"Where am I?" Sir_Chargon asked himself.
"SIR_CHARGON is on EARTH!" boomed a voice from above, or more commonly called the Narrator. Had Chargon been any type of
religious person, and had he not been stuck in Shadow Version for a month, he would have thought it was
He sighed.
"I know you're new to the job, but can you GO BACK TO SHADOW G/S!?" the Webmaster shouted. "THIS IS A
Everybody on the street was looking at the crazed man wearing a cape and shouting at the sky. "...What?"
As the people went to their usual business, Sir_Chargon came up with an idea: his Portamension, or Portable Dimension. He ran to an alley, then hurled a PokéBall about 15 feet, which released a large ellipse of swirling colors. He didn't -- and couldn't -- have a clue where it would take him, as the destination changes each time a Portamentsion is used. But it was worth a shot. Shadow G/S was being destroyed by Darkpuff, who was taking it easy until July 10 when it would battle other Doompuffs, and Earth was being destroyed by Nightpuff, who was sent here by the Portamension's unwieldiness.
"PORTAMENSION is CLOSING!" blasted Narrator 2. Chargon looked up, and saw the dimension closing. He made a run for it, and dived in.
Fortunately, the Portamension put him in the living room of his house. UNfortunately, his right leg got caught in the Portal World, the gap between dimensions and current residence of the Evil Rabid Jigglypuff of Doom and Red Doompuff. He panicked, and started pulling as hard as he could. "Damn... You... Get... OUT!!"
"DOOM!" Doompuff was sent flying several feet, compliments of Red Doompuff's punch. He landed right in front of Sir_Chargon's stuck foot.
"SNACK," it snarled.
He reared back, and lunged at it.
"That was close..." Chargon sighed. He was staring at his shoe, which had a bite mark along the sole. He got his foot out allright, but he had to change shoes later.
"DOOMPUFF won!" announced Narrator 2.
"NO HE DIDN'T!!" the Shadow G/S Webmaster threw his half-eaten shoe at the ceiling, which came back down and whacked him between the eyes.
"Critical hit!"
Meanwhile, back in Shadow G/S, Darkpuff was on a rampage, and the Shadow Elite had plans to stop it.
"We could send it to the Portal World," the first figure suggested.
"Pop it!" shouted another, firing his gun into the ceiling. Part of it fell on his head. "Ouch..."
"It's not very effective..." Narrator 2 'mumbled', which was
of about the same volume of a human shout.
"No... It would just reassemble itself. You saw the result of the Webmaster's Doompopper, and even Dimensional Fissure couldn't destroy it. We need something more... Powerful." the man at the end of the table stood, and turned around, tripping on his chair as well.
"Not my problem. Besides, I think Torast's Portal World idea would work. Then Darkpuff wouldn't be able to do anything except 'beat up' the two Doompuffs
already there.
The head figure stood, then found his chair and sat back down. "It's worth a shot, but what if the other two Doompuffs get out while we're sealing Darkpuff in? It's just too risky."
At that, this part of the Fanfic ended, fading everything out and leaving the four in even more darkness.
"Oh great, NOW how're we gonna get out of here? It's really
"SHUT UP! You're ruining the effect!"
Back to Shadow G/S
To Part II
To Part III
Written and Published by Sir_Chargon 7/10/2000
Darkpuff, Shadow G/S, and all its characters are MINE! GET YOUR OWN!