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Battles 156-160. Mass drivers are seriously great, but I needed a cheap knockoff. GIACOMO: Prepare for anxiety throughout your society! GIACOMO: And do it all with stellar economy! GIACOMO: To despoil the folly of hope and grace! GIACOMO: To reach out and spread throughout outer space! GIACOMO: Team Mass Driver, launch at mach thirty three! GIACOMO: Give up now, or soon you'll no longer be! I. What? GIACOMO: There's a new gang in town. The future is now, old man. For starters, you don't chant the motto yourself. You have goons for that. More importantly, out! Out of my base! GIACOMO: No. GIACOMO wants to fight! Enemy GIACOMO sent out RHYFERIOR! ...Wait. Shouldn't that be ... Rhyperior? RHYDON used ROCK SLIDE! RHYDON slid on some ROCKs! Enemy RHYFERIOR used GRAVEL SLIDE! Enemy RHYPERIOR slid on some GRAVEL! It's super effective! ... on enemy RHYFERIOR! Enemy RHYFERIOR fainted! RHYDON enough! Come back! Enemy GIACOMO sent out DUGDUO! GIACOMO blacked out! Go, Ugly Monkey Gang. The enemy's nonexistent! Get'm ! Oh Mew above they've escaped. GIOVANNI won! ... Sort of!? If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. This took far far too long to write especially for how short it is but ... now I have plot and possibilities for next time. UMCoin is no longer going to the moon. We're pretty sure Mammon is dead or worse, Long Rat is probably just as bad. Oh, and I guess some of our big ticket backers got nabbed too. Anyway. We're back but we badly need cash. Any ideas? UM BLUE: Twitter? Or whatever they're calling it now? UM CYAN: We could do another run of us making random AI faces! We'd need a gimmick. Like ... Maybe some sort of big shot star. SPAMTON appeared! SPAMTON: [BIG SHOT]?! SPAMTON: KID, I'M AN [HonestMan] SPAMTON: We don't need honest men here. UM GROUP used MENACE! SPAMTON: <laughter> SPAMTON: REALLY? YOU'RE KILLING ME KID. SPAMTON: PLEASE STOP KILLING ME I WILL OFFER YOU ANOTHER DEAL SPAMTON: HOT SINGLES STRAIGHT FROM [My] [Ant-sized] [Rapidly Shrinking] LIFE Enemy SPAMTON sent out SPAMTON PLUSH! Enemy SPAMTON ran away! Any other ideas? UM BLACK: More digital trading cards ... But if you buy ten you get a real trading card. UM WHITE: Ooh! Sell them for $99.99! UM GREEN: And maybe if you buy like a hundred you get some cheap piece of commemorative cloth from a suit or something! One for one and all for money! UM GROUP: ONE FOR ONE AND ALL FOR MONEY! UM GROUP dispersed! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. The ugly monkeys' revenge continues to run rampant. It's the economy, stupid! Trickle down. Horseshoes. UM BLUE appeared! UM BLUE: Actually I'm-- GERRY wants to fight! Go! GERRYMANDER! UM BLUE: ... Fine Enemy UM BLUE sent out WEIRD LION! GERRYMANDER used PACKING! Enemy WEIRD LION's EVADE fell! Enemy WEIRD LION's DEFENSE rose! Enemy WEIRD LION's ATTACK greatly fell! Enemy WEIRD LION used RANDOMIZED EXPRESSION! It's super uncanny! It doesn't affect GERRY! Dilute and conquer. GERRYMANDER used CRACKING! Enemy WEIRD LION's DEFENSE greatly fell! Enemy WEIRD LION's EVADE fell! Enemy WEIRD LION used RANDOMIZED EXPRESSION! ... doesn't Enemy WEIRD LION know any OTHER MOVES! UM BLUE: No. That's why they're so profitable. Enemy WEIRD LION's EXPRESSION was badly poisoned! Enemy WEIRD LION died! UM BLUE: Actually that's what we came to talk to you about. UM BLUE: We're trying to make loads of money, are you in? Do you pay in gratuities?! UM BLUE: Yes ... Battle ended in a draw! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. Yes this is probably some kind of allegory Should I make an alliance, it is simply a temporary measure as I accumulate power, for the purpose of eating more faces. UM GREEN appeared! LEOPARD used FACE EATER! It's super effective! UM GREEN fainted! UM ORANGE appeared! Hello, visitor. Are you in favor of leopards eating people's faces? UM ORANGE: What's in it for me? UM ORANGE: Do I get their money? Moreover, it'll open up good-paying jobs and advance the economy, particularly in the face sector. UM ORANGE: Hey, works out, we make faces for a living anyway. UM ORANGE joined the party! Battle ended in a-- HIBER: WAIT WAIT HIBER appeared! HIBER: It's called Poké Battles, not Poké Character Developments And Commentary! HIBER: You can't just end the battle without someone fighting! LEOPARD wants to fight! UM ORANGE: Waitwaitwaitwe'vegotadeal-- Enemy UM ORANGE sent out ROTTEN ORANGE! Go, my sycophantic baboon underlings. Show them our power, in our style. Go! BABOON! BABOON used FACE EATER! It's not very effective... It's super effective! Enemy ROTTEN ORANGE fainted! BABOON was badly poisoned! Enemy UM ORANGE sent out UM ORANGE! BABOON enough! Come back! Go! LEOPARD! LEOPARD used FACE EATER! It's super effective! Enemy UM ORANGE fainted! Beep beep boop beep beep boop beep. LEOPARD used PHONECALL! UM RED appeared! Unfortunately, Ugly Monkeys Green and Orange were traitors to your cause. I've dealt with them for you. LEOPARD won! All the ugly monkeys are supposed to be dead-- I knew I shouldn't have cheaped out on my reapers... Sandy had the right idea. If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. This ... took too long to write... I'm getting spillover. Dead charactrs spontaneously coming back to life or sneaking out of the afterlife. Here's my server. HIBER sent out FFVERSION! LINUXMAN: ... LINUXMAN: ... this is three gameboys and an N64 stuck together with chewing gum and prayer. It's compliant with the PKB99 standard. LINUXMAN: ...that standard is over 25 years old... ... Anyway, the problem is my afterlife is suffering from unexpected spontaneous resurrection syndrome. And my actual reaper is more focused on ... romancing some dark age costume hero man... So I'm looking to get a better one. The new Version Reaper seemed really nice. 'You are not the one' and the death beam and all. You got that? LINUXMAN: Yeah unfortunately that's really only compatible with the PKB22 standard. Well, just give it to me anyway, I'll build it myself if I have to. LINUXMAN: Whatever you say, boss. HIBER got DEATH2K! HIBER used BOOTSTRAP! HIBER used PAPERCLIP! HIBER used VIRTUAL CHEWING GUM! FFVERSION wants to fight! Enemy FFVERSION sent out DEATH2K! Enemy DEATH2K: 4F 4E 45 20 53 48 41 4C 4C 20 52 45 54 55 52 4E Enemy DEATH2K used REAP! It's not very effective... Hypnosis, I don't want to break this. HIBER used HYPNOSIS! But, it failed! Enemy DEATH2K: 59 4F 55 20 41 52 45 20 4E 4F 54 20 54 48 45 20 4F 4E 45 2E Enemy DEATH2K used HEAP! FFVERSION's HEAP MEMORY greatly fell! That's. That's my dynamic memory. Can you not HIBER used FIRE SPIN! Enemy DEATH2K was trapped! Enemy DEATH2K exploded! HECK Enemy FFVERSION sent out FFVERSION! Enemy FFVERSION used OVERHEAT! CHEWING GUM melted! Enemy FOXFIRE VERSION is in critical condition! HIBER used VERSION BALL! Rats! Almost had it! Enemy FOXFIRE VERSION used CRASH! Enemy FOXFIRE VERSION kept going and crashed! Enemy FOXFIRE VERSION held on using its FOCUS SASH! HIBER used VERSION BALL! Congratulations! FFVERSION was caught! HIBER fainted! Use next POKéMON? If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. |