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Battles 11-15: Greenery: Light and Dark Stupid title, isn't it? Best I can think of.... The first battle is for the Plant Badge..why not the Rainbow Badge? Some mysterious thing only known as SN. He declared all badges to be one color, and all gyms must have dark colors...odd, isn't it? (Eh...using isn't it too much...) Anyways, the other four battles are about Mini-golf...ending with (SFDVdfdgva---error; cow_attack.exe failed; error error error errorFCfdvcDSFSvvvw435#@%7svcvccd) winning...ACK! ...read to find out...(Stupid cow program...) |
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Battle 11: Rainbow Badge Recall? 6-7-00 Setting: Celadon City Player: Ditto [4-2-0; Win Vs. Bike] DITTO wakes up! About time...making me faint for so long...meanie writer... WRITER says to be more RESPECTFUL! Ehheh... ^_^ Sorry... WRITER accepts APOLOGY! WORKER walks past with some BOXES! Oooo...what's in them? SOMETHING! Not again with the SOMETHING... Uhh...SOMETHING is RAINBOW BADGES! Huh? RAINBOW BADGE falls out of a BOX! DITTO takes it! Oooooooooooooooooooo... COLORFUL! Maybe it candy! DITTO bites the BADGE! Ow! They hard... BADGES are not CANDY! Oh...wonder what's over there... DITTO crawls to a SODA MACHINE! Pop machine... SAME THING! DITTO inserts two QUARTERS! DITTO gets a MOUNTAIN DEWGONG! Bad pun... NARRATOR is KING of BAD PUNS! Oh yeah, forgot... O_o; DITTO drinks the SODA! POP... SAME THING! ... DITTO finishes! Ugh...where's the little blob's room... DITTO is CO-PRESIDENT of BAD PUNS! Yay! Wait a sec... HEYY... Uhh...NARRATOR said NOTHING! ^_^; Better not have... DITTO zooms to RESTROOM! HOURS pass! Heyyyy....not really hours... oh well. Where's the gym? NARRATOR directs DITTO to the GYM! Oooo...lotsa plants... DITTO goes INSIDE! Ewww...what dat smell? Someone cut the cheese? NARRATOR zooms to CHINA! CHINESE MAN CUTS a SLICE of CHEESE! Not what I meant... -_-; DITTO is on top of a GLOOM! Oh...no wonder it stinks... DITTO crawls OFF the GLOOM! That better...now to see Erika... DITTO looks around! Hmmm...that's odd...all of the plants are a dark color... ERIKA appears! ERIKA is given YELLOW TEXT! Ugly, isn't it? *Sigh* Huh? Why is it like this? Something the new ruler of the island said...every gym must be completely dark colors, and all badges must be one color. No wonder they were getting rid of the rainbow badges... who is this new "Ruler" anyways? Some unknown person known as "SN". Saturday night? ERIKA facefaults! Uhh...I don't think... Why did you come anyways, little Ditto? Me wanna badge! Hmm...okay...I needed some excitement today anyways... ERIKA wants to fight! One on one, right? Sure. ERIKA sends out GLOOM! DITTO sends out DITTO! Well...a Gloom...hmm... Me, pound! DITTO uses POUND! FLASHFIRE is given a POUND! Oh yeah...English money...O_o; Okay Gloom; use your poison powder! ERIKA's GLOOM uses POISON POWDER! POWDER was POISONed! Huh!? That never happened before... That always happens when the Narrator's here... Who? Uh...never mind... Me, use hot sauce fireball! DITTO uses HOTSAUCEFIREBALL! DITTO eats some HOT SAUCE! DITTO burps out a FIREBALL! ERIKA's GLOOM is on FIRE! ERIKA's GLOOM runs around leaving a TRAIL of FIRE! ERIKA's GLOOM faints! Oh well...you win... Yay! ^_^ Here you go... DITTO receieves the PLANT BADGE! Hmm...gotta figure out who this mysterious "SN" is...and have some more Mountain Dewgong. DITTO leaves to the POP MACHINE! SODA...err...n/m... NARRATOR chuckles! DITTO drinks some more MOUNTAIN DEWGONG! Uh oh...gotta go! DITTO zooms to the RESTROOM! |
