Battle #16: Real-life battle #1 Player: Wood webmaster [Record: no Record] Location: Webmaster's house, Spain, Real World. Posted: September 4, 2002 NARRATOR appeared! Urrh.... I'm running out of ideas.... Wait a moment? Narrator? Oh yea, you're finally here. Ok, hear me: I need you to narrate somethiing that is going to happen. NARRATOR always NARRATES what is HAPPENING! Hum, right, but that's not what I mean. I mean... the real word Some "humans", my old school partners, want to kill me... will you help me to beat them? NARRATOR says YES! Thank you. I'm going to use Wood Characters, by the way. They are in MY page, actually.. WEBMASTER'S OLD SCHOOL PARTNERS appeared! WEBMASTER'S OLD SCHOOL PARTNERS were renamed WOSP! WOSP wants to fight! Wants? WOSP send out WOSP! All of them? That's cheap! NARRATOR sugests you to do the same! Ok then... go! Chain Man! Daniel! Stadium! Spaz! White and Black Spy! Juanximo! Sara! Erika! Isaac! Ivan! Garet! Mia! Nintendo Maniac! Zelda Freak! Censor! Let's go! WOOD WEBMASTER send out WOOD CAST! Enemy WOSP used BITE, KICK AND PUNCH! Is not very effective... Critical hit! Is super effective! Causes little damage.. No effect... Mass damage... Slighty effect.. But it failed! Uneffective... IVAN fainted! He's always the first... Now! Attack! WOOD CAST used CHAIN SLAP, BEAMS and PSYENERGY, plus KICK AND PUNCHS! Is super effective! Critical hit! Extremely painful... Tons of damage... Causes minor damage... Massive damage Hit 93 times... Enemy WOSP fainted! WOOD CAST won 11425325523346983626 experencie points! WOOD CAST went to level 5572! Thanks guys! WOOD CAST is really mad! WOOD CAST wants to know why did you used it to soilve your problems! Uh-oh... this week you will get extra money! WOOD CAST is no longer mad! Ok... now come back! End of this battle! Sidenote: Webmaster doesn't hates his old partners, just wanted to do a quick and funny battle. Go post feedback. The first tournament comes after that Battle #17: Walk and walk and walk.... Player: Chain Man [Record: 4-1-0 Win vs. Pokekiller, T#1] Location: Desert of desesperation Posted: September 5, 2002 C'mon guys, keep walking! Ally STADIUM says that they have been walking for the past week! Ally IVAN wonders when they gonna reach Daniel's Castle! Ally ISAAC is mad because it lost against you! Ally GARET needs food, badly! I know, guys, just keep walking... Ally STADIUM says "Make me!" You show your WOOD BADGE#1! Ally STADIUM is mad, but keeps walking! Relax, guys, we're on the correct way... NARRATOR points your map! What's with my map? Oh, no.. it is upside-down... Allies FACEFAULT! SOMETHING is approaching! Uh-oh... SOMETHING was renamed RADIOACTIVE LIFE CEREAL! What's a "Life Cereal"? That part of a complete breakfast! What's a breakfast? That dungeon sucked your brain, apparently... Nevermind, does it wants to fight or no? RADIOACTIVE LIFE CEREAL doesn't wants to fight! No? Wants to escape! Escape.. of what? NINMANIAC appeared! RLC points to NINMANIAC! I don't get what's with you two... RLC doesn't wants to be ATE by NINMANIAC... No one will eat Radioactivity, if is enough clever. Ally GARET used EAT! RLC was EATEN! What? GARET is evolving! GARET evolved into MAGIKARP! Poor Guy... MAGIKARP wants to fight! MAGIKARP used... MAGIKARP fainted! That battle is pathetic. NINMANIAC wants to fight! Wait.. CHAIN MAN used CHAIN THROW! NINMANIAC fell on line 10 of battle # 18! End of battle! Battle #18: Super Smash Stadium Player: Stadium [Record: 1-1-0 Win vs. Spaz, battle #3] Location: Desert of deseperation Posted: September 5, 2002 STADIUM and allies are walking towards DANIEL'S CASTLE! Hey, I get the spotlight for once! Woohoo! You got SPOTLIGHT! Not that one... SPOTLIGHT used EXPLODE! You losed some HP! Ow! SOMETHING is falling! It is a meteor? A missile? What is it? SOMETHING was renamed NINMANIAC, and fell over you! OWIE!!!! I only like when girls fall over me.. Which happens... never? Shut up. By the way, you will not want... NINMANIAC wants to fight! You want a battle? Then you will have a battle! Go, Scyther! Enemy