This is the site where authors have sent their battles to Purple Version to be put on this site. Every now and then, there'll be a new battle, depending on if they send it to me or I get it off Yellow Version. Hey, send me a battle if you want to. But of course you want to.
Lavender Battle Archives: #1-#5   #6-#10
Color Key: Dialogue/ Text

Battle #13: Revenge of the Jerks! (January 7, 2001)
Location: THE WORLD
Player: Freakboy [Record: 0-1-0] Last Battle: Loss vs. Fat Guy (Battle #12)
Written by
Author of Battles #1-#4, #7, #10-#12

Man, those fat people really kicked my ass well!
Freakboy's back hurts!
Freakboy had some Tylenol!

Ach! What is this?
Tylenol is really poison!
Wait, I've got an idea!
Freakboy had anti-poison!
Anti-poison is really Anti-anti-poison!

Narrator: It means that you just drank poison!
Oh... ha ha ha, how foolish of me. Hahaha... Wait, I just drank poison!
Narrator: Hello, Mr. Obvious.
Jerk appeared!

Hey leave me alone, you jerk!
Jerk: Why am I a jerk?
Freakboy doesn’t know!
Jerk : Than that gives me no reason but to kill you!
Jerk sent out Jerk!
Freakboy sent out Freakboy!

Okay, I may not be a whatchmacllitmon but there is one thing I am...
Jerk: And that is?
Someone with a really strong ego!
Freakboy ripped off his suit!
Freakboy is now Jordan!
Jordan used Smack!
The attack wasn’t effective!

Oh yeah, well I'll show you!
Jordan used an effective attack!
The attack wasn’t effective!

Hmmmm... wait, I've got it!
Jordan used an attack that wasn’t effective!
The atttack wasn’t effective!

Jerk: You cant beat me!
Jerk towel whipped Jordan in the hiney!
Narrator: That must sting!

Hey, how come none of my attacks were effective?
Narrator: Because I wasn’t here, I using a machine that narrates when I'm not around!
Jordan gets pissed because he found out he was outwitted by a machine!
Jerk is laughing at Jordan!
Jordan's moral fell!
Jerk can’t breathe because he is laughing too damn hard!

Now’s my chance!
Master ball, go!!!

Narrator: You dumb ass, you just used your Master ball on a common animal!
Jordan captured Jerk!

Yay! I caught something! Ya ya ya oh yeeeeah!
He'll never learn.
Jerk evolved in his Pokeball into an asshole!

Asshole escaped from Pokeball!
Asshole broke Pokeball!

Grrrr... you butt! I'm gonna do something I should of done a long time ago!
Jordan through a rock at Asshole!
Asshole fainted!
Jordan taped up Pokeball!

Pokethingy, go!
Jordan re-captured Asshole!

Battle #12: Freakboy VS the World!!! (January 5, 2001)
Location: The World (DUH)
Player: Freakboy [No Record]
Wrote Battle #1-#4, #7 & #10-#11

Mmmm... I love the taste of Pootie brand Pootie 'O's (TM) with Cow Milk (TM, R, C)
Fat Guy appeared!
Freakboy thought of something!
Freakboy forgot!
Hey, what do you think I am? An idiot?
Narrator: Hmmm... if your name is Freakboy, than yes, but if your name was Mr. I Am Not An Idiot, than no.
Freakboy is enraged!
I swear to GOD, I am enraged!
Freakboy used Punch!
Freakboy's attack missed and hit Fat Guy!
Fat Guy: Ow, that hurt me! Don't hit me just because I'm fat!
Freakboy is sad!
Fat Guy is sad!
It was a sad day for Fat Guy and Freakboy.
Hey, you can't write that! That isn't even a word you can even say! Hell, it's not even a word!!!
Narrator: I can do what ever I want !
Narrorator drew a funny looking moustache on Freakboy's face!
Fat Guy: He he he, you look funny. BURP!
Hey, shut up fatty!
Fat Guy: At least I don't act digusting and stupid like you do!
No, I don't!
Freakboy farts, his pants fall off to reveal he has no underwear on!
Fat Guy: You were saying.
Freakboy throws pants at Fat Guy and then pushes him on his belly!
Freakboy thinks he kicks butt!
He does kick but!
Old lady: Hey, that wasn't nice, you pantless kid!
Old lady tells newspaper that Freakboy is a pantless fat person pusher over!
The world reads the newspaper!
They find out about Freakboy!
Billions of people are enraged!
Fat Guy: Fat people unite!!!
Fat people attacked!
Old lady: Old people unite !
Bill Clinton: Monica and I unite!
Bill Clinton ran off with Monica
Hey, Bill ran off with Monica again!
No one cares because the new international problem is Freakboy!
Freakboy is officialy screwed by the US government!
Shadowstar and Daystar appeared!
Shadowstar: Hey, we're Freakboy's friends and you people dont know the real Freakboy!
Awww, thanks guys...
Daystar: We've got the real dirt on him, you know, the personal stuff!
Daystar is selling info on Freakboy starting at 20 bucks a pop!
For more bad info on Freakboy go to: www.freakboyisa
Awww crap, now I'm national news. I must go and take action!
Freakboy attacked George Bush!
George Bush fainted!
Freakboy has the intention that everyone is weak!
Freakboy is wrong!
Fat Guy: We're stronger than you!
Fat Guy badly slammed the living daylights out of Freakboy!
Hah, now you need to slam the living nightlights out of me!
Fat Guy slammed the living nightlights out of Freakboy!
Well I guess you guys are strong! Good night.
Freakboy fainted!

