Battle #28 |
Battle #27 June 4th, 2000 Stomach Pains Player: Jess MPR (Loss vs. Beesquito, *not a battle, we just heard she got sucked*)
Uh...I feel hidious... JESS MPR feels HIDIOUS! JESS MPR is SUFFERING from INJURIES from BEESQUITO! Uh...you got that right. I had to get a blood donar, and it was from some guy in Zimbabwe... NARRATOR doesn't ENVY JESS MPR! Uh...you're not helping... BEESQUITO appeared! Come back later when I'm recovered stupid-AHHH! THE BEESQUITO! JESS MPR ran away! JESS MPR lost to BEESQUITO! At least I'm safe. *gasp* NARRATOR wonders HOW you can RUN so fast when you LOST so much BLOOD! It's Pokebattles. Anything's probable. Not ANYTHING that's in the CHARACTER'S FAVOUR! BEESQUITO caught up! Can't...run... BEESQUITO wants to fight! Fine...Pencils, go! JESS MPR is WEAK without DACTA MPR! ONEPENCIL came out! One pencil?! That's pathetic! JESS MPR's got that right! BEESQUITO: Bzzzzz! ONEPENCIL exploded! ?! Why?! JESS MPR is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion! Agh! Ok, go me!! Pencil Tiara Power! Go, JESS MPR! JESS MPR used PENCILTIARAPOWER! PENCILTIARA slashed through BEESQUITO'S stomach! BEESQUITO: Bzzzz? STOMACH spilled OPEN! CONTENTS spilled out! JASONROSS, BREAD, DUFFY and MARY spilled out! Mary! There you are! Why are you just Mary? MARY: Ask the Webmaster. Maybe later.... What? MARY is evolving! MARY evolved to DACTA MPR! That's better. JASONROSS ran away! BREAD ran away! DUFFY ran away! Hey...why did they all run away? DACTA MPR: Look...behind....you.... BEESQUITO used REVITALIZE! BEESQUITO revitalized ITSELF! BEESQUITO: Bzzzzzz! OH MY GOD!!! WE'RE GONNA DIIIIIE! PENCILDUO ran away! BEESQUITO won against PENCILDUO! BEESQUITO: Bzzzzz! |
Battle #28 June 8th, 2000 Level 2000 Player: Lance of Da Elite Four (Loss vs. something which White webmistress can't remember)
Ahh...beautiful day, huh Lance? Ally LANCEBASS is scowling! Ally LANCEBASS: I should be on the world tour right now.... Oh shut up and enjoy the stars. BEESQUITO appeared! Isn't that the thing that's wrecking havoc on the White Version currently? NARRATOR nodded! *sigh* That's what I thought. We'd better battle it, Lance. Ally LANCEBASS refuses! Ally LANCEBASS wants to be on WORLDTOUR! Oh, fork you. I'll do this myself. Cape. go! Go, CAPE! BEESQUITO sent out BEESQUITO! Beesquito? I'll check my PokeDex. POKEDEX: BEESQUITO-A real bug that is a cross-bred between a mosquito and a bee. Likes to attack vulnerable eyelids. Nothing Cape can't take. CAPE used CAPESWIPE! It's super haughty! BEESQUITO used DEVOUR! CAPE was DEVOURED! ?! How can it just eat my cape like that?! NARRATOR doesn't know! But NARRATOR thinks it's FUNNY! Shut up, you son of an onion. Lance, plleeeasssee? Ally LANCEBASS: Oh FINE you big baby! Ally LANCEBASS believes LANCE is a BIGBABY! LANCE's pride greatly fell! THAT'S bad. My life is based around my pride. BEESQUITO used DEVOUR! Ally LANCEBASS was DEVOURED! Ally LANCEBASS: Noooooo! Lord! He swallowed an *NSYNC member! ............... He's gonna have some severe indigestion while digesting Lance's bloated ego and all. BEESQUITO is looking at LANCE! OMIGOD!! LANCE used RUNAWAY! But, it failed! Why does it fail when I WANT to run away? BECAUSE! Because WHY? BECAUSE BECAUSE! Because because WHY? BECAUSE BECAUSE BECAUSE! Because because because WHY? NARRATOR: Forget it! At this time, the word 'because' has lost all meaning to me! Hee hee... NARRATOR does not like LANCE laughing like MIDGYO! Hee hee...lol.... NARRATOR is disturbed! NARRATOR used DEVOUR! NARRATOR devoured LANCE! Hey, I thought the Beesquito could only do that!!! LANCE learns something NEW every DAY! Shaddap. This is almost as bad as being stuck in a stomach with Jason Ross, an imitation of Buffy and a loaf of Bread. NARRATOR rolls EYES! NARRATOR won against LANCE! NARRATOR gained 10000000000000000000000000000000000 EXP. POINTS! NARRATOR grew to LVL 2000! What? NARRATOR is evolving! NARRATOR evolved to Y2KBUG! Agh....anything that grows to level 2000 evolves that way.... LANCE is CORRECT! There's a first time for everything! Do you live to do this to me? Yes! BEESQUITO buzzed away! Y2K is long over.... Yes, but WHITE never had a Y2K BATTLE! GROAN! LANCE lost to Y2KBUG!
