Battle #37 June 20, 2000 This Viagra Isn't Working!! Player: Lance of Da Elite Four (Loss vs. Anyone. He always loses, and I can't remember his last loss since I haven't updated the records.)
Here we are, walking down a road again. But OF COURSE! LANCE and Ally LANCEBASS are walking DOWN a ROAD! Sigh... DACTA MPR appeared! It's the stupid Pencil Ruler... DACTA MPR is ENRAGED! DACTA MPR's RAGE is building! DACTA MPR's attack rose! DACTA MPR wants to fight! Why...it's too hot today. DACTA MPR points out it's RAINING! Forking clouds...they take all my excuses... CLOUDS are LAUGHING at LANCE! EVIL CLOUDS!!! DACTA MPR is waiting for FIGHT! DACTA MPR is checking WATCH! DACTA MPR used YAWN! It's super sleepy! Fine, fine...go, Cape! LANCE sent out CAPE! How STUPID can one person BE? I don't need your comments. DACTA MPR sent out RABIDBRUNO! Yahhhh! How did you get THAT thing? DACTA MPR: I caught him. RABIDBRUNO is DROOLING! RABIDBRUNO used RABIDBITE! CAPE was EATEN! Lord! He ate my cape! LANCE is BLUBBERING like a BABY! No I'm not! Yes you are! LANCE is stupid! Ally LANCEBASS: Well, that's a given. Shut up, you unworthy *NSYNC member! Ally LANCEBASS is definatley NOT unworthy! Ally LANCEBASS can whup your ARSE! Oh yeah?! DACTA MPR: Remember, you're battling me, Lance... LANCE forgot! LANCE is growling at Ally LANCEBASS! Grrr.... RABIDBRUNO used RABIDBITE! RABIDBRUNO bit LANCE on the ARSE! ARSE as in ARSENAL! ?! *sigh* Ok, ARSE as in ***! Yeeeeow! LANCE went SHOOTING into AIR! LANCE didn't come down for DAYS! Meanwhile... DACTA MPR walked away! LANCE won against DACTA MPR! LANCE started FALLING from SKY! YYYYAAAAHHHHH! Catch him, LANCEBASS! LANCEBASS doesn't want to! EMINEM caught LANCE! At least one of you singers can catch. EMINEM ran away! LANCE and Ally LANCEBASS won against EMINEM! We're on a winning streak, ain't we? Ally LANCEBASS is staring at LANCE's PANTS! Why the hell are you doing that?! Ally LANCEBASS handed LANCE a BOTTLE of VIAGRA! ?! This is NOT the face of an erectile disfunction!! Ally LANCEBASS: *phew* Thank God, cuz this is. Now hand over that Viagra! Ally LANCEBASS took VIAGRA! LANCE is silent! .................. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! LANCE ran away SCREAMING! Ally LANCEBASS won against LANCE! Ally LANCEBASS: So much for his winning streak...*snicker* |
Battle #38 June 22nd, 2000 Idenity Crisis Player: Lance Bass (Win vs. Lance, Battle #37)
Well, I guess I better find Lance. LANCEBASS went to POLICESTATION! LANCEBASS filed REPORT! POLICEMAN: Excuse me, you can only file a report if the victim has been missing 48 hours. Screw that. I'm doing it anyway. POLICEMAN: Who do you think you are?! I'm Lance Bass from *NSYNC. POLICEMAN: Oooo! Can I have your authograph?! Can I have a report? POLICEMAN: Fine fine. Sign my hand first. LANCEBASS used AUTOGRAPH! POLICEMAN: Ahh...I'll never wash... Umm...do me a favour and DO wash, ok? POLICEMAN asked for REPORT! POLICEMAN: What does this man look like? Name is Lance of the Elite Four... POLICEMAN: No last name?! Nope... Let's see...Asian, kinda short, like five five, maybe...purple spikey hair...obnoxious black cape...out of fashion spandex black pants...purple jacket...black shirt underneath...belt... POLICEMAN: Does he ALWAYS dress like that? Yeah, pretty much. Now that I think about that, that's unhygenical! POLICEMAN: Yes...is he carrying anything? No, but he's completely insane. POLICEMAN: I think I just saw him pass by a couple of days ago. Really? POLICEMAN: Uh huh. He was being dragged away by this big, Dragonite-like thing... Crap! Evil Dragonite is back! POLICEMAN: Oh, not to worry about that... EVILDRAGONITE is approaching BEHIND POLICEMAN! POLICEMAN: There are no Evil Dragonites around here... EVILDRAGONITE used KILL! POLICEMAN was BRUTALLY KILLED! Lance, are you there? Ally LANCE: Lance, is that you? Lance, is that you?! Ally LANCE: Thank the Lord! LORD: I like when people thank me... Lance, you have to get outta there! EVILDRAGONITE: Your petty little friend is doomed! DOOMED I tell you...DOOMED! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Wait...I've got an idea! EVILDRAGONITE is laughing HYSTERICALLY! EVILDRAGONITE forgot about Ally LANCE! Bingo! B-I-N-G-O! And Bingo was his name-o! Shut up! LANCEBASS grabbed Ally LANCE! LANCEBASS began RUNNINGAWAY at TOPSPEED! EVILDRAGONITE: Huh? I've been blantly tricked! Heh heh...that's right... No it isn't! EVILDRAGONITE: Muahahahaha! ?! Uh oh... EVILDRAGONITE won against LANCEBASS! Nooo! Not another loss! Ally LANCE: Well, it IS your fault... Shut up, you son of an onion! I came all this way to save you and what do I get? ANOTHER LOSS! LANCEBASS used DOUBLESLAP! Hit five times! Ally LANCE: Mercy! Ally LANCE fainted! Geez...it was just a few Doubleslaps... LANCEBASS won against Ally LANCE! AGAIN! Whoo-hoo! Maybe I'm NOT a loser! LANCEBASS shouldn't JINX himself! Whatever...
