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Battle# 21: With so, a new one enters. 8 August, 2002 Player: James (Team Rocket) [Record: No record] Location: Pokecenter's remainings, Wood City JAMES appeared! Where I am? Welcome to WOOD VERSION! That is not the answer.. where I am? NARRATOR facefaults! YOU are in WOOD VERSION, home of the Chain Man, battle #21! Ok, ok. And.. where is Jessie? She wasn't WORTHY of use! THEN HOW CAN I SAY THE MOTTO?!?!?!?!!?!?!? You have a new PARTNER KAREN appeared! Karen from the Elite Four, Gold/Silver? No other! KAREN: You're James? I'm happy of know you. KAREN smilies! JAMES smilies! NARRATOR grins! Sky looks so weird now... NOBODY appeared! If it is nobody, how it then appeared? NOBODY was renamed POKÉKILLER! POKÉKILLER wants to fight! JUANXIMO wants to fight! 2 against 2.. ok! Go Weezing! Go! WEEZING! Ally KAREN send out GENGAR! Enemy POKEKILLER send out POKEKILLER! Enemy JUANXIMO send out JUANXIMO! JUANXIMO: We are using ourselves, you're using Pokemon, it's unfair! Enemy JUANXIMO used COMPLAIN! No effect! We are the Team Rocket, we ARE unfair and cheap! Now, Weezing.. use your Sludge Bomb attack! Ally KAREN agrees! Ally KAREN's GENGAR used SHADOWBALL! Attack combo-ed in one! SLUDGE SHADOW BALL hits JUANXIMO and POKÉKILLER! JUANXIMO: We never surrender! No? Ally KAREN send out KAREN! Go! JAMES! TEAM ROCKET used MOTTO! Is super annoying! JUANXIMO and POKEKILLER ran away scared! You win! Post Feedback Battle #22: Finally! September 9, 2002 Player: Chain Man [Record: 4-1-0 Win vs. Pokekiller, T#1] Location: In front of Daniel's castle. We've finally reached! THEY finally did! Now, let's all go now inside the castle! CHAIN MAN and allies used ENTER! CHAIN MAN and allies ENTERED! Location: Daniel's castle Ok, we are inside now. Were we should go now...? 4 doors appeared! I go for the north door, Stadium for the east one, Ninmaniac gets the west one, and Isaac/Ivan, the south one. Ok, let's roll! Player: Ninmaniac [Record: 3-2-1 Loss versus Stadium, #18] NINMANIAC entered the room! Ok, this room looks like... COMPUTER VOICE: Character recognized: Ninmaniac. Character sended to counter it: Zfreak. What? Character sended.... those rooms are prepared to make us battle before we can continue? NARRATOR, READERS, and EVERYONE ELSE already knew! Sorry. ZFREAK appeared! ZFREAK wants to fight! ZFREAK send out DARUNIA! This time... I will win.! Go, Darmani! Go! DARMANI! That's what I said... Enemy DARUNIA used MEGA PUNCH! Is not very effetive... Now! EARTHQUAKE! DARMANI used EARTHQUAKE! Critical hit! Enemy DARUNIA fainted! YES! ZFREAK send out SARIA! Enemy SARIA used FLOWER POWER! Is super effective! DARMANI fainted! Oook.. go, Giga Bowser! The enemy is an eternal children! Get'm GIGA BOWSER! Flamethrower! GIGABOWSER used FLAMETHROWER! GIGABOWSER pulls out a GUN and starts to THROW FLAMES with it! Puns aren't funny, just FYI. Is super effective! Enemy SARIA fainted! 2-1! Enemy ZFREAK send out ZELDA! Crap. Giga Bowser.. try the Slash attack... GIGA BOWSER is loafing around... GIGA BOWSER used ROLLING TACKLE! Enemy ZELDA fainted! You win! WOOOOOOOOOOO-HOOOOO! DOOR appeared! I can finally leave his room! NINMANIAC used LEAF! NINMANIAC LEAVED the room! Player: Stadium [Record: 2-0-1 Win vs. Ninmaniac, battle #18] STADIUM enters the room! Various COMPUTERS are working.... I will just destroy them... WALL is opened! GIANT MECHA appeared! GIANT MECHA wants to fight! Yup.. Go, Rhydon! Go! RHYDON! Use Body Slam! RHYDON used BODY SLAM! RHYDON SLAMS enemy GIANT MECHA with his BODY! Critical hit! GIANT MECHA fainted! I win GIANT MECHA recomposes! Shit. Go.... Exeggutor! Get'm EXEGGUTOR! Just "Get'm"? Nothing