Battle #62 August 12th, 2000 Invincible! *cough* Player: Kelly (Win vs. Shinji)
Well, I'm still in oblivion. At least Shinji left. SHINJI was too EMBARRESSED to STAY! Heh. Wuss. ALIENPUZZLE appeared! Now THAT is disturbing. ALIENPUZZLE: We come in pieces. Uh...ok. MATCHBOX20: I'm so scared that I'll never, get put back together... Go away, Matchbox 20! Who invited you? ALIENPUZZLE did! I already didn't like this puzzle... ALIENPUZZLE is INVINCIBLE! Oh really? ALIENPUZZLE wants to fight! *sigh* Now I have to battle a PUZZLE? YES! Fine. Go, Bow! ALIENPUZZLE sent out BRAINTEASER! Umm...yeah. Bow, use Rosin Up! BOW used ROSINUP! ROSIN went up BRAINTEASER's NOSE! Oh narsty! I'm never gonna use THAT rosin again! BRAINTEASER is ALLERGIC to ROSIN! BRAINTEASER used SNEEZE! ROSIN is lodged in BRAINTEASER's NOSE! Uh oh...er, is there a heimlich for people who have something up their nose? PROBABLY! Then what is it?? NARRATOR doesn't KNOW! BRAINTEASER keeps SNEEZING! ROSIN is getting BOOGERY! Ew... Is that even a word? Boogery? NARRATOR shrugged! NARRATOR doesn't USE SPELLCHECK! Niether do I but...ARGH! Pokebattles is impossible! NARRATOR knows! NARRATOR laughs evilly! Uh...Rosin, use Slip Out of Nose! ROSIN used SLIPOUTOFNOSE! ROSIN slipped OUTOFNOSE and INTOTHROAT! DAMN! KELLY performed HEIMLICH! KELLY just lodged ROSIN farther down THROAT! This isn't helping. KELLY began jumping on BRAINTEASER's BACK! KELLY broke BRAINTEASER's BACK! BRAINTEASER fainted! ALIENPUZZLE has no more POKEMON! ALIENPUZZLE sent out ALIENPUZZLE! ALIENPUZZLE used PUTTOGETHER! PUZZLE was PUTOGETHER! It's a picture of me...in a heart? ALIENPUZZLE loves KELLY! ?! You're a puzzle! AN INANIMATE OBJECT!! ALIENPUZZLE doesn't care! ALIENPUZZLE will always LOVE KELLY! Oh put a box top on it. KELLY used PUT A BOX TOP ON IT! ALIENPUZZLE was put back into BOX! ALIENPUZZLE took off! ALIENPUZZLE ran away! KELLY won against ALIENPUZZLE! Yeah, but I'll still have nightmares about Alien Puzzles loving me...*shudder* Not to MENTION I'm still in OBLIVION! KELLY was YANKED out of OBLIVION! That's better. LANCE appeared! LANCE: Hey, you wanna- KELLY used RUSSIANKICK! LANCE really WAS kicked in the NUTS! LANCE: Ooooowww! LANCE ran away! KELLY won against LANCE! Sometimes this is TOO easy... |
Battle #63 August 6th, 2000 The Battle of the Bands Player: Queen (Loss vs. Heroine)
We're back... we're back... we're back... WE'RE BACK... Who knew a guy could sing so high? NARRATOR has EARMUFFS on! Hey, we may be an old band, but we're still a good band. NARRATOR used COUGH! NARRATOR is CHOKING! So? NARRATOR is DYING! Do we care? NARRATOR died! ................. Uh oh. Who's gonna be the Narrator? Jason Ross appeared Oh no...not this again! Yes, this again Pink appeared This battle is cheap. Jason Ross sucks as a Narrator. Jason Ross is greatly offended Jason Ross gave White Version lowest position on Network Oh crappity. Jason Ross points out crappity isn't word We know. Niether is "narsty" but it's still used internationally. *yawn* This battle is going slowly. Pink wants to fight I do? Yes Fine! There you, go! There You, go *rolls eyes* Go, Us! Queen, go There You used Go There You left Pink was forced to forfeit ****ing Narrator... Jason Ross kicked Pink out of battle Argh! Pink landed in oblivion Kelly isn't there anymore All Kelly left behind was rosin Rosin: Not a significant sorce of calcium. *gag* Is this the real life?? Yes, now shut up Bsb appeared Allrighty, no sweat. Bsb used Perkulars Perkular herd appeared Uh oh... Perkulars trampled Queen Queen died (again) ........................ ........................ Narrator came back to life Narrator kicked Jason Ross out of way *whew* NARRATOR thinks JASONROSS should take a NARRATOR CLASS! NARRATOR sent JASONROSS off to NIGHT SCHOOL! JASONROSS: But I'm not even old enough to qualify! NARRATOR: Tough! QUEEN came back to LIFE! Yeesh, ya think people could have a little respect. Yes, but you can only THINK! NARRATOR won against JASONROSS! What about us?? NARRATOR doesn't CARE about QUEEN! Agh... |
Battle #65 August 8th, 2000 Grapefruit Trouble Player: Mary (Loss! Of course, she's Dacta!)
