Wood Battle #51: Mario Adventures October 7, 2002 Player: Ninmaniac [Record: 10-5-1 Loss vs. Jason Ross Clone, #42] Location: Giant Paperbox of no Return
What the? There it have been a mega-battle, in fact, the great, and incredible battle #50 (Still in the archives!) and I haven't been on it? Maybe I'm not a worthy character? NARRATOR thinks a character who starred on the 4 RARE BATTLES and has a 10-5-1 record MUST be worthy! Amen to that, Narrator. Now, the plot... You hear sounds of someone pushing A repeteadly! Huh? MARIO broke free! What the? How did you do that? I catched you, fair and square! You can't leave! MARIO says that MAKE him eat PASTA to DEATH so he wasn't able of RUN AWAY wan't something very FAIR! Yeah, use the fact it happened before Wood Version started so you can lie about it! MARIO says it's true! MARIO wants to fight! Figures... In that case... I will battle! 1vs1! Go, Wiggler! Go! WIGGLER! Enemy MARIO send out MARIO! Enemy MARIO used STOMP DRILL! Is supr effective! WIGGLER fainted! MARIO wins! AARGGHHHHH!!!!!! MARIO ran away!
Player: Mario [Record: 1-0-0 Win vs. Ninmaniac, #51]
Mamma mia... now where I am-a? Wellcome to WOOD VERSION! Wood version-a? That sounds like something from Pokemon-a. NARRATOR says that's PRETTY ACCURATE! Okey Dokey. Now, let's-a rescue Peach
Location: Yoshi's Island, World 1 SMW
I am-a on the walk to Iggy's Castle-a. EGG appeared! I will take care of it-a! You got EGG! You WALK around the level! What? EGG is opening? YOSHI came from the egg! Yahoo! Do you want to put a nickname to YOSHI? No. His name-a will do it. YOSHI was renamed YOSHI! Kind-a logical. Hey, a lake! Let's swim! MARIO jumps on the WATER! WATER was send to VARIOUS MILES AWAY! MARIO swi...walks towards IGGY's CASTLE! MARIO enters on IGGY's CASTLE! Huh, what's-a that? ? BLOCK appeared! MARIO hit the ? BLOCK! FIRE FLOWER appeared! MARIO instantly ate the FIRE FLOWER! MARIO's TONGUE was burn! AAAHHH!!! What? MARIO is evolving! MARIO evolved into FIRE MARIO! YAHOO! MARIO enters the next room! What are those THINGS-A???????????? GIGANTIC YELLOW BLOCKS OF....SOMETHING appeared! GIGANTIC YELLOW BLOCKS OF....SOMETHING used FALL! But, it failed! FIRE MARIO used RUN! FIRE MARIO ran for its life! It???? I'm-a he! NARRATOR doesn't CARES! FIRE MARIO enters on IGGY'S ROOM! IGGY wants to fight! IGGY send out IGGY! Go! FIRE MARIO! Me,use fireball! FIRE MARIO used FIREBALL! Is super effective! IGGY fell to the lava! IGGY fainted! MARIO wins!
Wood Battle #52: Mario Adventures 2 October 7, 2002 Player: Mario [Record: 2-0-0 Win vs. Iggy, #51] Location: Donut Plains
What's-a that coming? SOMETHING is COMING! SOMETHING was renamed FLYIN' KOOPA! FLYIN' KOOPA wants to fight! Go! FIRE MARIO! FIRE MARIO used STOMP! Is super effective! FLYIN' KOOPA lost a FEATHER! What? FLYIN' KOOPA is devolving! FLYIN' KOOPA devolved into KOOPA! KOOPA ran away! You got FEATHER! Woo-hoo! What? FIRE MARIO is evolving! FIRE MARIO evolved into CAPEDMARIO! FIRE FLOWER was SAVED for LATER USE! Neat! Let's-a run! MARIO used RUN! MARIO ran out of MONEY! Oh crap! MARIO's attack continues! MARIO used RUN! MARIO is RUNning very fast! MARIO used JUMP! MARIO JUMPed, kept going and started to FLY! MARIO used FLY! MARIO ate a FLY! Ewww! MARIO lost its direction! MARIO is falling! MARIO fell into DONUT GHOST HOUSE!
Location: Donut Ghost House
Wh-Where I am? VOICE: Boo! BOO appeared! What? CAPEDMARIO pulls ot MS POKEDEX! ...man, those are popular! MS POKEDEX: Boo, ghost-type Pokemon. This creature gets easily scared, so don't fear it. If you see one, they brace themselves. They never fight. so, don't give them attention. Do you think-a so? It probably wants to... BOO wants to fight! I'm learning to hate pokebattles.... BOO send out BOO! Go! CAPEDMARIO! Enemy BOO used WHISPER! What? BOO appeared! BOO appeared! BOO appeared! BOO appeared! BOO appeared! BOO appeared! BOO appeared! BOO appeared! Huh-oh... CAPEDMARIO ran away!
