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Battle 96: Of Pokémon Captures and Pitied Foo's POPCORN SHRIMP wakes up! NARRATOR would like to INFORM you that RACHAEL is NEARBY! Um…err… …RACHAEL didn't HEAR you though! *whew* …close one. RACHAEL is currently too hounded by BUDDY! BUDDY: I've proclaimed my love for you in full and tried to do it poetically for you already! What more do you want? RACHAEL: You seeing a shrink would be a good start. BUDDY: I have already, start of Liquid and all…actually, I'm an MHE now… RACHAEL: -_-' …lovely. How long have they been going at it like this? About a WEEK and a HALF! Glad I was conscious for it. I think I'll sneak off before I'm noticed. NARRATOR will JOIN you! A little while and fair distance later: This is better, much quieter. VACUUM CLEANER chasing a HAUNTER appeared! HAUNTER: HAAAUUUNT HAUNT HAUNTER!!! HAUNTER being CHASED by a VACUUM CLEANER starts running around POPCORN SHRIMP! VACUUM CLEANER chasing a HAUNTER followed! Need help there? HAUNTER says that it WOULDN'T MIND! Ok then. POPCORN SHRIMP turned VACUUM CLEANER off! VACUUM CLEANER stops! VACUUM CLEANER fainted! Gained 125 Exp. Points! HAUNTER being CHASED by a VACUUM CLEANER was renamed HAUNTER! HAUNTER facefaults! HAUNTER says it WISHES it knew it was THAT easy! Eh, the dangest things, eh? GARY OAK appeared! Hmm? GARY OAK! You know! Snobbish POKéMON TRAINER from the REAL POKéMON series!" Uhhh… …-_-'' GRRRR… GARY wants to capture you! Bah. All right Haunter, let's clean this guy's clock! HAUNTER agrees! POPCORN SHRIMP allied with HAUNTER! PS is now HAUNTER's ally! What about him...eh, me? HAUNTER has PS as an ALLY! …WHAT?! I'M THE PLAYER!! Man…first I'm nothing more than Buddy's part time ally, now this. GARY sent out ARCAININE! Ooh! Yes! Been a while! Water gun! PS used WATER GUN! It's super effective! Oh yeah baby! Enemy ARCAININE is still standing! Enemy ARCAININE used FIRE SPIN! ACK! PS is now CRISPY RECIPE! … AAAAAHHHHH!!! HAUNTER used NIGHT SHADE! Enemy ARCAININE fainted! Ha, take that! GARY sent out NIDOKING! Enemy NIDOKING used SEISMIC TOSS! It rather inexplicably works on HAUNTER! HAUNTER looks DAZED! Ooooh, another one water gun works on. Yay. PS used WATER GUN! It's super effective! …or at least annoying! NIDOKING looks at PS angrily! Uhhh…oh no. Enemy NIDOKING used CRUSH! It's super painful! …sometimes I wish we stuck with normal Pokémon style attacks. These uber-death things just hurt too much. HAUNTER used PSYCHIC! Enemy NIDOKING fainted! GARY sent out KRABBY! Enemy KRABBY used WATER GUN! Ooh, WATER WAR! PS used WATER GUN! Forces collide! …KRABBY's WATER GUN BLOWS RIGHT THROUGH POPCORN SHRIMP's WATER GUN! OOF!! PS flies through the AIR and tumbles upon hitting the GROUND! …Man, that sucked… HAUNTER used LICK! Enemy KRABBY pinched HAUNTER's TONGUE! Man, how many more of these things does he have? I don't think we can keep this up much longer. GARY sent out EEVEE, DODRIO, and RHYHORN! Ack! Two against four?! Critical hit! Super effective! Not very effective! PS's special greatly fell! HAUNTER is paralyzed! Oh wow, such a stunning comeback, we're assured victory now! Not…owie owie ouch… HAUNTER says not to FEAR! Why not? We're screwed!! HAUNTER says it has some POWERFULL friends! Mike and Gyarados? Oh yeah, they are really going to help… HAUNTER shakes head NO! HAUNTER used…THE T SIGNAL! …T signal? Kind of like the BAT SIGNAL, except it summons MR. T instead of BATMAN! ![]() HUH?! Man, you have any clue where this "Mr. T" character is even? And what makes you think he'll get here in… MR. T appeared! GARY: Mr. T?! …time?? MR. T: It ain't Officer Jenny, suckah! HAUNTER says that MR. T's VAN is HELLUVA fast! …I…guess so… MR. T: Sorry I took so long, but I had ta fix a flat tire! Now, what's goin' on? HAUNTER points at GARY and explains the SITUATION! MR. T: WHAT?! YOU TRYIN' TO CATCH MA OLD BUDDY HAUNTER IN ONE OF THEM FOO' POKéBALLS? THAT FANBOY SUCKAH TRIED TA CATCH ME, AND IT AIN'T FUN! Wow, you mean to tell me Fanboy actually failed to catch somebody? MR. T is too HELLUVA tough to be caught by the likes of FANBOY! …DID THIS SITE SELL OUT TO THE A-TEAM OR SOMETHING?!?! Yeesh! GARY: Oh, you're saying these Pokémon are spoken for? Well, I'm a jerk, not a thief, I'll gladly leave them… MR. T: DON'T GO TRYIN' TA BE REASONABLE, FOO'! MISTAH T CAME ALL DA WAY OUT HERE TO 'DIS "AQUA VERSION" AND I'M A GONNA THROW SOMEBODY!!
GARY lands on the MOON! Battle #97: The Date! Rachael, will anything change your mind? ...I can get you some food, if you'll just stay here for a little while longer. SCI-FI GAL: *sigh* Fine, fine...tell ya what, get me some food, and we'll talk. BUDDY runs to KITCHEN! Hmn, let's see here...umn, a note? "Kite said it was ok that I take the contents of your fridge for Ruby Version. Sorries ^_^ - Deb" ...butched...what else is there? BUDDY searches KITCHEN! Ah-hah, pop tarts, perfect! BUDDY put POP TARTS in TOASTER! Alright, toasty bits of flaky goodness... TOASTER used POP! What the hell? BUDDY pushes in POP TARTS! TOASTER used POP! ...DUDE! Come on, work with me! BUDDY pushes... TOASTER used POP! ARGH!!! Didn't even get it in!...who makes this?..hmn..MS Toaster ME ®...makes sense...ok bad boy, you're mine! BUDDY used PUSH AND HOLD IN! TOASTER is angry! TOASTER wants to fight! TOASTER used UBER-POP! It's super effective! BUDDY fainted! TOASTER wins! What? TOASTER is evolving! TOASTER