else? Gotta catch'em all! ... Exeggutor, Solar Beam! EXEGGUTOR is charging energy... Enemy GIANT MECHA used MISSILE! RHYDON fainted! *sigh* EXEGGUTOR used SOLAR BEAM! Critical hit! Enemy GIANT MECHA ran away! DOOR appeared! STADIUM leaves the room! Player: Isaac [Record: 1-2-0 loss versus Chain Man, T#1] ISAAC enters the room! IVAN: Ya know, Isaac, I have been thinking lately... this universe has been just giving us problems from the start... Mia has been caught, Garet turned into a Magikarp... Probably me, or you, will have problems sooner or later... Don't worry, we're going to rescue Mia now, and Garet.. we could be able of find something to help him, sure. IVAN: If you say so.... DOOR opens! GIANT MECHA appeared! GIANT MECHA wants to fight! IVAN: I told you. GIANT MECHA send out GIANT MECHA! Let's go! Go! ISAAC! Ally IVAN send out IVAN! Eat this! ISAAC used EAT THIS! THIS was renamed IVAN! IVAN was EATEN! Crap. Now, I will try with.. Ragnarok! ISAAC used RAGNAROK! GIANT MECHA's LEFT ARM exploded! GIANT MECHA LEFT LEG exploded! GIANT MECHA fell to floor! And, now...Grand GAIA! ISAAC used GRAND GAIA! Is super effective! GIANT MECHA exploded! NARRATOR guesses that counts like a win! IVAN was send out various milles away! At least I am still here... DOOR! appeared! You enter in the DOOR! Player: Chain Man CHAIN MAN enters the room! KING AFRICA appeared! KA: BooooombAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Enemy KING AFRICA is DANCING... in a very PATHETHIC way! AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! CHAIN MAN used CHAIN KILL! Is super effective! KING AFRICA died! Thank you. SCALES appeared! CHAIN MAN climbs the scales! Location: Top of Daniel's castle. You appeared! Ally ISAAC appeared! Ally NINMANIAC appeared! Ally STADIUM appeared! And now... DANIEL appeared! ERIKA appeared! SARA appeared! MIA appeared! Let's go! DANIEL wants to fight! ERIKA wants to fight! SARA wants to fight! MIA wants to fight! Ally STADIUM wants to fight! Ally NINMANIAC wants to fight! Ally ISAAC wants to fight! You want to fight! The WWE#1 comes after that Now, post feedback., okey? Battle #23: The results 11 September, 2002 Player: Daniel [Record: 6-1-1, loss versus Stadium, WWE#1] Location: Daniel's castle Ok, girls... you're free to leave. SARA leaved! MIA was caught by Isaac! ERIKA is still your ally! Woohoo! Does that means that she lo.. .... .... ..YES! But don't tell it. IS A SECRET TO EVERYONE Ok, dude. NARRATOR is no dude! Whatever. Anyways, what could I do? I know! I will bethe best PKMN trainer! NARRATOR thinks that's unoriginal! Well, then I will... Think it later! NO! YES! NO! YES! NO! YES! WHY? ERIKA: Look that! What? BOEING 747 appeared! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOEING 747 wants to fight! What the? BOEING 747 send out BOEING 747! BOEING 747 used TACKLE! Is super effective! BOEING 747 exploded! DANIEL'S CASTLE fainted! WHAT?????????? DANIEL'S CASTLE was renamed DANIEL'S CASTLE RUINS! Location: Daniel's Castle ruins Funny. Will the Castle and the Boeing 747 be added to the record? Yes! .... Oh well.. who did this? Guess it! The webmaster? No. Almighty one? No. Bin Laden! AFFIRMATIVE BELL sounds! Ok, so... I'm going to Pakistan now! Location: Pakistan. BIN LADEN appeared! BIN LADEN wants to fight! Go me! Go! DANIEL! DANIEL used PUNCH! Is super effective! BIN LADEN died! Whoa, that was easy. NARRATOR guesses it was really weak! I agree with you, dude. NARRATOR is not a dude! Go post feedback, or another Boeing747 will fight you. Battle #24: Rockets!!! September 12, 2002 Player: Karen [Record: 1-0-0 win vs. Juanximo/Pokekiller, #21] Location: Pallet town. Ok... what were doing