How to Earn Points
Here are the ways to earn the Points used for getting stuff...
Ditdit Millionaire - One of the funnest ways to earn points. If you've watched the Millionaire gameshow on TV, it's simple. 15 questions, 4 different choices for each question, etc... Here, prizes are points:

$100 = 3 Points
$200 = 5 Points
$300 = 7 Points
$500 = 10 Points
$1000 = 13 Points
$2000 = 17 Points
$4000 = 20 Points
$8000 = 25 Points
$16,000 = 30 Points
$32,000 = 35 Points
$64,000 = 40  Points
$125,000 = 50 Points
$250,000 = 60 Points
$500,000 = 75 Points
$1,000,000 = 100 Points

Also, questions are arranged like this:
Q1-5: Random Odd Thingies, Q6-10: IRCRPG, Q11-14: Pokebattles (Any Version), Q15: School-type question.

Responding to a poll I do in the chat: 3 Points

Making Fun of Al Gore: 10 Points

Ditdit Lottery: New thingy. ^_^
You can win lotsa points on this if you're lucky.
First, you have to "buy" a ticket. It only costs 5 points.
Next, you'll get a ticket that has 3 sets of 3 numbers on it. They can either be manually picked or auto-picked.
Then, later that day, I'll announce the winning numbers. They MUST be in the same order.
The prizes are:
Getting 1 Number right: 5 Points
Getting 2 Numbers right: 50 Points
Getting all three right: 500 Points
Message Board: Yellow
Ditdit Post: There are 4 ways to earn points from the Ditdit Post:
1: Respond to at least 4 of the things (EXCLUDING Poll, Arena, and Trivia): 4 Points
2: Answer the Poll: 2 Points
3: Say who you want to win in Ditdit Arena: 2 Points
4a: Answering the Trivia incorrectly: 2 Points
4b: Answering the Trivia correctly: 6 Points

Claiming a Battle (From ANYONE (Except Yourself..)): 5 Points

Putting a Battle on the MB
: 5 Points
Message Board: Feedback
Commenting on a Lavender Battle: 6 Points
Message Board: DitDit
Posting a Battle or Claiming a Battle: 6 Points

Joining the Board:
10 Points