evolved into TOASTER OVEN! SCI-FI GAL appeared! SCI-FI GAL: ...you're kidding me...he fainted making pop tarts? As HUMILIATING as that would be, YES! BUDDY comes to! ...just gimme a few more minutes, I'll have dinner ready...promise... SCI-FI GAL: Well...tell ya what, since you're so gung-ho on a date, and I haven't eaten in 2 weeks...fine, here's your chance, whoo me nerd boy. WHOO! SCI-FI GAL: ...at least he's trying... Location: Le SnootierWell, this is nice...so, umn, have you had anyone in your life? Liquid version wasn't exactly what I'd call a great place to get a date...I mean, the best looking person there wanted me dead. SCI-FI GAL: That's a shame. That there wasn't much of a selection? SCI-FI GAL: That she didn't kill you -_-;; ...oh, food's here! (thank god) BUDDY used TABLE MANNERS! EXPLOSION occurred! ...why can't I just have a normal day? >< SFG: We live in a universe with a booming evil red voice that just won't let such a thing happen. CHANG appeared! …with VIKING HORDES! CHANG: Okay ladies and gentlemen, open your wallets, open your purses, open your cash register! We're not gonna hurt anyone...provided you are all cooperative with us of course! Um…I guess we cooperate then? SCI-FI GAL: Actually, I think we can take him. …that is, I can take him… CHANG: Hmm, that girl over there is kind of cute. Viking Hordes! Kidnap! CHANG points at SCI-FI GAL! SCI-FI GAL: EEP! That's not good. Umn...I'm gonna ...call the authorities! BUDDY ran away! SCI-FI GAL: My knight in shining armor... SCI-FI GAL: Oh well. I can take him out... gah, that Shadow ship ran away…that robot's fainted um…Arg, I left everything else back home….Oh, what are these? umn...damn, everything's fainted. CHANG: Looks like you're coming with then! SCI-FI GAL: I think not! HAH! SCI-FI GAL pulls out PHASER! No will to fight though! SCI-FI GAL: …EVEN THE BLOODY PHASER IS FAINTED?!?! Urg…ok then, I'm now playing a damsel in distress role. CHANG: *snicker* Maybe that Buddy fellow will save you... VIKINGS used KIDNAP! VIKINGS begin to run off with SCI-FI GAL! SCI-FI GAL: Great, now I know how Princess Toadstool feels...hmn, to be saved by a smelly Italian plumber or a dorky love-crazed goof? ...*sigh*, at least Mario had a job... CHANG: Ok, we've got all the loot…here, give me the girl and you can carry this money. CHANG and VIKINGS rather clumsily SHIFT loads! CHANG: There, let's go! SCI-FI GAL was carried OFF by CHANG! BUDDY returns! Hah, thought I ran away, huh? I was just heading to grab my sword and...damnit their gone... HAH! ...I already said that. WAIT a MINUTE, since when did you have a SWORD? Didn't you read the Liquid fanfic man? I merged with Billy and getting this sword was part of the deal! Anyway, since they're gone let's….Ack! Rachael's gone! KIDNAP attack was successful! And here I thought I'd found a girl who could take care of herself and not be inclined to kill me with psychic powers for little to no reason… NARRATOR thinks you had better GIVE CHASE! Hmn, good idea...why are you helping me? NARRATOR is hoping CHANG will do more damage than a TOASTER! ....a kind narrator, nope, too much to ask for. BUDDY runs out into the STREET after CHANG! ….-_-' NARRATOR turns BUDDY in CORRECT direction! Oh. Oops, thanks. …*sigh* Don't MENTION it! …ever. Player: Rachael.Location: Near the restaurant LET ME GO RIGHT NOW YOU LOUSY UNBATHED HEATHEN!!! CHANG looks hurt! Well, bah, serves you right you evil kid-napping person you! CHANG says he has feelings too! CHANG says that just because he leads a VIKING HOARDE rampaging across the COUNTRY SIDE everybody thinks he's REALLY, REALLY BAD when really he's NOT! CHANG says he doesn't see what's so WRONG about causing MASS CHAOS! CHANG begins speech about the blurred lines between HERO and VILLIAN, and GOOD and EVIL here in AQUA VERSION! … NARRATOR has had about enough SENTIMENT HERE! NARRATOR knocks CHANG out! Whoo! I can esca… SCI-FI GAL FAINTED! VIKINGS carry their LEADER and HOSTAGE to BASE! …well, that would be IT for this BATTLE! All right, did it suck? Was it ok? Was it funny? TELL US!
Battle #98: Losers Wandering Around Lost …DAMN it! I TERRORIZED this version for a little OVER 71 battles, you'd THINK I'd know my way around… That is TRUE…HEY! I could have SWORN that we passed by that SKELETON before! WASPINATOR: It doez look kind of familiar… Oh, and zat one over there! Zzee the rib-cage damage? Ah ****! If WASPINATOR recognizes it we've probably been this way a HUNDRED TIMES! WASPINATOR: …Maybe we go that way? Rather than that way like lazzzt timezzz? …HUH?! How do you KNOW which DIRECTION we WENT? WASPINATOR: …um, Wazpinator have very advanccced map tracking zyztem zo he'z not lozt all the time… …WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ABOUT THIS EARLIER?!?! WASPINATOR: You alwayz tell Wazpinator to shut up. Which by the way, really hurtz ally Wazpinator's feelingzzz… … of all the ALLIES I could have HAD! COULD be WORSE! DEUTSH could be your ALLY! O.O' scary THOUGHT! Isn't it though? Um, anyway, what's over THERE? Do you KNOW? WASPINATOR: Um…not zzzuurrree….but Wazpinator think it used to be shopping mall. Hmm, COULD be USEFUL! Let's get GOING! WASPINATOR and "NED" start WALKING! … … … … WHERE did NARRATOR put the REMOTE? … … … So, NICE DAY, isn't it? WASPINATOR: As nize az can be when you're tripping over dead bodiez all the time. Yes, a very NICE DAY