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1-5: Beginning the Adventure The title pretty much explains it. This is where Ditto's "adventure" begins. Also to note, the e with ` above it is not used ('explained' in battle 1). Stupid Geocities PageBuilder... |
Battle 1: The Beginning of an Adventure... 5/22/00 Setting: A Field. Player: Ditto [No Record] SUMMARY: The start of Ditto's long adventure...although there are some things that happened in the past (Which will be in later battles...) This is where Ditto battles a new Pokemon, Milktank. DITTO is crawling around in a FIELD! What's your point, Narrator? NARRATOR is informing READERS where you are! Someone's actually reading this? O_o TALL GRASS moves! Not more attacking grass... SOMETHING appears! And WHAT is SOMETHING? SOMETHING is a POKEMON! Where's the slash above the E? NARRATOR is too LAZY to use ALT! You're not too lazy to use SHIFT... NARRATOR does not like LAST REMARK! NARRATOR lets DITTO slip this ONCE! ...And can you give me more info about this "something"? SOMETHING is PINK, BLACK, and resembles a COW! Eh? Strawberry Moo Cow? STRAWBER...err...SOMETHING is MILKTANK! Never heard of it... MILKTANK is a new POKEMON! Oh...no wonder... MILKTANK wants to FIGHT! Uhh...OK...let's see...go, me! DITTO sends out DITTO! Me, use... DITTO uses ...! DITTO is SILENT! MILKTANK uses MOO! FLAME PORTAL appears! FLASHFIRE appears! FLASHFIRE hacks up the MOO and LEAVES! O_o;; DITTO'S TURN! Oh yeah! Me, use DORITO TOSS! DITTO gets out a BAG of DORITOS! DITTO tosses DORITOS at MILKTANK! MILKTANK eats DORITOS! MILKTANK falls asleep! Heh...good to have sleeping powder lying around... Now...me, use tackle! DITTO uses TACKLE! MILKTANK faints! I win! ^_^ ANOTHER MILKTANK appears! DITTO runs away! No I didn't! Yes YOU did! No I didn't! NARRATOR uses DOOMPUFF THREAT! It's super effective! DITTO runs away! Oh well...I still won...and lost...and never did get any strawberry milk... Battle 2: Doompuff Spinoff and the TCG... 5/23(?)/00 Setting: Toys 'R Us. Player: Ditto [1-1-0; Win and lose Vs. 2 Milktanks] Summary: Ditto, still running from the last battle, finally stops. He finds himself at Toys 'R Us, and it's TCG league day.... Look for the Cashier and a Doompuff spinoff in this battle! DITTO is still RUNNING! From what? NOTHING! Oh... DITTO stops! Finally...now to see where I am... DITTO is at TOYS 'R US! Eh? TODAY is POKEMON CARD GAME LEAGUE DAY! Wha? That thingy where trainers battle with their Pokemon? No! PCGLD is for CARDS! Pokemon Cards? Yes! Oh...now I get it! DITTO goes INSIDE! Just curious... DITTO sees TABLES! DITTO sees CARDS! DITTO stares at SHINY FOSSIL DITTO CARD! Doesn't look like me at all... DITTO leaves to EXPLORE! DITTO finds BOOSTER PACKS! Hmm...what's this? BOOSTER PACKS contain 11 POKEMON CARDS! Hmmm....I'll get a few... DITTO takes 5 BOOSTER PACKS! DITTO goes to CHECKOUT COUNTER! DITTO sees a CASHIER! NOOOOOO! EVIL CASHIER OF DOOM AND OTHER BAD THINGS THAT START WITH D!!!!!! CASHIER says she is not EVIL! You want me to believe you!? Kinda hard... I wanna fight! ... Uhh...Narrator? ... ... CASHIER demands MONEY! Uhh...I