...okay..." Derik said. "But..I have a few questions," he said.
"Fire away." the jacket said smoothly, puffing a ring of smoke into the air and gazing at Derik nonchalantly.
This unnerved him even more, considering the jacket had no eyes. "Well, first of all, do I copy Eric? I mean, he doesn't have any personality at all!" Derik pointed out.
The straight jacket shrugged. "You mean he DIDN'T. Now that he's gone psycho, you should be able to copy at least one of his personalities. Here, try this..." he said, blowing some more smoke away and handing Derik a script.
Derik read it over, then said...
"...that's it?" he asked. "It's enough..." the straight jacket explained.
"Just keep reading..."
EVIL! Rabid! JIGGLY! of! PUUUFFF! Jiggglyy...
"This is demeaning!" Derik said angrily.
The straight jacket blew up in a cloud of smoke, so another one stepped forwards and sighed in his place.
"We want Eric as much as you do. Fine, that's enough...for this fic. Let's just hope it's enough for the Webmaster to put up a link...or you may have to have a little 'accident'..."
Derik gulped, then thought that over as the straight jacket lit a cigarette and pointed it at him.
"But why would you kill me if the Webmaster doesn't put up the link? It makes no sense! You need me, and I haven't done anything wrong..."
The cigarette started burning the straight jacket alive (sorta?? o_O) slowly, but through it he coughed out, "Just shut up and hope!" before dying.
Derik sighed, looking longingly back at the mental hospital.
Then he remembered the mental hospital memories, and started eagerly waiting for a link to Aqua Version.
And so, Derik, mental hospital employee, and a bunch of Ash waited......

CHAPTER EIGHT: Johnny, Trapped in the Deep Dark Caverns of Light Version....
Nny scurried into the tunnel after the limousine, still skating along.
He ducked under a swarm of Zubat, Keeze, Bats, and Sinisters from various games, then skated along a lava pit, racking up another 305 points.
Nny hopped over a few fireballs and bubbles, and then ahead he could see the limousine moving along...Nny slowed down to silently follow as the limousine headed deeper and deeper...After a few more hours of monotonousness, the limousine passed over a final barrier, and arrived.
The temple holding the ultimate treasure of Light Version.
Nny meant to stop at that point, to take off his skates and quietly sneak in...except...they wouldn't come off! He couldn't stop...Nny approached the temple at alarming speeds.
The limousine also sped in. There was a doorway ahead, and a small, gargoyle-like face. The face spoke, "If you wish to recieve the ultimate treasure, you must pass three tests..." The limousine simply sped past the face.
"Hey!" it shouted, scratching the roof of the car. Nny approached next, dropping his knife in surprise, and also sped right past the face. "HEY!!!" it shouted angrily. "You have to pass three tests!"
The face angrily locked the door, trapping Nny and Robo within the temple...Nny continued skating, dodging two more faces, and entered the main chamber.
It was a large, stone room, with torches circling the whole place to focus on an alter in the second with a small box on the top. As Nny skated forwards, though, something large and red slammed into his face, sending him flying backwards.
Nny only had time to see the convertible pull to a stop and Robo slide out before everything vanished in a tidal wave of crimson.

CHAPTER NINE: Captain Injury, AKA Slowpoke-Man
Link sweatdropped, backing away from the unfathomably huge mob of weak-looking people in costumes.
There was Living Paperclip, Tepid-Man, The Blisterer, and so many more...escaped from the Dale Massacre.
"What...happened here?" Link asked, looking over the carnage.
A hero from the crowd, Quark, spoke up. " was horrible...the...chipmunk appeared...and..." he collapsed into nervous shivers, not that you could actually SEE him since he bounced around so much.
"A chipmunk?" Link asked. "What are you guys ON?"
" was Dale! An evil enemy from Limbo, the place where all characters go when they die!" Young Man answered.
Link scratched his head as the sun beat the dampness out of his clothes. "So you all got beaten to a pulp by a dead rodent?" he asked.
The depressed band of adventurers nodded slowly.
Link stiffled a laugh, then remembered the huge pile of bodies. "How'd you all escape if he's so powerful?" he asked.
A half-man, half-pigeon squawked and looked at Link. "'cause Hammy can't count! He thought there were only 4,000 of us, when they were really 40,000!"
Link nodded in understanding.
The Masked Jello continued in a quivering tone where The Pigeon left off to eat some birdseed sprinkling out of someone named 'Refreshmentizer'. "Of course, we took advantage of that typo to escape just in time! Super-De-Duper Man, the greatest hero of Light Version and also a major snob..." at this the jello ducked under a punch coming from his sidekick, Not-So-Super-De-Duper Man. "It's true! Well, a ton of monkey imps came and beat up Dale and Super-De-Duper Man, but both Dale AND Super-De-Duper Man escaped!
Dale ran off to take over the version, while Super-de-Duper Man is cleaning his clothes!"
"I hear he's got a snazzy new outfit," Miss Fashion whispered to Gossiper, unnoticed by the others.
Link asked. The Wave, a large assortment of people who could do things simultaneously, shrugged all at once. "WEWEWEWEWEWEWEWE..." the Wave started, each talking after the other, but Sarcasmo, on vacation from a TV show and depressed to be stuck in this fanfiction, shut them all up by punching one of them and making all of them faint at the same time. "Oh yeah, sure, just go ahead and clobber Dale up close!" he said sarcastically.
He crossed his arms sarcastically. "Why wouldn't I?" Link asked, showing off his sword technicques.
Sarcasmo shrugged sarcastically and walked away to pick on Angular Man.
"For we are the League of Light-Weights!" Captain Injury declared proudly.
"You're about five minutes too late..." Superwimp squeaked, then recoiled as Captain Injury glanced at him.
Tiki Man hopped over Evilarn, the deceased Mistress of Death, and pointed south. "Dale went that way! He's heading for the south pole, me thinks!" Tiki Man said, then hopped away.
Link nodded. "Then that's where I'm going!" he ran across the site of the battlefield, ignoring the nagging voice in the back of his head that wondered how Tiki Man could hop, much less talk, then shrugged and moved on.......
"No! I shall come with you!" Captain Injury said a few hours later. "It's too dangerous!"

CHAPTER TEN: HAL, AKA "The Dissapointing Lead-On to a Battle Scene that Never Fully Developed"
Robo chuckled lowly as he rolled over to the altar.
He sent out a metallic arm and grabbed the lid of the box. Slowly, it came open...
Robo tried to peer over the box, but couldn't see inside, so he grabbed the box and brought it down to view the insides.
Inside, was a small round object. It was pink, and shone as if newly painted.
It was lightweight, and not cracked even slightly, a perfect sphere that didn't look old at all...
Robo looked over it questioningly. "Certainly bizarre...but why the greatest treasure?" Robo asked.
Robo felt the little ball, then turned it over to see the other side.
"!" Robo exclaimed, surprised. On the other side of the ball was a face carved into it.
It was simple, yet startlingly ugly. A slightly smiling mouth under a cycloptic eye, the lips and eyelids carved extremely intricately....
Robo, startled, dropped the treasure, and it started to roll away.
"NO! GRAB IT!" Robo screeched, rolling after it.
Suddenly, the convertible drove forwards a little bit to block Robo's way.
"Out of my way!" Robo shouted. The convertible growled at him.
"" Robo asked, looking his convertible over.
It slowly turned to face Robo.
"What are you doing?" he asked the driver.
The mechanical system started humming the "Wacky Hour" theme song in response.
Robo glared and pushed his car out of the way. "Out of the way, foolish car!" he declared, chasing the strange pink...thing.
The convertible glared. "The name is..." he said. But, before HAL could want to fight, Robo shot a lazer at him, making him blow up.
Robo angrily rolled after the ball and grabbed it. "Note to self: never trust AI cars."
Robo started rolling out of the cavern, when he noticed a thin teenager dressed all in black wrestling with a small red fuzzy creature.