indeed! … … … AH-HAH! FAST FORWARD! Fwwwwwwwwww--zip! CH-CHINK! Click vrt! GAH! Head…SPINNING! WASPINATOR: Wazzpinator feelz like he'z been through the washer… Ex-NARRATOR used URRH! Didn't WE have a "DISCUSSION" about that! Um, right, NO NARRATING, sorry. LONE FIGURE appeared! Huh? LONE FIGURE was renamed… RYOGA? Him again? …Damn you! WASPINATOR: Zzeems like everytime zomebody iz lozt they meet Lozt Strong bot… …umn… That's because RYOGA is the AVATAR OF LOSTNESS! RYOGA exists in all of "LOST SPACE!" Thusly anything LOST will meet RYOGA! …YOU just made that UP! THAT is a STUPID reason only a COMPLETE MORON could MAKE UP, much less USE! RYOGA: Actually…it explains a lot… o.O' WASPINATOR: How zo? RYOGA: I'm always finding staplers and pencils in stuff in my backpack for one, I mean, HUNDREDS of them! And I meet other lost people almost ALL the time! ...and I've appeared in episodes that were either never made or dubbed…it's WEIRD! O.o O.o WASPINATOR: O.o RYOGA: …hey, you look kind of familiar… WASPINATOR: I wazz in Beazt Warz… RYOGA: That's it! I was in some fiasco with…um, well, a bunch of robots and this skeletal raptor looking thing. WASPINATOR: Oh, zat new lizard bot…he ZZZCARRY!!! RYOGA: Not as scary as being in a Sailor Moon episode…*shudder* WASPINATOR: ACK! Zzoundzz like you have luck of zauzage bot. Heh, NOPE. NO ONE has THAT kind of LUCK! Except Ally McBeal in a Sumo Wrestling Competition. KITE! I thought we weren't going to do these anymore… Uh, I think we agreed on no more sub-webmaster jokes. Oh yeah. Anyway, you're doing your battle for next week right? That I am sir! …uh, soon. RYOGA: Anyway, I saw some buildings around here, I thought I was heading for them, but…umn, I'm...lost now. I have enough to WORRY ABOUT already! NARRATOR doesn't think so! RYOGA joined your PARTY! NO, I… Nuh-uh-uh! NO ARGUING! Ryoga, get… NO ARGUING! LIGHTNING BOLT struck "NED"! …*cough*…out some food would you? I'm starving… Later: WASPINATOR: Oh! Thiz iz place! Come on! "NED" and ALLIES climb HILL! TEAM looks DOWN! …Oh boy… And SEES a GIANT, MOSTLY BUILT, IMPOSING CASTLE! …SABRINA has been a BUSY GIRL! …not REALLY, just a BOSSY ONE! …Heh, FIGURES! WASPINATOR: Zabrina? …name not zound familiar… YOU'LL probably SOON know HER as PSYCHIC BITCH BOT, or something Waspy… RYOGA: Sabrina, Sabrina? Oh! I remember her! She's…rather…scary… ALRIGHT guys, JIBBA-JABBA is OVER! Let's go DOWN THERE and get some THINGS settled! RYOGA: …great, the old narrator has a grudge against Sabrina? This could get bad… WASPINATOR: *HEAVY sarcasm* Oh boy, Wazpinator is juzzt zo happy, he zo excited to meet Sabrina he can hardly contain zelf… zomebody help Wazpinator… Location: Sabrina's OfficePlayer: Sabrina Ooh-Oooh!!! I like this pattern! It's lovely! *nods* Yes, very me, it'll be a great scheme for the main of the castle! DECORATOR: Might I also interest you in some Gargoyles to put outside the castle? Nothing says evil and intimidating like vicious, creepy gargoyles with soul-consuming deep black eyes perched around the castle. Hmmm…sounds promising, do you have pictures? DECORATOR: The pictures hardly do them justice, but yes I do! LACKEY appeared! What do you want? I'm busy here! LACKEY: S-s-sorry ma'am, b-b-b-but… Spit it out, or I rip it out of your head with my powers! LACKEY: …well, since you put it that way. There are three…um, individuals here to see you. The apparent leader insisted on it and when we refused, because we didn't want to disturb you, he had one of them shattered a rock with his bare hands and then threatened to have that done to the whole castle! Hmm, interesting… All right, see them in. Could you come back later Mr. Decorator? I really like some of what I see. DECORATOR: Sure thing! "NED", RYOGA, and WASPINATOR enter! "Ned"? Ex-NARRATOR! The STUPID one that got DELETED! "NED": Sabrina, long time no see. We have some things we need to…discuss. Oh whatever could that be? SABRINA flutters eyes CU…err, TRIES to flutter eyes CUTELY! "NED": That's…DISTURBING! Don't DO it! RYOGA: Yes, your attractiveness lies in your evil nature, posing and sly smirks would work much better for…why are you all staring at me? WASPINATOR: … "NED": … … … RYOGA: WHAT?! All right, you know the drill. Feedback Form
Battle #99: 99 Battles of Aqua on the wall, 99 BUDDY looks at SETTING! NARRATOR points BUDDY towards BIG NEON SIGN reading "CHANG'S HIDEOUT" ...I woulda found it eventually.. THIS is the LAST TIME NARRATOR helps you, UNDERSTOOD? Hah! I'm beyond help! ...nah, TOO easy. Setting: Inside CHANG: Go fish. NARRATOR points out SUBCLAUSE: Especially if they say anything along the lines of "It can't get any worse." SCI-FI GAL: Right, my hero in rusty armor... Chang, your rain of pillage and plunder shall soon be... HORDE of PIRATES appeared! CHANG: You were saying? ...continuing >< CHANG: You seem to be a weak...urrh, brave fellow. Tell you what, we'll do it your way, a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get. ...you know a friendly game might be a good way to resolve... CHANG sent out CHANG! Ugh, I think I have about the same chances of Kite becoming a respected writer...fine, may the force be with me... OBI-WAN: BUDDY, now is not the time to use the force! I don't really have the force!!! It's just an expression! OBI-WAN: BUDDY, now is not the time to use the force! I thought you were dead >< OBI-WAN: the force allows you to see those already