DoubleD, webmaster of Black Version, wrote this battle to mock the Pokemon TV show.  That's why I like it.  If you like the battle, make sure to visit, DoubleD's great site.

Fan Battle #3: 'Puff Gang
Player name:
Ash [No Record]
Author: DoubleD

C'mon Pikachu, let's go continue MY journey to become the best pokemon trainer ever!
Pikachu: Pika-pika...uh...Pika! (What about the others?)
Hey, we don't need them!  We're bigger stars, remember?  Besides, I'm sure they can get out of the quicksand in time.
Pikachu: Pikachu, chu, chu!  Pika, chu-ka, Pi! (OK)
Hey, what's that over there?  A new pokemon?  Let's check it out!
ASH used Pokedex!
Pokedex: Hey, buddy, haven't you seen enough of those "Who's That Pokemon" things to have every damn pokemon's name stored in your small, brainless head?
Damn, I knew I shouldn't of upgraded to that attitude edition.  Cyber-pal my @$$...Just tell me already, you worthless piece of junk!
Pokedex: Talk to the keys cause the screen ain't listening!
Hey, have you ever seen one of these, Dexter?
ASH sent out HAMMER!
Pokedex: Uh-oh...I'll do it, then.

Good, I thought you'd see it my way, now, what is it?
Pokedex: Jigglypuff, a...puff type Pokemon who likes to draw on the faces of stupid kids like you!
JIGGLYPUFF appeared!

Uh-oh, it seems every episode that damn thing appears and draws on our faces...CAN'T YOU FIGURE IT OUT!? YOUR MUSIC IS SO GOOD WE FALL ASLEEP!  THAT'S A COMPLIMENT YOU STUPID POKEMON!
Yes!  So every stupid episode you sing, get mad, and draw on us!  And you know what?  I'm tired of wiping black marker off my face!
That's right!  I'm going to stop you for good!  Besides, it's annoying how you follow us wherever we go, even across water- I'm beginning to think that there's more than one of you wielding that marker!
JIGGLYPUFF appeared!
What?  You both look exactly alike!
JIGGLYPUFF2: Oh, damn!  I didn't know that Ash was still alive!  I saw Misty and that Tracey person fall in a pool of acid and figured he was gone I invited the rest of the gang over here.
Rest of the gang?  I knew it!  I knew that JIGGLYPUFFs can't move that fast!
JIGGLYPUFFs 3 thru 10 appeared!
JIGGLYPUFF7: Hey!  I thought you said he was dead!
JIGGLYPUFF2: I know, sorry bout that, it seems that we've revealed the truth to him!

JIGGLYPUFF10: So what should we do?
JIGGLYPUFF3: Kill him!
JIGGLYPUFFs 2 thru 10 start chanting "Kill Him!"

JIGGLY 1!  I see you're not on their side!  Tell them to stop chanting!
JIGGLYPUFF1: PUFF BROTHERS, you must stop at once.  We are not going to kill him...
Oh thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou...
JIGGLYPUFF: ...we'll torture him THEN kill him! Muhahahahahahahaha!
JIGGLYPUFF's 1 thru 10 atart chanting "KILL AND TORTURE HIM!"
JIGGLYPUFFs want to fight!

This is defineatly not my day... Pikachu, ready to battle?
ASH wants to fight!
Hey, wait!  What are you doing?
PIKACHU pulls off MASK!

What?  You mean the Pikachu doll i left with Misty is the real...Oh damn...This was your fault, isn't it?
JIGGLYPUFFs did not think that PIKACHU got killed!
In fact, they sorely regret their actions!
But they still want to fight you.

Oh crap!
JIGGLYPUFFs had started singing!
ASH fell asleep!

TEAM appeared!
JESSE captured the JIGGLYPUFF!
JAMES captured the JIGGLYPUFF!
JAMES took ASH'S Pokeballs!
And MEOWTH kicked ASH into the ACID!