here? Ally JAMES says they're here for steal MISTY'S TOGEPI! You know, usually is MISTY who has it, no ASH... Ally JAMES says they're probably in love and therefore the live together! .... JAMES is DAYDREAMING! Is MORE probable that THISbattle gets a BQ of 5 than ASH and MISTY get in LOVE! I agree with you, narrator. Thanks! JAMES: Then were can Misty be located? Probably in Cerulean city? Ally JAMES agrees! Location: Cerulean city. MISTY appeared! Ok, let's go! Ally JAMES send out JAMES! Go! KAREN! TEAM ROCKED used MOTTO! Is super annoying! MISTY: What are you doing here? We're going to get Togepi! MISTY; Here, have it! You got TOGEPI! So easy? MISTY says YES! MISTY says she was fed up of TOGEPI! JAMES: Well, that's surprising... TOGEPI used MENTAL CONTROL! ????????? On MISTY! MISTY wants to fight! The mental control, I guess... *sigh* Go, Vileplume! Go! VILEPLUME! Ally JAMES send out VICTREBEEL! MISTY send out STARMIE! Razor Leaf! VICTREBEEL and VILEPLUME used RAZOR LEAF! Is super effective! STARMIE fainted! MISTY loses! Way too easy... MISTY send out MISTY! JAMES: Didn't she losed?? MISTY says she don't cares! MISTY used MISTY! Your eyes got MISTY! Ally JAMES's EYES went MISTY! I.. can't.. see! You are no longer MISTY! Ally JAMES is no longer MISTY! Finally... let's leave, Vile.. EH???? VILEPLUME and JAMES's VICTREBEEL dissapeared! NARRATOR thinks MISTY stole them! But you still have TOGEPI! Yeah, I am soooo happy..... NARRATOR calls this a tie! Battle #25: Stealed stealers. September 13, 2002 Player: James [Record: 1-0-1 tie vs. Misty, battle #24] Location: Route 25 JAMES reads the BATTLE LOCATION! I hope is not a pun... JAMES used HOPE! BATTLE LOCATION was hoped! BATTLE LOCATION is not a pun! But that was... oh, well, what are we doing here? Ally KAREN reminds you that MISTY is here with his BOYFRIEND! Ash? JAMES is DAYDREAMING again! NARRATOR is being REPETITIVE again! Is one of NARRATOR'S RULES: Always be repetitive! *sigh* COOLTRAINER KEVIN appeared! MISTY appeared! Yeah, finally! MISTY used... SWEET KISS? on COOLTRAINER KEVIN! Well, we mnow know who's his boyfriend... MISTY notices YOU! COOLTRAINER KEVIN ran away scared! Is "ran away scared" a Wood Version trademark? No! MISTY wants to fight! Actually, WE are the ones who want to fight-you stole our Victrebeel and Vileplume! MISTY says it wasn't SHE! Yeah, sure, we believe you... JAMES is DAYDREAMING yet again! That actually was sarcasm... NARRATOR doesn't cares! MISTY send out GOLDUCK! *sigh* Go Weezing! Go! WEEZING! Ally KAREN send out UMBREON! Sludge Bomb! WEEZING used SLUDGE BOMB! SLUDGE was BOMBED! Puns aren't funny... Hey, they work in VIRIDIAN... SLUDGE fell over GOLDUCK! Enemy GOLDUCK was blinded! It may not attack! Heh, it worked. Ally KAREN retreats UMBREON! Ally KAREN send out GENGAR! GENGAR used THUNDERBOLT! Critical hit! Enemy GOLDUCK fainted! GENGAR's attack continues! GENGAR used THUNDERBOLT! MISTY fainted! Whoa, impressing... Ok, let's check her body.. JAMES is being a PERVERT! NO! Sigh.. Karen, could you please check it? Ally KAREN used CHECK! Ally KAREN didn't found VICTREBEEL nor VILEPLUME! Crap! Any idea, Karen? Somebody? Location: Bill's Secret Garden JUANXIMO: Ha, it was easy to stole those two Team Morons Rocket's Pokemon! POKEKILLER: Pokemon are vil, you know. JUANXIMO: But we need them for win. POKEKILLER: ...right. Location: Route25, again. ..thanks, Narrator. No problem! Just a small problem: BILL'S SECRET GARDEN DOESNT'T EXISTS! While we try to find it, post feedback. Yes, that battle is over. Finally. Tomorrow... Battle #26 |
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Battles 1-5 Battles 6-10 Battles 11-15 Battles 16-20 |