Buffy quietly walked through the jungle.
Mage Kari hadn't known where Evil was, but she knew who would know.
She'd mentioned a creature living deep in the jungle, one who would certainly know the whereabouts of him.
Buffy sweated under the tropical heat.
It couldn't be much longer before...there it was!
Leemur Boy, half-human and half-lemur, swung from tree to tree, jibbering quietly in a tone too low for Buffy to hear.
Fortunately, he didn't notice her, and continued swinging past.
Buffy ducked down and quietly followed after him, shuffling through the trees as fluidly as she could. A Mew sped by, unnoticed, as Buffy took out her crossbow, and aimed it at Leemur Boy, standing up to reveal her presence.
Leemur Boy squeaked in fright, dropping a bundle of berries he was about to eat and ducking into a hole in the tree upon seeing Buffy.
Buffy angeily put away her crossbow and ran over to the tree.
She banged on it, and found to be hollow, so she reached a hand inside of it to start ripping off chunks of the bark...the screamed as Leemur Boy sunk his fans into her palm and leaped onto her face.
"Ow! Ow! GET OFF!" she yelled, pulling at Leemur Boy, but he tangled himself in her hair, mumbling something about pancakes tasting bad mixed with gummy bears.
Buffy finally succeeded in tossing him away, and he landed in a small pool of mud.
Leemur Boy jumped out, large black eyes blinking at Buffy, suddenly calmer although nervous as ever...which makes no sense, I know.
Buffy reached for her crossbow again, then stopped as she noticed Leemur Boy about to run away.
She sighed. "Look, I'm not here to fight..." she started, and Leemur Boy immediately leaped onto her face and started screeching, "NO LEEMUR GIRL! LONELY! I AM THE ONLY HALF LEEMUR HALF BOY!!!" over and over until Buffy's ears felt like they'd explode.
She reached for a dagger to stab the pathetic little thing, but reconsidered and just lifted her foot up, wedged it between herself and Leemur Boy, and pried him off, sending him back into the mud puddle again.
"Leemur Boy! Kari sent me to find you!" Buffy yelled, aiming her crossbow at him again and backing away a bit in case he tried to leap onto her again.
His claws looked sharp, and indeed she now had scratches along her face, and was very, very muddy.
Leemur Boy looked up at her timidly, but even his tiniest voice was extremely loud and high-pitched.
"LEEMUR BOY NO! HI! NO NO KARI!" he screeched.
Buffy growled, stepping forwards and menacingly holding up the Crossbow.
Leemur Boy retreated deeper into the mud puddle.
"LEEMUR BOY! TELL ME WHERE ULTIMATE EVIL IS!" Buffy yelled, starting to get very irritated.
Leemur Boy shrugged. "BYE LEEMUR BOY MERCHANDISE? BYE BYE BYE! NEED COCONUTS!" he held up some buttons with "Leemur Boy" logos on them, and a few baseball caps, but Buffy swatted them away, causing Leemur Boy to start screeching frantically again.
"LEEMUR BOY!" Buffy yelled, so loud that the trees shook, and Leemur Boy looked at her.
"WHAT?" he screeched back.
"Do you know any way I can find the Ultimate Evil???" she asked, calmly, putting away her crossbow to rub her temples to try and get rid of her sudden splitting headache.
"NO NO!" Leemur Boy squawked, leaping up into his tree again.
"GO SEA MIYAKO! SHE NO!" Leemur Boy screeched, before leaping straight up and vanishing into dense vegetation again.
Buffy sighed. "And I wouldn't suppose you'd know where to find this 'Miyako'..." she said more to herself then anyone, knowing that Leemur Boy was already gone but wishing she could ask more questions.
The quest to find Ultimate Evil was starting to seem helpless..
"GO GO THAT WAY!" Leemur Boy screeched from right behind her, making her scream and start running away before she knew what was happening, her ears pounding.
Just wanting to get away from that annoying, frantic creature.
Buffy's last thought before falling off a randomly-appearing cliff was that Kari had had her revenge after all...

CHAPTER TWELVE: Good Old-Fashioned Battle #2, Complete with Emu-Proof Tiling!
Barney cackled insanely, rising up into the air somehow.
He whipped back both arms, and brought them together in front of his face with a huge explosion.
A channel of electric current flowed forwards towards the huge face of the Wizard of Oz, but the former Narrator wasn't done yet...he dodged the strike, and it hit something else, something invisible...quickly the rest of the enormous Wizard's body faded into view, a huge armored form that looked ridiculous in proportion compared to the enormous head.
It brought back one hand and started gathering a red pinpoint of Narrator energy.
Barney didn't wait a turn, though...he swung back with his tail, slashing the Wizard's huge armor...but it clanged, somehow, instead of breaking apart at the huge force of Barney's blow.
"What...impossible!" Barney screeched, hopping back a few steps to dodge the beam of energy that shot past him, to hit the ground with a massive explosion.
The Wizard merely cockily smiled.
My suit's made of PURE Gundanium, little purple fool!
Barney growled understandingly as the Oz Mobile Suit fully extended to cover all the Narrator's body, and started firing a barrage of energy beams which Barney easily dodged, hopping back swiftly and opening his mouth.
The Wizard barely extended an energy field in time to block the huge blast of yellow fire that was shooting at him, and Barney stopped breathing fire for a second to lick his lips.
It looked like a ridiculous battle, the miles-high Gundam fighting the incredibly tiny-in-comparison purple-and-green dinosaur.
But the battle was far more even then the Wizard of Oz liked...he would have to play dirty to defeat his foe.
As Barney spun through the air, shredding through minute molecules as he moved incredibly fast towards the Suit to attack, the Gundam brought back a fist and created a giant sword of energy magically.
He sliced forwards, but Barney countered with a dangerous claw.
The sword was fifty times larger than Barney himself, but he easily cut it in two with razor-sharp claws, and slid along the magical energy like a slide to leap up and latch onto the Mobile Suit's face.
The Wizard gasped inside his enormous Gundam, bringing the sword up to stab at Barney, but Barney curled into a ball and spun through the air and away from the Gundam's face, and the sword ended up imbedded in the helmet.
The Wizard growled and charged at Barney, trying to tackle him down with his sheer size, but Barney caught him in an uppercut, denting the Gundanium badly.
The Gundam stood up tall, firing up rockets to fly even higher, but Barney was gaining advantages by the second.
He reached back and used pure evil force to creature a few rings of darkness, which he then threw around the Gundam, and they grew and grew to surround it.
Suddenly, about fifty guns emerged from different spots on the Gundam and started firing huge lazer blasts.
The rings broke apart and vanished, and Barney's angry eyes glowed darkly as he flew into the air again, reaching the cloud level and clawing at the Gundam.
But it fired such a huge wave of energy back that Barney was driven away, unable to hurt him.
The Gundam created another energy sword and leaped forwards to try and cut Barney in two.
He caught the sword just in time and tried to press it away, energy crackling through Barney's fingertips...
Barney finally got hold of the huge thing and swung it away, letting it fall into through the cloud banks, but his energy was depleting more and more.
He gathered a ball of thunder and threw it with deafening force at the Gundam, but the Gundam simply ignored the strike, as it did no damage at all, and the Narrator's cocky laughter echoed while the Gundam moved forwards to cut Barney's tail off.
Barney roared, his tail dropping below and vanishing.
Green and black blood dribbled out of the wound, as, driven by evil vengeance, Barney shredded a large corner of the Gundam's foil, but got a huge swat from one of the hands in return.
He floated in the air, glaring and ready for the next attack, and he got it all right...the Gundam flew forwards, smashing into Barney with a sickening crack and the sound of breaking bones echoed down to the land below.
Barney spat some more flames, but the Gundam raised an energy shield and smashed Barney with it, sending him down to the ground below.
The Gundam opened all his energy cannons and focused them on the falling dinosaur, prepared to end his reign of evil...when suddenly something huge and powerful hit the back of the Gundam, sending it spiraling through the air for a minute.
It flew up higher to see the new enemy..and saw it, all right.
Two Barneys, both with their tails attached. The tail had regrown into a new Barney, while the other Barney had regrown his tail. Both growled and laughed evilly as they flew up, power redoubled and ready to win.
NO...this is looking bad...
The Narrator/Gundam commented, raising his sword and shield to try and fend off the immensely powerful monstrosities.
One Barney simply bent the sword in half, while the other broke the shield into a thousand shards of emerald-green energy and destroyed the large mantel that had created it, throwing it away into a volcano once it was shredded.
The Barneys simultaneously smiled evilly and one rammed the Gundam in the stomach, hard, as the other flew onto it's head and started shredding in.
Suddenly, out of the blue, the head started glowing blue.
The Barney on the head only had time to widen his eyes as the head exploded...with the force of a nuclear bomb, reducing Barney to a few particles of dust.
The head quickly returned, and all the damage sustained by the Barneys instantly healed.
The Gundam brought back an arm, and Barney only had time to curse once before being hit by a huge first and sent flying.
Barney stopped in mid-air, hovering and glaring.
That's right! I'm at maximum power now. You've forced me to draw out all my reserves, and for that you will die...
The Narrator's voice intoned from the Gundam, and the Gundam flew even higher up, aiming at the powerful Barney.
All the lasers focused hard, and then fired...they hit Barney point-blank, and his scream filled the air as his flesh exploded.
The Gundam flew straight down, arms outstretched and ready to finish Barney off, when something powerful hit him in the side, disorienting the systems and blasting the Gundam off-course.
He whipped around yet again to find himself facing a slowly-healing skeleton of Barney.
The Narrator growled.
Barney growled.
They charged at each other and went past each other, something I refuse to name-style.
They slowly looked behind each other and smiled.
Barney roared and exploded, falling to pieces, and each piece disintegrated into flames, and then on and on until he was DEAD.
The Wizard of Oz's mocking voice laughed as he turned around and watched the skull of Barney fade into nothingness.
He had won...right? Not quite...the Narrator turned his attention down just in time to see the other Barney, the one who's flesh had exploded, was already fairly well-healed.
He had replaced flesh with metal to enhance himself, using spare Gundanium that had fallen off in the conflict.
Now Robo-Barney flew up and bared metallic claws.
The cyborg charged at the Gundam, unleashing wave after wave of attacks, each one blocked efortlessly by the Narrator.
Finally, the Narrator created a magical bolt of lightning and drove it through Barney.
He gasped and floated there, impaled through the heard and sizzling.
Then he smiled and started growing...