NINMANIAC send out MARIO! Scyther, use your fury cutter attack! SCYTHER used FURY CUTTER! Hit 4 times! Enemy MARIO used FIREBALL! SCYTHER was burn! Scyther, use Stop, Drop and Roll! SCYTHER used STOP! SCYTHER STOPS! SCYTHER used DROP! SCYTHER dropped itself! SCYTHER used ROLL! FIRE fainted! SCYTHER hit MARIO while rolling! MARIO: Mamma mia.... MARIO fainted! I'm winning! NINMANIAC: You will have less luck with this one.. It wasn't luck, was my great trainer skillz! Enemy NINMANIAC send out DARMANI! Didn't ZFreak have that one? No, you mean DARUNIA! Whatever, they're similar. TELL that to the webmaster! Why, oh, wait, I just noticed the url to this site... nevermind. Scyther, use your Slash attack! SCYTHER used SLASH! Is not very effective.... NINMANIAC: Darmani is a goron, gorons are like rocks, Normal is not very effective against Rock.. Now, Darmani, FINISH IT WITH ROLL OFF! NARRATOR tells you to let the caps to it! Enemy DARMANI used ROLL OFF! Enemy DARMANI ROLLed OFF over SCYTHER! Scyther, use your... urrh... SCYTHER used URRH! No effect! IT-WASN'T-LITERAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WEBMASTER's revenge, NARRATOR told you... Enemy DARMANI's attack continues! Enemy DARMANI used ROLL OFF! Damage doubled! Critical hit! SCYTHER fainted! Get'm, Rhydon! Enemy is rolling like crazy! Get'm RHYDON! Rhydon, use your Earthquake! RHYDON used EARTHQUAKE! Is super effective! Critical hit! Enemy DARMANI fainted! Yes!!!! I have the advantadge! Enemy NINMANIAC send out FOX! Fox Mulder? No! FOX MC CLOUD, from the FBI.. err, from STAR WING! Also known as Lylat Wars. Correct! Rhydon, use your Earthquake! Enemy FOX used BLASTER! RHYDON is paralyzed! It may not attack! RHYDON is fully paralized! Try Rock Slide now! Enemy FOX used BLASTER! BLASTER missed RHYDON! BLASTER kept going and crashed... into you! Arrghhhh! Why I keep receiving all the missing hits! Maybe because YOU'RE always on the MIDDLE! RHYDON used ROCK SLIDE! RHYDON threw tons of rocks over FOX! I'm going to win, yes, yes, yes! Enemy FOX used MIRROR SHIELD! ROCKS hit MIRROR SHIELD... ...doubled their powered.. ...and came back to RHYDON! RHYDON was hit 64 times! RHYDON fainted! Aw, well.. your turn, Fearow! Do it! FEAROW! Fearow, use Drill Peck! FEAROW used DRILL PECK! FEAROW grab a DRILL MACHINE with its PECK and threw it to FOX! As long it causes damage... Enemy FOX is confused! It hurt irself in its confusion! FOX fainted! If Fearow did that to me I will be confused too... Enemy NINMANIAC send out DARK LINK! I guess that is his last one... Correct.. for once! Enemy DARK LINK used STAB! Critical hit! FEAROW is bleeding! Poor Fearow... have some Bleedcureberry! STADIUM used BLEEDCUREBERRY! FEAROW is no longer bleeding! I love those berries... Fearow, finish it with Hyper Beam! HYPER BEAM stinks! So you still want to use it? Yes! FEAROW used HYPER BEAM! FEAROW beams with HYPER-ness! I hate puns. HYPER-NESS BEAM hitted DARK LINK! DARK LINK fainted! You win! Yes! Yes! Nintendo Maniac, would you like... NINMANIAC: To join our group, because we're going to battle Daniel? Yes. If you wonder why I knew, I got a copy of the plot. THIS does has a plot? NINMANIAC: Quite a bit End of battle.. NARRATOR thinks. Battle# 19: What is he doing? Player: Daniel [Record: 5-0-0 Win vs. Spaz, #9] Location: Daniel's castle Posted: September 6, 2002 What is DANIEL doing? Hmm... Narrator? Yes, that's me! Incredible.. I haven't seen you in a long time.. that would explain why reality seemed so... simple. Or something. As NARRATOR said.. what are you doing? Cleaning my Bisho-balls, I like have my girls happy ^^ NARRATOR is.. scared! And no idea why! Huh? What is that coming? NARRATOR thinks that there is NOTHING! aha... Good then. ERIKA broke free! What? ERIKA says she wants to be free! ERIKA wants to fight! Pokemon-style? ERIKA says YES! ERIKA send out VICTREBEEL! Go, Crobat! Go! CROBAT! Enemy VICTREBEEL used BEEL! Enemy VICTREBEEL looks like a BELL! Crobat, use your Bat attack! CROBAT used BAT! CROBAT is a BAT.. that hits VICREBEEL with a BAT! Critical