Battle #47 July 9th, 2000 That's the Way the "Biscuit" Crumbles! Player: Biscuit Man (No Record)
It's a wonderful day in Biscuit Land... BISCUITMAN is not in BISCUITLAND! BISCUITMAN is in POKEBATTLES REALM! Ahhh! Not this place!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's getting old. I know! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! BISCUITMAN is riding in his BISCUITCAR! I need some music. BISCUITMAN turned on RADIO! NOTHING is PLAYING! Why not?! BECAUSE! Argh... SOMEBODY: Ahhhhh! What's that scream?! Is it possibly a Damzel in distress? No, but... I must go find her! BISCUITMAN put his foot on the GAS! Geez! Get a bathroom! Sorry... BISCUITMAN came to TOWER! HAIRYPIZZAGUY is in TOWER! HPG: Help me!! That's not exactly a damzel, Narrator. Yes, HE is! *sigh* Fine... HPG is being HARRASSED by BIGWALKING...POO! Everyone knows that was origanally the Big Walking Sh- RSACi cut off BISCUITMAN! RSACi: Tsk tsk! You just took these characters, including myself, off Lizzie and Allie's comic! SHHHH! They're NOT suppose to KNOW that! Ok...ok...I need my trusty assitant, Mendos Guy! MENDOS GUY appeared! MENTOS! The fresh maker! Why isn't it MENTOS Guy? COPYRIGHTS! Ack... MENDOSGUY: I say we burn down the building! That's a horrible idea!! Where did you come up with that?! MENDOSGUY held up MENTOS! Ohhh...now I see. BISCUITMAN grabbed a MATCH! Just hang on, Hairy Pizza Guy! BISCUITMAN put TOWER up in FLAMES! HPG died! Agh...how could the Mentos go wrong? BIGWALKINGPOO jumped down! BIGWALKINGPOO wants to fight! I SO do not see the point of this battle. Niether do I, and I'm the author! That's scary...well, I guess I have to fight this large lump of crap, so let's go! To be continued... Next time, Biscuit Man faces The Big Walking Poo! Will he survive his encounter? Find out on the next OPRAH-erm, POKEBATTLE! |
Battle #48 July 10th, 2000 A Heaping Load of Confusion Player: Mendos Guy (Unconfirmed ending vs. Big Walking...Poo)
BIGWALKING...POO wants to fight! This should be easy. BISCUITMAN doesn't think so! I've got it covered, buddy. BISCUITMAN is not your BUDDY! MENDOSGUY is just his SIDEKICK! Right... Ok, I say we kill the poo by flushing it down the toilet! BISCUITMAN: That's a terrible idea! We don't have a toilet! MENDOSGUY held up MENTOS! BISCUITMAN: Duh! That's a great idea! Works every time. Go, Toilet! MENDOSGUY sent out TOILET! Toilet, use the Flush attack! TOILET used FLUSH! TOILET gave MENDOSGUY a SWIRLY! *cough* *sputter* HEY! BISCUITMAN: *snicker* SHUT UP!!! BIGWALKING...POO sent out HAIRDRYER! Ok... HAIRDRYER used MELT! HAIRDRYER melted BISCUITMAN's EYEBROWS! BISCUITMAN: Noo! Not my beautiful buttery eyebrows! BIGWALKING...POO thinks this is funny! Well, I don't! Return, Toilet! TOILET refuses! TOILET is TOILETTRAINED! Duh...he's a toilet. TOILET is TRAINED to be INDEPENDANT! TOILET voted for ROSSPEROT! You imbecile! He stopped running four years ago! TOILET will just do WRITE-IN! TOILER wrote in ROSSPEROT! ROSSPEROT was elected PRESIDENT! How?! That guy is like, what, seventy-something!? ROSSPEROT: But I have good values! BIGWALKING...POO is a DEMOCRAT! BISCUITMAN is a REPUBLICAN! What is MENDOSGUY? I don't vote. ALL: Sin! Sin! ALL began throwing CHEETOS at MENDOSGUY! MENDOSGUY held up MENTOS! ALL: Oh! Not voting IS a good idea! See? Mendos Guy is always right. NARRAOTR thinks MENDOSGUY is DUMB! Shhh! I had them fooled! ALL are still FOOLED! Muaha! MENDOSGUY won against ALL! MENDOSGUY gained 1,000000000 EXP. POINTS! What? MENDOSGUY is evolving! MENDOSGUY evolved to SISQO! All night long...let me see that thong... Baby, go thong thong thong thong thong... NARRATOR points out MENDOSGUY only evolved to SISQO because WHITEWEBMISTRESS is watching THEBOX! Oh can it! NARRATOR was placed in CAN! NARRATOR evolved to PROCESSEDPEACHES! ROSSPEROT is eating PROCESSEDPEACHES! Muahahahahaha... WHITEWEBMISTRESS won against PROCESSEDPEACHES!