"OW!" Nny commented as the red thing seemed to attack him, but he shoved it off and found it's fuzzy hide to be inanimate.
He stood up nervously, taking a few steps back.
The thing looked humanoid, a pure light red, very small, and very fuzzy.
Nny slowly worked up his courage and rolled the thing over.
It was...a toy! "Tickle Me Elmo?" Nny asked, picking it up and smiling.
"Why did you hurt me?" he asked it in a very pleasent voice, taking out a knife.
"Now I'll have to hurt you!" he said evilly, raising it high above the doll and jabbing it into the thing's stomach...
Nny was about to begin cackling when he noticed the knife hadn't punctured the hard plastic flesh of instantly started vibrating and giggling with glee.
Nny scowled and kicked it away.
It hit the wall and bounced, shaking harder.
Nny roared and threw the dagger at the toy with all his might.
The dagger sunk into Elmo's flesh, and the laughter died.
Blood started pouring out of the wound, and Elmo gasped in pain. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" it yelled suddenly, grasping the knife imbedded in itself.
It stood up slowly, eyes glowing pure-black.
His voice went down about ten octaves or something and started echoing menacingly. "YOU DID THIS..." he said, pointing at Nny.
Nny nodded happily. "Yes, I did" he said, holding out his hand to shake the bleeding Elmo's. "Nice to meet you!"
Elmo glared and grabbed Nny's hands, then clamped on hard. Nny's eyes bugged out for a second before he was swung into the wall.
"Ow! Damn Elmo! Quit that!" Nny said, rubbing his bruised shoulder as he slid down the wall and hit the floor hard.
"THE NAME'S HELLMO..." Hellmo said, glaring at Nny like a demented Bun-Bun.
He started glowing evilly.
Suddenly, a high-pitched wail filled the air.
Nny looked around curiously, not noticing Robo, who was hiding in the shadows.
"The ice cream truck?" he asked, licking his lips.
Hellmo smiled evilly and shook his head. "NO..." he said, as a scampering sound started to fill the air.
"MONKEYS, ATTACK!" Hellmo ordered, and suddenly dozens of monkeys leaped from the shadows and started pummeling Nny.
"ARGHHHH..." Nny yelled, thrown to the ground by the sudden attack.
He reached for his blowtorch and sent the monkeys to monkey heaven in moments, then stood up and pointed it at Hellmo.
"You're dead now, Elmo!"
"THE NAME IS HELLMO..." Hellmo screamed, started to grow bigger and meaner.
His skin turned shiney and metallic, and he raised his fists.
Thousands of tiny robots poured from his fingertips, moving in towards Nny with a single order: Search and DESTROY.
Well, okay, two orders.
And maybe buy Hellmo a cheese pizza later.
Hellmo laughed evilly as the creatures surrounded Nny, but Nny merely took out a dagger and swung around and around, slashing them all to pieces.
Now Hellmo was angry.
He teleported onto Nny's face and lifted a ninja star into the air. "PREPARE TO DIE!" He yelled.
1Nny shoved Hellmo away, barely dodging, but Hellmo teleported in front of him again and threw.
Nny ducked under it and kicked Hellmo into the air.
Hellmo landed in a pool of magma and vanished below the surface.
Nny breathed a sigh of relief, until the walls started shaking, the magma started bubbling, and Hellmo's voice echoed from below the ground. "I WAS THE GUARDIAN OF THE TOMB...FOR DEFEATING ME, YOU SHALL EARN YOUR DEATH.."
Nny took that as his cue to escape...but he had to get the treasure first.
He ignored Robo floating away with the little pink ball, and ran for the treasure chest.....only to see it open and empty.
He stood there, surprised, for a second, as the floor started to rise up.
Then his eyes narrowed and he raced after Robo, but the floor was rising and the door wasn't....he barely slid into the next room in time as the floor hit the roof with a "click".
"That's a change...the floor rising instead of the ceiling lowering...well, time to think about it later!" Johnny murmered, racing after Robo.
Robo was just ahead, leaving the temple, and Nny reached out to grab the pink thing.....only to feel a cold, fuzzy hand grab his leg from behind and pull him back.
The floors continued rising, and as Robo escaped Nny was still trapped inside, with the detatched arm of Hellmo pulling him back towards certain death...
"Oh, big deal, certain death, I've heard THAT before!"
Certain and EVERLASTING death!
The cries faded away behind Robo.