Location: Morton's Castle
At last, I've reached-a here! WHOMP appeared! This is easy! WHOMP was renamed SEVERAL DOZEN WHOMPS! .... A Whomp called "Several Dozen Whomps"-a? No! ARGH! In that case.. me, use run! CAPEDMARIO used RUN! CAPEDMARIO ran into SEVERAL DOZEN WHOMPS! CAPEDMARIO screams in terror! CAPEDMARIO fainted! LUIGI appeared! LUIGI used REVIVE on MARIO! LUIGI ran away! Well, that-a was close. SEVERAL DOZEN WHOMPS ran away! Huh? MORTON appeared! MORTON wants to fight! Go! CAPEDMARIO! Let's-a go! Enemy MORTON used WALLWALK! Enemy MORTON walks in the WALLS! Pointless. Enemy MORTON used FALL! Enemy MORTON fell from CEILING! CAPEDMARIO moves apart! LUIGI appeared! YOSHI came from its pokeball! LUIGI alied with you! YOSHI allied with you! Yahoo! Triple team! CAPEDMARIO used TRIPLE TEAM! Ally YOSHI used TRIPLE TEAM! Ally LUIGI used TRIPLE TEAM! CAPEDMARIO jumps over MORTON's HEAD! MORTON got a BUMP! Ally YOSHI jumps over MORTON's HEAD! MORTON got a HEADACHE! Ally LUIGI jumps over MORTON's HEAD! MORTON is confused! It fades in the background on its confusion! MORTON fainted! MARIO, LUIGI and YOSHI win!
Wood Battle #53: Mario Adventures 3 October 9, 2002 Player: Mario [Record: 3-1-2 Win vs. Morton, #52] Location: Vanilla Dome
What's-a that coming? SOMETHING is coming! SOME.. shoot, that's like battle #52! NOTHING, there is NOTHING! LUIGI: Fiine.... YOSHI: Yoshi! Well, we're in the Vanilla Dome... *bites the floor* Eww! It don't-a tastes like Vanilla... Ally LUIGI facefaults! YOSHI: Yoshi! ..does it says SOMETHING ELSE? LUIGI: No Bah, who cares, let's keep going. CAPEDMARIO kept going and crashed... into KOOPA! What? CAPEDMARIO is devolving! CAPEDMARIO devolved into MARIO! This sucks... VOICE FROM DOWN ON EARTH: Someone said suck? SOMEONE STOMP-A DOWN THAT JOKE, DAMMIT! 90% OF READERS-- LUIGI: We have readers? A few. As I was saying, 90% OF READERS WILL NOT EVEN GET THE JOKE! IT-A WASN'T EASY OF GET WHEN JUANXIMO WAS ALIVE, AND UNLESS I EXPLAIN THAT'S-A HE, NO ONE WILL KNOW NOW! JEEZ! SO, STOMP IT, OK? NARRATOR used STOMP! NARRATOR has no legs! STOMP had, therefore, no effect! I hate that. Hey, a mountain! MARIO climbed the MOUNTAIN! Ally LUIGI follows closely! Ally YOSHI does its best to follow! Okey, now what-a? PIPE appeared! You enter the PIPE! LUIGI follows! YOSHI follows!
Location: Vanilla Secret
Whoa! This place is full of vanilla! MARIO instantly ate all the vanilla! MARIO is full of VANILLA! It can't move! ... VARIOUS DAYS used PASS! VARIOUS DAYS throw a ball! VARIOUS DAYS's attack continues! VARIOUS DAYS passed! MARIO can now move! CHEESES BRIDGE appeared! YES! LUIGI: NO! MARIO is about to BITE the CHEESE! CHEESE became MOLDY! MOLDY CHEESE BRIDGE tastes bad! MARIO puked! MARIO fainted! LUIGI: ... YOSHI: ... NARRATOR: ... LUIGI used REVIVE! MARIO was revived! Thanks! Let's follow! MARIO crosses the MOLDY CHEESE BRIDGE! LUIGI follows! YOSHI follows! LUDWIG's CASTLE appeared! MARIO enters the castle! LUIGI follows!
Location: Morton's castle
NOTHING from START OF THE BATTLE appeared, and was renamed NOTHING! NOTHING wants to fight! Eeemm-a... where's Ludwig? NOTHING hands MARIO a note! NOTE: From now, you wll face strange stupid stuff instead my sons. Signed, Bowser. Weird... LUIGI agrees! NOTHING send out NOTHING! Eh? Ah, the battle! Go, me! IT'S-A ME, MARIO! Go! MARIO! Ally LUIGI send out LUIGI! Ally YOSHI send out YOSHI! Enemy NOTHING used NOTHINGNESS! NESS feel's he's worth NOTHING! NESS used SUICIDE! NESS died! O.o Ness from Earthbound? EARTHBOUND, still avaiable for your SNES! And everyone hopes that for GCN too! Fine.... Is my-a turn? In that case, me, use punch! MARIO used PUNCH! NOTHNIG was hit with WINE in its eyes! NOTHING is now blind! NOTHING's accuracy greatly fell! Ally LUIGI used KICK!