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Welcome to Lavender Battles 11-15 Home of Pikaland Miniature Golf Course |
Battles 1-5: Beginning the Adventure Battles 6-10: The Pokemon Force --> Battles 11-15: Greenery: Light and Dark Battles 16-20: Newcomers Battles 21-25: RPG Mix-Up Battles 26-30: HELLO SIR! Battles 31-35: Mecha Mayhem Battles 36-40 Battles 41-45 Battles 46-50 |
Battle 12: Wrong Way, Fun Way 6/11/00 Setting: Somewhere on Pokemon Island... Player: Ditto [5-2-0; Win Vs. Erika] DITTO looks at MAP! Hmm...this place isn't on the map... DITTO is LOST! Thanks for pointing out the obvious, Narrator... No PROBLEM! -_-; Wait a sec...I see something... DITTO crawls to the SOMETHING! QUIT WITH THE SOMETHING! ... Good...now to see what this place is... DITTO finds a MINITURE GOLF COURSE! Yay! Fun! But, I need some other player(s)... CUTEPUFF cutely appears! MILKTANK appears! CASHIER appears! Hmm...that's good... DITTO goes to the MAIN DESK! Uhh...four for Mini golf... DESK PERSON would like MONEY! Here... DITTO hands DESK PERSON some MONEY! There is ENOUGH MONEY! Wow...there is? YES! Umm...let's play! DITTO and COMPANY go to HOLE ONE! DITTO uses PUTT! It's not very effective... CUTEPUFF cutely uses PUTT! Critical hit! BALL goes in HOLE! MILKTANK uses MOO PUTT! Critical hit! CASHIER uses PUTT! BALL goes into HOLE! Uhh...me, putt! DITTO uses PUTT! BALL goes into HOLE! MILKTANK uses MOO PUTT! BALL goes into HOLE! Hmm..this is already getting repetive...let's continue another time... WRITER decides to SAVE the other 17 HOLES for the next BATTLES! CASHIER and CUTEPUFF win for NOW! |
Battle 13: Mini Golf! Part 1 6/17/00 Setting: Pikaland Miniture Golf Course Player: Ditto [5-3-0; Lose in Minigolf] Hole 2: Through the Path and Into the Hole; Par: 2 FOUR! NARRATOR says it's FORE! Same thing... DITTO hits the BLUE BALL! BLUE BALL goes through TWO WOOD STICK THINGIES! An open tunnel? YES! Ok...just making sure... BLUE BALL bounces of DIAGONAL THINGY! Uhh...part of the hole? YES! Making sure again.. BALL lands 1 INCH by HOLE! Close...oh well... CASHIER is bored! Then leave. CASHIER leaves! ODDPUFF oddly takes CASHIER's PLACE! Hmm...since it's square, shouldn't be Squarepuff? DITTO has a POINT! ODDPUFF is oddly renamed to SQUAREPUFF! SQUAREPUFF squarely hits the RED BALL! RED BALL bounces OFF COURSE! SQUAREPUFF squarely gets a ONE STROKE PENALTY! MILKTANK doesn't want to PLAY anymore! LAVENDER DOOMPUFF takes MILKTANK's PLACE! O_O; LAVENDER DOOMPUFF takes SQUAREPUFF's RED BALL! LAVENDER DOOMPUFF gives SQUAREPUFF a PINK BALL! Ooookayy... LAVENDER DOOMPUFF hits RED BALL! RED BALL goes into HOLE! -_-; CUTEPUFF cutely putts the YELLOW BALL! YELLOW BALL rolls around the HOLE! YELLOW BALL rolls into the HOLE! That...was...wierd... DITTO touches the BLUE BALL! BLUE BALL goes into the HOLE! ^_^ Me got...uhh..2! SQUAREPUFF squarely hits the PINK BALL! PINK BALL goes into HOLE! DITTO puts SCORES on SCORE CARD! Current Scores: Ditto: 4 Cutepuff: 2 Lavender Doompuff: 3 (Receieved Milktank's first score) Squarepuff: 5 (Receieved Cashier's first score) Hole 3: Windmill; Par: 2 A MEW is playing with the WINDMILL! That look like fun! DITTO crawls onto the WINDMILL! DITTO slides off WINDMILL STICK THINGY! DITTO lands on another WINDMILL STICK THINGY! PATTERN continues for an HOUR! DITTO slides off the WINDMILL STICK THINGY! It went round and round and round and round