Hey, hey, hey! Welcome to the Quartz Version! This is the Webmisstress talking here and this Version takes place in a weird crossover between the worlds of Pokemon and other fictional things! With many other random fictional characters both borrowed and original, this shall be interesting. ^^;; If you are confused upon hearing the word Pokebattles, go to the main site where Pokebattles first started located here. Also this site is rated PG to PG-13 even though much has not happened other than some minor swear words and one line suggesting a Shounen Ai(two males in love) relationship.

June 11, 2002: The "bad guys" of Quartz Version decide to recruit some mad sciencists in their quest of being evil. Little known to them, that the mad sciencist have a just as evil leader as their own.
June 02, 2002: Meeting up with the "main character" Yumeko Jurai after many battles introducing other characters, we have an interesting look into the ways Pokemon flirt with each other.