past on. Didn't think I could use the force... OBI-WAN: Oh, right *zzpt* ...well that was odd, anyway, if it's a battle you want... OBI-WAN: I've changed my mind! Oh, good for you. OBI-WAN: Use the FORCE, BUDDY, use the FORCE! For one I haven't even sent myself out... BUDDY was FORCEd OUT! ...I'm starting to miss liquid's no sci-fi policy...anyway, it doesn't matter because I DON'T KNOW THE FORCE!!!!!! CHANG: Who are you talking to? What? You don't see that glowy guy in the corner talking about the force? CHANG: ...you need a doctor. Been to one, didn't like him. CHANG: … Rather figures really. BOOK appeared! TITLE: The Force for Dummies. CHAPTER ONE: Levitation. hmn... CHANG: This is no time for reading! Come on, there's a battle going on here! No, wait, this is pretty good...hmn..... CHANG began to FLOAT! CHANG: AAAH! What the?!?! Stay right there, I have some reading to do..... CHATPER TWO: A Lightsaber Can Be Your Friend! ...hmn, where do I get one of those? OBI-WAN tosses BUDDY a LIGHT SABER! OBI-WAN: Use the FORCE, BUDDY, use the FORCE! I know, you told me.. OBI-WAN: Luke, what's with the new name? I liked Luke so much better... URRH! You're breaking my concentration! OBI-WAN was CUT IN HALF! OBI-WAN: Good going, Luke, you cut me in half! I'm a spirit Luke, you cannot kill me! ... BUDDY flips through PAGES! BUDDY stares at OBI-WAN! OBI-WAN: Luke, what are you planning Luke? Don't join the dark side, Luke! Oh, bugger off. OBI-WAN faded away! OBI-WAN: You may have gotten rid of me, but I'll be back, in Aqua Version Wars 2: The Search for More Money! Right...now...hey, where'd Chang go? ...NARRATOR isn't sure...wasn't paying attention... Location: Upstairs PIRATE EXTRA #31: Sir, what is running away going to do? Location: Back with Buddy Chapter 8, conveniently figuring out where your opponent is to further plot...hmn...right, so he's upstairs! But it's not quite as spiffy as using Jedi powers. NARRATOR wonders who's BRILLIANT idea it was to give BUDDY JEDI POWERS! The same people who thought it was a brilliant idea to follow the same plot-line every video game for the last 20 years have followed? ...POINT! …hmn, No POINTLESS CONVERSATION of the WEBMASTERS! Looks like at least ONE bad joke has been DROPPED finally! Let's see here......ah, here it is, chapter 23, Dramatic Entrances. BUDDY smashes in UPSTAIRS DOOR while a light FOG rolls in and OMINOUS MUSIC plays! It's super costly to the FX department! CHANG: Impressive entrance...but are you ready to battle? A Jedi needs not battle! ...knew I should have skipped the section on how to speak like Yoda..... CHANG wants to fight! ...well, here goes nothing. BUDDY sent out BUDDY! CHANG sent out CHANG! Alright, I didn't want to have to use this but...you will give up. Then you will lead me to Rachael... BUDDY used JEDI MIND TRICK! No effect! CHANG already KNOWS about that TRICK! Blast it... CHANG used BEAT THE LIVING %!% OUT OF YOUR ENEMY ATTACK! *smack* *bang* *crunch* Ooooooo! NARRATOR didn't know BONES could BEND LIKE THAT!!! It's super effective! BUDDY fainted. CHANG: Wow, that was easier than I thought. Player: Popcorn Shrimp HAUNTER wants to know what we're DOING here! CHANG: Pokémon in my head quarters? I really should think about investing in a better security system ATD security system, because you're just paranoid enough to actually fall for this sort of advertising!!! Alright, we're here to save Buddy from whatever mess he got himself in this week. CHANG: I can see this will be a long day, fine, let's just get this over with.... CHANG sent out CHANG! HAUNTER looks down sadly! Don't tell me... HAUNTER says he lost the T-Signal. So we're taking this psychotic leader of cutthroats by ourselves? HAUNTER nods! ...we're screwed. CHANG used CLUB TOSS! Attack goes through HAUNTER... ...through WALL... ...and hits ENEMY SPEAROW! *blink*...that could have hurt. HAUNTER used NIGHTSHADE! HAUNER pulled down SHADE and went to sleep for the NIGHT! Nice ally you are >< NARRATOR points out that YOU'RE the ally here! Hey, I'm the one who can actually TALK HERE!!! If he had the text all you'd read would be "haunt, haunt haunt haunter!!!" NARRATOR might prefer that.... care to push it? Alright, fine... PS used THUNDER! No effect! CHANG: Just what is sound supposed to do to me? You always hear thunder before lightning, right? CHANG: I hate to nit-pick, but actually, light goes much faster than sound, thusly the lightning appears first… *bzzt!* In NORMAL REALITY, CHANG would have been RIGHT, yes! …but, such is not the CASE! CHANG: *cough* you suck. CHANG fainted! Whoo!! Alright, come on Buddy, wake up, we got people to save! BUDDY is fully awake! BUDDY: Did I win? um...yeah, sure you won... BUDDY: I ROCK, YEAH!!! But they got away with Rachael, come on. BUDDY, PS, and HAUNTER chase down STATION WAGON! SEE THE EXCITING, EPIC GIANT UBER BATTLE, #100, COMING SOON! You've been taking lessons from Jason on promotion haven't you? SURE HAVE! …well, NOTES at least! All right, you know the drill, Post some feedback, Tell Kite how he did on this one would ya? Hi, Mike the Weird here, welcoming you to the Aqua Battle #100. This battle features all your favorite characters in one giant battle! However, the webmasters, in spite of their infinite wisdom, could not fit me in...even though I'm the BEST CHARACTER THEY HAVE...