Battle #11 (Actually a Fanfic): DBZ Meets Pokebattles (January 1, 2001)
Location: I dunno

Goku arose to a cool silent Sayian wind.
"Looks like things are looking up already" He says with gleam
suddenly Goku runs out of the house being chased by an imaginary being!
"I resent what I said"
Goku without his daily dose of Sayian Poptarts dashes out of the house to
capture the hallucinating Gohan!
It was still a bit dark out so Goku couldn’t see a thing.
He ran through the tumbleweed and old trees that lay on the ground.
Suddenly Gohan stops ahead of Goku and looks back.
A portal (Much like the one from the 4th DBZ movie) appears with a gust of
Gohan jumps in.
"Ah what the heck" Gout says to himself.
He jumps in with Gohan not knowing what lies ahead.
...He should of known better.
Goku awakens to a soothing sound, it kinda went like this:
Jigglypuff Jigglyyyyyy pufffff...
The sound became devilish
like this:
Jeeeegalayyy poof halah ha o ma fokah
"Oh shit" Goku said
In the dark shadows a round body appeared
"awww... how cute, a Jigglypuff"
The puff approaches Goku slowly.
Goku stands
(Bad idea)
"Don’t be threatened by me" Goku says
Jigglypuff looks up
"heh heh heh" It says
"Huh" Goku replies
Heh" said puff
"Huh" said Goku
(This kinda went on for six hours)
Finally Jigglypuff jumps in the air and kicks Goku in the face
Jiggly throws him into a wall
To be continued...?
> > E-mail me a battle!
                  Battles Scoreboard
Key: T=Tournament; [Win-Lose-Draw] Format

Computer [1-0-0] 7
Devil [0-0-1] 2
DoomPuff [2-1-0] 5, 6, 11
Eric [0-0-1] 6
FanBoy [1-0-0] 6
Fat Guy [1-0-0] 12
Gary [0-1-0] 9
Goku [0-1-0] 11
God [0-0-1] 2
Indian [1-0-0] 3
Jason Ross [0-0-1] 6
Jerk/Asshole [0-1-0] 13
Jordan/Freakboy [1-1-0] 12, 13
Meowth [0-1-0] 10
Mike [0-0-1] 4
Mina [2-0-0] 8, 9
Nerd [0-1-0] 7
Old Guy [1-0-0] 1
Orange Webmaster [0-0-1] 6
Pikachu [1-1-1] 1, 4, 10
Professor Oak [0-1-0] 8
Popcorn Man [0-0-1] 6
Turkey [0-1-0] 3
Zigg [0-0-1] 4
Lavender Version Battle Requirements

- All battles will be published no matter how much they suck.

- No need to color code your battles when sent to me. I can tell what text is red and which is blue.

- You can use characters from Purple Version (ex. You can use Shadowstar) or make up your own (ex. It could be Mr. Flammable Snot for all I care)...or both. You can also use any characters from either Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Lavender or any Network Versions.

- If you send me two battles at a time with a waiting list, I will push your second battle behind a bit to let other authors get a chance. Both battles will be posted eventually just not at the same time.

- To prevent youngsters from strong language, only Level 2 Language is allowed here. I will tell you if you exceeded the limit if you did.

- Your battle must be at least 20 lines long unless the battle is so hilarious that I just have to post it.

- There is no length to a battle but if it's ridicuaously long, then you should really split it into two battles.

- Lavender Version's waiting list doesn't hold anyone right now so when you send me a battle, it will get on immiditely. Plus, it will stay up on the top for a long time...that is, until someone else sends me one.

Next avalible battle time: Tommorow.
Better send us a battle before Norb gets too impatient!