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Battles 16-20: Newcomers 2 newcomers that are new come...er..get stuck on Eevee Island, along with the other 4. (Find the pun? ^_^;) |
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Battle 16: A Shocking Experience 7/6/00 Setting: Somewhere... Player: Raidude [No Record] RAIDUDE is walking by a POWER PLANT! Now I'm hearing voices...what next? GIANT BLADE OF GRASS appears! GBOG wants to fight! I guess that's what's next... Send out a POKEMON! Me? YES! I AM a Pokemon... Uhh..then send out YOURSELF! I don't own a yourself... Grr...NARRATOR MAKES THE JOKES!!! Fine...red text.. RED TEXT is NARRATOR! SAME THING! ... SEND OUT SOMETHING! I DON'T OWN SOMETHING! If RAIDUDE makes another JOKE, RAIDUDE will be hugged by a CUTEPUFF! Fine...go, Raidude? RAIDUDE sends out RAIDUDE! I'll use mega kick... RAIDUDE uses MEGA KICK! MEGA MAN was KICKed! MEGA MAN fainted! Eh... GBOG uses TICKLE! It's super...uhh..laughy! Stop it stop it stop it stop it! GBOG stops! Phew... RAIDUDE uses PHEW...! No effect! Grrr... RAIDUDE glares at the NARRATOR! NARRATOR chuckles! GBOG uses NOTHING! No effect! Umm..I'll use my special attack...FULLFORCEOFINJUSTICE! RAIDUDE uses FULLFORCEOFINJUSTICE! It's super effective! GBOG faints! I won? I WON! RAIDUDE is happy! Now...can I finish what I never started? YES! Good...time to surf... HOURS pass! RAIDUDE is SURFing around in the OCEAN! TSUNAMI comes! Uh oh... TSUNAMI uses WIPE OUT! Critical hit! RAIDUDE faints! HOURS pass again! NARRATOR zooms to EEVEE ISLAND! Kit: Look! A body! Koffing: Does it have JAVA with it? Kit: No... Koffing: Then me leave! KOFFING floats off for more JAVA! CUTEPUFF cutely waddles over! Cutepuff: Wat wong? Kit: Other than your words, this Raichu doesn't look good... Cutepuff: Me help! CUTEPUFF cutely puts on NURSE SUIT! It's super cute! Kit: Eh... KIT and CUTEPUFF take the RAICHU back to the HOUSE! ... Koffing: I WANNA DONUT! Everyone else: SHUT UP! Koffing: Donuts go good with Java.....need donuts. Have donuts, will travel. Everyone: O_o;; |
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Welcome to Lavender Battles 16-20 Home of Skyler, ono. |
Battles 1-5: Beginning the Adventure Battles 6-10: The Pokemon Force Battles 11-15: Greenery: Light and Dark --> Battles 16-20: Newcomers Battles 21-25: RPG Mix-Up Battles 26-30: HELLO SIR! Battles 31-35: Mecha Mayhem Battles 36-40 Battles 41-45 Battles 46-50 |
Battle 17: The Sky's the Limit 7/12/00 Setting: Somewhere... Player: Skyler [No Record] NARRATOR looks around for someone else to annoy! NARRATOR spots SOMEONE flying on a PIDGEOT! NARRATOR zooms in on the SOMEONE! And the SOMEONE is named Skyler... SKYLER isn't suprised to see NARRATOR? Nope...too busy searching for something... NARRATOR wants to know what the SOMETHING is! Hmmm...the SOMETHING is SOMETHING... NARRATOR doesn't like not getting ANSWERED! So? You did this to others.... THAT was before! NARRATOR will change! ^_^; Really? YES! Trust someone who never kept a promise? Uhh...YES! K. The SOMETHING is a DoomPidgey. NARRATOR thinks THAT is another DOOMPUFF SPINOFF! So? It's powerful...and actually tame. NARRATOR doesn't believe IT! Go check a book about it. NARRATOR looks for a BOOK about DOOMPIDGEY! NARRATOR finds it! NARRATOR skims through it! SKYLER was right! Told ya. NARRATOR