CHAPTER FOURTEEN: Guess Each Monster's Version and Win A Prize...Or Not
Robo rolled out of the cavern, the small pink treasure still being held tight in his robot hand.
Now all he had to do was escape the undergrond passageways, and he would be free to investigate this thing at his leisure.
He rolled away from the closed temple, made one last look back to make sure Nny hadn't gotten out, and started rolling away.
After leaving the huge cavern the temple was situated in, Robo started going up a large slope through small tunnels.
A giant, three-headed dog appeared, but Robo blew up all it's heads.
That got rid of it. Past the dog, a flimy wooden bridge led across some lava.
Lots of Red Bubbles flew up, spitting flames, but Robo crossed the bridge and blew up the chamber, killing the Bubbles as vengeance.
Robo moved on to a huge, smoothed-out chamber where a gigantic serpentine monster lived, and threw a few grenades into it's nose.
That got rid of it.
Finally, Robo went into the large, cavernous opening where a ton of Zubat and Keese dropped down to attack, and fired lasers at each one with pinpoint accuracy, with such force the bats were sent flying across the room even as they evaporated and died.
Robo reached the stairway up to the city aboveground.
And tried to go up the stairs. No use.
He tried wheeling straight up, and fell all the way back down.
He tried blowing up the steps, but they were made of ezthasostine, and reflected not only light but also energy.
He tried using some grenades, but they bounce down the steps, almost leading to Robo's death.
Finally he gave up, sat down, angrily glared up at the light he couldn't seem to reach because of a bunch of damn stairs, and started looking the strange pink ball over.
The face seemed like some sort of grotesque, simple, bizarre cycloptic pig...there had to be some way out, and the treasure was the key...or at least it was in most of the movies, and Robo was getting pretty desperate.
Yawning, he decided to head back and fight some more monsters.
BIGDEVILTHING appeared in a flash of sparks, and died in an equally bright flash of sparks.
BIGGERDEVILTHING crashed into the ground and fell to pieces as Robo blew the ceiling down onto him.
An evil minotaur oni thing with horns and stuff leaped onto Robo and turned to ashes, scattering with the winds.
Another demon tried to attack the yawning Robo and was melted by a high-frequency sound wave.
The writer started getting bored of wasting Fanfiction space, but Robo refused to stop his massacre of evil monster-things.
An evil pepperoni being ridden on by a peper demon was cut in two and fell into the llava pools.
A huge spirit appeared from the ashes nearby, wearing armor and with a large sword.
Robo threw a rock at him and he fainted.
Robo yawned more loudly, trying to attract attention from more evil beings.
Catmouse dropped in from a hole in someone's idea box and landed on Robo's head.
Mistaking Catmouse for a demon, Robo threw Catmouse into the ceiling, impaling him on a stalagtite or stalagmite, I can never tell!
The list ran on...Robo breezed passed the resurrected Pepper Demon, his lack of sense of smell allowing him to easily shove the beastie back into the lava.
An evil, giant big chunk of iron flew at Robo and melted into a puddle of iron by the time it had reached Robo, staining him badly.
However, the super-heated metal started frying Robo's curcuits.
"No! Beaten by an inanimate evil object? This reeks of a Ditto Fan Battles!" Robo roared, his sensors starts to break apart.
A big Golem made up of little golems attacked Robo, and the enraged robot broke him into a thousand pieces and fried him, totally ignoring their screams for mercy in a monotone voice.
Robo started to fix his systems, but before he was completely fixed some STUFF attacked.
The STUFF bubbled and hissed, burning through the stone itself and leaving a thin acid trail.
The swampy STUFF rose up and prepared to attack Robo...
Robo started running away, hiding behind a giant stone man but accidentally melting him again.
Robo needed desperately to fix himself, and turned to the pig-thing.
But to no avail, the STUFF prepared to strike...and burned right through the ground, plunging into the lava and dying...or did it?
The STUFF melted even the lava, and continued falling into oblivion...
Robo yawned complacently, whrring back to the entrance of the cavern now that all the monsters had been defeated.
"Well, I've used up a lot of space in this fanfic to make it seem long. I've also gotten a lot of easy experience from random monsters from other Versions who migrated to the underground catacombs. Best of all..."
Robo's eyes would have glinted dramatically like Yoda's if he had real eyes.
"...I now know what this treasure is..."
He held up the pink sphere.
"It is..."

CHAPTER FIFTEEN: Blatant Ripoff Number #1...hey, wait, there only IS one in this Fanfic!!!
Derik yawned. It had been seven long, long chapters of waiting around while the author put off this chapter as long as possible.
Now, at last, it came.
"Yes!" Derik said, cheering. "Is the Aqua Portal up?" he asked expectantly.
Fortunately for the last few remaining straight jackets, they had run out of cigarettes and stopped commiting suicide.
One of them, the fiftieth-or-so leader in the last hour, shook his head. "No. The Lime Version and Red Version portals are still the only ones left. We'll have to resort to drastic measures."
Derik gulped again. "How drastic?"
After a brief scene switch, Derik found himself stepping towards the Red Version portal in a spacesuit.
The air tank was kept on the ground, with a long tube connecting to Derik's suit, like a diver's.
Heck, that might even be the same as an astronaut does. I don't know!! I'm not an astraonaut, or however you spell it!! Lemme alone!
Err...anyway, Derik continued gulping. "So, what am I doing again?" he asked, having missed everything that had happened during the brief scene switch.
"We explained it to you already!" the straight jacket explained. "NO TIME NOW!" he yelled, shoving Derik into the Red Portal.
"Go!" he yelled. "And grab the Decoypuff!"
Derik squeaked in fright as he fell into a blinding shower of red light.
Ahead, he could see some sort of plain...but as he approached it, the red light vanished very suddenly, leaving Derik drifting in a black inky pool of ebon abyssal darkness.
Derik gulped again, sweating inside the cramped suit designed for space monkeys.
A few pinpoints of light blinked in the distance, too far away to be made out.
Derik suddenly felt something scrabbling against the back his suit.
He squeaked, swatting at it, but it was gone. Derik paddled uselessly in the dead air.
The temperature was slowly starting to drop, and the pinpoints of light were the only things he could make out in the dead realm.
Derik tried to find something to quick at, and found himself pushing off something small and round.
Derik screamed, paddling harder.
He knew about the legends of the Doompuff, of course.
Powerful, immortal monstrosities evolved from normal Jigglypuffs.
That was why every Jigglypuff had been expelled from Light Version long ago, forcing many frusterated trainers to travel to other Versions to complete their Pokedex...most never returned from the evil grasp of the Doompuffs.
Of course, the Doompuff had always found a way to survive, in any way possible.
Even with the Jigglypuffs exiled from Light Version forever, Kirby had taken their place easily, growing stronger and stronger as it devoured more and more.
Derik slowly turned around...and found himself staring into the bloodshot eyes of a red Jigglypuff.
The monster bared huge fangs and leaped at Derik MHE.
Derik screeched, spinning around in space as the Doompuff reached out an innocent-looking fist and grabbed Derik's throat.
Derik struggled against the Doompuff, kicking and punching slowly, but the Doompuff's rubbery hide deflected the blows with ease.
Red Doompuff opened it's mouth wide, and lifted Derik up.
Derik felt a splitting pain as he started bending backwards.
The Red Doompuff lifted him up with both arms, then brought him down on his knee...
Derik's vision started fading "This is the end..." he gasped.
He'd be broken in half for sure...then suddenly, something strange happened.
The Red Doompuff let him go!
Derik, bruised and battered, was facing in another direction and didn't have the strength to turn around, but he could hear the sound of the rabid Jigglypuff's fists smashing something around.
Derik finally spun around enough for to see what was happening.
Red Doompuff was bashing around a feeble, battered and very fake-looking Doompuff-copy, totally deflated and without any life in its form.
Derik smiled slightly, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth.
"The Decoypuff!" he gasped quietly, and started floating slowly behind Red Doompuff, trying to avoid it's evil gaze.
He reached out a hand below the Red Doompuff...and found his wrist snapped by a spare blow from it.
He screamed, drifting back into space. Apparently the creature's huge eyes easily caught sight of what?
He'd just have to use his Pokemon...Derik reached for a tranquelizer gun and aimed it at Red Doompuff's back.
He fired a single dart at the balloon Pokemon's back. It buried itself in the creature's back, and the creature immediately stopped moving, floating around, it's back still turned to Derik.
Derik waited with his breath held....after a minute, nothing had happened.
He sighed in relief, then screamed as the Red Doompuff reached back and snapped the tranqelizer dart in half.
It whipped around, glowing with an evil crimson light.
The monster launched itself at Derik, who fired dart after dart into the thing's face One struck it in the pupil, and the critical hit made it recoil long enough for Derik to scream more, then it removed the darts and continued forwards very very slowly in the abyss.
But Derik couldn't move at all.
He frantically pressed some buttons on his suit, and suddenly started flying above the Puff.
"Jet thrustors, YES!" then he started flying towards the Doompuff's mouth.
"AHHH NO!" he whipped around , flying the other way.
The frusterated 'Puff picked up it's speed.
It would soon catch up with Derik, and then everything would be over.
Derik needed to get the Decoypuff and get out of there NOW.
He blasted past the Red Doompuff, and was rewarded with a cracked rib, a minor blow surely but enough to spin him out of the way of Decoypuff and nearly knock him unconscious with the pain.
He spun around again and fired towards Decoypuff, but now Red Doompuff was right behind the decoy and moving towards it fast.
Even if Derk managed to grab the Decoypuff, he'd be eaten by Doompuff a second later.
Only one chance...Derik fired a few more darts at Doompuff, the last of his supply, stunning it for a second.
Then Derik reached out and grabbed the weak plastic Decoypuff, and spun himself to dodge a deadly karate-chop strike from Doompuff.
Doompuff roared and opened it's mouth wide.
"MUHH-TROP-LUHS!" it declared, launching itself onto Derik and opening it's mouth to sink it's fangs downwards...
Derik quickly activated the ESCAPE button, and then jetted backwards.
He couldn't see what happened, but a few seconds later he was laying on the grassy field of Light Version by the platform, breathing hard.
He was too exhausted to even ask how he'd gotten away, which was good because the author didn't have a clue.
The straight jacket nodded. "You've done good, kid. Time to make a Doompuff."
He reached out and grabbed the Decoypuff, who was conveniently already named DOOMPUFF.
Then he grabbed a gas pump, attached it to the balloon, and began pumping up the new Jigglypuff...