***Nothing was kicked from #woodversion
NOTHING fainted! MARIO team wins!
Wood Battle #54: Mario Adventures 4 October 10, 2002 Player: Mario [Record: 4-2-2 Win vs. Nothing, #53] Location: Forest of Illusion
... Hum... HEY! BATTLE ALREADY STARTED-A! NARRATOR is too LAZY for do a BATTLE! AUTHOR is too! AUTHOR was renamed WOOD WEBMASTER! WW: Gah, I will try to do a battle. Ah.... WEBMASTER used BATTLE STARTER! BATTLE was STARTED! WEBMASTER ran away! Yeah... Let's-a explore the forest. MARIO used EXPLORE! MARIO is now LOST! It figures... Agh! There is-a someone here? someone here someone here? Stupid echoe! Hmmm.. I am losed. MARIO is a LOSER.. and is LOSED! That wasn't funny WIGGLER appeared! You need to get better. WIGGLER wants to fight! Go! MARIO! MARIO used STOMP! WIGGLER was STOMPED! What? WIGGLER is evolving! WIGGLER evolved into RABID WIGGLER! Huh-oh... You ran away!
Player: Luigi [Record: 2-0-0 win vs. Nothing, #53]
Mamma mia! Where's Mario? Ally YOSHI points a direction! MARIO appeared! Ah, you're here. Enemy RABID WIGGLER appeared! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! RABID WIGGLER used WIGGLER TACKLE! MARIO was TACKLED! LUIGI was TACKLED! MARIO fainted! LUIGI fainted! Ally YOSHI mounts you both! Ally YOSHI leaves!
Location: Roy's castle
You know, with those "Random stuff in the Castle", you wonder what's our opponent now. JASON ROSS CLONE appeared! JR CLONE wants to fight! Go! LUIGI! Ally MARIO send out MARIO! Ally YOSHI send out YOSHI! Enemy JR CLONE send out JR's EGO! Whaaaat???? This is REALLY big! The X-Box looks small in comparision! WOOD VERSION was renamed YET ANOTHER VERSION THAT PUNS X-BOX AND JR'S EGO! Ehhh... nevermind my last comment. YET ANOTHER VERSION THAT PUNS X-BOX AND JR'S EGO was renamed WOOD VERSION! Better. Me, use throw! LUIGI used THROW! Enemy JR's EGO was throwed 0.0000000000000....0000001 meters away! Enemy JR EGO fell to floor! Enemy JR EGO fell over JR CLONE! Enemy JR EGO fainted! JR CLONE died! Whoa! LUIGI wins! This battle is TOO SHORT! Probably #55 will be SHORT too! But #56 will be A LONG ONE!
Wood Battle #55: Mario Adventures 5 October 11, 2002 Player: Mario [Record: 5-3-2 Win vs. JR clone, #54] Location: Choco Island
YAY! We're almost there! MARIO, LUIGI and YOSHI are on CHOCO ISLAND! CHOCO ISLAND isn't made of CHOCOLATE! CHOCOLATE ROCK: I'm not? CHOCOLATE ROCK ran away! REGULAR ROCK appeared! See? SEA appeared! MARIO swims on the SEA! What's-a that, you're trying to so the most puns possible? NARRATOR used TRY! NARRATOR tries ITS BEST! Is not very effective... SEA kept going and crashed... into CHOCO MOUNTAIN! Aha, there IS chocolate, eh? ... SEA was renamed CHOCOLATE SEA! MARIO drinks IT! MARIO used EVACUATE! CHOCO was EVACUATED! MARIO feels BETTER! MARIO continues... MARIO kept going.. and reached the CHOCO FORTRESS!
Location: Choco Fortress
MARIO noticed that CHOCO FORTRESS is made of CHOCO! MARIO ate the CHOCO FORTRESS! MARIO's attack continues! MARIO ate CHOCO ISLAND! CHOCO ISLAND was renamed LAKE! SUNKEN SHIP appeared!
Location: Sunken Ship
Now what? Reach to the ?-ball for END THE LEVEL! Let's a go! BOO appeared! BOO appeared! BOO appeared! BOO appeared! BOO appeared! BOO appeared! BOO appeared! BOO appeared! BOO appeared! BOO appeared! BOO appeared! 11 BOS wants to fight Uh-oh.. Can't escape! Go me! Go! MARIO! I have an idea... SMS advertisment, now! MARIO used SMS ADVERTISMENT! 11 BOOS got MARIO-LIKE MOUSTACHES! 11 BOOS feel ridiculous! 11 BOOS fainted! MARIO wins! MARIO got ?-ball! Great! ENTRANCE TO BOWSER's VALLEY appeared! Of course, that will be EXPLORED in battle #56! So, HANG ON! |