Hmmm...what torture will the narrator put me through today? WHY is DACTA MPR talking in ERIC MHE's ?TEXT?? And why are those little boxes around your text? NARRATOR doesn't KNOW! NARRATOR doesn't LIKE this new PAGEBUILDER! Ditto, man. I can't get the colour I had before for my text and whenever you go into caps, these little boxes appear around the caps. ?MAYBE ?the ?BOXES? won't show ?UP!? ?DACTAMPR? used ?PREVIEW!? Agh! They just turn out as question marks! This mean more work for me! *sob* TOUGH! Muahahahahahaha! Die, Narrator... NARRATOR di- NO! If you die, then Jason Ross'll take over again! Now THAT's a DISTURBING thought! *sigh* Now I have to type holding down the shift...this isn't fair, I don't like this new Pagebuilder... Then DACTAMPR should use HTML! I don't know how to do HTML. Then LEARN! I don't WANT to... DACTAMPR has TO! Wahhh... DACTAMPR is watching OPRAH! Ok, shut up. DACTAMPR also likes THEVIEW! Shhh! Stop revealing my passion for those womanly shows! MST3K4ever appeared! Oh. Hey Crimson. Hello. Er, I can't read your text. Tough. Grr.... DACTAMPR is angry! MST3K4ever wants to fight! I get angry and HE wants to fight? YES! MST3K4ever sent out GRAPEFRUIT! Mmm...Grapefruit... DACTAMPR used EAT! DACTAMPR ate GRAPEFRUIT! ?! Hey that was MY Grapefruit! Er... Do you like apples? I have apples... I want my grapefruit, dammit! ****... Go, Incubus! Get'm, INCUBUS! Use I Miss You! INCUBUS used IMISSYOU! INCUBUS misses MTS3K4ever! INCUBUS is in love with MTS3K4ever! SISTER: All right! Gay pride! ?! They're...coming closer... Incubus, don't! You're not GAY! Maybe INCUBUS is! QUEEN appeared! QUEEN distrated INCUBUS! QUEEN and INCUBUS ran away! DACTAMPR and MST3K4ever won against QUEEN and INCUBUS! I still want my freaking grapefruit back... Er...you have to wait a while, I'm not bulemic. MST3K4ever suddenly realizes what DACTAMPR means! Oh ****! MST3K4ever ran away! But DACTAMPR still lost against MST3K4ever! *sigh* Figgers... Oh geez, Nature calls! DACTAMPR ran to BATHROOM! Hey, Crimson! You can have your grapefruit back now! |
Battle #64 August 6th, 2000 Hitchin' a Ride Player: Greenday (No Record)
GREENDAY is on EDGE OF CURB, holding out THUMB! Please, please, please... NARRATOR asks what GREENDAY is DOING! Hitchin' a ride. NARRATOR points out HITCHHIKING is DANGEROUS! So? So GREENDAY can HOOK up some DRUNK loser and get KILLED! Again, I ask, so? Isn't GREENDAY popular? Partially. GREENDAY doesn't SPEAK much, does GREENDAY? No. Why doesn't GREENDAY talk? No need. There's a NEED! Sure. NARRATOR is FRUSTRATED! Nimrod. WHAT did you just call NARRATOR? Nimrod. What does that MEAN? Dunno. Isn't it a SWEAR? Dunno. NARRATOR's ANGER QUOTIENT is RISING! Cool. NARRATOR already had HIGHBLOODPRESSURE! Gonna blow? MOST