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Battles 146-150. Directly picking up from WE#2. You... Legitimately want me to be one of the "good guys". JANE: Yes JANE: I mean you have literally saved us like ... twice at the very least. JANE: Well, yeah, but like ... We can work with that. JANE: Like, look at the alternatives. Enemy CTHULHU CHUCK used ELDRITCH BLAST! Enemy DOOMPUFF DAVE used LESSER JIGGLY DEATH! Forces collide! JANE: You know, they both kind of want to bring about the End of Days, just like ... in different ways? JANE: Iron Mask is the same way but I doubt she'd appreciate the comparison. JANE: Same for the Iron Nail or whatever they are... if they're still even around... JANE: And I guess there's the lion dude who's trying to do a Disneyland but with more murder. JANE: Honestly, by comparison, 'trying to take over the world' is, like. Practically mundane. JANE: Besides, what would you even do if you took over? ... ... ... JANE: See?! JANE: Doompuff guys over there trying to bring the end of days and you're here trying to make Shower Sunday real. JANE: Niiight and day. STEVE appeared! STEVE: Yeah, join the club... I mean I'm technically still on the Dark Side but at least I'm not 'the Skeve' anymore. STEVE: I did, that's why I'm not 'the Skeve' anymore. JANE: Also as I remember, the unending void was the bad guy in the first battle. JANE: Like, it's right there in the archives. Think about it. Bye. TERRA ran away! JANE: So how are the end-of-days cults doing- Battle ended in a draw! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. ... last minute ... Somehow I'm still okay with this battle. You will note that it prominently does not feature dark scientific experiments for the purpose of uplifting and anthropomorphizing arbitrary entities for fun and profit and instead focuses on improved coverage for biohazard disposal systems. INSURANCE IVAN: Okay that's great but ... where is the profit. INSURANCE IVAN: Well yes, that's the Hippocratic Oath, it's for doctors. INSURANCE IVAN: I'm in the insurance department, we run the Hypocritic Oath. INSURANCE IVAN: Anyway, your proposal would save lives, yes, but it would also cost us $75. INSURANCE IVAN: And think of the stockholders, Mr. Smith. INSURANCE IVAN: Look, here they come now. Wild STOCKHOLDERS appeared! Wild STOCKHOLDERS: $$$ Are we really doing this again? HIBER: Every day until I get a better idea. HIBER: Class warfare is ... it may or may not be funny but it's at least not Go, Hitmonyeet! Get'm! HITMONYEET! INSURANCE IVAN: That's not any Pokémon I've ever heard of. And definitely not the result of questionably ethical medical experimentation. Enemy STOCKHOLDERS used STOCK FOOTAGE! Enemy STOCKHOLDERS used GRAVITY BEAMS! CITY was destroyed! No effect on battle! HITMONYEET used THROW! Enemy STOCKHOLDERS went flying! Enemy STOCKHOLDERS's STICKY HOLD! HITMONYEET went flying! INSURANCE IVAN: Think of the stockholders, Frank. INSURANCE IVAN: Think of them going so fast, and directly into that wall. Enemy STOCKHOLDERS kept going and crashed! HITMONYEET kept going and crashed! Enemy STOCKHOLDERS used RESTOCK! Enemy STOCKHOLDERS's HP was fully RESTOCKED! HITMONYEET used TOSS! Enemy STOCKHOLDERS was fully TOSSed! ... into BIOHAZARDDISPOSALBIN! Enemy STOCKHOLDERS contracted POKéRUS! Eneny STOCKHOLDERS contracted KOFFID-19! Enemy STOCKHOLDERS contracted MEOWTH SCRATCH FEVER! Enemy STOCKHOLDERS was badly poisoned! Enemy STOCKHOLDERS died a horrible, painful death! Enemy STOCKHOLDERS died! INSURANCE IVAN: But think of the stockholders, Bob. We can't just be throwi-- INSURANCE IVAN: Wait ... They're all gone now... What? INSURANCE IVAN is devolving! Congratulations! Your INSURANCE IVAN devolved into JACK! JACK: It's a nickname, okay? If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. Based on the nightmarish Blue Wizzrobes from The Legend of Zelda. LEGO LOSS: That is an exceedingly ominous name, but I only have one lego brick left... I lost the rest. GRILLBY: ... AMAGORN: THIS IS A BLATANTLY TERRIBLE IDEA. Enemy WIZZROBE used MAGIC! WIZZROBE (R): WOOLOOLOOLOO Enemy WIZZROBE disappeared! Enemy WIZZROBE appeared! Ally LEGO LOSS used SHANK! Enemy WIZZROBE was fully SHANKed! Enemy WIZZROBE fainted! Ally LEGO LOSS got LEGOBRICK! LEGO LOSS: Oh sweet I got a second lego brick. Now I have two. Enemy WIZZROBE appeared! Enemy WIZZROBE used ADVANCING MAGIC WALK OF DEATH! WIZZROBE (B): WOOLOOLOOLOO Enemy WIZZROBE's attack continues! WIZZROBE (B): WOOLOOLOOLOO Ally GRILLBY fainted! Enemy WIZZROBE's attack continues! WIZZROBE (B): WOOLOOLOOLOO Ally LEGO LOSS is in critical condition! LEGO LOSS: ... at least I still have two bricks... Enemy WIZZROBE's attack continues! Eneemy WIZZROBE: WOOLOOLOOLOO