Battle #23: Jigglypuff Disaster! January 16, 2000
Setting: Game / Reality
Player: Eric, Mental Hospital Escapee [Record: 9-7-3] Last Battle: Win vs. Giovanni (Battle #21)

*sigh* Do I HAVE to dress up like Eric? We don't look alike at all!
Uh...who are you?
MIKE: *sigh* The name's LDragon, but that's not important...
You don't look like a dragon.
GYARADOS: *sigh*
GYARADOS: Moron, I'm just a Weedle who was nicknamed oddly.
Oh. Well, hi. ARGH! TAKE TWO!


Wait! Lemme try that again!
Hey Doompuff, that face looks really creepy in html code with all the color changing and...

So Mike, we've got a month and a half until the big Pokemon League competition, what should we do?
MIKE: But...but...

So Mike, we've got a month and a half until the big Pokemon League competition, what should we do?
MIKE: Exactly what Ash never got around to doing! Training for it!
Sounds good to me. Let's get crackin' guys!
Allies HAUNTER and GYARADOS are loafing around!
...well, sheesh. Just give ME a script, too.
Better. Take six....

Allies HAUNTER and GYRADOS are loafing around!
But...but...we have the Earth Badge...they CAN'T disobey us ... can they?
Allies HAUNTER and GYRADOS are literally loafing around, snacking watching TV...
MIKE: Well, if they don't think they can't handle the training...
Allies HAUNTER and GYRADOS give in to reverse psychology!
Ok, let's go!
SOMEONE is off in the distance!
MIKE: Ah, a wandering trainer perhaps? Perfect practice!
SOMEONE collapsed!
ERIC and MIKE ran over!
This dude is messed up! Bruises, shredded clothes, cuts and scrapes...and it all looks so real!
HAUNTER: Argh...
*sigh* Take seven.

ERIC and MIKE ran over!
This dude is messed up! Bruises, shredded clothes, cuts and scrapes...
MIKE: Turn him over.
ERIC turned him over!
ERIC and MIKE scream!
MIKE: Someone beat the crap out of Fanboy!!!
What a Pokebelt?
Looks like a sausage to me.
FANBOY: Err...

MIKE: Someone beat the crap out of Fanboy!!!
What is it?
MIKE: All six of his "Pokemon" are fainted!
...was that the webmaster?
*sigh* Actions are green in Light Version. Just change it a bit...
It's Eric's masterpiece, technically.
o.o Wait a're the Webmaster? And you've found us ALREADY? *meep*
DOOMPUFF: Heh. No, it was me ^_^

MIKE: All six of his "Pokemon" are fainted!
FANBOY: It's...after me...don't let it...bite...
FANBOY fainted!
ERIC and ALLIES are scared!
SOMETHING is coming down the trail!
ERIC: Uh-oh! Could it be what creamed Fanboy?
Ally GYRADOS suggests not hanging around to find out!
Other allies agree!
Can't get away!
ERIC: Oh no...
EVIL RABID DECOY OF DOOM appeared! Err...I mean...take ten x_x

ERIC: Oh no...
ERIC: What the hell would that look like?
MIKE: Which one?
ERIC: ...
gurk! Wrong link!
HAUNTER: Gurk???

MIKE: ...what?
That always works on the X-Files. Oh well, take twelve.

ERIC: What the hell would that look like?
ERIC and ALLIES are hiding behind a boulder!
Ally GYRADOS says it's just a JIGGLYPUFF!
Ally GYRADOS says it can't be that tough, and it's certainly not what defeated FANBOY!
ERIC: I guess he's right, we'll...
ERIC and allies are terrified!
ERIC: Kingler, I choose you!
ERIC: ...oh yah, forgot my Pokemon-props.
ERIC: Be right back.
Take thirteen when Eric gets back.......Thirteen's unlucky, right?

ERIC and allies are terrified!
ERIC: Kingler, I choose you!
ERIC: Kingler, Crabhammer attack!
Enemy RABID JIGGLYPUFF caught the attack!
ERIC: Huh?
KINGLER was severely CRUSHED!
KINGLER fainted!
ERIC: Jigglypuff, use Cute!
MIKE: YOU STUPID! That's MY Pokemon! I'm supposed to command it!
ERIC: Uh...but that's what the script says.
MIKE: does? It does.
MIKE: Uh...'kay.
And so, we take fourteen. It goes on and on...

Ally MIKE sent out JIGGLYPUFF!
ERIC: Jigglypuff, use Cute!
It doesn't affect enemy RABID JIGGLYPUFF!
JIGGLYPUFF evaded the attack!
MIKE: Jigglpuff, use Take Down, Rage, and Mega Punch!
It doesn't affect enemy RABID JGIGLYPUFF!
MIKE: Oh sh...
MIKE: Huh? What?
HAUNTER: You fool! Don't read that part! Saying that word in Light Version is like an INVITATION for the Webmaster to appear and make a * to hide the vowel! Like in the second Live Battle, and anywhere else a curse word is uttered! OKAY?
MIKE: Oh, I get it.....I think...
HAUNTER: It's like, for example, saying 'Jason is stupid' in a
HAUNTER suddenly was struck by lightning, brutally murdered, turned inside-out, and exploded!
ERIC: I see your "point". Hehehe.
MIKE: Oh, great. Where are we going to get a new ghost Pokemon?
ERIC: I guess he had a real "gas", didn't he? Hehehe.
DOOMPUFF: I think it's "blast".
ERIC: Yah. And now he'll never be able to have a "ball". Hehehe.
GYARADOS: Uhh...riiight...I think my friend Marvin can play the part.
ERIC: Speaking of parts, we'd better...
MIKE: Find him QUICK!
ERIC: Now Haunter will never rest in "peace". Hehehe.
ERIC: I suppose I should have lent a "hand" to Haunter. Hehehe.
MIKE: STOP IT! Your ridiculously random jokes are driving me crazy!
ERIC: Really? Then I guess I'd better find you a "doctor". Hehehe.
MIKE: Shut up.
ERIC: Okay.
Take fifteen...

ERIC: Pokeball go!!
The enemy's really strong! Go get'm DIGLETT!
ERIC: Diglett, dig underground, it's your only hope!
DIGLETT dug a hole!
DIGLETT fainted!
Is there ANYTHING that this thing can't do?!
MIKE: Well, it is the Evil Rapid Jigglypuff of DOOM, I imagine it's something like a Horseman of the Apocalypse.
ERIC: Oh, that's reassuring.
MIKE: Time to get serious.
Ally MIKE sent out CHARIZARD!
ERIC: Charizard, maximize!
MIKE: GOD DAMMIT!!! >_<* Stupid script....
MIKE was suddenly set on FIRE! AQUA FIRE!
DOOMPUFF: Cheap special effects. DOOM. DECOY, PUFF.

MIKE: Time to get serious...
Ally MIKE sent out CHARIZARD!
ERIC: Charizard, maximize!
ERIC: I know. I just said that. Didn't I? I said it right!
MIKE: Read the script...
ERIC: Oops.
SEVENTEEN >_< Which is how many years we'll be here at this rate...

ERIC: I'm telling you, I said it right. Alright, maybe I didn't capitalize it, maybe I didn't add all three exclamation points, but...
ERIC: Yes sir.
NARRATOR drank some COFFEE! eighteen....argh....

MIKE: Shut up, ERIC!
MIKE: Well, I knew you were going to. Just FOLLOW THE SCRIPT!
BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP! NINETEEN! TAKE NINETEEN! AND I NEED TO TAKE AN ASPERIN! I think they're TOO perfect for the job...oy...

