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Battles 141-145, and War Event #2. This battle was inspired by memes related to Undertale Yellow, which is free, very good, and which you should play. More to the point, where is 'here'. Might as well go forward. HIBER used GOFORWARD! ... ??? instantly snapped wild BRANCH in half! I reach this bridge and... ???: ???: I have never had liver failure HIBER used SWIFT! ??? used AUTO-DODGE! It doesn't affect SWIFT! ??? fainted! ... also, ??? was renamed SANS! Wild JUAN. appeared! JUAN. wants to fight! On a balcony. ... then again, I've never had horse meat ... Enemy JUAN. sent out DICE! I already told you I don't have liver failure Go, me! Go! HIBER! Enemy DICE used JUAN.DICE! Enemy DICE rolled JUAN., 5! Enemy DICE's JUAN. greatly rose! Enemy SANS: ... right. you want someone to have jaundice that badly, well then? juan. dies. I'm going to deliver. HIBER used DELIVER! Enemy JUAN.'s LIVER was fully DE! Enemy JUAN.'s JAUNDICE greatly rose! Enemy JUAN. ran away! HIBER's attack continues! Enemy SANS received DELIVERY of FAST FOOD! ... composed entirely of KETCHUP! ...So I take it that means he's not secretly some other protagonist in a skeleton suit? Then where's the blood come from when he dies?!? SANS: HIBER used CHILL TO THE MARROW! Enemy SANS was frozen solid! HIBER is trying to use LIVER AND ONIONS! You can't see any ONIONS here! HIBER ran away! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm having fun Hot air defrosted ally SANS! SANS: SANS: THE AUTHOR HAS MADE IT CLEAR IN TERMS THAT EVEN I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, CANNOT MISINTERPRET... THAT THEIR FEELINGS TOWARDS YOU ARE VERY... ...MURDERY. AT BEST. SANS: SANS: SANS: SANS: ... EVEN IF IT HAS BEEN NINE YEARS, AND YOU STILL HAVEN'T FIXED THAT SOCK! SANS: ... ANYWAY. THANKS FOR STILL BEING AROUND. THAT'S ALL. SANS: It's super effective! SAP wants to fight! A NEW POSSIBLE PROTEGE! OR A HUMAN?! SANS: THIS WORLD'S BATTLE SYSTEM IS MILDLY CONFUSING, BUT I WILL SEND OUT ... THE BLOW DRYER! Go! HAIRDRYER! Enemy SAP sent out SAP! Enemy SAP used SAP! PAPYRUS' SENTRY STATION fainted! ... HMM. IT IS MY TURN. I MUST GIVE COMMANDS. BUT IF I AM TO BE A MEMBER OF THE ROYAL GUARD, (OR ITS ONLY MEMBER, AS THE CASE MAY BE,) THEN I MUST BY ALL MEANS BE CAPABLE OF LEADERSHIP IN A PINCH! ... HAIR DRYER, USE DRY! HAIRDRYER used DRY! What? Enemy SAP is evolving! Congratulations! Enemy SAP evolved into PITCH! Enemy PITCH used PERFECT PITCH! It's super resonant! Nearby GLASS OF WATER fainted! Ally SANS' BONES were fully RATTLED! ANYWAY! HAIRDRYER, USE DRY AGAIN! HAIRDRYER used DRY! What? Enemy PITCH is evolving! Congratulations! Enemy PITCH evolved into AMBER! PAPYRUS found AMBER! AN UNMITIGATED SUCCESS! ... I THINK. PAPYRUS won! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. And now, time for a Pokébattles tradition: ONIONSAN appeared! ONIONSAN: Hey... There... Noticed you were... Here... HIBER ran away! ONIONKID appeared! ONIONKID appeared! ONIONKID appeared! ONIONKID appeared! HIBER ran away! MIDGYOTO: hehe lol MIDGYOTO: son of an onion NOT I'm outta here!!! HIBER ran away! JUAN. appeared! JUAN: JUAN. wants to fight! Can't escape! What? JUAN. is evolving! Congratulationns! Enemy JUAN. evolved into HANGED JUAN.! HIBER used DANCING EMBERS! HIBER's attack missed! Enemy HANGED JUAN. used JUAN.DICE! Enemy HANGED JUAN rolled HELL BOXCARS! HIBER received 216 damage! HIBER was JAUNDICEd! Oh screw you Sans ... HANGED JUAN: HANGED JUAN: HIBER's hurt by JAUNDICE! MIDGYOTO: hehe lol u son of an onion HIBER's hurt by the SICK BURN! HIBER used POKé DOLL! HIBER ran away! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. Been a long time coming, this battle. I. Have been chasing you. For. TERRA used ARCHIVE CLICK! And now we're back where it all began! ASMODEUS: Let's keep it that way then. For you. ASMODEUS used SMOKE BOMB! ASMODEUS ran away! TERRA used SPARK CHASER! SPARK CHASEd down enemy ASMODEUS! ASMODEUS' ESCAPE failed! ASMODEUS: Oh come on, I can't even use most of my stuff here because-- UNDEAD RSACi CLOUD used RUMBLE! ASMODEUS: ... that. We are doing this. Now. Can't escape! Enemy ASMODEUS was dragged out! ASMODEUS: NOPEnopenope I lust for life and freedom Enemy ASMODEUS withdrew ASMODEUS! Enemy ASMODEUS sent out ACHILLES! TERRA used ULTRA BALL! The trainer blocked the BALL! Don't be a thief! TERRA sent out GUZZLORD! GUZZLORD: Enemy ACHILLES used SWIFT! Enemy ACHILLES' attack hit! GUZZLORD used DEVOUR! It didn't effect enemy ACHILLES! Right. That won't work. Enemy ACHILLES used RAGE! Enemy ACHILLES' RAGE is building! Enemy ACHILLES' attack rose! On the River Styx. GUZZLORD used GUZZLE! RIVER STYX fainted! ... NARRATOR is unsure what effect this will have on AFTERLIFE! But, ACHILLES' DEFENSE greatly fell! Enemy ACHILLES used RAGE! It's super furious! GUZZLORD fainted! The enemy's weakened! Get'm VENMYOTISM! Enemy ACHILLES used EXTREMESPEED! VENMYOTISM is in critical condition! But if you're in critical condition anyway... VenomMyotismon, Venom Infusion. VENMYOTISM used VENOM INFUSION! Critical hit! ACHILLES: ... oh nooo, I seem to have a poisonous teabag lodged in my chest. That's too bad, it's not my heel-- ACHILLES: -- Enemy ACHILLES fainted! TERRA won! You can't see any ASMODEUS here! TERRA appeared! TERRA sent out LILITH! TERRA sent out LILITH! TERRA sent out ALL STARDROIDS! TERRA sent out DARK MOON! TERRA sent out BELPHEGOR! BELPHEGOR is fast asleep! TERRA sent out BEELZEBUB! BEELZEBUB: I'm hungry! I've had nothing but PokéChow for months! TERRA sent out ABADDON! ABADDON: A curse upon all those who have not been captured and who have... TERRA sent out DISPATER! DISPATER: rrrrRRREEEEEE-- TERRA sent out LONGRAT! LONGRAT: Excuse me I have a very important meeting I'm-- Enemy ASMODEUS was blocked by LILITH! Enemy ASMODEUS ran away! Enemy ASMODEUS was blocked by DARK MOON! ALL TERRA'S POKéMON used NO-HOLDS-BARRED BEATDOWN! Enemy ASMODEUS fainted! TERRA used ULTRA BALL! ASMODEUS used ESCAPE! DARK MOON used ENVELOP! ULTRABALL was fully enveloped! ASMODEUS' escape failed! Congratulations! Enemy ASMODEUS was caught! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. I think this plot-arc is finally coming to a close. Literally half the Version's lifetime... Perhaps you can explain why two of my most profitable minions have gone missing. More precisely, I can sense one of them on your person. And... I'm the second-to-last, aren't I? TERRA: Nah, last. I caught Lucifer off camera. TERRA: He was really ticked off he didn't even get a scene. But we were out of time. TERRA: Anyway, time to get in the ball. What's your price? I TERRA wants to fight! TERRA sent out LONGRAT! Shame his ... 'Orphan Crusher 2000' never came to fruition. LONGRAT: EXCUSE YOU, it's 'OrphanXruXer2000'. LONGRAT: Sure you pronounced it right but THE XS ARE IMPORTANT. LONGRAT: And besides! I paid you my dues. I love your employee life insurance policies! TERRA: GET ON WITH IT MAMMON sent out MINT! MINT used DIE STRIKE! ... good enough for NARRATOR! LONGRAT: OI you know I'd break a strike for you any day-- The moment it will profit us something to turn our backs on each other, we must. It's just rational economics. LONGRAT is on STRIKE! LONGRAT DIEd! MAMMON's SOUL HARVEST: GREED! Congratulations! LONGRAT was caught! TERRA: Oh, you cheating... TERRA: Go, Pluto! TERRA sent out PLUTO! PLUTO: GAOOOOO~ PLUTO used BREAK DASH! PLUTO BROKE the DIEs and DASHed off! PLUTO ran away! TERRA: ... uhhh. I'll have to get him back later. TERRA: He's gone completely feral after he learned his planet was demoted to dwarf planet. TERRA: So uh.... your money won't do you any good. TERRA: Your name is literally "profit" or "wealth" or something. Convincing them that I wasn't just the incarnation of wealth. That there were non-greedy ways to accumulate excess and leave others without. That serving money was somehow not inevitable service to greed. TERRA: That's real nice, but uhh... You haven't sent out another Pokémon so. TERRA used ULTRA BALL! 3... 2... 1... Congratulations! MAMMON was caught! TERRA: ... well, that's all of 'em. TERRA: ... it's time. If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord.