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Battle01:Nurses, and Ghosts, and Brock.Oh my!Player: Ash Narrator Nurse Joy! Please help my pokémon! They’re badly hurt! Nurse joy is angry! Nurse joy says that any responsible trainer wouldn’t let his pokémon get that injured! But, It’s not my fault! Nurse joy is angry! You already said that! Nurse joy is angry! Stop it! Nurse joy is angry! Shut up! Shut up! Stop it! Stop it! This is no time for games! This is no time for games! Nurse joy wants to know why you are talking to yourself! You see… there’s this weird voice, an- Nurse joy is still angry! What! But my pokémon are on the verge of death! Nurse joy wants to fight! How am I supposed to fight. I don’t have any pokémon left. Send out yourself! Duh!! Nurse joy sent out Nurse joy! Ash! I choose you! Go ASH! Hey My NaMe iSn’t iN All CAPS, STOP it! Mwahahahaha! Nurse joy used summon! Brock appeared! What’s going on?! Ash is confused! No I’m not! It hurt itself in it’s confusion I’m not confused! Ash missed his turn! Huh?! Nurse joy used FEMININE CHARM! It didn’t have any effect! Hah! I’m immune to your attack, everyone knows that my true love is Misty! Oops. Brock is dazzled by feminine charm! Brock joined nurse joy Nurse joy: Return nurse joy! Nurse joy: Go Brock! Brock used TALKABOUTSOMETHINGTHATISVERYBORING! It’s super effective! I’m going to die of boredom! Ash died I did not! Did too! I did not! Did too! I did not! Did too! Shut up! Ash’s dead body explodes. If I’m dead, then how come I can talk! Ash is a Ghost! Oh. Ash’s ghost used frighten! It’s super effective! Nurse joy used Eeek! Nurse joy ran away. Brock ran away. Misty ran away. Chansey ran away. Someone ran away. Ash ran away. - Hey! Stop it! What are you talking about! Misty wasn’t in this battle! Chansey wasn’t in it either! I’m still here! Ash's Ghost Gained 3640 exp. What! ASH's Ghost is evolving! Ash's ghost evolved into Ash! Ash lost all ghostly powers! Awwww….. Pikachu is fiddling with pokedex. Huh? Pikachu traded all your pokémon! Pikachu: pikaaaaa ( hooray! I sure got a lot of ketchup in that trade…) Ash: Arrgggghhhhhhh!! By illumina@graalmail.com Top Bottom Battle02:The Crazy Cashier, and the glitchy GamesharkPlayer: Brandon Narrator Hi, I’d like to buy 2 potions please. Cashier wants to know why. So that I can heal my pokémon. Cashier wants to know why you want to heal your pokémon. What is your problem?!! Just give me the 2 potions you moron! Cashier doesn’t like being called a moron. Uh oh. Cashier wants to fight! Cashier sent out Lv1 Magikarp! Uhm, Go Mewtwo? Brandon sent out Lv 100 Mewtwo! Ha! Your Lv1 Magikarp with one point of health left is no match for my Lv100 Mewtwo with full health! Mewtwo! Use Quick attack! Cashier wants to know how you taught your Mewtwo quick attack. That’s easy. I’ve got Gameshark! Magikarp used splash! It’s not very effective! Mewtwo died! What! How did a splash attack kill him, or even attack first?!!! Argh!!! You will pay for killing my Mewtwo! Go GameShark! Go GameShark! Stop repeating me! ..... GameShark use that weird attack that does 10000 damage, then freezes up the game! Gameshark used wafoemwaflwmf,.cmdifrwoi Yeah! That’s what it was called! Magikarp fainted! Gameboy froze! Brandon can’t move! Cashier can’t move! Brandon can’t move! Cashier can’t move! Brandon can’t move! Cashier can’t move! Brandon can’t move! Cashier can’t move! Brandon can’t move! Cashier can’t move! Brandon can’t move! Cashier can’t move! Brandon can’t move! Cashier can’t move! A9a99s9121129348290131331 fatal error:128723845 Gameboy will self destruct in 3 seconds! Aagghhhh! No I’m in the gameboy! Gameshark exploded! Brandon can move! Gameboy will self destruct in 2 seconds Go link cable! Go link cable! Use your connect attack! Link cable connected to red version! Misty traded a rattata to blue version! Misty got Brandon Bye bye rattata! Gameboy will self destruct in 1 seconds! Gameboy used SELF DESTRUCT! Cashier fainted! Rattata fainted! Everyone in pokémon world on blue version fainted! Misty ran away! Top Bottom Battle03:What do you get when you mix Pokemon, Gameshark, and a Troublesome teen?Player: Brandon Narrator Come on, Please, Let me out of the game. Misty: No way! I got you in a trade fair and square! But it's impossible to own a trainer! Misty: No it isn't. Not if you use Cheat codes. But I'm not any use to you. I dont know any attacks. Misty: We'll see about that. Misty sent out pokedex! Pokedex used Scan Pokedex:This pokemon knows only one attack. Ha! Pokedex: That attack is : DESTROYALLOPPENENTSINABLASTOFFREAKYPSYCHICPOWERS WHIC HWILLCAUSETHEOPPENENTTODIE HORRIBLYTENTIMESINAROW. Misty: Ha! Misty: Now I need to give you some more attacks. What are you doing?! didn't you hear the pokedex? I can only learn one attack! Misty: You're not the only one with gameshark you know. No Wait!!!! Misty turned off the game! Misty Inserted the gameshark! Misty turned the game on Misty programmed codes into the