Battle #39 June 23rd, 2000 Laundry Day Player: Mary (Some sort of loss vs. Anyone!)
I hate the laundry... NETWORK WEBMASTERS appeared! NETWORK WEBMASTERS want to LEARN how to DO the LAUNDRY! No way! Guys, laundry? They just don't belong in the same sentence!! NETWORK WEBMASTERS: Pllleeeassseee? Oh fine. We start with sorting! NETWORK WEBMASTERS are confused! They hurt themselves in their confusion! Duh! You don't throw everything into the same load! NETWORK WEBMASTERS: Really? *sigh* This is gonna be harder than I thought... Whites in this basket, lights in that basket, darks in that basket, dark specials in that one, light specials in that one and gentles in that one. NETWORK WEBMASTERS used SORT! NETWORK WEBMASTERS are a sorted bunch! ERIC MHE put DARK SOCK in WHITE BASKET! *gasp* NOOOO! DACTA MPR lunged to GRAB SOCK! DACTA MPR grabbed SOCK just in TIME! NEVER DO THAT! THAT'S A SIN TO LAUNDRY!!! Geez, it's not that serious. YES IT IS! NOW NEVER DO IT AGAIN! DACTA MPR is over reacting! NO I'M NOT! DACTA MPR (finally) settled DOWN! *sigh* Now that everything is sorted, we put them in the washer on the normal cycle. NETWORK WEBMASTERS put WHITE BASKET into WASHING MACHINE! RED SOCK was put in by ERIC MHE! CYCLE started! AHHH!!! NO!!! Mwaha. I always wanted a tie-dye shirt. Why you little- DACTA MPR used STRANGLE! GArgahs;ldkgasdh! WASH CYCLE finished! You're lucky that was quick. DACTA MPR pulled out PINK CYCLE! Now, we use the bleach. FLASHFIRE poured BLEACH everywhere! FLASHFIRE turned LIGHT ORANGE! We musn't fool around with the bleach. DACTA MPR bleached PINK CLOTHES! PINK CLOTHES turned WHITE! NETWORK WEBMASTERS: Oooooo ahhhh.... Now, for the drying. DOOMPUFF appeared! Ahhhh! DOUBLED pushed DOOMPUFF in DRYER! DOOMPUFF was put on FLUFF! That should settle it down. What? DOOMPUFF is evolving! DOOMPUFF evolved to DOOMFLUFF! Crap! DOOMFLUFF used LINT TRAP! LINT is raining on NETWORK WEBMASTERS! I...hate...LINT!!! DACTA MPR used RAMPAGE! Flip a coin! If tails, Dacta MPR is confused! THIS IS NOT THE TCG GAME!!! DACTA MPR has a POINT! Hmmm...if I put my clothes in with Flash's... ORANGEWEBMASTER put CLOTHES in with FLAME LOAD! CLOTHES were BURNED! No! My beauitful clothes! ERIC MHE threw WHITE VERSION into WASH with RED VERSION! WHITE VERSION came out PINK VERSION! Nooo! Not that not even joined up with network site! Agh, you'll pay!! DACTA MPR threw ERIC MHE in WASH! ERIC MHE shrunk in WASH! CHIBI ERIC came out! KICK THE CHIBI!!! EVERYONE began KICKING the CHIBI ERIC! Owwww! CHIBI ERIC was KICKED to NEXT TIMEZONE! NEXT TIMEZONE was CHINA! CHIBI ERIC landed SOMEWHERE in CHINA! CHIBI ERIC landed in SPRING OF DROWN GIRL! What? CHIBI ERIC is evolving! CHIBI ERIC evolved to CHIBI ERICA! Wahhhh! Nah nah! END OF LAUNDRY appeared! LAUNDRY was finished! Really? That quick? NETWORK WEBMASTERS: Whoo hoo! How was it done so quickly? With the LAUDNRY GREMLIN! Sigh...I should've known... BATTLE came to END! BATTLE is a TIE! (This battle was taken from some bits of a convo with Flash.) |
Battle #40 June 24th, 2000 Cello Autographs Player: Kelly (Win vs. Narrator)
So. I'm going to be one of those come-back characters, unlike Pro Singer. Don't be so SURE that PROSINGER won't be BACK! Ugh. He sings so bad. I wouldn't mind if he went into hiding. PROSINGER resents that REMARK! He's here? YES! Then why didn't you say Pro Singer appeared? NARRATOR is too LAZY! Yeah, I can see that. PROSINGER used AUTOGRAPH! PROSINGER demands you TAKE his AUTOGRAPH! That is beyond pathetic. If anything, YOU should be asking my cello for an autograph. PROSINGER doesn't find Ally BOB that INTERESTING! Hell, I bet he can sing better than you. And he doesn't even have lips! PROSINGER is angry! PROSINGER wants to fight! Again, why must I give in? NARRATOR is threatening