Robby: A lazy example of me using the Watercolor effect on PaintShop to edit a photo of myself and my siblings.. and no, no colors were changed.
Deb: ahhh the pink eyes of Robby! omg noo~
Doomkirby, Returning to Light Version after a vacation at Aqua Version
Red Doompuff and Doompuff, trapped in the void
Emperor Sloth (or at least my best guess at what he looks like o_O)
My very poorly drawn images of Mark Dent and Poke Man, in memorial of Poke Man's...death?
Here's Bob's legendary capture of the very first caught tree!
It's Red Doompuff, surroudned by some sort of green halo of evil
Sorry about the shortage, more will be coming soon! Fans, send yours in and they'll be put up here IMMEDIATELY ^_^ That is, if they involve Pokemon or Pokebattles.