ERIC: Huh? Trypticon was a Deception...nothing to do with the Beast Wars series...
Ally MIKE says don't question it!
It's not very effective.
MIKE: YES! Mike, got a move for this?
MIKE: Charizard, use city-full-of-laser-weapons!
MAXIMIZED CHARIZARD unleashed hundreds upon hundreds of energy blasts on enemy RABID JIGGLYPUFF!
Enemy RABID JIGGLYPUFF is still standing!
ERIC: Um...we're in trouble aren't we?
ERIC: Nostradamus didn't see this thing coming! ...I envy him...
Ally GYRADOS says NOSTRADAMUS was a quack!
ERIC: Oh, I agree with you. Just making a joke.
ERIC: Ok, let me try my luck again!
ERIC: Arbok, use your Cobra Strike attack!
ERIC: ....I wasn't expecting that...
COBRA SPECIAL FORCES ran away scared
ERIC: Um...This is a long shot, but Pokeball go!
ERIC: Well...there goes trying to catch it...
MIKE: And about two hundred bucks.
ERIC: What?
MIKE: Nothing.
ERIC: You ruined it!
MIKE: Ruined what? Oh, you mean this? I know. Sorry, just couldn't resist.
ERIC: *sigh* And my name is DERIK!
GYARADOS: They ARE too perfect for the take, Narrator...
What? Oh, sorry. Okay. Take twenty. Wow. Twenty. A record.
GYARADOS: Uh...Narrator, are you feeling alright?

ERIC: Well...there goes trying to catch attack!
Enemy RABID JIGGLYPUFF was slightly wounded!
ERIC: Way to go Arbok! Now hit it with Toxic!
It doesn't affect enemy RABID JIGGLYPUFF!
ERIC: Uh-oh...
ARBOK fainted!
MIKE: This isn't going very well...
ERIC: I know, I know...
Ally GYRADOS sent out GYRADOS!
ERIC: Gyrados! Get back here, you don't stand a chance against that thing!
Ally GYRADOS says that shows how much you know!
ERIC: Fine, your funeral...
It's not very effective.
Gyrados! Are you ok?
Ally GYRADOS says not to worry!
ERIC: Good, now let's finish off this thing!
Ally GYRADOS must recharge!
ERIC: Uh-oh...
Ally GYRADOS says now you can worry!
Ally GYRADOS is knocked senseless!
ERIC: Ok Gyrados, it's time for someone else to take over.
Ally GYRADOS refuses!
Ally GYRADOS got up!
ERIC: Gyrados, get back here you fool!
Ally GYRADOS says he just felt like it!
Critical hit!
Ally GYRADOS fainted!
Enemy RABID JIGGLYPUFF wants to know who's next!
Wow...this is all going so perfectly...
What? Sorry, just saying. It is. resume in the next take.

Enemy RABID JIGGLYPUFF wants to know who's next!
It doesn't affect enemy RABID JIGGLYPUFF!
ERIC: Uh-oh...
Enemy RABID JIGGLYPUFF tried to bite HAUNTER'S tongue!
MIKE: Really uh-oh...
HAUNTER evaded the attack!
It doesn't affect HAUNTER!
Enemy RABID JIGGLYPUFF kept going and crashed!
Into TREE!
TREE is angry!
It's super effective!
TREE died!
MIKE: All right Haunter, what you going to hit it with now?
Nice try, Doompuff.
DOOMPUFF: I'm over here.
But then...who are...AHHHHHHHHHH!
WEBMASTER: Who's there? Hello?
EVERYONE vanished!
WEBMASTER: Hmm...seems like no one's here...oh well, good..
*phew* The Webmaster left.
WEBMASTER: No I didn't.
DOOMPUFF: That time it was me.

HAUNTER fainted!
ERIC: Oh no...
Enemy RABID JIGGLYPUFF fell over from exhaustion!
MIKE: We're...we're saved!!
FANBOY: Quick!!
FANBOY ran over and used VACCINE!
ERIC: Huh?! Where'd you get a miracle vaccine like that?
FANBOY says he had captured DR. CRUSHER and DR. BASHIR from various STAR TREK shows and had them develop it while you held off the JIGGLYPUFF OF DOOM!
MIKE: Eh, makes sense...sort of...
ERIC: ACK! Quick, we've got to inoculate Gyrados before...
Ally GYRADOS got up!
Ally GYRADOS is foaming at the mouth!EEP!

That's it? No screw-ups? No more? We're DONE? YES! WE DID IT!
ERIC: What?
Uh...I mean...Eric is OURS! BWAHAHA!
ERIC: Uh...right.
HAUNTER: I died.
GYARADOS: Good, my name's back....
MIKE: I'm out of here, now...I'm going to have a long talk with my agent after this one...
MIKE was renamed LDRAGON!
LDRAGON ran away!
ERIC was renamed DERIK!
DERIK: So, anyway...
DERIK: -_- I'm gonna have nightmares about that battle...and the Sixth Sense......and GIANT EVIL NINJAS WHO EAT YOUR STOMACH IN A SANDWHICH!
DERIK ran around screaming!

The story text finally resumed, as the Doompuff unleashed a crippling blow to the Narrator, sending him flying into the distance.
Fanboy, who was actually a straight jacket who'd been painted over and given plastic limbs and fake wounds, hopped out of his costume and tried to escape. On the way he was grabbed by the evil Decoy and snapped in two. "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Derik screamed, running for his life.
Light Dragon had already left, and Weedle was making a fast pace. But not fast enough. Decoypuff charged at Weedle, ripping up the ground to send Weedle flying. Weedle turned around in mid-air and aimed his deadly stinger at the Decoy. Decoypuff raised a fist. The attacks surged at each other. Weedle was sent flying into the air by the force of the fist, while the Decoy had a huge hole poked in it's side.
"NOOOOO! WHAT A CRUEL, CRUEL WORLD! DEATH TO CHUCKY CHEESE'S!" The Decoy screamed in agony, before exploding in a shower of blue flames.
Marvin the Ghost nodded and slowly started floating away. "Bye..." he said in a motone voice to noone in particular as he faded away.
Meanwhile, Derik was still running for his life, and back at the battle scene, Weedle lay in the tall grass, resting. As the scene shifted away, Weedle was enveloped with light, and evening fell...

Evening hit the ground hard. "OW!" it yelled, standing off and re-attaching it's neck. "Never gonna do THAT again..." it promised, walking off into the distance.
From the top of a tall, dark tower, Count Chocula awoke. "Excellent.." he said in an extremely phoney fake transylvanian accent. He rose up, his head breaking through the wooden coffin. "OW!" he repeated.
As he stood up, the broken and cracked coffin happened to stab him through the hard with one of the woodchips. Count Chocula screamed and collapsed into a pile of marshmallow fluff.
"FOOL! I HAVE NOT BEEN DEFEATED!" he roared, blowing around evilly.
"BEHOLD MY TRUE FORM!" Count Chocula bellowed. While it was true he was marshmallow fluff in his human form, he could still transform to heal. The fluff started gathering together, glowing with dark evil power. The glow faded to reveal a wolf with glowing red eyes.
"Excellent..." he repeated. "Now, to prey upon the innocent. Come, Chocolate Bunny!" he commanded. His vampiric servant rose up from a similar coffin. A very large easter chocolate with a few bites already taken out of him, he poinged over to his master's side. "Come, we feed upon the night!"
Night fell, of course, now that the lupine vampire had wasted so much time. He smiled, baring sharp fangs from his snout. Then he glowed dark energy again, and transformed into a bat.
"FLY!" he said, walking over to the edge of Clock Tower. The chocolate rabbit jumped off the edge of the tower and fell down to Clock Tower Town, and to his doom. He landed on the sidewalk with a huge splat, spraying chocolate all over the place.
Count Chocula turned away. "That poor rabbit..." Then he felt something wooden impaling his heart. He screeched, and quickly shifted back to wolf form before he could become marshmallow fluff and fall.
He roared then, and turned around to face...The Big Bad Wolf. The two wolves growled ferociously at each other, clawing and biting. Then Count Chocula sunk some fangs into the Wolf's throat...
"NOOOOOO!" he yelled, slamming Count Chocula off the side of the roof. The wolf screamed and fell. As the wolf fell, he looked up to see the Big Bad Wolf shooting a huge wooden stake at him. The stake hit the wolf in the heart right before he hit the ground. But when the Big Bad Wolf looked down, Count Chocula was gone. A thin red mist was trickling away.
"Curses!" The wolf cursed. "I must destroy the cereal..." he quickly started running down the huge flight of stairs to the side of Clock Tower...but the mist was long gone.

CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: Miyako!!! That Rhymes Well, But I Can't Think of One Right Now...
"...uh...wha...?" Buffy mumbled, waking up to find herself trapped in a large net. "I thought I fell to my doom, not sprung up in a trap..." she moaned, scrabbling against the rope to sit up.
She was still in the jungle, although obviously in a different area. She sighed in relief. The Leemur Boy couldn't still be nearby. Buffy looked around, surveying her surroundings. Most of her weapons had been removed, but she still had enough to escape, easy.
"Hi!" said a Kokiri-like voice from directly above Buffy. Buffy quickly fell over and looked up, then gasped in surprise. A girl was looking down on Buffy, with short messy blond hair, wearing a t-shirt and jeans, with her arms and legs crossed, floating happily in the air with her back facing straight up.
"Who...what?" Buffy asked. "What did you tie me up for?" Buffy asked.
"To catch you 'cause you were falling, of course ^_^" The girl said, giggling, and took out a short sharp knife.
She reached out and cut the rope, making Buffy plummet towards the ground. Buffy grabbed a branch and barely kept herself from plummeting straight down the two feet towards the ground. She sweatdropped, and looked up again, which was when she noticed the girl wasn't floating...a small tail was coming out from behind her, and it wrapped firmly around the branch. "What are you?" Buffy asked, clearing her throat.
"Name's Miyaka Ishida!" the girl answered, swinging down the shake the startled vampire hunter's hand. "I got this cool sword from U.E. since he collects 'em!" Miyako said, juggling the sword around then putting it away.
"Who's U.E.?" Buffy asked, calming down now that she wasn't in immediate danger. "Ultimate Evil, but dun call him that. It annoys him," Miyako warned, swinging around on the tree.
"Want a muffin?" she asked, as a small muffin suddenly appeared in her hand. " thanks..." Buffy said. "Okay!" Miyako turned the cupcake over and it vanished. "Renie's factory is so useful, isn't it? ^ ^" Miyako asked. Buffy was starting to get unnverved by how this 'Miyako' could actually SAY smiley faces out loud.
"Ultimate Evil! That's who I'm looking for! Do you know where he is?" Buffy asked, standing up. "Yah!" Miyako answered. "U.E.'s evil twin got mad at him and they fought and Tres bombed U.E.'s mansion and U.E. killed his clone or something actually I think it was Goku but anyway or maybe another Saiyan but anyway maybe Vegeta or Gohan or Trunks or..."
Buffy rubbed her sore temples. "Go on..." she said. "OK ^-^" Miyako answered. "Anyway, his mansion blew up 'cause of Tres so U.E. took over his clone's mansion and the mines and stuff although his shed was left and then they..."
"Look, just tell me where I can FIND him, okay???" Buffy asked impatiently. "Sure! He left a warp with me here!"
Miyako said. "Seeya later!" "Huh?" Buffy asked, confused. When a huge bat appeared from a tree by her side and attacked, at first she thought she was being hurt in her confusion. Then it's mouth opened wide and a huge tongue shot out, wrapped around Buffy, and dragged her into the pit.
The mouth clamped shut, and the bat turned back to tiny size and flew into the tree.
"^__^" Miyako commented, swinging around and humming as she munched on a muffin.

CHAPTER EIGHTEEN: Good Old-Fashioned Battle Scene #3...or is it #4? Ack, I Lost Count! Hey, That Woulda Made a Good Chapter Sixteen Title "I Lost Count" Hehe ^ ^
Barney roared, his flesh stretching out as he twisted and transformed. In moments the lightning had vanished, absorbed into his huge purple body, which had altered itself a gigantic dragon with huge vicious wings and snaring teeth, easily near the size of the Wizard's Gundam, Barney launched himself through the air and caught the Mobile Suit's leg in his teeth.The two plummeted down a few miles, and the Wizard took advantage of a brief fall through a cloud bank to blow away from his foot. Like some sort of crazy kamikaze Voltron pilot, the detached leg shot away from the rest of the body like a missile, carrying Barney with it, then exploded as soon as it was far enough away.
The Wizard breathed a sigh of relief and started flying down, when something grasped the back of his suit.
It was already making repairs on the leg when Barney slashed a gaping hole into the back, reaching for the fuel-line. The Wizard barely had time to turn around enough to let his arm get shredded by the sharp teeth of the dinosaur.
Barney's face had been mostly blown away by the explosion, leaving an evil-looking set of bones and teeth that shredded more and more through the swiftly deteriorating suit.
The Wizard raised a gun and blew through Barney's foot. The two were regenerating frantically, but the Wizard was obviously at a disadvantage. A combination of devestation aerial maneuvers and huge balls of dark purple flame sent him spiraling down to the ground. When he hit, he lay there for a second, panting. Then he looked up.*t...
The explosion filled the horizon in every direction. When it was done, the few scraps of Gundanium were melted into nothingness before they could regenerate.
The huge Barney stomped around, looking for the Wizard's body. He knew it wasn't over yet, and he was right.
A sudden beam of aqua light his his eye, making it explode in a shower of blood and enhanced violence ratings.
The true form of the Wizard floated in the air. The old man was dressed in robes, much out of character if not for the lance of light in his hand. He looked ridiculously tiny compared to Barney, much like the original form of Barney had looked compared to the Mobile Suit.
But he was more than ready. He charged forwards and cut off the head in one clean swipe, then started slashing it, directing his full force into it.
"MISTAKE!" Barney roared, sending a huge ball of flame into the Wizard. He blocked just barely and landed on the ground, skidding to a halt right in front of the head of Barney.
It roared and opened it's mouth, sending a huge beam of energy after him. The Wizard slashed out his other eye, then rolled away and let the head shoot a huge force beam through is own body. It blew through his heart and the body exploded, then reformed and combined with the head.
"Behold my TRUE FORM!" Barney declared, rising up in a huge monstrosity that looked like half first-form and half second-form, with sharp spikes and glowing pinpoints in the eye cavities. He charged forwards, sending a hail of needles out that the wizard barely dodged again with a ton of drastic maneuvers.
The Wizard then leaped up and jammed his sword straight through the beasts's head. It smiled and swiped him to the ground, where he bounced and leaped up at the throat.
The monster sent a huge beam of purple thunder that knocked the wizard for a loop, then followed up by sending out his huge tail to wrap around the Wizard. The Wizard gasped, starting to exclaim some words. "Hihaeryuu.." but then he was stopped as the sharp spikes drove through his spleen and he died.
"HAHAHAHA!" The monstrous Barney exclaimed, tightening more and more. Suddenly the Wizard teleported away and appeared on the ground, bleeding and gasping.
A quick sprinkling of light sparks and he was healed, in time to see Barney desperately trying to get the spikes out of his own skin. Barney gave up and roared, leaping into the air to land on the Wizard, then getting tossed away like a kitten by a huge sphere of glowing blue and green energy that appeared in the Wizard's palm.
Barney got up and saw the sphere approaching. "NO!" he yelled, as the energy entered his mouth and he exploded from the inside...
Smoke filled the rocky land, and the wizard ducked behind a boulder to barely dodge the wave of prismatic light and unstoppable force that hit the immovable boulder, washing over the land and shredding at his body.
When it finally faded, he looked back. A messy pile of blood and bones was all that remained of Barney the Dinosaur. "Thank Grbl..." The Wizard said, just as the bones organized and formed into the huge dinosaur.
"DAMN Grbl!" the Wizard cursed, charging forwards and swinging the boulder ahead with his energy pole like a baseball. It hit the bones and went through the rib cage, having no effect.
The Wizard charged, yelling "Prepare to die! Diibahrnee!" he yelled.
The dragon laughed. "You still think I'm that puny dinosaur?!?" "What..?" the Wizard asked, shocked. He was more shocked, though, when the massive stone foot hit him hard. His energy staff exploded, sending his corpse flying through the air and melting the bone foot of the dinosaur.
"Dead already? DISSAPOINTING!" the monster who apparently wasn't Barney yelled, stomping towards the dead body.
Or was it? It stood up and glared. "Behold MY true form now, Barney!" yelled Wizardmon. "I am Wizardmon, from some show called gigimon or whatever! And you're the one who is going to die!"
Barney chortled and leaped into the air, unleashing a hail of huge ribs at Wizardmon, who countered with his thunder staff, to send them all neatly back into his rib cage.
"Behold MY TRUE FORM!" Wizardmon yelled, causing Jason to rub his sore temples and wish he hadn't come up with that line.
"Wizardmon, Digivolve to..."
"DIE!" Barney yelled, squashing Wizardmon.
"ASURAMON!" squeaked the dead Wizardmon, rising up as a burning corpse.
"Ow...dagnabit..." Asuramon said, glaring as he died. Then he came back as an egg and swiftly Digivolved back to Asuramon.
"THIS IS WHY I HATE THAT SHOW SO MUCH!" Barney yelled, slashing at Asuramon, who blocked with a mighty flaming arm.
"Asuramon, Digivolve to...ack!!!" Asuramon yelled, as his head was cut off.
"STOP DOING THAT!" Asuramon yelled, rolling back over to his body. "This is getting annoying! As I was sayi...OW!" he yelled as his body was cut in two by a flashing bone.
"THAT DOES IT!" Asuramon yelled, leaping into the air in multiple pieces.
Suddenly, Barney was surrounded by light and melted down into a small puddle. Asuramon breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed on the ground, his pieces re-forming as he ran out of strength.
"De-digivolve to Wizardmon..." he almost whispered as he did so, forming into one piece.
"BEHOLD MY TRUE FORM!" yelled the puddle of melting purple guts. Wizardmon cursed. "How many freakin' true forms do you HAVE?" he almost screamed, shooting a crackling electrical surge into the puddle.
"Are you freakin' FRIEZA or something???" he asked, balling his tight fists. The puddle chuckled. "Oh, but this really is my never knew, did you? GOODBYE, LITTLE ONE!" the puddle echoed, rising up from the boulder and forming into a near-spherical shape. It rushed down and smashed right through Wizardmon's heart.
Wizardmon fell to his knees. "'t..." he fell to the ground and stared blankly into the distance. "It couldn'"
The sphere-like thing laughed evilly. "But it is! I merely took over Barney's body because it was suitable to my cause! My evil energies controlled him, AND NOW THEY WILL CONTROL YOU!" the shape melted into a dark purple mist and rushed at Wizardmon. "Can'" he moaned before the mist rushed into his eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and through his skin itself. Then he stood up calmly, the hole in his chest healing over.
That was too easy...

