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Battles 6-10: The Pokemon Force. In these battles, Kit (A Flareon), Cutepuff (Another Doompuff spinoff, goody), a Koffing, and a Weezing start with small adventures, and they combine into one big one which will develop in future battles. |
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Battle 6: Koffing's Koffee Quest 5/28/00 Setting: Mainland. Player: Koffing [No record] Summary: Back in battle 4, Koffing left the battle to search for "Koffee". Now, I'll show you what happened after he left. KOFFING is hovering above the OCEAN! Want koffee! Want koffee! WEEZING says to slow down! Why? WEEZING is WEEZING! Oh... KOFFING lands on MAINLAND COAST! Koffee here? YES! WHERE!? SOMEWHERE! Red text person man no help... RED TEXT PERSON MAN is the NARRATOR! Not very helpful narrator... WEEZING lands! WEEZING sleeps! KOFFING does the SAME! DAY passes! KOFFING and WEEZING wake up! Ahh...me refreshed... KOFFING scans the AREA! Hmmm...water...land...and pretty giant hills... WEEZING says to head for the PRETTY GIANT HILLS! Why dat way? WEEZING says that PLACES are usually by THEM! Oh, okay! KOFFING and WEEZING float to the PRETTY GIAN... err... MOUNTAINS! DAYS pass! KOFFING and WEEZING arrive at CRYSTAL PEAKS! Oooo....pretty name... KOFFING scans the AREA! Hmm...this fun quest! KOFFING goes to EMERALD CAVERNS! WEEZING follows! ICE DRAGON appears! FIRE DRAGON appears! LIGHTNING DRAGON appears! DRAGONS want to fight! KOFFING runs away! WEEZING runs away! They scary... WEEZING agrees! Hmm...maybe koffee some place else? WEEZING says YES! NARRATOR points out that KOFFEE is spelled COFFEE! Same thing... WEEZING goes towards CELESTIAL PLATEAU! KOFFING follows! HOURS pass! KOFFING and WEEZING arrive at CELESTIAL PLATEAU! Ooo...BUILDING! KOFFING and WEEZING go to the BUILDING! Ooooo...what Java? JAVA is like KOFFEE! KOFFING is HAPPY! WEEZING is relieved! KOFFING and WEEZING float in! CASHIER asks for ORDER! Two java! CASHIER asks what KIND! Uhh...regular! CASHIER gets the JAVA! KOFFING and WEEZING drink JAVA! CASHIER needs MONEY! KOFFING hands CASHIER some MONEY stolen from KOGA! CASHIER is HAPPY! KOFFING wins! WEEZING wins! CASHIER wins! MILKTANK wins! DRAGONS eat FOOD and win! DITTO loses! Ditto: I wasn't even in the battle...neither was Milktank... DITTO has POINT! MILKTANK doesn't WIN! DITTO doesn't LOSE! NARRATOR erases RECORD MARKS! KOFFING and WEEZING keep their RECORD MARKS! |
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Welcome to Lavender Battles 6-10 Home of JAVA! |
Battles 1-5: Beginning the Adventure --> Battles 6-10: The Pokemon Force Battles 11-15: Greenery: Light and Dark Battles 16-20: Newcomers Battles 21-25: RPG Mix-Up Battles 26-30: HELLO SIR! Battles 31-35: Mecha Mayhem Battles 36-40 Battles 41-45 Battles 46-50 |