Ally LEGO LOSS's 2ndBRICK fainted! LEGO LOSS: ;-; Ally LEGO LOSS fainted! AMAGORN: AT LEAST IT IS IN MELEE RANGE. Enemy WIZZROBE used DIAGONAL NOCLIP! Enemy WIZZROBE used FAST NOCLIP! It's super annoying! AMAGORN: ... NEVERMIND. Mr. Wizzrobe, we challenge you to a Poké Battle! Go! Spring! Go! SPRING! WIZZROBE (B): WOOLOOLOOLOO Enemy WIZZROBE sent out WOOLOO! Spring, use Close Shave! SPRING used CLOSE SHAVE! Enemy WOOLOO had a CLOSE SHAVE! ... with DEATH! DEATH used REAP! Enemy WOOLOO's WOOL was fully REAPed! What? Enemy WOOLOO is devolving! Congratulations! Enemy WOOLOO devolved into OO! WIZZROBE: Oo.... Enemy WIZZROBE is angry! Enemy WIZZROBE withdrew OO! Enemy WIZZROBE sent out WIZZROBE! AMAGORN: WELL THAT LASTED ABOUT FIVE SECONDS. Enemy PRIEST appeared! AMAGORN: IT GOT WORSE Enemy PRIEST: Wololo... Enemy PRIEST used CONVERT! Enemy WIZZROBE: WOOLOOLOOLOO Enemy WIZZROBE used ADVANCING MAGIC WALK OF DEATH! Forces collide! Enemy PRIEST died! Enemy WIZZROBE was fully CONVERTed! What? Enemy WIZZROBE is evolving! Congratulations! Enemy WIZZROBE evolved into WIZZROBE! WIZZROBE (R): ?!?!? Enemy WIZZROBE disappeared! AMAGORN: THIS TIME I WILL BE READY Enemy WIZZROBE appeared! Enemy WIZZROBE used MAGIC! Enemy WIZZROBE's attack missed! Ally AMAGORN used EXCESSIVE VIOLENCE! Enemy WIZZROBE died! Ally AMAGORN got 1 RUPY for winning! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. Something... Wild RESPONDENT ran away! Still, what gives, you save the world a couple times and you're still stuck like this-- Wild RESPONDENT appeared! we're conducting a survey about leopards eating faces. Would you say you favor or oppose sea lions? ... And... would you say you favor or oppose leopards eating people's faces. ... Those are all the questions I have. Have a wonderful rest of your day. Wild RESPONDENT fainted! Enemy RESPONDENT appeared! Hi I'm Steve from Sketchy Research, we're a sketchy survey research company. Enemy RESPONDENT used VERBAL ONSLAUGHT! It's not very effective... Have a wonderful rest of your day. STEVE used HANGUP! ... It didn't affect enemy RESPONDENT! Enemy RESPONDENT was renamed LEOPARD! Enemy LEOPARD wants to EAT FACES! STEVE ran away! Enemy LEOPARD ran after, in hot pursuit! BOSS: Yes? BOSS: They pay well, and it's not like the leopards are eating our face. What's the issue? Enemy LEOPARD appeared! That Enemy LEOPARD used FACE EATER! BOSS's FACE was fully EATEN! BOSS fainted! Enemy LEOPARD wants to DEVOUR FACES! STEVE ran away! CLIFF: What are you doing at my secret base CLIFF: y'know this one at the bottom of a bluff CLIFF: i gotchu fam Enemy LEOPARD appeared! Enemy LEOPARD used FACE EATER! Ally CLIFF used POKER FACE! Forces collide! ... Ally CLIFF's FIRE POKER was fully EATEN! It's super effective! Enemy LEOPARD fainted! Ally CLIFF gained 325 EXP! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. An interlude released in lieu of a battle on July 4, 2024. It's super sparkling! Good to get some time off and away from it all... JANE: No kidding. It's not very bright... A little. Out of a telescope. It's super loud! HIBER used HIDE UNDER BED! Happy 4th of July! Every 50 battles, someone is resurrected. The FF Land of the Dead is somewhat sparse, with room for shenanigans... 50MH appeared! UGLY MONKEY CLUB appeared! BURIED ALIVE II: I want to actually be alive for once since I never was. 50MH: My lack of life lacks meaning without the ability to gratuitously torment Larry. 50MH: I need to come back to life before I have to actually reflect on the life choices that have led me here. 50MH: I mean, going backwards is my strong point, buuut... UM CYAN: Money. More money topside. I propose an alliance of convenience. Goes like this. I shove you all in Pokéballs and we all resurrect together. UM CYAN: What do we get out of it? UM CYAN: ... UM CYAN ... Yeah that seems reasonable GIOVANNI used POKé BALL! Congratulations! UM CLUB was caught! 50MH: What the hey, can't get any worse than existing in a place without Larry. GIOVANNI used POKé BALL! Congratulations! 50MH was caught! BURIED ALIVE II: No. BURIED ALIVE II: You've read Sandy Version, I'm sure. BURIED ALIVE II: You know how that turned out with Joey. BURIED ALIVE II: If we're doing this, I'm capturing you because the webmaster's gonna be out to get me either way and I'd rather not give them permission to send Death after me. GIOVANNI wants to fight! GIOVANNI sent out NIDOKING! NIDOKING used HORN DRILL! NIDOKING conducted a FIRE DRILL with its HORN! FIREALARM went off! It's super effective! HIBER used HIDE UNDER BED! It's not very safe... ... wait, what? ... ... NARRATOR is unsure if that's LEGAL! PORTAL used OPEN! GIOVANNI went through PORTAL! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. |