and...night-night... DITTO sleeps! Use next blob? Heyyyy.... DITTO wakes up! Back to the miniture golf... DITTO putts the BLUE BALL into the WINDMILL's HOLE! BLUE BALL rolls into MAIN HOLE! Hole in one! ^_^ LAVENDER DOOMPUFF kicks the RED BALL into the HOLE! LAVENDER DOOMPUFF gets a HOLE in ONE! ... CUTEPUFF cutely putts the YELLOW BALL into the WINDMILL's HOLE! YELLOW BALL lands beside the MAIN HOLE! SQUAREPUFF squarely putts the PINK BALL! PINK BALL flies into DITTO's MOUTH! ...!!! DITTO flies through the COURSE! DITTO lands on an AUTO PUTTER MACHINE! Uh oh... DITTO gets PUTTED... ...to CHEKLOSEVOKIA...or something like that... Eh...ow... CHEKLOSEVOKIAN (or something like that) kicks DITTO back to HOLE THREE! That hurt.... What're the scores, anyway? SQUAREPUFF squarely got a 4! CUTEPUFF cutely got a 2! Current Score: Ditto: 5 Cutepuff:4 Lavender Doompuff:4 Squarepuff:9 NARRATOR and WRITER decide the BATTLE is getting LONG! BATTLE...err..MINI GOLF will continue in the NEXT UPDATE! |
Battle 14: Mini Golf! Part 2 6/25/00 Setting: Pikaland Miniture Golf Course Player: Ditto [5-3-1; Draw due to Mini-golf not being finished] Hole 4: Whirlwind; Par: 3. For!!! Everyone else: IT'S FORE! Same thing... DITTO putts the BLUE BALL into the SPIRAL THINGY! BLUE BALL follows WALL! BLUE BALL lands in the MIDDLE! CUTEPUFF cutely hits the YELLOW BALL! YELLOW BALL rolls into SPIRAL! YELLOW BALL goes round and ROUND! YELLOW BALL lands one INCH away from HOLE! SQUAREPUFF squarely putts the PINK BALL! PINK BALL flies onto another HOLE! STROKE PENALTY! Heh...I'm gonna win this one...err...tie with Cutepuff... LAVENDER DOOMPUFF putts the RED BALL! Eh...forgot about that... RED BALL lands by YELLOW BALL! Lavender Doompuff: PUFF!? LAVENDER DOOMPUFF is enraged! NARRATOR isn't in the MOOD to put up with it! LAVENDER DOOMPUFF disappears to another PLACE! Heh...one less to worry about... DITTO putts the BLUE BALL! BLUE BALL goes into the HOLE! CUTEPUFF cutely putts the YELLOW BALL! YELLOW BALL goes into the HOLE! SQUAREPUFF squarely putts the PINK BALL! PINK BALL goes OFF COURSE! STROKE PENALTY! Heh... PATTERN continues for an HOUR! SQUAREPUFF squarely putts the BALL into the HOLE! Finally... Current Scores: Ditto: 7 Cutepuff: 6 Squarepuff: 1685 Eh...that's big... SQUAREPUFF squarely quits! And now it's down to two... CUTEPUFF cutely puts on a TU-TU! Uhh...not what I meant... CUTEPUFF cutely takes it off! Hole 5: Maze; Par: 3 DITTO putts the BLUE BALL! BLUE BALL goes into WRONG PATH! Awww... CUTEPUFF cutely putts the PINK BALL she took from SQUAREPUFF! PINK BALL goes into HOLE! Lucky...and..uhh..cutey. CUTEPUFF cutely hugs DITTO! Eh...quit..please.. CUTEPUFF cutely lets DITTO go! Ooooo...squeezy...everything go round and round... DITTO is DITTY and CONFUSED! It hurt itself in its confusion! More dizzy... DITTO hits the BLUE BALL in its confusion! BLUE BALL goes into the HOLE? Yay? DITTO recovers from the DIZZINESS! Better.. Current Scores: Ditto: 9 Cutepuff: 7 Hole 6: Doompuff's Stomach; Par: You'll be lucky if you get a 50! Wow...giant junkyard...and a city in the distance? Enough PEOPLE were devoured to create a CITY! Uhh...let's start the hole.. CUTEPUFF cutely agrees! DITTO putts the BLUE BALL! BALL bounces off GARBAGE! This hole's too big... O_o; BALL lands 200 FEET away from HOLE! DITTO putted it 32.76368 34635 22246 10097... FEET! You don't have to be exact... NARRATOR likes to! O_o CUTEPUFF cutely putts the PINK BALL! PINK BALL rolls into SECRET TUNNEL! PINK