doesn't complain! That's a first... Don't push IT... Fine. FUZZY, the giant purple FLAREON, appears in a GIANT HAMPSTER BALL! What the... FUZZY trots out of the BALL! FUZZY trots over and licks SKYLER! It's super wet! ACK! I'm covered with fire dog drool... FUZZY doesn't like being called FIRE DOG! FUZZY prefers FIRE DOGGY! K...fire doggy... FUZZY licks SKYLER! ACK ACK! Grrr....STOP IT! FUZZY trots around chasing its TAIL! That's good enough... FUZZY causes an EARTHQUAKE! COW flies across the SKY! Cow: MOOOOOOooooooo..... COW flies into the HORIZON! THAT's a big earthquake... FUZZY jumps up and down! LAVENDER VERSION WORLD shakes! COW goes MOO! GIANT NINJA PERSON appears! GIANT NINJA PERSON hacks up the MOO! GIANT NINJA PERSON leaves after falling in GRAPE JELLO POOL! Grape Jello pool? No...GRAPE JELLO POOL! What's the difference? CAPS! You want a cap? NARRATOR facefaults! NARRATOR doesn't want a CAP! Oh...uhh...now what? NARRATOR thinks! NARRATOR knows! Do the GIANT CHUBBY JIGGLYPUFF DANCE! Ummm....no. NARRATOR says YES! SKYLER brings out GIANT FEATHER...wait put that away...don't come closer...NOOOOOOOOOO! NEVER mess with me... NARRATOR wants to know how YOU're walking on AIR! Uh...I am? YES! Oh...ACK! SKYLER falls! SKYLER lands on FUZZY! FUZZY is FUZZY! I noticed... FUZZY licks SKYLER! ACK! NO MORE! FUZZY likes to lick though! FUZZY is enraged! FUZZY wants to fight! PIDGEOT flies down! PIDGEOT will help! Go ahead...I think I'll go over here and relax... PIDGEOT uses FAINT! PIDGEOT faints! Grr...I bet you did that on purpose... PIDGEOT did and is proud of IT! ..Stupid bird... PIDGEOT is enraged! How? IT'S FAINTED! PIDGEOT only faked IT! ... PIDGEOT joins FUZZY! Traitor! PIDGEOT sticks his TOUNGE out! Grr...fine. Go, me! SKYLER sends out ME! What? SKYLER is confused! Noooooooo! It hurt ME in its confusion! ME faints! IT!? I'M A HE! NARRATOR doesn't care! NARRATOR sticks out TONGUE! You have a tounge? Uhh...NO COMMENT! Thought not... FUZZY waits for an attack... ME fainted... I'm not fighting... Why NOT! It makes this more boring... NARRATOR doesn't like boring... Hmmm....Ok everyone, it's time for a lecture on french fries. First, they come from the ground as seeds. Then they grow into potatoes... NOOOOOOOO! STOP IT!!!!! Then the get harvested and cut up. They then go into... STOP IT!!! No. SKYLER stopped... Oh...crap... FUZZY uses FLUFFY TAIL! FLUFFY TAIL is used as a SLINGSHOT! ACK! SKYLER flies across the SKY with a LER! ... SKYLER faints while in the AIR! NARRATOR zooms to the ISLAND! KOFFING starts throwing JAVA everywhere! Koffing: JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA! Everyone else: SHUT UP! Koffing: K. EVERYONE facefaults! PERSON lands into the HOUSE! PERSON lands on the BED! Kit: Oh look, another guest... Weezing: ACK! It's a human! IT!? Koffing: It's awake... Grrr....STOP WITH THE ITS! Koffing: K. Show java first. Java? Here.. SKYLER shows JAVA! Koffing: THE HUMAN GOT JAVA! IT'S TIME TO CELEBRATE! Kit: Don't mind him...he's always like this... Always? Kit: Except on Saturdays...he's twice as hyper then. Ohhhkaayy...I think I'll be going now... Kit: Kinda hard on an island... WHAT!? NOOOO...I LEFT MY OTHER POKEMON AT THE POKECENTER! Kit: Don't worry...we'll get off...eventually.... KOFFING floats by with a pound of JAVA! ...A Koffing on java...now I've seen everything... Kit: Have you seen...uhh...A giant purple Flareon...? Yeah... Kit: You've seen everything then. Koffing: JAVA JAV... SKYLER puts a SOCK in KOFFING's MOUTH! Koffing: Mmmpmpm.. Kit: I think we'll get along just fine... NARRATOR zooms back to FUZZY! FUZZY trots back into the GIANT HAMPSTER BALL with PIDGEOT! FUZZY rolls off into the horizon... |