likely! Dude. NARRATOR exploded! Nasty. RIDE came to CURB! Finally. GREENDAY got in RIDE! Whoohoo. WHITEWEBMISTRES doesn't find the HUMOUR in this BATTLE! Tough. Tough is right, buddy! GREENDAY was kicked out of WHITEVERSION! GREENDAY was kicked into REDVERSION! JASONROSS: Greenday?? Oh God! Can I have your autograph? Sure. GREENDAY signed AUTOGRAPH! Damn, I should've gotten my own autograph while I had the time. Ha ha! Stupid White Webmistress! Oh NOW you say more than two words! Can't get me now! Muaha! JASONROSS: Back you go. All I wanted was the autograph. ?! Uh oh... GREENDAY was kicked back to WHITEVERSION! Eheheheheheheh... EXTREMELY VIOLENT SCENE was cut out of BATTLE! GREENDAY lies on FLOOR! Pain... SPEAK MORE THAN A WORD! No... *sigh* I give up... WHITEWEBMISTRESS walked away! GREENDAY won against WHITEWEBMISTRESS! ?! Ha ha! GREENDAY was KICKED by WHITEWEBMISTRESS! Oooo... WHITEWEBMISTRESS won against GREENDAY! And well I should. (Author's note: You can see how much I had to scavenge my brain today to get a battle.) |
Battle #66 August 9th, 2000 The Destruction of Kelly Player: Kelly (Win vs. Lance & Alien Puzzle)
That's an...encouraging title. NARRATOR used EVILLAUGH! It's super evil! Whatever. Anyway, I left my rosin behind in oblivion, so Bob can't use his Rosin Up attack... That's too BAD! *snicker* You know something I don't know, don't you? NARRATOR does! Hmmm... What could possibly destroy ME?... BEESQUITO appeared! Uh oh... BEESQUITO went for KELLY's EYE! KELLY just barley EVADED attack! Yeesh... that thing's fast. I don't stand a chance, and niether does Bob. EXACTLY! Muaha! Grrr... Go...Orken Man! Get'm, ORKENMAN! This should be no problem. Orken Man, use Exterminate! ORKENMAN used EXTERMINATE! Wahahahaha! BEESQUITO used DEVOUR! ORKENMAN was DEVOURED! Wahaha...huh. That's bad. Go...Spider! Go, SPIDER! SPIDER used WEB! SPIDER is SURFING on NET! Hey! Get off that computer and fight! SPIDER is a FREE SPIDER! He doesn't have to do what KELLY says! Argh... KELLY used STOMP! SPIDER was SQUISHED into GROUND! SPIDER turned out to be WHITEWEBMISTRESS! Ow...pain... WHITEWEBMISTRES slunk away! KELLY won against WHITEWEBMISTRESS! All right, it's time to fight fire with fire! Go, Beesquito! Get'm, BEESQUITO! KELLY has a BEESQUITO? Duh! Beesquito, Sting! BEESQUITO used STING! STING was RATHER POISONOUS! OTHER BEESQUITO is DYING! Whoohoo! OTHER BEESQUITO died! OTHER BEESQUITO happened to be KELLY's BEESQUITO! Crap... I say it's about time I run. KELLY used RUNAWAY! KELLY doesn't KNOW RUNAWAY! God help me. GOD decided to HELP! GOD used THUNDER! BEESQUITO was struck from SKY! BEESQUITO fainted! Thank God... GOD: Duh! KELLY won against BEESQUITO! Shouldn't it be GOD won against Beesquito? NO! KELLY gets all CREDIT! Geez... *sigh* |