*ahem*, anyway, now, may we present, aqua battle #100. Location: Narrator's LairPlayer: "Ned" …hnn, WHY on EARTH did this NARRATOR create a LAIR to dwell in, I never bothered with such a THING! The white narrator personally does not see much difference between the two of you, but you're not in power at the moment so it would seem you are the lesser evil. NOW, where does it KEEP…ah-ha! Ned, the… forcibly retired Narrator spied his quarry across the room. None other than the fish tank used to hold Deutsh, the unbelievably unlucky German exchange student that became trapped in Aqua Version. ~Walking over to it Ned pulled out a glass of water and peered into the heavily decorated, expensive ornate fish tank that held Deutsh captive. …I remember WHY I don't like YOUR STYLE of NARRATING now! REALLY, it's quite…LONG! Bah, practice of detailed narration skills is never a bad thing. Anyway, Ned dumps the fish tank over, sending a defenseless Deutsh flopping across the floor. Deutsh: *flop* >< *twitch* DAMN! NED never new a FISH could look so ANGRY! …indeed… Ok, TIME for a NEW FORM! Ned spilled the cup of water over the fish-form Deutsh, activating his kaladescope Jusenkio curse. Deutsh stretched and changed form until he took on the form of…a plant? o_O; Deutsh: >< THAT is DISTURBING! If there is such a thing in the world more disturbing than a fish giving you a go-to-hell look, it's a plant managing to give you an even worse one… Ok, we NEED to turn DEUTSH into something MOBILE! Ned poured water on Deutsh again, this time resulting in… a duck… well…it moves? …TRUE, but it seems ODD letting him GO like THIS! If Deutsh returns to his human state, he'll likely be like any Ranma 1/2 character and be without his clothes… THAT could cause a PLAGUE of BLINDNESS! MAYBE I ought to LEAVE him as… Deutsh, fed up with the conversation, and worried about the current Red Narrator's return, took off flying before anything could happen. THAT makes the DECISION easier! NARRATOR returns home! NARRATOR has new… Ack! LET's get OUT of HERE! Ned and the White Narrator beat a hasty retreat, leaving the Red Narrator to discover his new "pet" gone. VIVA LA REVOLUTION! One is forced to wonder, just what the hell one expects to accomplish by releasing someone's pet… …you have NO sense of subility! ALL in DUE TIME! …ok, uh-huh. Whatever. ACK! FISHY DEUTSH IS GONE! NARRATOR must FIND his little FISHY DEUTSH! NARRATOR runs back out the DOOR! Location: Some Desert SomewherePlayer: MMGHAM NARRATOR arrives! NARRATOR lifts MMGHAM up and looks under him! Gah…puzzle…hard… Nope, no FISHY DEUTSH! NARRATOR must continue SEARCH! Location: City Ruins (…eh, this landscape makes up about 50% of Aqua Version anymore… *sweatdrop*)Player: Buddy NARRATOR continues SEARCH! Allies HAUNTER and POPCORN SHRIMP pull up beside BUDDY in a "borrowed" CONVERTIBLE! PS: I think it might be a little easier this way Buddy, give it a shot? …D'oh… All right…*pant* Sounds like a fair idea. BUDDY climbs in CONVERTIBLE! Success chances of CHASE greatly rose! Oh…um, where did you get the car? PS says it's best not to ASK about such THINGS! …though, don't MENTION it around BROCK, eh? …alrighty then… NARRATOR resumes QUEST FOR FISHY DEUTSH! Location: Top of a CliffPlayer: Red Ninja DARK WARRIOR: You want to break into Sabrina's castle? Are you suicidal? DW: ...>< …weeelll… um, someone has to. Yeah. NARRATOR wants to know if you've SEEN FISHY DEUTSCH! I got him some fish flakes and a little bubbly diver style man and...umn, YOU will TELL ME where DEUTSCH IS! DARK WARRIOR: …the guy with the curses? Um…haven't seen him around, sorry… DAMN! NARRATOR misses DEU…TORTURING DEUTSH! Uh-huh, whatever. Now let's get going, I think that castle is this way. DW: ... IT'S FRICKIN' HUGE! JUST LOOK AT THE HORIZON!" ...oh, duh... umn, that way then! DARK WARRIOR sighs and kicks ROCK down CLIFF! ...inadvertently causing LANDSLIDE! Location: Base of same CliffPlayer: Oturi …DEUTSH! FISHY DEUTSH! OLLY OLLY OXEN-FREE! FISHY DEUTSH!! OTURI looks UP to see SOURCE of a LOUD NOISE! *SPLOOSH! CRASH!* OTURI is BURIED by LANDSLIDE! ROCKS explode outwards as OTURI re-emerges! ...someone is dying for this. OTURI looks in MIRROR to ASSESS DAMAGE! …GAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! MY HAAAAAAAIIIIRRRR!!!!! OOOOOOHHH, SOMEONE IS DYING HORRIBLY FOR THIS!!! NARRATOR points out ABSENTMINDEDLY that DARK WARRIOR kicked a ROCK down this VERY CLIFF and is heading for the LOOMING CASTLE as he continues searching for DEUTSH! Ah, how convenient. OTURI used TELEPORT! OTURI appears in front of the SIBLINGS! All right, I had renounced my evil ways, I had planned to retire in peace. I wasn't going to needlessly kill anymore... BUT YOU TWO DOLTS SCREWED UP MY HAIR!" RED NINJA: …WHAT? DARK WARRIOR: I believe she is threatening us. No, I'm not threatening you. I am PROMISING YOU A VERY PAINFUL DEATH! DW: Oh feh, you think you scare... OTURI powers up, beginning to GLOW and CRACKLE with ENERGY, making her HAIR stand up! DW: You would be quite right miss. Come along 'sis... RN: Yes, unwritten rule of anime being that you shouldn't mess with people who can make their hair stand up using battle aura alone. DARK and RED run away very QUICKLY! … DON'T THINK YOU CAN ESCAPE! OTURI gives CHASE! Location: Sabrina's CastlePlayer: Sabrina NARRATOR begins searching CASTLE for DEUTSH! SABRINA runs outside! …NARRATOR is overcome with a MORBID CURIOSITY… is going to see what this is ABOUT! SABRINA