Battle #49 June 10th, 2000 Poor, Poor Dacta Player: Mary (Loss vs. Hell)
I hate cleaning Satan's bathrooms... DACTA MPR should SHUTUP! No, I think YOU should...*grumble* DACTA MPR grumbled SWEAR! EVERYONE used GASP! RSACi appeared! Oh go away. Or I'll shove this manure into your face. EVERYONE ran away SCREAMING! DACTA MPR won against EVERYONE! That's a change. JESS MPR appeared! Jess! My comrade that I always happen to be looking for! I've found you! DACTA MPR used SNOOPYDANCEOFJOY! DACTA MPR tripped over FEET! DACTA MPR fell HEADFIRST into SATAN's TOILETS! Oh gross. Correction: JESS MPR found DACTA MPR! Oh shut up. SATAN appeared! Oh crap. SATAN is angry! Oh bad. SATAN demands you STOP saying OH before EVERYTHING! You can't make me do anything! I'm Dacta, Mighty Pencil Ruler! Like SATAN cares! You're his JANITOR now! You know what? Satan looks suspiciously like Jason Ross... JESS MPR: Hmmm... JESS MPR used TUGONFACE! MASK came off! SATAN is really JASONROSS! Aha! JASONROSS: Dammit! Now we'll easily defeat you! Pencils, go! Go, PENCILS! PENCILS went! PENCILS went to the BATHROOM! PENCILS fell into TOILETSEAT! Hey! Who left the seat up?! JASONROSS is BLUSHING! Stupid males... Well, we OBVIOUSLY can't use the pencils... JESS MPR used PENCIL TIARA MAGIC! Not Sailor Moon! Sailor Moon is a sin to the anime world! JASONROSS can't HELP but AGREE! So is Pokemon, but this isn't EXACTLY Pokemon. It's an awesome parody. TAROTEXPERTS appeared! Uh crap. Not them. TAROTEXPERTS were hit with PENCIL TIARA MAGIC! TAROTEXPERTS died! EVERYONE: Yeeeaaaaa! WHITEWEBMISTRESS appeared! All righty everybody, these Tarot Experts didn't deserve to die. I have no choice but to bring them back to life. EVERYONE: Booo! EVERYONE used KILL! Oh the humanity! WHITEWEBMISTRESS was brutally SLAUGHTER! WHITEWEBMISTRESS is screaming SWEARS! RSACi: Tskity tskity! Oh shut up! WHITEWEBMISTRESS died a HORRIBLE DEATH! WHITEWEBMISTRESS was dragged OFF! EVERYONE won against WHITWEBMISTRESS! Whoo hoo! That qualifies for a win for me! Don't get too used to this, DACTA! I won't!
Battle #50 July 11th, 2000 Harry Potter and the Big Walking...Poo Player: Harry Potter (No Record)
HARRYPOTTER is at HOGWARTS! You know, I never figured out why it's Hogwarts. Maybe HARRYPOTTER should read his BOOKS more CAREFULLY! Quiet. I'm serving a detention from Snape again. OOOO! HARRYPOTTER is a very bad BOY! He only does this because he hates me. And you know it. NARRATOR doesn't! NARRAOTR is innocent! Suuurrreee! HAGRID appeared! Oh geez, Hagrid. No offense, you smell terrible. HAGRID: Da'hs' becu'z Ah be'hen wurking w'it da heepog'wiffs all 'dahy. Roughly translated into English? TRANSLATOR appeared! TRANSLATOR used TRANSLATE! TRANSLATOR translated into SPANISH! Well that doesn't help. HAGRID: Ah sa'yid dat Ah'ive b'hen wurking...oh screw this. *gasp* He actually spoke normal English! HAGRID: That right, Potter! Now it's time I reveal my true idenity! HAGRID revealed TRUEIDENITY! HAGRID is really BIGWALKING...POO! No wonder you smelled like maure. P-U! BIGWALKING...POO is angry! BIGWALKING...POO wants to fight! Fine, better get out my wand. HARRYPOTTER is getting out WAND! HARRYPOTTER lost WAND! *groan* Not again! Did Winky grab it again? WINKY: Winky no grab...Winky just feeble house-elf, Winky is... Why can't anyone speak proper English?! BIGWALKING...POO can! BIGWALKING...POO just chooses NOT to! Screw this, go, Hedwig! Get'm, HEDWIG! *snicker* What a stupid name... SHUT UP ABOUT MY OWL! BIGWALKING...POO sent out BIGWALKING...POO! BIGWALKING...POO used STENCH! Ahhh! Get me a clothespin! MOODY got HARRYPOTTER a CLOTHESPIN! MOODY's eye fell OUT! Yeecch...and it was the staring one too. EYEBALL is staring at HARRYPOTTER! Lord! HARRYPOTTER used RUSSIANKICK! HARRYPOTTER is ENGLISH, not RUSSIAN! Niether is Tahoo Man... TAHOOMAN is SPECIALIER! Did Tahoo Man survive a Voldemort attack? EVERYONE used GASP! What for- ............ Oh. C'mon, it's just his name! HEDWIG is still standing... DEATH appeared! VOLDEMORT appeared! What a stunning resemblence. DEATH: Hey, bro. Long time no see. VOLDEMORT: Didn't you get killed in the Pokebattle fanfic? DEATH: Maybe. I don't think White Webmistress read the fanfic throughly enough And how can death die anyway? GOD appeared! DEATH: Oh the humanity! DEATH died! I guess Death can die a little bit like that... GOD is pointing at HARRYPOTTER! Gulp. GOD: You...you and your PRESTO.... ?! SISTER appeared! SISTER proclaims that is an INSIDEJOKE! SISTER ran off! HARRYPOTTER won against SISTER! I thought she only appeared to support gay pride. THAT's only SISTER's DAYJOB! It IS the day. Not in CHINA it isnt'! I'm confused... HARRYPOTTER is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion! Owch! VOLDEMORT is approaching! GOD retreated! You wuss! GOD shrugged! *sigh* I guess I'm going to have to destroy Voldemort like in all the other books, although it is getting WAY too unoriganal. HARRYPOTTER used DESTROYVOLDEMORT! HARRYPOTTER destroyed VOLDEMORT! VOLDEMMORT: Yeah, well. I'll be coming back the next book anyway. VOLDEMORT was destroyed! HARRYPOTTER won against VOLDEMORT! Works everytime. |
Bad Vibes July 12th, 2000 Battle #51 Player: Kelly (Win vs. Max and Elly)
You screwed up the record again! I LOST versus Max and Elly! KELLY is just more the WINNING TYPE! Ok. Well, now that I have Britney Spears for an ally, I have a feeling I'm going to be losing much more. KELLY shouldn't be so SURE! You know this whole Pokebattles thing is very weird. YES! But you KNOW you LOVE IT! Ummm...sure! KELLY, Ally BOB and Ally BRITNEY are walking down ROAD! And I have to be in the most unoriganal fan site... HEY! We got rid of KEVDUDE's evils QUITE a few BATTLES ago! Don't go BRINGING it BACK! HEROINE appeared! Not to mention this site has screwed up characters that smoke weed. HEROINE: I take HEROIN, not weed, thank you very much! Yeah, ok. HEROINE is angry! Why exactly is she angry? It's what makes the POKEBATTLES world go ROUND! Anger, you mean? She CAN be TAUGHT! Ally BRITNEY: Ok, little brat, here we go! HEROINE sent out NEEDLEOFDOOM! Careful, Brit, that thing holds a strong type of LSD. Ally BRITNEY: Shut up and watch me work. Looks like SOMEONE woke up on the wrong side of the king-sized bed. Ally BRITNEY sent out Ally BRITNEY! Bad strategy... NEEDLEOFDOOM used PRICK! NEEDLEOFDOOM pricked Ally BRITNEY! Ooooo...dat's bad. Ally BRITNEY is WASTED! Ally BRITNEY ran away to FLY! HEROINE won against Ally BRITNEY! Ooops...she did it again. Bad PUN! KELLY must now FIGHT! Fine. Go, cello rosin! KELLY sent out CELLOROSIN! Cello Rosin, use Lather Up! CELLOROSIN used LATHERUP! CELLOROSIN lathered up HEROINE! HEROINE is actually-gasp-CLEAN! HEROINE: Noooo! HEROINE ran away SCREAMING! That was quick. this is a short battle isn't it? NARRATOR is NODDING! WHITEWEBMISTRESS has a BUSY SCHEDULE! In what way? Ahem...I'd rather not tell. Then NARRATOR will! WHITEWEBMISTRESS is part of the MAFIA! How?! White Webmistress is only TEN FREAKING YEARS OLD! The TRUTH is out THERE! NARRATOR gave PARANOIDLOOK to SKY! JASONROSS fell from SKY! NARRATOR: Ahhh! A real alien! NARRATOR ran away! KELLY & JASONROSS won against NARRATOR! KELLY won against HEROINE! Whoo hoo?