Battle #61: Family Life October 18(Friday), 2002 Player: Erika [Record: 9-3-1 Win vs. Daniel, T3] Location: Daniel and Erika's House
Well, well. Seems I am finally in a battle. I missed that. ERIKA missed THAT! ERIKA kept going and crashed into WALL! Punning as always, eh, Narrator? It's NARRATOR'S WORK! Yeah... Anyways, let's see if Daniel cleaned the kitchen. ERIKA checks the KITCHEN! KITCHEN is really DIRTY! KITCHEN needs CLEANING, BADLY! Stupid Daniel... ERIKA checks BEDROOM! DANIEL is fast asleep! ERIKA used OVERSIZED MALLET! Is super effective! DANIEL woke up! GO TO CLEAN THE KITCHEN NOW! DANIEL: *Snores* yes sir...
Player: Daniel [Record: 14-3-2 Loss against Erika, T3]
Figures.. Me cleaning a kitchen.. what a life. Well, let's clean the dishes... DISHES don't want to be CLEANED! DISHES wants to fight! Well, a nice battle will wake me up... FORK wants to fight! KNIFE wants to fight! SPOON wants to fight! WATER KEY wants to fight! Agh! Fine, go Sno- No POKÉMON for send out! WHAT? You let your POKÉBALL at the BEDROOM! Darn it.. in that case... Go! DANIEL! Open! DANIEL used OPEN! WATER KEY was OPENED! WATER falls from WATER KEY! WATER fell on enemy DISHES! DISHES feel CLEANED! DISHES doesn't likes the feeling! DISHES fainted! Woohoo! Take that, evil kitchen! Enemy KNIFE used CUT! POTATOES were CUT! Pointless. SPOON got a POINT-Y EDGE! Figures... Enemy SPOON used STAB! Enemy SPOON stabbed your RIGHT LEG! Got lucky it wasn't SLIGHTY ABOVE, or your chances of DESCENDENCE would GREATLY FELL! Point in there... SPOON already has a POINT! STOMP THE POINT JOKE! DANIEL used STOMP! POINT was STOMPED! SPOON losts its POINT! SPOON feels SAD! SPOON fainted! Fine, as long it works. Enemy KNIFE used RAZORED CUT! AAAAAAAAHHH! But, it failed! KNIFE kept going and crashed into WALL! KNIFE fainted! Way to go! Enemy FORK used SLASH! SLASH FIC... nevermind! Critical hit! Howww!!! Pun that next time! Fork thrower! DANIEL used FORK THROWER! FORK was THROWED! FORK hit WATER KEY and DESTROYS IT! FORK fainted! Enemy WATER KEY used WATER GUN! WATER GUN throws DANIEL to the WALL! DANIEL fainted! ERIKA appeared! ERIKA: Daniel is sleeping again! RAAA!!! NARRATOR points that DANIEL had to battle KITCHEN STUFF and FAINTED! ERIKA: Aah. How it was that? THEY had an HIGH LEVEL! ERIKA: Fine, let's clean this mess...
Location: Near of D&E's house.
PORTAL appeared! JUAANXIMO exits from the PORTAL! PORTAL closed! JUANXIMO: Daniel's house? And Erika's... Fine, prepare for my revenge! HAHAHAHA!
Battle #62: Vital elements October 19 (Saturday), 2002 Player: Daniel [Record: 15-4-2 Loss against Kitchen Stuff, #61] Location: Daniel and Erika's House
... ERIKA: ... You know, we should came with something to do, or we will get a low BQ. ERIKA: Nice point there. CIGARETTE appeared! CIGARETTE wants to fight! Jeez, work more on it narrator... Go, me! Go! DANIEL! Ally ERIKA send out ERIKA! Enemy CIGARETTE send out CIGARETTE! Ally ERIKA used STOMP! CIGARETTE was STOMPED! CIGARETTE fainted! DANIEL wins! ERIKA wins! Easy..