Battle #30 June 10th, 2000 Worse'n Stomach Pains Player: Mary (Loss vs. Narrator, Battle #29)
I feel absolutley terrible... NARRATOR wonders WHY! It's a female thing, you wouldn't understand... JESS MPR appeared! JESS MPR: The...angry...mob... Oh crap. ANGRYMOB appeared! HEROINE: Muahahahaha! We've got you now! Why does EVERYONE want to kill us? Possibly BECAUSE IT'S NOT ORIGANAL, HUH KEVDUDE?!!! Wow...White Webmaster is pretty angry... YEAH, YOU GOT THAT RIGHT!! Wonder why... HEROINE doesn't care! HEROINE: Chhhhhaaaarrrrggggeeee! EEEEEEE!! PENCILS, GO!!! PENCILS went! Oh gross...all over... YEAH, I HOPE THAT'S ORIGANAL TOO, KEVDUDE!!! ALTHOUGHT IT PROBABLY ISN'T, HUH, HUH? RIGHT, RIGHT? NEXT TIME YOU INSULT WHITE VERSION DON'T DO IT WHILE I'M PMSING!!! Lord, she's worse than I thought...And I'm pretty sure she doesn't even know what 'origanal' means...it's probably just the PMSing... DOCTORS took WHITEWEBMASTER away! ANGRYMOB charged! Crap. I'm not feeling up to par, the Pencils WENT all over me, and Jess' weak with out me! DACTA MPR is in POKEMON PERIL! Wasn't that an episode on Pokemon...? Eh, who cares, I don't watch Pokemon anymore... EVERYONE used GASP! It's not THAT surprising, is it? EVERYONE considers! EVERYONE realizing DACTA MPR is WRONG! EVERYONE attacked DACTA MPR! Even Jess?! Even JESS! But Jess doesn't even LIKE Pokemon! It's the WHITEVERSION! ANYTHING could HAPPEN! ANGRYMOB used TORCHES! The crowd's excitment is building over this hot battle! Bad pun...but it's not origanal either. Who cares? Are we suddenly on a trip to fufuill ALL of KevDude's needs? Well...no...but... But nothing! White Version can be as unoriganal as White Webmaster wants it to be! We don't need to listen to the critics! EBERT: Oh man! EBERT left! And your point is? Stiff upper lip, Dacta! If you let the critics get to you, then you'll get Jason Ross get to you! No way! Way! Uh...this is turning motivational... DACTA MPR has a POINT! NARRATOR stopped MOTIVATIONALNESS! Good... ANGRYMOB again began CHARGING! Hey...why did the Angry Mob suddenly stop when the motivationalness was going on? That's how it is in all the SOAPOPERAS! Crap. HEROINE: Chhhhaaaarrrrgggeee! To be continued... Next time, Dacta MPR's pride still isn't in place from the outburst from KevDude (even after all of that motivational crap) and since EVERYONE is against her, will she survive? Probably, but hey, still, find out on the next OPERA-erm, POKEBATTLE!