Battle 18: Exploration Party?: Part 1 7/22/00 Setting: Eevee Island Players: Koffing [ 2-1-0; Lose Vs. Cutepuff] Weezing [2-1-0; Lose Vs. Kit] Cutepuff [5-0-2; Draw in Mini-golf (Don't ask how it got there...maybe it was another one...)] KOFFING bounces around the HOUSE! JAVA JAVA JAV...Ooo...RED TEXT THING BACK! RED TEXT THING is NARRATOR! K red text thing. NARRATOR doesn't say a WORD... You just did... I DID NOT AND IF YOU A PROBLEM WITH IT, TOUGH! ...K. NARRATOR looks around! NARRATOR zooms over to CUTEPUFF! CUTEPUFF is cutely playing with some TWIGS! Dis fun! DIS? DIS! ^_^ KIT trots over! Kit: Wanna do something else? What? Kit: Go with Koffing and Weezing and explore some of the island... Sure! Sound fun! Kit: Okay. I'll give you some things to start a map...come back when you're tired. Uhh...Ok! KIT gives MAP STUFF! KIT trots off! CUTEPUFF cutely waddles into the HOUSE! WE GOT JOB! KOFFING continues bouncing! JAVA JAVA JAVA! Grr.. CUTEPUFF cutely brings out GIANT FEATHER! CUTEPUFF cutely uses the GIANT FEATHER on KOFFING! No effect! Mooooooo. :p MOO? Mooooo.. KOFFING thinks IT's a COW... Me fix dat... DAT? Dat! ^_^ CUTEPUFF cutely kicks KOFFING! WEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeedle.... WEEDLE...err...KOFFING flies off into the HORIZON... CUTEPUFF cutely waddles over to WEEZING! You help? Uhh...no....tired... Oh...k. Zzzzzz... Lazy ting... TING? Ting! ^_^ Uhh...CUTEPUFF cutely waddles into the FOREST... Waddle waddle... WADDLE WADDLE? Waddle waddle! ^_^ ...CUTEPUFF cutely waddle waddles through the FOREST! GBOG appears! GBOG wants to fight! GBOG sends out GBOG! Uhhh...me fight! CUTEPUFF cutely sends out CUTEPUFF! Me use tickle! CUTEPUFF cutely uses TICKLE! No effect! Ohhhhhhhh...POO. POO? Poo! CUTEPUFF cutely uses POO! POO is thrown at GBOG! GBOG can't smell...soooo... No EFFECT! GBOG uses TICKLE! Dat tickle! Minimal effect...? Me use pick! CUTEPUFF cutely uses PICK! GBOG was PICKed for the LAVENDER AWARD! GBOG is happy! GBOG forfeits? CUTEPUFF cutely wins? Yay! CUTEPUFF cutely waddles off to do some MAP MAKING! NARRATOR announces TBC... ...END IT!! |
Battle 19: Exploration Party?: Part 2 7/29/00 Setting: Eevee Island Players: Kit [3-0-0; Win Vs. Fire Dragon] Raidude [1-0-0; Win Vs. GBOG] Skyler [0-1-0; Loss Vs. Fuzzy, the giant purple Flareon] CUTEPUFF cutely returns! Cutepuff: Me tired...go sleep! CUTEPUFF cutely waddles into the HOUSE! KIT trots over and looks at the MAP! What the...pictures? Eh...never let a pink balloon do someone else's work... KIT trots into the HOUSE! Raidude, Skyler, I got a job for you two! Yeah? What? Eh? What do you want... Wanna help make a map of the island? Sure...nothing else to do.. I'll help...maybe I can catch some Pokemon... Ok. Follow me.. KIT leads RAIDUDE and SKYLER into the FOREST! NARRATOR follows! HOUR passes! And it keeps going and going and going and going and... ..Going? It...stopped? YES! Phew...finally...what's here..? KIT looks down a