Battle 7: Kit's Adventure for Peace 5/29/00 Setting: Pokemon World. Player: Kit [No record] Summary: In this battle, Kit, a Flareon (Also an old friend from Ayenee), is looking for some peace and quiet after spending most of his life in huge cities. Read on to see what happens. KIT trots around the STREET! Huh? Who's there? NARRATOR is HERE! Who? Uhh...the BEING WITH THE RED TEXT! Oh... KIT thinks of something to DO! KIT trots out of CELADON CITY! DITTO spots KIT! Ditto: Hmm...wonder what was his hurry... DITTO goes to CELADON GYM! NARRATOR goes back to KIT! KIT slides down the HILL! Weeeeee! KIT flies off and into some SAND! Hmmm...no ow...good! ^_^ KIT trots to FUSHCIA CITY! KOGA appears! KOGA looks UP! KIT wonders what KOGA is DOING! KOGA is looking for his KOFFING and WEEZING! Oh...thanks, Narrator! KIT trots to the OCEAN! KIT sees a BIG SHIP! KIT goes to it curiously! Wowww...this ship big... KIT sees a NOTE! KIT reads it! If you need to get somwhere, you can use the ship. Set it for round-trip or one way. The ship returns automatically when you're done. ~Ditto, S.S.Ditto Owner. P.S. To get to the control room, follow the lavender-colored line. KIT finishes READING it! Hmm...maybe I can find a nice, quiet place... KIT trots onto the S.S.DITTO! KIT follows the LAVENDER-COLORED LINE! KIT arrives at the CONTROL ROOM! Now let's see...press this button and that button... KIT presses various BUTTONS! SHIP starts! SHIP is set for AUTO! Ahh...now to relax... HOURS pass! KIT is at the LAVA POOL! Ahh...this is the Pokelife... SHIP stops! KIT gets up! KIT trots off the SHIP! SHIP automatically LEAVES back to PORT! O_O; Eh...looks like I'm stuck here...wherever that is... KIT is at EEVEE ISLAND! *Sigh* Oh well; I got my peace... SHINRA EMPLOYEE appears and is renamed to SE! This is going to be a LONG life... SE wants to FIGHT! SE also wants to get KIT for an EXPERIMENT! SE sends out SE! Uhh...no experiment! Go, me! KIT sends out KIT! Me, use Fire Blast! KIT uses FIRE BLAST! FIRE is BLASTed... Out of a CANNON! Uhh...odd...ish... FIRE flies over the OCEAN! FIRE leaves a TRAIL of SMOKE! NARRATOR zooms to JAVA STORE! KOFFING gets HIT by the FIRE! KOFFING then decides to follow the SMOKE! KOFFING floats to EEVEE ISLAND with some JAVA! WEEZING follows! NARRATOR goes back to the BATTLE! KIT uses TAKE DOWN! SE faints! KIT wins! I win! ^_^ KIT trots off to play with KOFFING and WEEZING! |
Battle 8:Cutepuff's Cute cruise! 5/30/00 Setting:Pokemon World Player: Nice Nonrabid Jigglypuff of Cuteness [1-0-0; Win Vs. Ditto] Summary: Cutepuff, the Doompuff spinoff, is going on a cruise adventure...read on to find out what happens! CUTEPUFF cutely waddles around the SHIP! Oooo...big pretty ship...need prettier! CUTEPUFF cutely starts to PLANT FLOWERS around the SHIP! That look better! ^_^ CUTEPUFF's CUTENESS goes even HIGHER! CUTEPUFF cutely hears a SWIRLY SOUND! CUTEPUFF cutely goes to INVESTIGATE it! Sound gettin' louder... CUTEPUFF cutely spots an AQUA-COLORED PORTAL! Oooo... TWO EVIL RABID JIGGLYPUFFS OF DOOM appear on the other SIDE of the PORTAL! Eww...dey ugwy... CUTEPUFF cutely said THEY'RE UGLY! ONE DOOMPUFF jumps through the PORTAL! PORTAL closes! CUTEPUFF cutely puts CUTE STUFF on the DOOMPUFF! CUTEPUFF cutely HUGS the DOOMPUFF! DOOMPUFF runs away SCARED! He no fun... CUTEPUFF cutely waddles to the CONTROL ROOM! Ooooooooooo...BUTTONS!!! CUTEPUFF cutely PLAYS with the BUTTONS! SHIP starts! Uh oh... SHIP is set on AUTO! Oh well...me have fun! CUTEPUFF cutely waddles to the ARCADE! HOURS pass! SHIP stops! CUTEPUFF cutely waddles off the SHIP! SHIP leaves! Now me stuck here... CUTEPUFF cutely starts CRYING! CUTEPUFF cutely gains CUTENESS! CUTEPUFF cutely gets TOYS! Yay! ^_^ CUTEPUFF cutely wins! CUTEPUFF cutely waddles off to PLAY with KOFFING, WEEZING, and KIT! |
