ChronoWeb Publishing is proud to host the first and only completed Chrono Trigger novelization, the 110 page, 669 KB fanfic that follows the plot of the popular SNES game.  The story has drawn praise from many people, and no Chrono Trigger fan should pass up the opportunity to read it.  Click here.

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The Expendables

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Chrono Trigger
Chrono Cross
Final Fantasy VII**
The Butcher
Revenge of Beto Chávez

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The Magus Chronicles*
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Chrono Trigger: Descent*
The Dragon
The Old Man in the Sea
Versions Collide
Doompuff Armageddon

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October 23, 2003
>> Posted Battle #154 to Poké Battles Red Version.  This week it's good old-fashioned NES-style fun.  Punch Out fun, that is.

October 16, 2003
>> Since the videos on the Studio websites are temporarily down, I'm re-posting the intro sequence to Critical Miss for those who haven't seen it yet.  This version is a lower-quality .WMV file.
>> 2.2MB

October 15, 2003
>> Posted in delicious HTML form the much-loved document The Narrator's Guide to Winning Live Battles to Poké Battles Green Version.  Or if you prefer scrumptious RTF format, feel free to have a bite.  Man, I'm hungry.
>> pbtips.rtf 8KB
>> Renewed domain subscription for  The domain is now secure through October 2006.  ChronoWeb intends to preserve all of its content for the entire span of human existence.

October 14, 2003
>> Posted a new teaser trailer for Critical Miss.  The Studios website needs to be rebuilt, so for now it will be hosted here.  This movie is a WMV stored in a ZIP.
>> 1.42MB

*Not written by Webmaster
**Dead fanfic

© 1998-2003 ChronoWeb Publishing

Poké Battles - Hosted by ChronoWeb Publishing