BALL lands beside HOLE! -_-; DITTO putts the BLUE BALL! BLUE BALL goes into a second SECRET TUNNEL! ^_^ BALL lands in HOLE! Good... CUTEPUFF cutely putts the PINK BALL! PINK BALL goes into HOLE! Okay...scores are written down..next hole! Current Scores: Ditto: 11 Cutepuff: 9 Hole 7: 3 Bumps; Par: 2 Hmm... let me explain this to the readers. The ball will be putted and go up and down three hills on the hole, then reach the area where the hole is. NARRATOR is suprised! Why? DITTO acted INTELLIGENT! Heyyyyyy.... DITTO should explain in simpler TERMS! Okay...ball get hit, ball go up and down and up and down and up and down and ball go into pretty hole of whiteness. BETTER! Okay...can we continue this now? YES! Good... DITTO putts the BLUE BALL! BLUE BALL goes UP and DOWN and UP and DOWN! BLUE BALL lands between HILLS! CUTEPUFF cutely putts the PINK BALL! PINK BALL goes UP and DOWN and UP and DOWN and UP! PINK BALL is on top of the last HILL! DITTO putts the BLUE BALL! BLUE BALL goes UP and DOWN and by the HOLE! Me have good aim! ^_^ If you had good AIM, the BLUE BALL would be closer to the HOLE! ... CUTEPUFF cutely putts the PINK BALL! PINK BALL goes DOWN and by the HOLE! CUTEPUFF cutely has good AIM! WHAT!? I PUTTED IT JUST AS CLOSE AS CUTEPUFF! CUTEPUFF cutely putted the PINK BALL 0.35746 35784 MILLIMETERS closer! Grr... DITTO putts the BLUE BALL! BLUE BALL goes into HOLE! CUTEPUFF cutely putts the PINK BALL! PINK BALL goes into HOLE! Current Scores: Ditto: 14 Cutepuff: 12 NARRATOR decides MINI GOLF is too MONOTONOUS! TIME for the TOP TEN! Wha? DITTO is confused! O_O I'M NOT CONFUSED!! It hurt itself in its confusion! Ehh...maybe I am... @_@ NARRATOR restores DITTO! Why? So NARRATOR can annoy DITTO with TOP TEN! ... And now...TOP TEN REASONS why LAVENDER VERSION only has four STARS for BATTLE QUALITY! Uhh... 10: DOOMPUFF contuniously eats the last STAR! Eh... 9: DITTO talks too much! ... 8: DOTS are used too MUCH! ..... DOTS become illegal! Wha? DITTO is confused! Wait a second; dots are used at the pottom of exclemation marks... Uhh...DOTS are LEGAL again! DITTO is not confused! Better... Err...back to TOP TEN! 7: Jason is too LAZY to add a STAR! There goes the only chance for a 5th star... 6: NARRATOR is too STU...wait a sec...WHO WROTE THIS! WRITER runs away! 6 is changed due to DEMAND! Whose demand? NARRATOR's DEMAND! Thought so... NEW 6: ERIC threatens JASON with a DOOMPUFF not to add a 5th STAR! Um.. 5: BATTLES are too SHORT! Not this one... 4: BATTLES are MONOTONOUS! 4: BATTLES are MONOTONOUS! 4: BATTLES are MONOTONOUS! 4: BATTLES are MONOTONOUS! 4: BATTLES are MONOTONOUS! 4: BATTLES are MONOTONOUS! NARRATOR kicks RECORD PLAYER! O_o; 3: FEW know what O_o; mean! It's an anime face thingy...and that has nothing to do with the top ten...Jason knows what they mean... NO ONE cares! ... 2: WRITER spends too much TIME watching CARTOONS such as SIMPSONS and POKEMON! POKEMON is an anime... So? IT's still a CARTOON! IT's animated! I'm not going to argue... Why not? IT makes the "BATTLE' longer! That's one reason...another is: You would win. CORRECT! ... And finally, the number ONE REASON...These BATTLES just plain SUCK! Hey...the writer tries his best.. NARRATOR knows, but NARRATOR does his BEST at annoying DITTO, but DITTO doesn't like IT! ...No comment...don't wanna make this longer...I'd lose anyway... CORRECT! Can we go back to Mini-golf now? YES! Hole 8: Portals; Par: 4 DITTO putts the BLUE BALL! BLUE BALL lands in a VERSION PORTAL! What