Clashing swords: The first fic
Part #1
Posted 1-September-2002

"I have Dark Link! I have it! Now I can get my revenge on Zelda Freak!!!!"

Nintendo Maniac, biggest Nintendofan in the pokebattles universe (Altough there is an exception...), had just losed his pride and joy, Link. Zelda Freak, the avid Zelda Maniac that keep saying new Zelda graphics were "superior", had stealed ink from him. But Zelda Freak didn't counted that Dark Link was real. Now Ninmaniac(Short for Nintendo Maniac) had it, and he was avid to battle.

At some distance, 3 guys with weapons and armor were searching something, or, at least, they gave that impression due to their constant moving of heads and that they keep saying "Miaaaa! Can you hear us? If you can't hear us, say so!!!!!!" and stuff like that. Suddenly they smashed against something. That something was a man with a chain, that everyone called "Chain Man", ironically.
"Guys.. what's up?" said the Chain Man.
"The sky, I think. By the way, it has an ugly wood-ish colour. But is not time for that. Have you seen a girl called Mia? She's 17, has blue hair and is cute. She also has curative powers. Well.. have you seen her or no?" The guy, that, apparently, leaded the three, said that. The Chain Man negated with his head.
"No. But I know where she can be. See that tower? There is a guy called Daniel that collects cute girls. Maybe he has her..." while the Chain Man said that, a figure approached the four.
"My name is Stadium" he said "I am searching a guy called Daniel. Do you know where can I find it?"
"Yes." Said the leading guy, called saac "We're going to have some "words" with he. Come with us!"
While they were aiming to the tower, suddenly the Chain Man said:
"Wait me, guys! I'm going with us!"

Now, let's take a look to Ninmaniac, that still was dancing.
"I can win Zfreak now!!!!!" seemed like that he don't knew more words, cause he constantly repeated that.
And then Zfreak appeared, because he wanted to...
"ZFREAK wants to fight!" said the loud, booming voice, in one of its few aparitions, stoling its place to the white narrator...
"Time to roll! Said Ninmaniac.

End of part 1.

Part #2
Posted 2 september, 2002

"Go, Link!" said Zfreak!
"Yes? Then I choose... Dark Link!" answered Ninmaniac.
Both Pokéballs hitted the floor, opened, and from its inside, two very similar forms came up. One was darker, and had red evil eyes.That was the only one difference inbetween them.

Now let's take another look to the three guys, Chain Man and Stadium...
All 5 of them were walking towards an evil-looking, dark dungeon. It was were Daniel lived.
"Man, why he couldn't live somewhere more accesible?" said the younger on the group, a guy called Ivan.
"I don't know" said the Chain Man "Anyways, this is a easy walk to me"
"Yeah, but you have been on a friggin' dungeon for years, and you have enough power for OHKO a wall... and we not!"
"Whatever, anyways, we're closer..."
"Will be able of atttack in the #15 battle?" That was the redheaded guy, called Garet.
"Doubtful" said Stadium "Battle #15 is for a new character, and battle # 16 id for some mockery on something related with the Webmaster... wait to the 17th"
"Crap" was the unanimal answer.

Now, let's look to the two "Pokémon" trainers. Both link and ark Link were standing, one near each other. Then both attacked. Their swords clashed, maked strange sounds and hitted each other. After a few minutes, both Links decided to continue using Bombs, Arrows and everything they had. After ammo was over, they taked out Swords again. but Dark Link had a surprise...
"Now, Dark Link! Use your Magic Power!"
"Huh? Sais Zfreak, that forgot of Dark Link being really a mage.

And then, the North Pole melted.

Dark Link shoot one of the bigger beams you've ever saw. The nagic projectile flew over the sky, and finally, hitted the original Link. The shock stuck for a few minutes hitting Link, until Dark Link stopped. Link''s last words were "I... hate... Pokebattles!" as he fell to the floor and died.

Zfreak gone postal then. he had just killed his most valuabale character. The winner of Gamefaqs' s summer contest was dead. Tons of player's morale grwatly fell... remember this is

It wasn't until a few hours over Zfreak understood Link was just battling, and that those things happen. Then both decided to make a really good coffin for poor ol' death Link, and make a special leavin ceremony.
Both then leaved and continued their respective ways..

What about Isaac and the others, youy say? Well.. they're lost!

End of the first fic. If you don't like the end, e-mail the webmaster, I will be happy of delete your mail.