and NARRATOR go OUTSIDE and are CONFRONTED with some HORRIFYING UNHOLY APPARITIONS of REALLY EVIL, TWISTED LOOKING GARGOYLES with DEEP, BLACK EYES that SEEM to STRETCH into ETERNITY, SWALLOWING ONE'S SOUL! Kawaii… *hands clapped happy-anime-girl style* NARRATOR makes a NOTE that itself and SABRINA are exempt from that EFFECT… DARK WARRIOR and RED NINJA run BY! What! Hey! Watch where you're going!! How'd you even know who those two were? I saw nothing but a pair of blurs… Well, those TWO are the ONLY ONES in the AREA with DAMN GOOD REASON to be RUNNING that FAST! Huh? What rea… OTURI crashes into SABRINA at NIGH-MACH SPEED! SABRINA flies away LANDING in a MUD PUDDLE and OTURI bounces back a few feet! OTURI: …bah…watch…where…I'm…going…ow… Eww…Gah! You've gotten mud all over me! Who the hell do you think you are?! OTURI: *shakes her head* Someone about to commit homicide again, out of my way! Oh, yeah, you knock me down, ruin a perfectly good evil kimono, and I'll get right out of your way! OTURI: Hey, thanks for understanding! Another slow one. HOLD IT RIGHT THERE! Sabrina used PSYCHOKENISIS BARRIER to stop OTURI in her TRACKS! OTURI: ...that is not even a word. BAH, it sounds COOL, dun it? You dare come on MY property, ruin my kimono, then think you're running away? OTURI: Look, I have bigger fish to fry. YOU WILL NOT FRY FISHY DEUTSH!!! … OTURI: … Oh kaaaayyy narrator… um, anyway, I take it you're not from around here are you...? OTURI: Actually not, but I do have other business. As for what you're so upset about, I dunno, I think that mud might be a significant improvement to your appearance. Hey, at least I'm not some sort of trollop looking thing... OTURI: Hey, I'm a psychic goddess! I can look like anything I damn well please! And what about those? *point* OTURI: these... you blame on an overly hormonal webmaster...and you're not one to talk, you look like two tic-tacs on an ironing board! Hey, I resent that! Just because I don't look like I've had surgery and I don't wear an outfit that would get you arrested for standing at street corners… OTURI: You're just jealous you sex-less looking, snake-eyed… Nearby, watching the argument by looking from behind a wall… THAT'S IT! OVER THERE NOW! I don't want to cause any damage to my castle when I blow you up! OTURI: Pff, you only wish you could. SABRINA used OMNI PSYCHIC BLAST! OTURI ducked! OTURI's hair was disintegrated! COST of HAIR CARE products greatly fell! OTURI: *eye twitch* AAAAAAARRRRRRRR!! MASSIVE FIRE FIGHT begins! LANDSCAPE's scenic value begins to decrease! Location: Somewhere relatively nearbyPlayer: Pirate Driver Hey, do you see that thing heading for us? What do you suppose that is? Oh, is that all? And for a second I was worried....wait, did you say blast? PE#45: Uh-huh. ..and I just got the station wagon paid off too! BRACE FOR IMPACT! *BOOM* Sci-Fi Gal: Hey guys, watch the pot-holes, I'm trying to sleep back here. PE#45: We were just hit by a giant blast of psychic energy, we're not sure where it came from...we're going to have to walk the rest of the way Sci-Fi Gal: We've been driving for a week, just where ARE we heading?! PE#45 -_-;; -_-;; Sci-Fi Gal: Oh, so let me get this straight, we've been driving for a week...and you NEVER HAD A DESTINATION?! Chang wasn't very specific.... Sci-Fi Gal: Oy, you are the WORST kidnappers ever, I mean, this back door isn't even LOCKED! I could just get out any time I wanted...o_O;;...why the hell didn't I think of that? SCI-FI GAL exited STATION WAGON! PE#45: I told you we should have gone for the deluxe evil model, but no, you went with the soccer mom package. But it came with these nifty fuzzy dice! PE#45:...can we just stop her? fine, fine... Right, drive her down! PE#45: Sir, the van doesn't seem to be working. Activate that huge gun we got off of that warship we sunk. PE#45: Yes sir! Bam Boom: Alright, what form of enemy am I shooting at now? PE#45: See that girl running over there? She's getting away, stop her. Bam Boom: Wait, if she's kidnapped, wouldn't you want her, say, ALIVE?! PE#45: ...um, she's really pissed me off… Bam Boom: You know, I've really had enough of this. I'm supposed to assist whomever, but you really are a bunch of heathen thugs I simply can not stand to work for. ...Uhh… what are you saying? Bam Boom: That I am quitting. There, is that simple enough for you amoebae-brains to understand? BAM BOOM aims at ALLY VAN! WAIT, LOOK, SEE THERE? ALLY VAN! WE'RE ON YOUR SIDE! Yeah, we…should get along! Bam Boom: The man's vocabulary may not be of my preference, but it fits in this case. ACTION SMASH!!!! BAM BOOM smashed in ALLY VAN! PE#45 and PD fainted! Bam Boom: Coast is clear human female, you can come back. Sci-Fi Gal: Thanks. I owe you one, that damsel in distress bit just isn't my thing. BUDDY pulled up in "borrowed" CONVERTABLE! Because the pirate dude fainted, we now switch the player to Buddy. I've come to save...damnit, this always happens >< Bam Boom: I do think you forgot one small detail... Sci-Fi Gal: What's that? BAM BOOM points towards OTURI and SABRINA! Ot-Ot-Ot-Oooooooooh #%#!! BUDDY peels out! Sci-Fi Gal: *ahem* PS: I do believe we forgot someone Buddy... Who?...oh, right...do I have to? PS: I do believe it's the chivalrous thing to do. ... PS: so...? I'M THINKING I'M THINKING....