Battle #26: The Doompuff Defeat  4th December 2000
Setting: 100% something
Player: Shadow   [1-0-0] Last Battle: Win vs. Annoying (Battle #14)
Written by Shadow - Author of The Battle of Link (Battle #8), The Entrance of Shadow (Battle #14)

Narrator walks in
Narrator: Hmm, strange, I guess it hasn't started..
Some time later
Ditto Appears
Shadow appears
Link appears
Flashfire appears
Charity appears
Annoying appears
Ditto gets purple text
Narrator: finely your all late
Well let's start this reunion
Flash jumps straight I the food acting like a greedy guts
The rest except shadow follow and act the same way
Doompuff reunion enters
All stop eating and look frightened at the doom puffs appearance
Shadow walks to them
What is it?
Doompuffs have room reservation to
Come on guys lets stand up for ourselves
Annoying runs away
Just like that scaredy cat wimp >_<
CHARITY: I'm with shadow
All rest joins shadow
LINK: Ill go first
LINK: Ill use my Goron mask
Link is transformed to Goron
LINK: Now ill use fire fist
Links hand goes on fire and just bounces of the doompuffs
The doompuffs use knock out
Link flies into wall unconcise
Doompuffs want to know who's next
They chose flash
Uh uh nooooooooooooooo way
ALL: You have to
Fine ill use almighty flame version powers
Doompuffs use collective doompuff knock out
Everyone flies into wall unconcise
Doompuffs cheer
Currator enters
Currator is a light puff
Currator is renamed light puff
Light puff gets given Grey text
What happened here
Doompuffs have reservation so do others
Hmm lets see ah ha this is faxe
Leave now doompuffs
Doompuffs wont without fight okay
Fin I will use I own the place and am more powerfull then doom puffs cause I said so
Light puff uses that really long attack
All doompuffs are expelled others wake up and thank Light puff then all greedily start eating the food
Charity eats a bagel
Yum Yum
That reminds me charity im still mad at you for eating the bagel that won you a battle

Someone wins!
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