Battle 9: Working Together 5/31/00 Setting: Eevee Island's Flareon Forest. Players: Koffing [1-0-0; Got Koffee (Java)] Weezing [1-0-0; Got Koffee (Java)] Kit [1-0-0; Win Vs. Shinra Employee] Cutepuff [2-0-0; Win Vs. Doompuff] Summary: In the last three battles, four Pokemon end up on Eevee Island. Now they learn how to work together. And watch for more multi-player battles in the future in the Lavender Version. JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA! KOFFING is HYPER! KOFFING bounces around the FOREST shouting JAVA! Does he EVER shut up... -_-; Nope. I think I know how to make him shut up... Hey Koffing...here's some JAVA! JAVA!!!! KOFFING flies towards WEEZING! WEEZING moves to the SIDE to reveal a TREE! Java java java jav...uh...oh... KOFFING rams into the TREE! KOFFING faints! That should keep him quiet for a while... Shouldn't we have a shelter or something...? Hmmm...that would be a good idea... We make pretty house and put bunches of flowers around it! ^_^ EVERYONE makes an ANIME SWEATDROP! KOFFING wakes up! MAKE JAVA HOUSE! EVERYONE kicks KOFFING over to the other SIDE of the ISLAND! EVERYONE starts gathering WOOD! HOURS pass! KOFFING is building a JAVA STORAGE HOUSE! KIT is building the MAIN HOUSE! WEEZING is helping KIT! CUTEPUFF is cutely planting FLOWERS! WEEKS pass! EVERYONE finishes! Wow..it pretty.. EVERYONE stares at the JAVA HOLE that was suppose to be a STORAGE! And that's...uhh..."creative"... Thinks! ^_^ -_-; KIT trots onto a HAMMOCK! KOFFING goes to the BATHROOM! WEEZING floats to his ROOM! CUTEPUFF cutely waddles into the POOL! Cartoon Narrator: Elsewhere on the island... NARRATOR kicks CARTOON NARRATOR out of LAVENDER VERSION! DOOMPUFF waddles around looking for a MEAL! VIEW zooms back to the HOUSE! WIND gets stronger! Huh? Tornado coming? DRAGON appears! A dragon? Dratini? NO! A REGULAR DRAGON! Err...a WIND DRAGON! WIND DRAGON is renamed to WD! WD wants to fight! WD sends ot WD! Uh...I'll fight if you three help... Me help! Me help! I'll help... I'm gonna help! KIT sends out KIT! KOFFING sends out KOFFING! WEEZING sends out WEEZING! CUTEPUFF cutely sends out CUTEPUFF! Flamethrower! Tackle tackle! Spit Poison. Slingshot! KIT uses FLAMETHROWER! FLAMES are THROWN at a TREE! Critical hit! It's super effective! KOFFING uses TACKLE TACKLE! WD was TACKLED TACKLED! Critical hit! It's not very effective... WEEZING uses SPIT POISON! WEEZING spits POISON at the TREE! TREE faints! Eh... CUTEPUFF cutely uses SLINGSHOT! BOULDER was SLINGSHOTED at WD! Critical hit! WD uses SLASH! TREE is SLASHED! TREE faints! That's 2... Me; take down! TACKLE TACKLE JAVA JAVA! Spit poison... Slingshot! KIT uses TAKE DOWN! WD is TAKEN DOWN to the RIVER by a TREE for a DRINK! Eh.. O_o; EVERYONE follows! EVERYONE finds WD! KOFFING uses TACKLE TACKLE JAVA JAVA! WD is TACKLED TACKLED with JAVA JAVA! It's super effective! WEEZING ses SPIT POISON! POISON was SPITTED at the TREE! TREE faints! That's 3 trees fainted so far... CUTEPUFF cutely uses SLINGSHOT! BOMB was SLINGSHOTED at WD! BOMB explodes! WD disappears! WIND CRYSTAL appears! WEEZING puts the WIND CRYSTAL in the EMPTY MUSEUM ROOM! You built a museum? Eh...in case we found anything valuable... Oh...hmm...we should prepare in case another one comes... EVERYONE agrees! Okay! Training will begin tomorrow! EVERYONE goes back to RELAXING! KOFFING goes to DRINK more JAVA! TRAINING will BEGIN in the NEXT BATTLE! BATTLE finally ENDS! |