*sigh* fine, but she owes me. BUDDY swerved back to pick up SCI-FI GAL! PSYCHIC BLAST APPEARED! BUDDY's CAR fainted! How much did that set us back Popcorn Shrimp? PS: ...umn, don't worry about it. HAUNTER thinks we should TAKE COVER! ...good idea, and these wrecked cars should be perfect cover! BUDDY, HAUNTER, PS, AND SCI-FI GAL take COVER! …Pretty COLORS! NARRATOR never thought a PSYCHIC shoot-out would be so PRETTY! … the narrator's flipped… nice. BATTLE RAGES on! …looks like some POOR SAP is wandering into the BATTLE FIELD for some reason! *BLAM!* POOR SAP looks at DISENTIGRATED MAP and SOBS! …>< Bah, POOR SAP was renamed RYOGA! RYOGA: I just want to get where I'm bloody trying to go! IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK IN LIFE FOR SOME REASON!?!?! Location: Faraway HillPlayer: Ned MWHAHAHA! Ah, I love it when EVIL PLANS come together! And so the two losers, an ex-narrator and annoying character from a cartoon watched as the formers plan supposedly came to being… Unfortunately for them, they knew not what was soon to happen. STOP with all the CRYPTIC stuff ALREADY! I really HATE fanfic style NARRATORS… Location: Messed Up Battle FieldPlayer: Sabrina SABRINA and OTURI are exhausted! The sensible thing would be to try and work this out, call it even, she wrecked my outfit, I wrecked her hair, but… Oh, come on? I don't have to say it do I? NARRATOR does it for you! Silly things like LOGIC and SENSE have no PLACE in POKéBATTLES! …thank you Mr. Obvious. No SWEAT! …*sigh* Without Eric here it seems that others are taking up the stupidity that's been lacking… …Is that a shot at NARRATOR! Maybe. …NARRATOR will assume the worst and point out that OTURI has TAKEN this TIME to get closer! Oh? *POW!* …ow… GAH! …SABRINA looks…VERY UNHAPPY! I HATE BLEEDING! The only time I find blood appropriate is when it's from other people and not on me! You really are going to pay for that! In blood! Literally! OTURI: …*blink* …DAMN, just when you think you know how to respond to anything… SABRINA prepares to attack! OTURI prepares to attack! PORTAL opens above SABRINA and OTURI! Huh? OTURI: Huh? ERIC MHE fell out off PORTAL! …as did MANY OTHER people! …right onto SABRINA and OTURI! ERIC: Gah… why must exiting a portal always result in a rough landing? SOMEONE: Ug…unwritten law sort of thing… What… the HELL… is going on? FREAKY LOOKING GARDEN GNOME flew out of the PORTAL! FLGG: LOOK OUT BELOW! *BONK!* OTURI: GAH!! Why is it raining people on us?! I'm not sure how, but Eric's to blame somehow… I just know it. ERIC: HEY! That is totally unfair Sabrina, I really think you should try and understand that I am not the source of all the world's problems! …you for example, are responsible for a fair number yourself. …great, it is him… >< OTURI: Would you mind saving the reunion until later? RIGHT NOW MY BACK ISN'T UP TO TAKING ANYMORE AND I INSIST YOU GET OFF IT! ERIC: I'd like to, I have people on me myself, but god, we just fell through a portal through time and fell 20 feet to the ground only having you two to break our fall… in other words, OWW! I want to lie here and recover a while!! OTURI: …You will ALL get off NOW, or I will kill you!! ERIC: Bah, kill me? I think not, my character shields are far too strong for that. OTURI: Fine then, get off or I SHALL BURN YOU TO A CRISP AND MAKE YOU EAT YOUR KIDNEYS!! ERIC and LARGE MOB OF PEOPLE look bothered! WHISPERING is heard! ERIC: …the consensus is that your argument is valid. We shall remove ourselves. LARGE MOB OF PEOPLE hurriedly SCRAMBLE off of SABRINA and OTURI! ERIC: Hey, we have way too many people here! I mean, what if some of you meet your past selves? Won't the universe explode or something? RANDOM PEOPLE: It's better than the death we're sure to have if we stay! OTURI: Hmm? Certain death? ALL-TOO-RECOGNIZABLE VOICE booms from the PORTAL! "DOOOM!!!" EEEP! LARGE MOB OF PEOPLE from the PORTAL back away! EVOLUMAN: There's just no getting away from that thing is there? DOOMPUFF emerged from PORTAL! LARGE MOB OF PEOPLE…AND NARRATOR step back! Location: Hill TopPlayer: Ned Oh SHIT! Is THAT what I THINK it is?!! This is BAD! WASPINATOR: Where you going?! Down THERE! I have to MAKE sure that DOOMPUFF doesn't destroy the better PAWNS! WASPINATOR: …Wazzzpinator think friend get reeeaaaal deluded… Location: In front of the portalEh, Sabrina can be the player in this bit too… OTURI: …bah, people and their fear of round things with teeth. I've handled one of these before I can do it again… OTURI was renamed BLOODY MESS! BLOODY MESS fell right in front of CROWD! Ack! ERIC: …need…new shorts. BUDDY: O.O Ohshitohshitohshitohshit!!!!! OTURI used RECOVER! OTURI regained HUMAN FORM! …OTURI hid behind SABRINA! OTURI: HOLY HELL! WHAT IS THAT THING?! Lovely Eric, you just DOOMED the world. AGAIN. ERIC: Hey! We were supposed to leave Doompuff behind, let it vanish as that future world did! …huh? Hey! That portal is closing! If we can somehow get it back in… BUDDY: May I suggest using Oturi as bait? *BLAM!* BUDDY was renamed BLACK SMOTE! BLACK SMOTE: …or not… DOOMPUFF laughs DERANGEDLY! DOOMPUFF says it will take GREAT PLEASURE in OUR DEATHS! …umn, main characters have to survive…right? ERIC: I'm afraid it's gotten around that… it killed a future version of yourself like that. *snaps fingers* OTURI: Umn…I have…somewhere to be, if you don't mind I'll just… MMGHAM appeared! MMGHAM wants to know WHY THE HELL some PSYCHIC BLAST just incinerated the PUZZLE he was working on! OTURI: *looks worried for half a sec* Um…Doompuff's back! RED NINJA: Um…what? Just a minute ago you knew next to nothing about this ver… *BLAM!