Location: Daniel and Erika's House's Exterior Player: Juanximo [Record: 4-5-1 Tie vs. Mario/Garet, #60]
Haha! I am here! Prepeare to die!!! JUANXIMO used ENTER! ENTER button was USED!
NARRATION breaks a LINE due to USE the ENTER button! ... JUANXIMO enters into D&E's HOUSE!
Location: Daniel and Erika's House
There you are! Finally I found you, guys. Is hour for die! DANIEL and ERIKA are BUSY discussing! DANIEL: You annoying thing.. ERIKA: You pesky guy.. DANIEL: Idiot! ERIKA: Retard! BOTH: I love you! DANIEL and ERIKA start to.. EWW!! What? What are they doing? They're DANCING! To SOFT MUSIC! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JUANXIMO is very scared! Of course I am! Guys, stop! I'm here for destroy you both! DANIEL and ERIKA ignore you! RAAR! Now this is personal! Go, me! Go! JUANXIMO! Music stopper! JUANXIMO used MUSIC STOPPER! MUSIC was STOPPED! DANIEL and ERIKA are MAD! DANIEL wants to fight! ERIKA wants to fight! Finally a good battle! Me, use leer! JUANXIMO used LEER! Does that DAMAGE or even SOMETHING? It's PATHETIC! Narrate finely, please... Fine, fine.. It had no effect on enemy DANIEL or ERIKA! Enemy DANIEL used TACKLE! DANIEL is not a RUGBY PLAYER! ERIKA used SMASH! ERIKA is not an SMASH BROS character! ... Ran out of ideas? JUANXIMO spots a LITTLE BLUE DOT! I'm gonna see what is it.. DOT turns bigger! LBD was renamed TIME PORTAL! Let me guess, Webmaster has been playing Chrono Trigger? YES! Argh.. no.. JUANXIMO is SUCKED- Yay! ^_^ -into the PORTAL! ERIKA is TOO! DANIEL is too! Where does the portal leads? To 1 DECEMBER, 2002! Battle #101! Argh! 39 battles without the main characters and me? Bad, bad... Shut up. PORTAL CLOSED!
To be continued...
Battle #63: The search October 22, 2002 Player: Karen [Record: 3-0-2 Tie vs. Peter, #46] Location: Ilex Forest
Huh? I'm the main character? That's ratter odd... Anyways, guess what I'm going to do? No! Get Celebi, the rare Pokemon! Ally POKEKILLER oposses to that! Ally POKEKILLER has heard of IT being a POWERFUL Pokémon, which he HATES, BTW! So what? I'm gonna to catch it anyways... Also, remember, there is no powerful Pokémon, is important to use your fav... Ally POKEKILLER leaves! Ex-Ally POKEKILLER thinks you more ANNOYING that OAK! Ok... I will get the Celebi myself. CELEBI appeared! Here you are! Prepare to be catched! SUICUNE appeared! Heh? SUICUNE is defending CELEBI! SUICUNE wants to fight! Go, Vileplume! Go! VILEPLUME! SUICUNE send out SUICUNE! Petal Dance! VILEPLUME used PETAL DANCE! A new dance, a new dance, the petal dance... Is super ridiculous! Enemy SUICUNE was unnafected! ... Enemy SUICUNE used ROAR! Enemy SUICUNE ran away scared! Figures... idiot-guy used it on itself... Now, is the hour for catch you! CELEBI ran away! Grrr.....