color? Does IT matter! Not really... In that CASE, BLUE BALL rolled into...uhh...FLAME PORTAL! Umm... STROKE PENALTY! CUTEPUFF cutely putts the PINK BALL! PINK BALL rolls into the HOLE! ... DITTO gets a new BLUE BALL! Yay. ^_^ DITTO putts the BLUE BALL! BLUE BALL rolls into HOLE! Current Scores: Ditto: 16 Cutepuff: 12 I'm gonna lose... BATTLE is getting LONG! So? BATTLE should END! It doesn't have to... BATTLE needs to be finished TODAY for NETWORK! Oh... BATTLE...err...MINI-GOLF finally ends with a DRAW for CUTEPUFF and DITTO! |
Battle 15: QUIT THE MINI-GOLF ALREADY!!! 6/29/00 Setting: Same as last 2 times... Player: Ditto [5-3-2; Draw due to mini-golf not done] FORE! Cutepuff: O_O O_O What? DITTO didn't misspell FORE! So? THAT is a MIRICLE! Eh...whatever. NARRATOR is bored! Why? MINI-GOLF is getting too REPETIVE! Oh...uhh..wanna skip to last hole? YES YES YES! Narrator must've had a lot of Pepsi or something... CUTEPUFF cutely agrees! Hole 18: Middle Hole; Par: 1 (Note: Get in middle hole for free game) Umm...let's start? DITTO putts the BLUE BALL! BLUE BALL rolls up the HILL! BLUE BALL bounces of MIDDLE HOLE BLOCKER! BLUE BALL bounces out of LEFT HOLE! BLUE BALL rolls into MIDDLE HOLE! Free GAME! Yay. ^_^ DITTO does the DITDIT DANCE! It's super disturbing! Uhh..your turn, Cutepuff... CUTEPUFF cutely putts the PINK BALL! PINK BALL rolls into MIDDLE HOLE! And NARRATOR took out the middle hole blocker...maybe Narrator's in LOVE... DITTO faints for no REASON! Actually, I didn't fa... DITTO fainted! No I didn't. Fine...this would go on for a while anyway... O_O Cutepuff: O_O WHAT! You didn't use exclamation mark...not even caps... NARRATOR wanted to try something NEW! ...Oh yeah, scores...we tied...both got 46 and free games...wanna play again? BATTLE needs a BATTLE, and MINI-GOLF will not CONTINUE! We didn't have a battle last 2 times...and how will you stop us from playing again? NARRATOR didn't mind LAST TWO TIMES, and NARRATOR makes GOLF COURSE disappear! ... DITTO will fight CUTEPUFF! No, I won't. DITTO wants a LOSS then! Oh..uhh..yeah, I do. DITTO was supposed to say NO! I was supposed to say no? YES! I say yes? NO! Then what do I say? NO! I don't say anything? NARRATOR is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion! If I say something, what? NO! I don't say anything? Uhh...YES! So, I don't say anything. NO! ... DITTO is supposed to say NO! I am? YES! YES OR NO!? NARRATOR is more confused! It fainted in its confusion! Heh...worked.. .. .. .. ..Hello? ... ... Boring...I know! DITTO wins! Heh... ... Let's try something else... DITTO gets some CRYSTAL CLEAR PARTY ICE! Worked...now let's try this... DITTO gets some STRAWBERRY MILK! Didn't work...oh well. Still got my ice! ... ... Might as well leave... Umm... Let's start with Cutepuff... CUTEPUFF cutely waddles off into the SUNSET... That worked... Now.. DITTO leaves! ...it didn't work..? ... ... End? ... ... ... The END! ... ... ... ... Uhh...please end? ... ... ... ... ... Uhhh..moo? ... ... ...monotonous, isn't it? O_o; ... ... End...NOW! ... ... ... ... Please please? ... ... ... ... END THE BATTLE!! ... ... ...I'll give you a cookie. ...finally...oh...where's the cookie? Uhh...over there! Heh...worked...as usual... |
Battles 1-5: Beginning the Adventure Battles 6-10: The Pokemon Force --> Battles 11-15: Greenery: Light and Dark Battles 16-20: Newcomers Battles 21-25: RPG Mix-Up Battles 26-30: HELLO SIR! Battles 31-35: Mecha Mayhem Battles 36-40 Battles 41-45 Battles 46-50 |