Aander Gym
Recap: 3rd gym for Osilver and Oblue.
Battle #24
Aander Gym For Osilver and Oblue

Player: Osilver
Date: 21/9/01
Setting: Aander Gym

Osilver appearered!
Aander Gym now.
The gym of the water pokemon trainer called Marc.
Marc appeared!
Marc tells you to shut up!
Marc says that to beat him you must beat his Poliwag.
Marc tells you to shut up!
Go Totodile!
Go Poliwag!
Go Totodile!
Totodile use Scratch!
Poliwag uses Water Gun!
Poliwag takes out a water gun and sprays at Totodile!
No effect!
Totodile Scratchs Poliwag!
Poliwag faints!
Marc gives you a Aander Badge, $1, and the HM Stregth!
Marc tells you to SHUT UP!
Why me?!

Player: Oblue

Osilver appearered!
Aander Gym now.
The gym of the water pokemon trainer called Marc.
Marc appeared!
Marc tells you to shut up!
I'm not Osilver!
Marc says sorry!
Marc says that to beat him you must beat his Tentacool.


Marc tells you to shut up!

I'm not Osilver!
Marc says sorry!
Go Squirtle!

Go Tentacool!
Go Totodile!


Squirtle use Tackle!
Tentacool uses Water Gun!
Tentacool takes out a water gun and sprays at Squirtle!
No effect!
Squirtle tackles Tentacool!
Tentacool faints!
Marc gives you a Aander Badge, $10000, and the HM Stregth!


Marc tells you to SHUT UP!

Recap: 3rd gym for the Ogold and Ored.
Aander for the Ogold and Ored

Player: Ogold
Date: 23/9/01
Setting: Aander Gym

Ogold appearers!
What do you think, smart guy?
Marc appearered!
Marc says that you must beat his Poliwhirl to win!
Go Charmander!
Marc sends out Poliwhirl!
Poliwhirl uses Hydro Pump!
Poliwhirl has no PUMP, so there is no HYDRO!
No effect!
Charmander Scratches Poliwhirl!
Poliwhirl is itcy and Charmander helps Poliwhirl scratch his back!
Charmander tackles Poliwhirl!
For no reason Poliwhirl faints!
Marc gives you the Aander Bagde, $10000 and the HM Strength.
He also ask for his Articuno!
Here! *Whispers* Fake as usual.
Ogold rans off!
Marc opens Pokeball!

Player: Ogold

Ogold appearers!
What do you think, smart guy?
Marc appearered!
Marc says that you must beat his Tentacruel to win!
Go Cyndaqail!
Marc sends out Tentacruel!
Tentacruel uses Hydro Pump!
Tentacruel has no PUMP, so there is no HYDRO!
No effect!
Cyndaqail Scratches Tentacruel!
Tentacruel is itcy and Cyndaqail helps Tentacruel scratch his back!
Cyndaqail tackles Tentacruel!
For no reason Tentacruel faints!
Marc gives you the Aander Bagde, $10000 and the HM Strength.
He also ask for his Articuno!
I'm not Ogold!!!
Rcap:  Do we really need one?
Battle #26
Ogreen, Oyellow and Ocrystal at the Aander Gym

Player: Ogreen
Date: 31/9/01
Setting: Aander Gym

Ogreen appearered!
Hello everybody!
Marc appearered!
Hi Marc! I'm guessing that this is the Aander Gym!
Marc nods his head and says that in order to get his badge you must defeat his Lapars.
Go Bulbasaur!
Lapars is send out!
Bulbasaur os send out.
Vine whip!
Bulbasaur uses Vine Whip!
Bulbasaur Whips some Vines!
Lapars uses Water Gun!
Bulbasaur is soaked.
Bulbasaur is a plant and regains HP after a drink of water!
Leech seed!
Lapars is SEEDed!
LEECHes begin to come out of the SEEDs
LEECHes bite Lapars!
Lapars faintes!
Marc gives you the Aander Badge, $10000, plus the HM Strength!
At last nobody hits me for no reason!
Marc hits Ogreen for no reason!

Player: Oyellow

Oyellow appearered!
Marc appearered!
Marc hits Oyellow for no reason!
You're dead!
Marc drops dead!
Oh no if he's dead then I can't get the badge!
Marc was only kidding!
Marc says to beat him you must beat his Lapars!
Go Pikachu!
Pikachu and Lapars is send out!
Thunder Shock!
Pikachu uses Thunder Shock!
Thunder dies!
No effect!
Lapars uses Water Gun!
Water hits Pikachu!
Thunder now!
Water, Lapars and Pikachu is shocked by Thunder!
Water dies, Lapars faints and Pikachu lives!
For no reason what so ever, Marc hits you!
Just give me the stuff!
Oyellow gets a Aander Badge, $1000000 and the HM Strength!
Oyellow runs off!
For no reason at all Marc throws a rock at you!

Player: Ocrystal

Ocrystal and Marc appearers!
Marc says that to beat him you must beat his Lapars!
Okay, go Chikorita!
Razor Leaf!
Marc surrenders!
Marc gives you a Aander Badge and $1000000, plus the HM Strength!
For no reason at all Marc hits Ocrystal!