Battle #64: The search 2 October 22, 2002 Player: Karen [Record: 4-0-2 Win vs. Suicune, #46] Location: Ilex Forest
CELEBI wants to fight! Ready for lose, green guy? Go, Houndoom! Go! HOUNDOOM! Enemy CELEBI send out CELEBI! Enemy CELEBI used LEECH SEED! Enemy CELEBI LEECHED a SEED! Enemy CELEBI wasted his ENERGY leeching IT! Is super effective! Yay, he's weakened now! Pokeball! KAREN used POKEBALL! CELEBI was CAUGHT! GREAT! HOUNDOOM shoots FIRE on happiness! FOREST was BURNED! No! Let's run away! KAREN used RUN! KAREN ran away! FOREST OWNER appeared! FO: Pay me that! Send the facture to Mr. muchmoney. FO: He died months ago. Darn.. Let me guess... FOREST OWNER wants to fight! FOREST OWNER send out FOREST OWNER! Go! KAREN! What attacks I do have... Let's try... Night Shade! KAREN used NIGHTSHADE! KAREN throws a FO a SHADE for NIGHT! FO is happy! FO forgives you! Nice.. FO says that you should run away! Why? FO says the spirits from this forest will attack you! GREAT!!!!!!!!! ...I'm being sarcastic. FOREST SPIRITS appeared! No! You ran away!
Battle #65: The attack of the bunch of idiots October 24,2002 Player: Wood Webmaster [Record: 3-2-0 Win vs. Richard Gannon, #45] Location: Webmaster's New School, Breaktime Hour: 10: 45 AM
Well, today is being a good day. I hope it stays that way... IDIOT appeared! IDIOT: Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! ... BUNCH OF IDIOTS appeared! BOI: Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! Nintendo sucks! ... What a buch of idots. Better ignore them. WEBMASTER used IGNORE! Is super effective! BOI fell... on a JUST OPENED PORTAL to WOOD! Great... just... great...
Location: Webmaster's house.
Man, I need an idea for a battle! NARRATOR thinks you could use BOI! Those guys? You want me to get a BQ of 1??? No! You know, they day I get a BQ of 1, you get fired. That's hy NARRATOR makes PUNS! Yeah, well, let's say, I could use a guy from school.. nah. Or an already existing character... nope. Maybe create a new one! From where? I have no ideas... I know! WEBMASTER checks his BOOKS! WEBMASTER spots an USEFUL CHARACTER! Zack.. Galaxy? Good.. I can't find any better.. Let's work on the battle, now. Now that I think of it, I will connect this with the plot: and now... WEBMASTER used CREATE! CHARACTER was CREATED!
Location: SpaceShip Player: Zack "Galaxy" Cosmo [Record: No Record]
Yes boss, I will not fail in my mission... sigh *Turns out mobile* Man, I hate my life. I'm a Spacial Special Agent (S'A) and I have to stop something called... Ragingbowser. Or something. Well, I hope don't get shoot in this mision. Be 27.9% of machine is not good, and I don't want to be confused with a machine.. or something.. NARRATOR says to shut up and WORK! Yes, bo- narrator? What a weird thing... well, with all those Black Holes, nothing is weird now.. NARRATOR says that YOU AREN'T ANYMORE IN YOUR LOVED SPACE!!!!!!! You are in WOOD VERSION! So GO AND GET RAGINGBOWSER NOW! Oookay... WOOD PORTAL appeared! BOI fell from the portal! BOI wants to fight! Ok.. let's fight them... Send SOMETHING to FIGHT! Send something? Oh? You mean to use a weapon... My gun! Go! GUN! Enemy BOI send out BOI! What? Why I threw my gun? It costs money! And my boss will get mad if I lose my gun! NARRATOR says that in THIS WORLD, people SENDS STUFF to FIGHT, that work at the OWNER'S COMMANDS, and can be retreated ANYTIME! NARRATOR adds you can send out YOURSELF, too! That means that if I command my gun to shoot, it shoots a bullet? You GOT IT! Neat, finally a way of don't get shooted... Shoot! GUN used SHOOT! GUN shoot a BULLET! Is super effective! BOI died! GUN got 3,456 Exp. Points! GUN went to level 34! Well, that reminds me of a game I played as a child.. "Pokemon" was called. It was fun. Seems I'm getting the hang of this. Now let's explore, so.. come back, gun! Enough, GUN! Come back! Heh, it floated to my hand.. Now, let's see.. what does this button do? ZACK clicks BUTTON! SELF-DESTRUCT MODE started! No! Not again! |