don't have any... CASHIER is angry! CASHIER wants to FIGHT! Then in that case, go, me! DITTO sends out DITTO! CASHIER sends out NICE NONRABID JIGGLYPUFF OF CUTENESS! Wow, that thing's cute! Uhh...me, use...uhh... DITTO uses UHH! Wha? DITTO is CONFUSED! NOOOO! DITTO hurt COUNTER in its confusion! Uhh....that was odd... CUTEPUFF cutely uses CUTENESS! CUTEPUFF'S CUTENESS skyrockets! Wow... DITTO stares at CUTEPUFF! DITTO loses TURN! -_-; CUTEPUFF cutely brings out CUTE SLINGSHOT! CUTEPUFF cutely uses it! DITTO is SLINGed to the OCEAN! ... NARRATOR is ALONE! NARRATOR follows DITTO! |
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Welcome to Lavender Battles 1-5 Home of Milktank. Moooo. |
--> Battles 1-5: Beginning the Adventure Battles 6-10: The Pokemon Force Battles 11-15: Greenery: Light and Dark Battles 16-20: Newcomers Battles 21-25: RPG Mix-Up Battles 26-30: HELLO SIR! Battles 31-35: Mecha Mayhem Battles 36-40 Battles 41-45 Battles 46-50 |
Battle 3: S.S.Ditto Voyage! 5/24(?)/00 Setting: The S.S.Ditto. Player: Ditto[1-2-0; Lose Vs. Cashier and Cutepuff] Summary: Ditto lands at the Pokeatlantic Ocean, where he first came to this continent via his cruise ship, the S.S.Ditto. Now, he goes back to his homeland, Pokemon Island; AKA island with Pallet Town, etc.... DITTO lands at OCEAN! Ow..... DITTO is HURT! ... DITTO looks around! DITTO sees S.S.DITTO! Hmm...my cruise ship...time to get out of this weird place... DITTO goes on SHIP! DITTO starts SHIP! Next stop...Pokemon Island! DITTO puts SHIP on AUTOMATIC CONTROL! CUTEPUFF cutely appears! CUTEPUFF cutely waddles onto the SHIP! FIVE HOURS pass! DITTO is at ARCADE playing KILL THE NARRATOR! NARRATOR makes DITTO lose! Heyyyy! I almost killed it! NARRATOR throws GAME overboard! DITTO is getting mad... NARRATOR doesn't care! ... CRUISE continues! DITTO goes to the CANDY SHOP! DITTO gets CANDY! DITTO goes to ICE CREAM SHOP! DITTO gets SHERBET! DITTO goes to DENNYS! DITTO gets OREO PIE! DITTO eats! DITTO is used too MUCH! DITTO chain ends HERE! HOURS pass! LAND is seen in DISTANCE! SHIP stops on HARBOR! DITTO crawls off the S.S.DITTO! Ahh... Fuschia City... DITTO leaves to EXPLORE! BATTLE doesn't END! Why not? BATTLE needs a BATTLE! Oh... GIANT BLADE OF GRASS appears and is renamed to GBOG! Eh...not another one... GBOG wants to fight! I thought so... go, me! DITTO sends out DITTO! Me, use Transform! DITTO uses TRANSFORM! DITTO TRANSFORMS into a DITTO! Eh...that was useless... GBOG uses SLICE 'N DICE! DICE WITH AN 'N ON IT was SLICED! Eh...me, use engulf. DITTO uses ENGULF! GBOG was ENGULFED! DITTO burps! Tasted like lime candy...weird... TRAINER appears! Eh? Someone trying to get me? TRAINER throws MASTER BALL! DITTO eats the MASTER BALL! Yummm...grape... TRAINER leaves! DITTO finally goes to EXPLORE! |
