The Kirby Archive: News

Under Construction!

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8:40pm, 2/3/2000
Everyone welcome aboard "Dark Kirby"! He's been accepted into the ranks of the archive, and will be doing the games section. In other news, made 2 new BBS's( was hacked), use links to get to them. That's about it, and I really need to get some sleep.
8:13pm, 2/1/2000
Did more work, "Story" Page up. Not much else, but will have other sites up ASAP. Also the "Legal Stuff" is in Italics. Later!
5:22pm, 1/27/2000
Been doing some work, I got the "Mail" page up, and I have all the buttons uploaded. I'm going to have the buttons be on the bottom of every page as soon as I finish this post. That's about it, anything else, e-mail me. Later!
7:30pm, 1/25/2000
First News post! Okay, I'm gonna have more sections up soon. Until then, only Staff, News, and Board will work. Until then Ciao!

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