CHAPTER NINETEEN: THE PROPHECY! Robo sighed. Despite yet more and more attempts, the stairs continued to defy him. The slippery stairs were totally impossible for him to climb. Robo started scanning the area for secret areas. As he searched, he noticed a few etchings on a nearby wall. He ignored the words "MATHE ICS", as well as the simbols below it, and read the words enscribed upon the wall.
"That sphere of all known as The Piggy..."
"It's words drive mortal man mad but..."
"Beyond the mortal coil it shouts out..."
"All the universe is in peril from it..."
"Yet it alone can save the few..."
"The Versions collide and only one thing..."
"It's secrecy defies the war..."
"Beware the powers it doth hold..."
"And use the elevator, to the right fifteen paces, and press the switch"
Robo tried to decipher the words but finally just filed them away and stepped fifteen paces to the right, pressed a small red switch, waited as the numbers above passed from '2' to '1', then stepped into the sliding doors. He pressed '3' and waited as the doors shut and he felt the elevator sliding upwards.
The door finally opened and he slid out into a busy street. He was still holding that pink item. He looked down on it, his eyes gleaming.
"So you're what this fanfic's been all about...I look forwards to RULING THE UNIVERSE once I decipher that message!" the robot cackled mechanically, rolling down the street and vanishing around the corner.
Well, he didn't really vanish, but I didn't follow him 'cause the fanfic's almost over and I'm off to the next scene!

CHAPTER TWENTY: Dale. That's the Best I Could Come Up With, It's Too Early To Write x_x;
Dale yawned again, scratching his little chipmunk ear. "When's that Purple Voice gonna get back?" he asked himself.
He'd been sitting for the last few hours at the huge fence that guarded the border to the arctic plains, and his fur was near-frozen. The toll booth recquired a Light Version Passport he lacked, so when Purple Voice had wandered away and Dale had ended up in a fanfic, he'd dreaded having to spend the rest of his life in limbo.
Not literal Limbo, of course, but never appearing again.
Fortunately, purple voice appeared at just that moment.
PURPLE VOICE appeared!
He announced, annoying me greatly with his narratorial text.
And, although he now possessed the form of Wizardmon, he still remained nothing more than a voice to Dale. Manipulating the chipmunk would be much easier that way.
Dale yawned, stretching and shaking frost from his coat. "Well, let's go! Where's the passport?" he asked anxiously.
Right HERE!
"Eh?" Dale asked, as a chain of purple and golden lightning hit the guard post and the whole fence exploded. The shockwaves started a fire, and Dale quickly scurried by, singing his tail.
"ow!" Dale squeaked as he started walking up a frosty slope. "Now...I'm..brrr...freezing..." he said.
Instantly skis appeared on his feet in a flash of Xoron-esque dark light. He immediately started falling down the slope backwards. "AHHH!" he ahhheded. "The fanfic's ending AND I'M GONNA GET MY TAIL BLOWN OFF!" Dale yelled. Then he was suddenly at the top of the hill.
"Weird..." the rodent squeaked as he continued.
And, high in the sky, Wizardmon looked down and chuckled. Dale ignored the sinister-sounding purple chuckle and continued skiing. How did he learn how to ski? How should I know?
Probably some Rescue Rangers episode or something. There didn't seem to be any good way to end the chapter, so I decided on a cliffhanger.
No wait, he didn't die! He dies NEXT time! Yes, that's the way to make people come back ^_^ I'm getting good at this!
This is Navi, signing out!! Er, right after the Epilogue to keep you curious.

EPILOGUE: Of Things To Come...Ooooh, Drama!
Who is this mysterious ؒ@7? What does he have in store for our hero?

Can Hammy count?
Are Zelda and Mario really dead?
Am I gonna go kick Link's butt for trying to kill me?
Can Link stop Dale from taking over Light Version?
Will Nny be able to perform the near-suicidal Christ Air, or is his skateboard gone for good?
How can Nny possibly escape with the floor closing in on him?
What is the EVIL DARK SPOOKY CURSE of Tickle-Me Hellmo?
Who is that masked stick figure?
Are HAL and R2-D2 gone for good?
What happened to Lucca?
Will STUFF come out the other side of Light Version and keep going?

How did Kari become a sorceress?
Where is Gatomon?
Since when did Kari have blue lips? Oh wait...she was cold...I get it...heh. Never mind the last one.
Who is the mysterious Miyako Ishida, and how does she make those "^-^" faces?
Who is the mysterious Leemur Boy, and will he ever find the Leemur Girl?
Has Buffy being devoured by a giant bat been a good thing, or a bad thing?
And who IS the Ultimate Evil?

Now that the Wizard of Oz has been defeated, can the Oz Organization stay active?
Or will it stop updating altogether?
What is Purple Voice's true true true TRUE identity?
How many times can I re-use that old true form joke?
Will anyone figure out Robby followed the Yellow Brick Road to claim all those battles at Yellow Version?
With only two Narrators remaining for Purple Voice to overthrow, how long can the Webmaster be safe?

Will Derik capture Eric, MHE?
Will the Straight Jacket Mafia claim revenge?
Will I ever learn to stop re-using old jokes (HAH)?
Will the Webmaster kill LDragon and everyone else for stealing?
Will a link to Aqua Version be created?
Is Decoypuff really gone for good (HAH AGAIN)?
What will Weedle evolve into?

What does that sinister Prophecy mean?
Why is Light Version called 'Home of the W-Men' if no one knows who the W-Men are?


All these questions and more, will be revealed LIGHT VERSION! *dun-dun-da!*