CLIFF! ACK! GET BACK! EVERYONE goes BACK! EVERYONE was facing the FOREST...Sooo.. Uh...oh... EVERYONE falls down the CLIFF! ACK! Ow ow ow ow ow! Weeeee! EVERYONE lands in a RIVER! Ooo...look at all da Magikrap... MAGIKRAP? Magikrap! ^_^ No QUESTIONS asked... @_@ @_@ SKYLER swims out and drags KIT and RAIDUDE out! Why do I always do the work... SKYLER works? Grrr... SKYLER doesn't look happy.. Wait...put that THING down... I'll be good! ^_^;;; I guess I'll let you slide...for now... ..Phew... RAIDUDE and KIT wake up! Can we continue now? Yeah... Sure... EVERYONE walks around the DRY LAND! GBOG appears! Isn't that a little overused? NARRATOR thinks KIT is overused... Err...eheh...never mind... ^_^; GBOG wants to fight now! GBOG sends out RGBOG! RGBOG? REALLY GIANT BLADE OF GRASS! ...Oh.. RGBOG uses SPLASH! What the... Eh... Wha... MAGIKARP is enraged! MAGIKARP wants his ATTACK back! MAGIKARP uses KILL! RGBOG dies! GBOG is scared! GBOG runs away! EVERYONE blinks! Wha... Eh... ...Umm.. EVERYONE wins.. Oh...good. Heh... Finally... FINALLY? Yeah...I should have gotten a win long ago! SKYLER was only in one BATTLE... So? I should have gotten it then! ... ...Uhh...Narrator? ...Zzzzzz... *Facefaults* Let's continue mapping.. Sure. Okay. |
Battle 20: Break Time! 8/1/00 Setting: Eevee Island Players: Koffing [2-1-0; Didn't do anything last battle (18), so nothing recorded for that battle] Weezing [2-1-0; Same as Koffing] Kit [4-0-0; Win Vs. GBOG] Cutepuff [6-0-2; Win Vs. GBOG] Raidude [2-0-0; Win Vs. GBOG] Skyler [1-1-0; Win Vs. GBOG] KIT, RAIDUDE, and SKYLER go back to the HOUSE! The GROUP was "greeted" by KOFFING... JAVAAAAAAAAAAAA! SKYLER smacks KOFFING with a FRYING PAN! Ooooo...look at all the pretty stars... KOFFING falls down with those dizzy swirly eye thingies! Heh...nice going Skyler... He REALLY needed that... @_@ VIEW zooms to CUTEPUFF! CUTEPUFF is cutely picking FLOWERS! Dey pwetty! WEEZING is just...watching... ... NARRATOR thinks this is boring... NARRATOR goes back to KIT and others! Wanna go map the rest of the island now? No.. Nope...half is enough for now... @_@ ...Ok. We'll do it some other time... WATER DRAGON appears! ANOTHER dragon? YES! WATER DRAGON wants to fight! Raidude, just shock him.. Ok. RAIDUDE uses THUNDERBOLT! Critical hit! It's super effective! WATER DRAGON disappears! WATER CRYSTAL lands on the GROUND! KIT puts the CRYSTAL away! There... That was easy... Too easy... @_@ CUTEPUFF cutely waddles out! What ya doin? WEEZING follows! Yeah...what's the commotion? Another dragon... Oh. Oh. GBOG appears! AGAIN!? GBOG wants to get a WIN for once! GBOG sends out GBOG! You're outnumbered... GBOG isn't outnumbered... GBOG appears! GBOG appears! GBOG appears! GBOG appears! GBOG appears! GBOG appears! GBOG appears! GBOG appears! GBOG appears! GBOG appears! GBOG appears! GBOG appears! Oh...crap... Eh... @_@ ...Uh... ... Me fix! CUTEPUFF cutely brings out LAWNMOWER! GBOG ARMY runs away! CUTEPUFF cutely wins! Yay! What about the dragon win..? NARRATOR isn't counting it! :P ...Fine...now end the battle... BATTLE ends! |
Battles 1-5: Beginning the Adventure Battles 6-10: The Pokemon Force Battles 11-15: Greenery: Light and Dark --> Battles 16-20: Newcomers Battles 21-25: RPG Mix-Up Battles 26-30: HELLO SIR! Battles 31-35: Mecha Mayhem Battles 36-40 Battles 41-45 Battles 46-50 |