home run! VICTREBEEL fainted! ERIKA surrenders! ERIKA: You winned me... ok, I will be your Ally. No Ball, and we battle feet with feet. Everything we win is 50/50 Do you accept? Why not? Okay! ERIKA was renamed Ally ERIKA! The NOTHING coming appeared! NOTHING was renamed JUANXIMO! Juanximo? What are you doing here? JUANXIMO is here to defeat you! JUANXIMO send out ROCCO and itself! ERIKA: I take Juanximo, you have the other! Deal! Player: Erika [Record: 1-1-1 Tie-alliance with Daniel, #19] JUANXIMO send out JUANXIMO! Go! ERIKA! I will try to unconcentrate him.. Charm! ERIKA used CHARM! Enemy JUANXIMO is.. SCARED? Scared? Could it be.... I will try with Lovely Kiss! ERIKA used LOVELY KISS! Enemy JUANXIMO is MORE SCARED! Okay.. time for my best attacks! Player: Daniel [Record: 5-0-1 Tie Alliance with Erika, #19] Go! DANIEL! Enemy ROCCO used PUNCH! Is not very effective... You call THAT an attack? This is an attack! DANIEL used THIS! THIS was renamed IRON CLUB! DANIEL used IRON CLUB on enemy ROCCO! Enemy ROCCO fainted! Player: Erika [Record: 1-1-1] ERIKA used SWEET KISS, CHARM, LOVELY KISS, ATTRACT, BITE and LICK on enemy JUANXIMO! JUANXIMO ran away.. very scared! DANIEL and ERIKA win! Yay! NARRATOR ran away scared! JUANXIMO: Go post feedback, or I will die.. man, I am really scared of that Erika girl. Battle #20: Evil's alliance. September 7, 2002 Player: Pokekiller [Record: 1-2-0 loss vs. Chain Man, T#1] Location: Wood City, Pokemon Center. JUANXIMO appeared! What? PKMN centers are free? They must be evil! I will destroy it, then! POKEKILLER is charging energy.... JUANXIMO entered in a Pokéball! JUANXIMO healed itself in the PKMN RECOVERING MACHINE! JUANXIMO: I'm... not... an... it! -_- Aha.. Now, DIE! POKEKILLER used HYPER KILLER BEAM! POKÉCENTER exploded! JUANXIMO was blewed 10 milles away! Ok, I destroyed one of the evil bases in this world.. Let's go now to the Gym! NURSE JOY appeared! What do you want? NURSE JOY is mad because that was its POKÉMON CENTER! So sue me! NURSE JOY used SUE! Is super effective! POKÉKILLER lost €1,000,000,000,000! AAAHHH!!!!! Wait... what's an €? It's an EURO, new Europeans's money! Whatever... I didn't know I had those! You don't! At least, not now! Ha.Ha.Ha POKÉKILLER used FAKE LAUGH! No effect! NURSE JOY wants to fight! She finally revealed herself.. Ok, then.. Go, Bishop! Go! BISHOP! Enemy NURSE JOY send out CHANSEY! That's gonna be easy.. Bishop, use your Holy Water attack! BISHOP used HOLY WATER! Enemy CHANSEY lost 207 HP points! YES! MWAHAAHHAHHHAAHA!! Enemy CHANSEY seems unnafected! Oh, wait.. how much HP has Chansey remaining? Enemy CHANSEY has 500 HP remaining! Big problems... What? CHANSEY is evolving! Into Chanseayable? Enemy CHANSEY evolved into BLISSEY! BISHOP is confused! Why is confused? Oh, wait, evolution, religion.... nevermind. It destroyed itself in its confusion! BISHOP died! AAAHHHHHH! Go, me! The enemy has low defense but kickass HP! Get'm POKÉKILLER! Killing Kick! POKEKILLER used KILLING KICK! Critical hit! Is not very effective... BLISSEY fainted! Finally... for that, I losed a Bishop! The Pope will kill me.. Enemy NURSE JOY send out NURSE JOY! Aha, one vs. one, no? No! She send out one of its sisters! Narrator, you said "she" and then "it" NARRATOR is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion! JUANXIMO appeared! Enemy NURSE JOY also send out NURSE JOY.. and this time is she! 2 vs. 1? No fair! JUANXIMO loudly coughs! JUANXIMO says he will be your ally! Woohoo! Let's go! Ally JUANXIMO send out JUANXIMO! Enemy NURSE JOY used MEGA KICK! Enemy NURSE JOY used STOMP! Ow... my turn! POKEKILLER used KILLER BEAM! Enemy NURSE JOY fainted! Ally JUANXIMO used 69! Numbers 6 and 9 fly towards enemy NURSE JOY! 6 hits enemy NURSE JOY! 9 hits enemy NURSE JOY! Enemy NURSE JOY fainted! You win! Juanximo.. we're unstoppable. Ally JUANXIMO says yes! Let's be firends, ok? Ally JUANXIMO agreed! The age of death and desesperation for this world just started.. HAH! Battle ended, NARRATOR guesses.. Batles 21 to 25 |
Battles 1-5 Battles 6-10 Battles 11-15 |