Ultrainer:Hey, its been a while since we've last seen each other, hasn't it? I'm finally restarting Metal(hopefully) to jump-start Pokebattles readers. Oh yeah, you may have noticed the little thing on my sign up there. That's Metal's mascot, Ricky the Metool. He looks a bit P.O.ed, doesn't he? Minimum wage, no health benefits, and I just woke him up five minutes ago...>_> Say hi, Ricky! Ricky:...I want some damn cheesy poofs! You'll get your damn cheesy poofs after work. Oh yeah, that reminds me. The cursing. You won't see any more than damn, hell, and possibly bastard. I promise. Ricky:Yeah, right. Lying *****. Here, take your cheesy poofs and git! Ricky:YAY! ..... Sometimes you just can't keep Metools happy... Anyway, uh...yeah. I'm going to introduce an entirely new plotline. One starring MegaMan and some characters I made up. Like Ricky. But first, it has to begin, right? Note:Don't expect the first few battles to be funny...I haven't done this in years. I'm just getting the hang of it again. |
Neo Metal:Battle #0: The creation of Neo Metal Player:Ultrainer, supreme Webmaster of Metal First of all, yes, I am just saying this stuff. I don't have a narrator yet... order before chaos, you know. .....*looks at old Metal* A shrine to my 13-year old stupidity. Now, 2 years later...I create THIS! WebMaster ULTRAINER used RED TEXT! NARRATOR appeared! NARRATOR is NARRATING stuff that just happened! NARRATOR is a few TACOS short of a... GAH! This is why I should've created Neo-Metal first...bah, it saves me work. Narrator, create Neo-Metal! Yes master! NARRATOR used CREATE! Neo-Metal was CREATED! LIFE was CREATED! PEOPLE were CREATED! PEOPLE started EATING LI- You use that joke, and I'll sic Ricky on you... But it was FUNNY when JASON used it... Oh nucklefutz.... MEGAMAN was CREATED! VARIOUS SIDE CHARACTERS WERE CREATED! ENEMY SUPER EMPEROR DOOMPUFF APPEARED! ....Are you just not happy with ruling Retro-Metal? Have you come to harass me? Or are you just here to stare at me with your hideous bloodshot eyes? Not at all...I was going to ask you for the key to the bathroom...you took it before you left. And I ate four pounds of burritos just a second ago... Tch, fine, here. *tosses the key* Much obliged. SUPER EMPEROR DOOMPUFF RAN AWAY! Now, to let MegaMan at his first battle... |
Note:This is now no longer Ultrainer's battle text. This is officially the player's text, or the statistic text. Neo-Metal Battle #2:Gutsman SMASH! Player:MegaMan-Clean record ----------------------------------- MEGAMAN is RUSHING through GUTSMAN'S stage! *jump* Stupid...*shoot*...damn...*jump*...trap platforms....*die* Gah...well, there's one good thing about being on a website instead of a game...unlimited lives, and having a narrator to bribe. MEGAMAN did not use BRIBE on NARRATOR! MEGAMAN did not mysteriously WARP to the end of the LEVEL! I won't tell anyone if you won't...aha, the evil one-way locking door of doom. Who makes these things anyway? MEGAMAN went through DOOR! Enemy GUTSMAN appeared! Enemy GUTSMAN says 'GUTSMAN SMASH!' Well, Protagonist MEGAMAN says, 'MEGAMAN SHOOT!' ...Gee, now I feel dumb... Gutsman:I know what you mean. I have to pretend I'm dumb 24 hours straight. And the days I get off, I've been playing dumb for so long, I've forgotten how to even tie my shoe...very embarrissing....I'm applying for a job as a Nuclear Physicist, and...er, whoops... Enemy GUTSMAN used WHOOPS! Enemy GUTSMAN used BLOCK THROW! MEGAMAN got HIT! MEGAMAN lost 1 HITPOINT! Oh yeah, take THIS! MEGAMAN used SHOOT! MEGAMAN won! What the hell? Gutsman:X_X ...Oh screw it. Personally, I think he's faking it, but I'll take his power anyway. MEGAMAN took GUTSMAN's POWER! Gutsman:... ... ... ...AHA! *SMASH* Huh? Oh damn...he's already left. I KNEW I was getting dumber, but this is ridiculous. Yeah, it is, considering I haven't left yet. But don't mind me... MEGAMAN used TELEPORT! Gutsman:....Aw ****. |
Disclaimer:Neo-Metal does not return precious time spent reading, and cannot be blamed for death by boredom. SO STOP CALLING ME! ....>_> That was the wrong line... |