Poké Battles: Foxfire Version
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News Archive

Older news posts go here. Oxymoron? Doesn't matter. Archiving is important.

12/21/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version has Battle #145: Battle of the Tower of the Gods up!
The decisive battle has begun. Sandy Version will be holding Battle Fest #2 on December 23-27, and will have daily updates during that time. The following Network Update will be directed to the whole set.

12/14/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version has Battle #144: Ready To Win up!
I missed the network update for 12/7. Sandy Version also has Battle #143: A Figure in the Weeds up.

11/30/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version has Battle #142: A Medical Pickle up!

11/23/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version has Battle #141: Responsibilities up! Many things resolve.

11/17/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version has Interlude 4: Rescue up! It is very good.

11/9/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version has Battle #140: A Plan Unfolded up! The plot deepens further.

11/7/2024: On hiatus for mental/physical health and anti-burnout reasons.
Hiatus will last a minimum of 1 month and a maximum of 3 months. Updates will resume somewhere between December 5, 2024 and February 6, 2025. Network updates will continue.

11/2/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version has Battle #139: Sands Divided up! Some Pokédex entries have complicated ramifications.

10/31/2024: Battle #165: Decapitation 2024 is up on Foxfire Version. It's another election year Halloween battle, which I've wanted to do since ... 2008. Life goal achieved I guess?

10/26/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version has Battle #138: Sands United up! Some Pokédex entries are terrifying.
Due to backlog, last week's network update didn't happen. Sandy Version also has Battle #137: Homecoming up!

10/24/2024: Battle #164: Clad in the Dark is up on Foxfire Version. Network update was absent last week due to my absence, this week will be double.

10/12/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version has Battle #136: We Are Gathered Here Today up! A different sort of Poké Weddings.
Not delayed this time, but the blog upddate was.

10/10/2024: Battle #163: Stump Speech is up on Foxfire Version. It's still 10/10. Barely. It counts.

10/6/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version has Battle #135: Going for Gold up. The decisive showdown! It's good! Go read it!
Slightly delayed (again...) due to yesterday.

10/3/2024: Battle #162: Console Wars: The Next Generation is up on Foxfire Version. Late, again. But it's still 10/3 somewhere.

9/28/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version has Battle #134: Kangaskhan Court up! Justice is served. I legitimately laughed out loud...

9/26/2024: Battle #161: Ugly Monkey Setbacks is up on Foxfire Version. Just barely before midnight here...

9/22/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version has Battle #133: Motivation up! It's good! Go read it!
Network update was delayed due to me forgetting to do it at least twice yesterday, apologies.

9/19/2024: Battle #160: How Not To Acquire A Reaper is up on Foxfire Version.

9/14/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version has Battle #132: Grief up! It's very good, also sad, and thought provoking... And Sandy Version once again proves to be far better held together than FF Version. Go read it!

9/12/2024: Battle #159: Of Monkeys, Leopards, and Faces is up on Foxfire Version.

9/7/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version has Battle #131: Communication up! Go read it!

9/5/2024: Battle #158: Ugly Monkey Comeback: Phase I is up on Foxfire Version. As is Gerry. How is he even still in office...

8/31/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version has commentaries for Classic Sandy Version #41-50 up. Go read!

8/29/2024: Battle #157: Ugly Monkey Comeback Meeting is up on Foxfire Version. They're back...

8/24/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version has Battle #130 "A Puzzling Recruitment Drive" up! It's good! Go read it!

8/22/2024: Battle #156: Orbital Launch is up on Foxfire Version.

8/18/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version has Battle #129 "Twins and Parents" up! It's good! Go read it!
Update slightly delayed, but here now.

8/15/2024: Battle #155: Maybe Alive is up on Foxfire Version.

8/10/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version has Battle #128 "A Look At The Law" up! It gave me Columbo vibes. Go read it!

8/8/2024: Battle #154: Bait and Switch is up on Foxfire Version.

8/3/2024: Still 8/3 somewhere, still counts, Network Update: Sandy Version has Battle #127 "Apple Appeal" up! Go read it!

8/1/2024: Battle #153: Head-X is up on Foxfire Version. I also 100% completely missed the network update last week due to being out of town, so have it now:
Network Update: Sandy Version has Battle #126 "Ghost of a Chance" up! It's vengeful, go read it!

7/25/2024: Still 7/25 here, still counts. Battle #152: Alive is up on Foxfire Version.

7/20/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version has Battle #125 "Unknown Crossing" up! I am seriously impressed by Sandy Version's planning and ability to weave plot threads together long term. Go read it!

7/18/2024: Battle #151: G vs. G: The Musical is up on Foxfire Version.

7/13/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version has Battle #124 "An Awkward Reunion" up! It's great! Go read it!

7/11/2024: Battle #150 is up on Foxfire Version.

7/6/2024: Still 7/6 somewhere, it counts. Network Update: Sandy Version has Battle #123 "Mistaken Identity" up! Go read it!

7/4/2024: A short interlude in battle style is up on Foxfire Version, not full size due to the holiday, happy Independence Day to my American readers.

6/29/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version has Battle #122 "A New Home" up! Go read it!

6/27/2024: NOT LATE. Battle #149: Of Leopards and Faces is up on Foxfire Version.

6/22/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version has Battle #121 "Into the Glitch" up! Go read it!

6/20/2024: Battle #148: The Terrible Wizzrobe of Aughs! is up on Foxfire Version.

6/15/2024: Belated Network Update: Sandy Version has commentaries up for Arc 4 "The Glitch Will Come"!

6/13/2024: Battle #147: Stock Characters is up on Foxfire Version.

6/10/2024: Belated Network Update: Sandy Version has Battle #120 "Door of Destiny" up! It's decisive, and very good. Go read it!