Battle #29 June 9th, 2000 The Truth of the Network Player: Mary (Loss vs. Beesquito, Battle #27)
Jess, I'm beginning to find something suspisous. Ever since Black got to the top, it didn't update. I'm assuming Double D is dead. Now Emerald's on the top and I haven't seen his update. And Eric MHE is the only one who has ever survived. I swear, I'm seeing something suspious. JESS MPR thinks DACTA MPR has a POINT! JESS MPR and DACTA MPR went on INVESTIGATION! DACTA MPR snuck into JASONROSS' house! Hey...how'd I get here, I don't even know where Jason lives! This is POKEBATTLES! Point taken. DACTA MPR is watching JASONROSS! JASONROSS: Hmm...let's see...add that amount to this amount...and we have a winning strategy! Muahahahahaha! They'll all die! Die!!! Oh my God! Jason is a serial killer! DACTA MPR looked at JASONROSS' computer SCREEN! JASONROSS is playing CHESS! Uh...scratch the serial killer idea... ERIC MHE appeared! Huh? They KNOW each other? ERIC MHE: Here, Jason, here's twenty bucks to kill Andrevan. Make it clean like Double D. And then, here's s'more for my sixth site design star. JASONROSS: Yooou've got it! Oh my God! Jason Ross is STILL a serial killer! And a cheat too! ERIC MHE and JASONROSS are talking about ULTIMA ON-LINE! Another one of my suspisions wrong?! JASONROSS and ERIC MHE see the PENCILDUO! Eep! JASONROSS whipped out GUN! RSACi appeared! RSACi took away GUN! JASONROSS: Oooooh! RSACi handed JASONROSS KNIFE! Ahhhh! He's gonna kill us all! JASONROSS: Not all of you. I still need some fans, you know!! AHHHHHHH! DACTA MPR used SCREAM! SCREAM was GIRLY! Duh! I am a girl! NARRATOR is not STUPID! NARRATOR is challenging you! Oh shut up! I'm surrounded by serial killers! BOBSMITH appeared! ?! Is that suppose to help me?! JESS MPR: Look, Dacta! It's your Dogz, BobSmith! Huh? ............... OH, MY GREAT DANE! JASONROSS and ERIC MHE aren't afraid! You should be! BOBSMITH used SHOWPOSE! JASONROSS was FORCED to give BOBSMITH perfect score! JASONROSS: What the hell?! I don't judge Dogz shows! I'm the Pokebattles webmaster! At least I got an award. DACTA MPR is full of HERSELF! I got an award and YOOOUUU didn't! JESS MPR, ERIC MHE, and JASONROSS don't care! You should care...*grumble* BOBSMITH's attack continues! BOBSMITH won out AWARDS! Um...ok? No! It's not OK! The WORLD isn't OK! *sob* When did the Narrator become so dramatic?! NARRATOR doesn't know! NARRATOR thinks this BATTLE should END! Why? This gave ABSOLUTELY no TRUTH to THENETWORK! So? So you LIE! NARRATOR ended battle! DACTA MPR, JESS MPR, JASONROSS and ERIC MHE lost to NARRATOR! What the fork?!
Battle #31 June 11th, 2000 Mental Recovery Player: Mary (Is going to get killed vs. Angry Mob, Battle #30)
I still don't want to battle... If DACTA MPR doesn't BATTLE, she'll be TRAMPLED! Fine. Let them kill me. DACTA MPR went into DEEP DEPRESSION! GOD tried PULLING DACTA MPR out! But, it failed! *sob* If God can't do anything, I really AM doomed... DACTA MPR is wrong! How so? JASONROSS is more POWERFUL than GOD in POKEBATTLES! Hah. I don't believe that. I am Catholic. NARRATOR doesn't care WHAT you BELIEVE! NARRATOR demands you PRAY to JASONROSS! Never! NARRATOR doesn't care, like HE said! NARRATOR made DACTA MPR pray to JASONROSS! Nooo... GOD is angry! NARRATOR is angry! JASONROSS is angry! ANGRYMOB is angry! Well of course Angry Mob is angry!!! Agh! JASONROSS will help DACTA MPR anyway! That's better. JASONROSS: But that doesn't mean I like you! Sigh... JASONROSS used ALMIGHTY WEBMASTER POWERS! Might I add that that isn't origanal either? No, you may not! JASONROSS destroyed WORLD! Uh...owch? Yeah, you BETTER say OWCH! APOCALYPSE took place! Bad! FLASHFIRE appeared! Flash, Jason's destroying the world!! I saw this coming.... Then why didn't you DO anything? Hey, I have my OWN problems in Flame Version! I guess I'll just have to stop this myself... ...................... Hey, where the fudgsicle did Jess go? JESS MPR was DESTROYED in APOCALYPSE! Makes sense... FLASHFIRE and DACTA MPR are the last THINGS alive on EARTH! Not even Jason Ross? JASONROSS was hit by BACKLASH! JASONROSS fainted! .................. So what do we do now? DACTA MPR and FLASHFIRE are in POKEMON LIMBO! Da da da! Now that is TOTALLY not origanal... NARRATOR knows! But DOUBLED died, anyway! You have a point there.... .................. So what do we do in Limbo? We LIMBO! Da da da! Um...YEAH. You...wanna Limbo, Flash? I'm a Flareon...how am I suppose to do that? Right... DACTA MPR is LIMBOING! DACTA MPR and FLASHFIRE...didn't win or lose! This was a TIE!