* OTURI: I thought you'd know that common sense is a no-no in Pokébattles. DARK WARRIOR: Ah, the Doompuff. Mightiest of all foes. EAT THIS! DARK WARRIOR threw UBER DEATH BLADE at DOOMPUFF! DOOMPUFF ate it! …actually, DOOMPUFF is having SLIGHT difficulty CHEWING! Um, now! Attack! Not very effective… Not very effective… Quite ineffective… TOTALLY ineffective… Not all that useful… DOOMPUFF was pushed back a FEW INCHES closer to the PORTAL! BUDDY jumps out from HIDING HOLE! BUDDY: yeah, good for us, whoo!! EVERYONE stares at BUDDY! BUDDY: ...wahoo? DOOMPUFF wants to know if that's the BEST you can DO! MMGHAM grabs BAM-BOOM from the remains of the STATION WAGON! MMGHAM: Let me try! DOOMPUFF snatched BAM-BOOM away from MMGHAM and snapped it in half! DOOMPUFF threw BAM-BOOM onto ERIC, flattening him! BAM-BOOM: ….help…me…I've fallen…and I…can't get…up ERIC: …di-di-ditto… MMGHAM: You can't… DOOMPUFF used DOOM BLOW! MMGHAM flew through the AIR and landed on, CRUSHING the remains of CONVERTIBLE! MMGHAM: …ooh…stars pretty… HAUNTER: HAUNT HAUNT HAUNTER HAUNT!!! PS: What do you MEAN 'this is like the old days'?! You mean you've been through this before? Psychic seems to work all right on this thing… SABRINA used PSYCHIC BLAST! OTURI used PSYCHIC BLAST! …STRANGE LITTLE KID used PSYCHIC BLAST? DOOMPUFF is pushed SLIGHTLY CLOSER to PORTAL! DOOMPUFF says that NOTHING will STOP it this time! DOOMPUFF used EVIL GLARE! DARK WARRIOR and RED NINJA fell to the GROUND in writhing PAIN! OTURI: Wow, and I thought I was meant to be overpowered. GYARADOS appeared! GYARADOS says that it is INSULTED that it was nearly FORGOTTEN for BATTLE ONE…and holy crap, is that DOOMPUFF?! Yep! The one and onl…err, well, it IS DOOMPUFF, yes! NARRATOR notes most of the CROWD is trying to FLEE to no LUCK! …so is NARRATOR… RUN option….HAS BEEN DISABLED BY H4XX0R DOOMPUFF?!?!?!! ...WHEN THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN? I MEAN...DOOMPUFF...HACKING! ...Ah. DOOMPUFF says that it STARTED when it realized disabling the RUN option would allow easier kills.... o_O; DOOMPUFF also wanted to hack into the GOVERNMENT's HEAD OFFICE and send all the GOVERNMENT's money into a swiss bank account, but that's beside the POINT. ALL CHARACTERS used BIGGEST ATTACKS! DOOMPUFF is in the PORTAL! NARRATOR closed PORTAL! UNPRINTABLE swear words come from PORTAL just before it disappears! …*whew!* *pant-pant-pant-pant* Yes! We get to live… I can last to see my glory days. OTURI: Not if I have anything to say about it. …What? Are you saying we can't continue to forget our differences after being forced to unite against a far stronger enemy? OTURI points to FEW REMAINING FRIZZLED STRANDS OF HAIR! …oh yeah. ...wait a minute, you recovered from being reduced to hamburger by Doompuff. Shouldn't fixing your hair be a trivial exercise in comparison? OTURI: ... oh yeah... OTURI fixes her HAIR! DW: ...couldn't you have just done that and avoided most of this battle that way? *BLAM!* OTURI: ...there's that 'common sense' thing again... >< …you know, all we did was seal it in a portal like Red Version did…it's going to come back some day no matter how much everyone hates it… Actually, NARRATOR points out that the PORTAL lead to a FUTURE VERSION of AQUA VERSION! …which no longer EXISTS because ERIC MHE has returned! …so, in theory Doompuff has been erased from all of reality? CORRECT! …and if THAT don't kill the BUGGER, NARRATOR has NO CLUE what WILL! I suppose you have a point. OTURI: Anyone I can kill here? I don't see the two that wrecked my hair… NARRATOR notes they SLIPPED OUT just a SECOND ago! OTURI: Damn it! I want to kill something. …you know, I'd given up the evil thing… is there just something about this version that brings out violent tendencies? It's him. *points to Eric* ERIC: What?! OTURI walks up to ERIC! OTURI: Fascinating. It's like Buddy but even more annoying… I'm getting angry just looking at it. ERIC: HEY! Stop talking about me like I'm some lab specimen! All right, we'll start dissecting you like one. ERIC: o_O;; I have the distinct feeling I should have left too. DEUTSH appeared! DEUTSH: *Vwack!* FISHY DEUTSH! CHANG appeared! CHANG: All right Buddy, we have a rematch now, and this time… CHANG threw away WATER BOTTLE! WATER BOTTLE landed on DEUTSH! DEUTSH transformed into… KING KONG? Uh…some kind of GIANT MONKEY! DEUTSH: GURR? DEUTSH fainted from SHOCK! …ack. OTURI: Bother. ERIC: Eep. CHANG: Damn. GIANT MONKEY DUETSH fell on and SQUASHED the AQUA CAST! AQUA CAST fainted! NARRATOR brings BAD, BAD DEUTSH back to FISH BOWL! …Oh, and NARRATOR WINS! ^_^ HACs: *walk onto scene* Um… *hold up signs* SIGN 1: Will hench for food. SIGN 2: …mob for money. SIGN 3: um…hurt for a job? HACs, seeing no potential employers, leave. Location: Trailer 2BPlayer: MikeHmm… maybe not being in this battle wasn't such a bad thing after all… Oh? HERE! Look after FISHY DEUTSH while NARRATOR finds a new AQUARIUM! …>< This battle's been waaaayyy to long in the making to go feedback-less. So, please say something about it?
Location: Beyond Space, beyond time, null field… Nothing exists here, nothing can exist here. Except maybe for…Player: Doompuff *eye twitch* DOOOMM!! DOOM!! PUFF! EVIL!! ….>< YOU HERE TOO? CRIIIIM-SOOOON-KIIIIING. …SHUT UP. |