6/6/2024: Battle #146: ...Redemption? What's that? is up on Foxfire Version.

6/1/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version has Battle #119 "March of the Numberless Bird" up! It's very good! It would've been wise to bring Earthquake. Go read it!

5/30/2024: After many many delays and a complete change to the plot, War Event #2 is now up. It's smaller than the last one but I'm satisfied with it. Actually feeling quite a bit better now, writing can be a good medium to get your problems out and beat them up sometimes...

5/27/2024: It's still 5/27 somewhere, it still counts.
War Event 2 is very late but it's the site's third anniversary today.
Currently aiming for 5/30 for the release.

5/25/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version has Battle #118 "Rug Pull" up! The plot thickens and decisive events occur. Go read it!
Burnout status: Being the boss of WE2. I'm writing it and I know where I'm going with it but it might still be late...

5/18/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version has Battle #117 "Caught Up In A Rescue" up! Sam's story progresses. Go read it!
Burnout status: hopefully averted.

5/12/2024: Slightly delayed Network Update: Sandy Version has Battle #116 "Ticket to Ride" up! It's good! Go read it!

5/4/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version has Battle #115 "Candied Experiences" up! It's good! Go read it!

4/27/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version has Battle #114 "Bad Delivery" up! Bad but believable decisions by characters lead to good stories. It's good! Go read it!

4/20/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version has Battle #113 "Cross Words" up!
It has come to my attention that I missed last week's network update. Apologies for the inconvenience. Sandy Version also has Battle #112 "The Bird's The Word" up, as of April 13th!
They're both very good and the plot is increasingly thickening. Go read them!

4/18/2024: For mental health reasons and because War Event 2 is taking much more out of me than it should, I have decided to take a break again. During this time I will continue to work on Foxfire Version, but irregularly, with a focus on completing War Event 2 and building up a buffer.
War Event 2 will be posted as it finishes, likely in serial parts, and concluding no later than May 27, 2024 (the site's third anniversary).
Regular updates will resume on the subsequent Thursday - May 30, 2024.
Network and Phantom Version updates will continue as normal.

4/14/2024: On this day 25 years ago, The Almighty One posted the very first PokéBattle, still readable at the current version of PokéBattles.com.
Foxfire War Event #2 is coming out to commemorate it. But it somehow still isn't finished yet, due to unforeseen circumstances and mental overload. Expect it in coming days.

4/6/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version has Battle #111 "Sneaking Out" up! You should run away and go read it, it's very good.

4/4/2024: Battle 145: Financial Meltdown is up on Foxfire Version.

3/30/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version Interlude 3 "Conversation" is up, along with commentaries for Classic Sandy Battles #32-40. This is good. Go read all of these!

3/28/2024: Battle 144: Second Circle Showdown is up on Foxfire Version.

3/23/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version Battle #110 "Having A Ball" is up! It's good! Go read it!

3/21/2024: Battle 143: Onion Quest is up on Foxfire Version.

3/16/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version Battle #109 "Glitch Out" is up! Go read it! (It's still 3/16 somewhere so it still counts...)

3/14/2024: Battle 142: A Sappy Ending is up on Foxfire Version.

3/9/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version Battle #108 "Glitch City" is up and I love it every bit as much as #107. Go read it!

3/7/2024: Battle 141: Could Use Some Fava Beans is up on Foxfire Version.

3/2/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version Battle #107 "Eldritch Safari" is up and I love it. Go read it!

2/29/2024: Battle 140: The Milky Way Manifesto is up on Foxfire Version.

2/24/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version Battle #106 "Iconic Language" is up! It's good, reminds me of ye olde Movius. Go read!

2/22/2024: Battle 139: The Pirate and the Pincers is up on Foxfire Version. crab

2/17/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version Battle #105 "Building Relationships" is up!

2/15/2024: Battle 138: Revenge of the Block is up on Foxfire Version.

2/10/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version Battle #104 "One Mon's Food is Another Mon's Treasure" is up!

2/8/2024: Battle 137: InterXtive Interview is up on Foxfire Version. It's bad. I'm sorry.

2/3/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version Battle #103 "Reconnection" is up!

2/1/2024: Battle 136: Excavtor Monkey Dive is up on Foxfire Version. Very narrowly "on time" in my eyes -- late by almost eight hours from my usual upload time -- but on the right day at least.

1/27/2024: Network Update: Sandy Version Battle #102 "The Narrator of Bad News" is up!

1/26/2024: Slightly delayed update due to illness but I'm here. Battle 135: Hey Buddy, Hey Pal is up on Foxfire Version.

1/20/2024: As you may have heard on the official Foxfire Version Discord channel, my hometown is recovering from a severe ice-storm and power outage lasting 1/13 through 1/18. The internet here is still less than stable, though power came back Thursday night. I apologize for the delayed battle and especially the delayed network update.
A vent battle, Battle 134: Six Days Out is up on Foxfire Version. Next week's battle is expected to be on time.
Finally, News Archives have been updated with the 2023 archive, and the 2022 archive has been correctly linked. Network Update: Sandy Version has reached Battle #101 "Deadly Delicacies" up as of 1/20, and commentaries on Sandy Version Arc 3, "Blood and Shadows" (Battles 66-90), up as of 1/13.

1/11/2023: Battle 133: Pikaman Returns is now up on Foxfire Version. At last, Pikaman returns.

1/6/2023: Network Update: Sandy Version has reached Battle #100 "Portal Panic", going into its third year! It's excellent! Go read it!

1/4/2023: Battle 132: Lord of the ... Bandoliers? is now up on Foxfire Version. 2024, baby! We're into our third year!