Battle 10: Training Begins and Ends Here 6/1/00 Setting: Eevee Island Players: Koffing Weezing Kit [All 3 at 2-0-0; Wins Vs. Wind Dragon] Cutepuff [3-0-0; Win Vs. Wind Dragon] Summary: Training begins/ends. Goody? EVERYONE shuts KOFFING up before he STARTS! Maybe this'll work... KIT ties KOFFING to a TREE! TREE faints from SMELL! That's four trees in two battles... CUTEPUFF cutely starts a PROTECT THE ATTACKING TREES MOVEMENT! Ehheh... O_o;; KOFFING wakes up! Ahh...good sleep...time for food... EVERYONE is STUNNED! Why everyone stunned! KOFFING didn't mention JAVA! Oh...want me start? EVERYONE says NO! Okay...FOOD TIME! KOFFING floats towards the KITCHEN! CUTEPUFF cutely follows! Uhh...wanna start training, Weezing...? ZZZzzz... -_-; KIT waits! KOFFING comes out of the HOUSE! CUTEPUFF cutely follows! What took so long? I've been waiting for you two for 4 hours! BIG brunch... It was big and pretty! O_o; WEEZING wakes up! Did I miss something? Uhh...a big brunch... Oh... WEEZING floats into the HOUSE for LEFTOVERS! Eh...might as well follow...I'm hungry... KIT trots into the HOUSE! HOUR passes! KIT and WEEZING trot and float OUT! Ahh...that was good... Yeah... WEEZING burps! WEEZING is renamed to BURPING! Heyyy...don't make me start java like Koffing! Err...BURPING is renamed to WEEZING! Better... Uhh...let's start training now... KIT goes into FIGHTING POSITION! WEEZING goes into FIGHTING POSITION! KIT sends out KIT! WEEZING sends out WEEZING! Me; flame! Smog. KIT uses FLAME! WEEZING uses SMOG! FORCES collide! SMOG explodes! KIT absorbs the EXPLOSION! WEEZING faints! That was easy... VIEW zooms to KOFFING and CUTEPUFF! KOFFING goes into...uhh...KOFFING position! CUTEPUFF cutely goes into CUTE FIGHTING POSITION! Tackle! Slingshot! KOFFING uses TACKLE! CUTEPUFF cutely uses SLINGSHOT! CUTEPUFF cutely SLINGSHOTS KOFFING when he attempts to TACKLE! KOFFING flies to another PART of the ISLAND! That easy! KIT and CUTEPUFF win! FIRE DRAGON appears and is RENAMED to FD! FD wants to fight! FD sends out FD! KIT sends out KIT! CUTEPUFF cutely sends out CUTEPUFF! Me, take down! Slingshot! FD uses FIRE BLAST on KIT! There's no effect! KIT uses TAKE DOWN! FD was TAKEN DOWN to the RIVER to be THROWN IN! It's super effective! CUTEPUFF cutely uses SLINGSHOT! CUTEPUFF cutely SLINGSHOTS a GIANT WATER BALLOON at FD! Critical hit! It's super effective! FD faints! KIT and CUTEPUFF win again! Good. ^_^ Yay! ^_^ KOFFING returns! KOFFING faints! Use next Pokemon? |
Battles 1-5: Beginning the Adventure --> Battles 6-10: The Pokemon Force Battles 11-15: Greenery: Light and Dark Battles 16-20: Newcomers Battles 21-25: RPG Mix-Up Battles 26-30: HELLO SIR! Battles 31-35: Mecha Mayhem Battles 36-40 Battles 41-45 Battles 46-50 |