gameshark. Misty: Ah what the heck I'll change his type as well, ooh and I know! I'll raise his level to Lv75. There now he knows Fly, Hyper Beam, thunder, and that other attack. Misty exited the gameshark menu. Misty went on to her game. um, Misty would you like to explain Why I now have wings, and why my legs have been replaced with a Mermaid tail? Misty: oh um he heh You are now Type1/Flying, Type2/Water. Arrrggghhh!!! While I don't mind the wings too much, how am I supposed to walk around on land with a tail? Misty: Um... Slither? Take away the tail now!!! Misty: Be careful what you say or I'll turn you into a caterpie!! Yikes!!! Misty:Let's see what would happen if you were electric type. I just realized I can change it while in play. Wait! Brandon is evolving! Brandon evolved into Brandon! I don't think I like having pikachu's tail sticking out of my butt. Misty: fine fine.... Let's try poison hmmm..... nothing sssssssseemsssss changed. Hey! My tongue is forked, and my teeth have fangsssss! Misty: ok..... Uhm... Fighting. ok, this is fine. Misty: I dont see any change. Just watch. see that large boulder? watch this. Boulder wants too know why you are looking at it. I think it looks stupid. Boulder is angry! Boulder wants to fight! Top Bottom Battle04:Rock and roll out of there!Player: Brandon Narrator Boulder sent out boulder Go me! Go Brandon! Boulder used crash! Boulder Crashed into Brandon Boulder split into a kajillion fragments. Ha! Most of my body is made of steel! Now to escape! Misty: You can't escape! I control you! Sorry misty, Go Mega memory card! Use your back-up attack! Mega memory card made a back-up of brandon! Mega Memory card ran away! Misty: Brandon Return! Ha! that wont work anymore! Misty: Why not? Because...... You can only control pokemon up to lv 70!!! Mwahahahaha *cough* *kaff*!!! Go Me! Brandon Go! I'll just use my suicide attack. Brandon! Suicide attack! Brandon committed suicide! Brandon is dead! Misty: noooooo!!! New Player: Mega Memory card Go mega memory card! Use transfer! Mega memory card transferred backup files to some machine New player: some machine Some machine used function! Some machine did it’s function! Brandon Appeared! New player: Brandon Whew, I sure am glad my gameboy to reality invention worked. Hey my wings are still here, and my bodies still made of steel! Cool! Misty appeared! by illumina@graalmail.com Top Bottom Battle05:Misty's Empty victory, The utter annihilation of missingno.Player:Brandon Narrator Misty is angry! Misty wants to fight! Misty sent out missingno! Go me! Brandon go! Missingno used ultra level up! Missingno is level 1999921093! Hahahahahahaha!!! Brandon used Combo Brandon used SUPERPOWERFULATTACKTHATINVOLVESLOTS OFNUCLEARWARHEAD SCOMBINE DWITHFREAKY PSYCHICPOWERSWHICHALWAYSBURNTHEENEMYTOD EATH! Brandon used Psychic! Brandon used mega kick! Brandon used pin missile! Brandon used mega punch! Brandon used non fatal explosion! Brandon used tackle! Brandon used triangle kick! Brandon used DSC! Brandon used Ultima! Brandon used Meteor! Brandon used kill! Brandon used crush! Brandon used sword dance! Brandon used Illumina Sword attack X8! Brandon used burn into ashes! Brandon used Whirlwind! Brandon used victory dance! Missingno was blown into bits by nuclear warheads Missingno is dead! Missingno was burned to death! Misty: Stop it! Cant you see he’s already dead?! Missingno was kicked! Missingno was pummeled with missiles! Missingno was punched! Missingno was exploded! Missingno was tackled! Missingno was kicked! Missingno was kicked! Missingno was kicked! Hit the enemy 3 times! Missingno was utterly utterly destroyed! Missingno was blown into oblivion several times! Missingno was battered with meteorites! Missingno was killed! Again! Missingno was Crushed! Missingno was whacked with a sword! Missingno was whacked with a sword! Missingno was whacked with a sword! Missingno was whacked with a sword! Missingno was whacked with a sword! Hit the enemy 5 times! Missingno was hit with the most powerful sword ever to exist! Missingno was hit with the most powerful sword ever to exist! Missingno was hit with the most powerful sword ever to exist! Missingno was hit with the most powerful sword ever to exist! Missingno was hit with the most powerful sword ever to exist! Missingno was hit with the most powerful sword ever to exist! Missingno was hit with the most powerful sword ever to exist! Missingno was hit with the most powerful sword ever to exist! Missingno’s dead, battered, broken, bleeding body was burned into Ashes!!! Missingno’s Ashes were scattered into the wind! It’s super annoying! Misty ran away! Hahaha! I love gameshark! Misty is the winner! What!!! Her pokémon was utterly destroyed into oblivion! How did she win?! You used attacks from Saga frontier, and Final Fantasy 3, and some of the other attacks were never even invented! YOU ARE DISQUALIFIED!!! NOOOOO!!!!! Misty: Ha! I won!! Poor missingno…… By illumina@graalmail.com Top Bottom |