Battle 4: Pokemon Can Get Badges Too? 5/26(?)/00 Setting: Fushcia City. Player: Ditto [2-2-0; Win Vs. Giant Blade of Grass] Summary: Ditto, at Pokemon Island, decides there's nothing else to do except go around collecting badges like trainers. But, instead of starting with Brock at Pewter City, he goes to start with Koga at his home town, Fushcia City. DITTO is crawling around FUSHCIA CITY! Hmm...memories...maybe I can get a badge here? DITTO looks for GYM! HOURS pass! DITTO actually FINDS the GYM! Wow... it was behind where I started...oh well; I'm here! DITTO goes into the GYM! DITTO hits INVISIBLE WALL! Oww...oh yeah, this is Koga's Gym... DITTO follows INVISIBLE WALL! INVISIBLE WALL leads to KOGA! KOGA laughs at PURPLE BLOB! -_-; I still wanna badge... KOGA stops LAUGHING! KOGA accepts CHALLENGE! KOGA sends out KOFFING! DITTO sends out DITTO! Me, use pound! DITTO uses POUND! WALL was POUNDed down! Eh... oh well. KOFFING uses TOXIC! KOGA is POISONED! Koga: WHY did you do that... KOFFING is THIRSTY! KOFFING wants KOFFEE! Pun intended... O_o ALWAYS! Eh...me, use GOTKOFFEE! DITTO uses GOTKOFFEE! KOFFING doesn't! KOFFING leaves on a QUEST for KOFFEE! Koga: What the... KOGA is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion! Koga: IT!? KOGA is enraged! KOGA sends out WEEZING! WEEZING leaves to join KOFFING! KOGA loses! DITTO wins! DITTO receieves the SOUL BADGE! Yay! ^_^ DITTO goes to EXIT! DITTO hits an INVISIBLE WALL! DITTO leaves the same WAY he ENTERED! NARRATOR zooms to SHIP! CUTEPUFF cutely waddles off the SHIP! NARRATOR zooms to FIELD! MILKTANK says MOO! FLAME PORTAL appears! FLASH appears and HACKS up the MOO! FLASH and FLAME PORTAL disappear! NARRATOR goes back to annoying DITTO! |
Battle 5: Which Way? 5/28(?)/00 Setting: Fushcia City, Route 18, Route 17, and Route 16. Player: Ditto [3-2-0; Win Vs. Koga] Summary: Ditto notices there are 4 ways to get out of town: 2 by land, go into the Safari Zone (Which wouldn't be very smart...), or by sea. Ditto chooses to go up the hill (Route 18-16) to get to Celadon City. DITTO thinks! Hmm...up, down, left, or right... DITTO chooses at RANDOM! DITTO chooses DOWN! DITTO goes to the WATER! ACK! No way except swimming... DITTO decides to go LEFT! DITTO goes towards ROUTE 18! Wow... DITTO stares at GIANT HILL! Maybe it's easy to climb... DITTO attempts to CLIMB the HILL! DITTO falls! Ow... DITTO tries again! DITTO falls! DITTO keeps trying for HOURS! It's not very effective... DITTO gives up! For now...heh. DAY passes! DITTO wakes up! DITTO stretches! Now to try again... DITTO DIGS into the HILL! HOUR passes! HOLE appears at the top of the HILL! DITTO pops out! Hard digging with plastic shovel... DITTO goes around the TOP OF THE HILL! BIKE appears! BIKE wants to fight! O_o; That's disturbing... BIKE sends out TIRE! DITTO sends out DITTO! Me, use slash! DITTO uses SLASH! TIRE was SLASHed! TIRE faints! BIKE sends out BIKE! BIKE uses ROAD KILL! ATTACK has no EFFECT! BIKE has no WHEELS! Me...use...BREAK! DITTO uses BREAK! BIKE gets broken! BIKE faints! DITTO wins! DITTO receieves the BAD REPAIRBLOB BADGE! I win! And I get a stupid badge! ^_^ Celadon City, here I come! DITTO is HAPPY! DITTO leaves for CELADON CITY! |
--> Battles 1-5: Beginning the Adventure Battles 6-10: The Pokemon Force Battles 11-15: Greenery: Light and Dark Battles 16-20: Newcomers Battles 21-25: RPG Mix-Up Battles 26-30: HELLO SIR! Battles 31-35: Mecha Mayhem Battles 36-40 Battles 41-45 Battles 46-50 |