with KNIFE! Fine fine. Bob, go! KELLY sent out Ally BOB! PROSINGER sent out PROSINGER! Bob, use your String Whip! BOB used STRINGWHIP! No effect! Why not? PROSINGER is a GHOST! Ummm...no he's not. Yes he is! He never died. Oh, so are you now the knower of all thing about White Version? No, I just looked in the battle he was in. He actually won against the flower and the Narrator. Which is pretty sad, Narrator, if you lost against him. NARRATOR is APPALAUDED! NARRATOR cannot SPELL! That's partly due to White Webmistress' fault. Oh can it! CAN appeared! CAN used IT! CAN can DO IT! Yeah, that's right. KELLY used SARCASUM! CAN is insulted! CAN ran away! KELLY won against CAN! *sigh* Can this get any MORE pathetic? PROSINGER doubts it! PROSINGER used SING! Ally BOB'S strings are CURLING! Bob doesn't even have ears. Yes, but KELLY does! Uh oh... PROSINGER used SING! KELLY put on EARMUFFS! KELLY can't HEAR! What? I said KELLY can't HEAR! Whattawhatta? I SAID KELLY CAN'T HEAR! Huh? This blows! I'm outta here! NARRATOR left! KELLY didn't HEAR NARRATOR leave! What didja say? KELLY is oblivious! KELLY won against NARRATOR! Uh, can you please repeat that? I SAID KELLY WON AGAINST NARRATOR! Huh? Agh! Now I really am leaving! NARRATOR left! .................... What did he say?? |
Battle #41 June 25th, 2000 The "Magic" School Bus Player: Arnold (No Record)
MISSFRIZZLE: Field trip! Ooooh...I knew I should've stayed home today... DACTA MPR appeared! DACTA MPR: Don't you guys do ANYTHING but Science? That's a good point. MISSFRIZZLE: We're going into Arnold's math sheet today! STUDENTS: Whoo hoo! Math?! But I LIKE Science! D.A.: But all you ever do is complain about it. Well...I'm not complaining anymore! CARLOS: You just complained earlier in the battle. Oh shut up, master of the obvious. CARLOS: *snort* Master of oblivious. SHUT UP! ARNOLD is angry! ARNOLD is TERRIBLY out of CHARACTER! Yeah, but I wanna fight! Doesn't ARNOLD know ANYTHING about POKEBATTLES! MAINCHARACTERS can't start FIGHTS! You know, I hate to ask, *ahem* But WHY NOT? It's a TRADITION! CARLOS wants to go on FIELDTRIP! Noooo! MISSFRIZZLE: To the bus, everyone! NO! This time I'm NOT going! MISSFRIZZLE: Suit yourself. EVERYONE went into BUS! Including DACTA MPR! What?! Dacta isn't in our class! DACTA MPR: Nah nah! MAGICBUS used SHRINK! MAGICBUS is SHRINKING! It always shrinks. Why can't it grow for a change? Because THEN the UNIVERSE would POP! Ok... MAGICBUS is flying! You know, for a series about real Science, this "Magic Bus" isn't very accurate. SERIES DIRECTOR thinks you should SHUT UP! Or else he'll EDIT you OUT! Whatever. MAGICBUS went into ARNOLD's EAR! THEY'RE GOING IN MY BODY AGAIN??? It's like a terrible rerun! It IS a RERUN! This is MAGIC SCHOOL BUS: DIGESTIVE SYSTEM! The one where I got the award for best field trip? YES! That's lame. Can't they afford a new episode? NO! That sucks... TITLE changed! MAGIC SCHOOL BUS: EXPLORING THE...well, you know! AHHHH HELL NO! PLEASE! LET IT BE A RERUN, BUT DON'T GO UP MY- ARNOLD was cut off by RSACi! You should be concerned about this battle, not about my language. Does ARNOLD think RSACi really CARES? No, but- But NOTHING! THIS is the EPISODE they're DOING! Wahhh! It's like going into six grade! NARRATOR points out ARNOLD is in THIRD GRADE! Yeah, but you do "Growing Up Healthy" in sixth where you learn about- ARNOLD was AGAIN cut off! Whooo! What's that strange sensation?? INCREDIBLY INAPPROPRIATE SCRENE was CUT OUT of BATTLE! JASONROSS dropped WHITEVERSION's rating because of it! Oh come on. Don't be so mean! JASONROSS doesn't CARE! WHITEVERSION is LAST POSITION! This whomps. WHITEWEBMISTRESS lost against JASONROSS! Did I lose against anything? NOPE! ARNOLD just EXPERIANCED great PAIN! *phew* You've got THAT right. |