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Title: Tortourous Narration
Player: KitaTime Written: 1:38 AM, no sleep Location: Outside Narration torture chamber Narrator: Normal/MS Narrator SOUNDS of SCREAMING and PAIN are heard from narration TORTURE chamber! Huh. Sounds painful... Narrator agrees! Narrator DECIDES to TURN OFF the TORTURE chamber! Brandon LEAVES the TORTURE chamber! It's still standing! Brandon fainted! Narrator NOTES smoke coming FROM the TORTURE chamber! Narrator ENTERS the TORTURE chamber to FIND OUT what IT is! Narrator becomes TRAPPED in THE TORTURE chamber! Brandon is ROLLING on the FLOOR LAUGHING out LOUD! Narrator is CONFUSED! Narrator turned AROUND in ITS confusion! Narrator NOTICES a SWORD getting READY to STAB NARRATOR! SWORD is FULLY READY! Narrator fainted! ... ... checking pokebattle status... . . . narrator presence undetected. loading program MS narrator.exe . . . . . Finished loading Kita is wondering what is going on! Brandon: Heh, He fell for it... Fell for what? What's going on? Brandon: The Narration chamber glitched and I ended up in a room with every videogame and every videogame system ever created in it... The screaming was a soundtrack that I collected from a few horror movies. Then just as I was leaving it repaired itself. Then why was the chamber smoking? Brandon: Probably because it was on for about two or three months... ah... scanning text. . . running operation "confusion.txt" Kita is confused! Kita hurt itself in its confusion! Brandon: Hey, who's narrating? ... Brandon: ... ... scanning text. . . running operation "confusion.txt" Brandon is confused! Brandon hurt itself in its confusion! running operation2 "reply.txt" current narration mechanism: Microsoft Narrator v1.3 Brandon: Ah... Seems a bit slow... yeah... Brandon: ... ... Brandon: *decides to self narrate* good idea... scanning text. . . Bit appeared! Bit is slow! Brandon: Was there any point to that little bit? What a stupid pun... *Kita notes the irony in Brandon's statement* Brandon: is it just me, or is this battle rapidly going downhill? *Kita decides to leave* Brandon: *follows kita* Where are we going? hm.. how about fuchs- scanning text. . . scanning situation. . . Narration torture chamber is about to explode! Narration torture chamber bursts in flames! Kita ran away! Brandon ran away! A shockwave of bluish electricity flew out of torture chamber! eAEFrr23orAE23: pLLLLMMMAKKrogrammmmmmmmmmmmm shore circuit- circuiting MS narrator IS OFF-LINE! Narration TORTURE chamber EXPLODED! Narrator escaped TORTURE chamber! It's extremely ENRAGED! Narrator flew IN the DIRECTION of KITA and BRANDON in its RAGE! By illumina@graalmail.com Bottom Post your comments on battle41 Title: A Narrator's revenge
Player: BrandonTime Written: 2:36 AM, no sleep Location: Some miscalleous road to fuschia city Narrator: Normal/MS_Narrator Narrator APPEARED! AHHH! RUN!! OAK: Now is not the time to do that! No...! Narrator SMILES EVILY! Narrator DRAGS Brandon TOWARDS a different narration TORTURE chamber! Narrator makes SURE that THIS ONE is WORKING! Narrator THROWS Brandon INTO the CHAMBER! Narrator SETS a TIMER for ONE WEEK! Narrator WATCHES through VIEW-SCREEN! Barney APPEARED! Brandon: NO!! Anything but that! Barney: I love you... you lov- Narrator SHUDDERS in DISGUST! Narrator BEGINS to WALK AWAY! Brandon: NO! Please not the teletubbies! Barney AND teletubbies BEGIN SINGING! Brandon: NO!!! Narrator QUICKLY runs AWAY! KITA is SITTING by THE road! KITA is READING a BOOK! KITA looks UP! Kita: Huh? what happened? Narrator GRINS EVILY! Kita: Forget I asked... I don't want to know... KITA takes PLAYER status! KITA hands the BOOK to NARRATOR! NARRATOR begins READING BOOK! Narrator becomes FASCINATED by BOOK! well... that was easy... *walks away* *begins heading towards fuchsia city* *hours pass* ... scanning . . . narrator presence detected... narration activity undetected... loading program "MS_Narrator.exe" scanning text. . . Kita is fighting fuschia gym leader. Kita used punch! Koga fainted! Kita takes soul badge! Well... that was easy... Kita goes to Pokecenter! Nurse Joy appeared! Hey Nurse Joy, Can I stay here? Nurse Joy: #$@%& trainers, why can't you ever sleep somewhere else?! rsaci cloud appeared! rsaci cloud used thunderbolt! Nurse Joy fainted! er... I guess that's a yes... It's asleep! scanning text . . . relocating program. . . new location: miscellaneous road to fuschia city. scanning scene. . . Narrator is still reading book! Narrator looks up briefly! Narrator is annoyed! Narrator shoots a beam of lightning at MS_Narrator! MS_Narrator fain- By illumina@graalmail.com Bottom Post your comments on battle42 Title: Would you like to upgrade your version of MS_Narrator to the latest one available?
Player: NoneTime Written: 3:21 AM, no sleep Location: Outside Narration Torture Chamber Narrator: Webmaster/MS Narrator SOUNDS OF DISGUST AND EXTREME ANNOYANCE ARE COMING FROM TORTURE CHAMBER! WEBMASTER LOOKS IN VIEW SCREEN! WEBMASTER SHUDDERS IN DISGUST! WEBMASTER NOTICES THAT TIMER IS NEARLY OUT! TIMER IS OUT! TIMER FAINTED! BRANDON LEAVES TORTURE CHAMBER! WEBMASTER GIVES PLAYER STATUS TO BRANDON! Yes, finally... I'm free! Ha... ha.... ha............ BRANDON FAINTED! WEBMASTER GOES TO SEE WHATS HOLDING UP THE NARRATOR! NARRATOR IS STILL ENTRANCED IN BOOK! NARRATOR FINISHES READING BOOK! A TEAR COMES OUT OF ONE OF NARRATOR'S EYES! Narrator: H... How could it end like that? After all they went through! NARRATOR BREAKS DOWN CRYING! HM... I'M GOING TO NEED A DIFFERENT NARRATOR FOR THIS BATTLE! WEBMASTER SENDS OUT MS_NARRATOR! WEBMASTER USED RARE CANDY! MS_NARRATOR INCREASED LEVEL! WEBMASTER'S ATTACK CONTINUES! MS_NARRATOR INCREASED LEVEL! WHAT? ITS EVOLVING! MS_NARRATOR EVOLVED INTO MS_NARRATOR V13.9 WEBMASTER BOOTS UP MS_NARRATOR V13.9! WEBMASTER LEAVES! Loading. . . Fully loaded... Scanning current parameters. . . Locating Main characters. . . scanning potential plot devices. . . MS_Narrator V13.9 used rename! MS_Narrator V13.9 renamed itself MS_Narrator! MS_Narrator teleported to Narration Torture Chamber! activating Narration sub-routines. . . Program fully loaded... Brandon WOKE up! uh... where am I...? YOU are OUTSIDE THE narration TORTURE chamber! uh... Brandon is STILL groggy! urrh... Brandon is LOOKING in BACKPACK! ... Brandon USED Hyper potion! IT RECOVERED 200 hps! ah... Much better. Brandon is WALKING TOWARDS Fuchsia CITY! odd... you don't sound like the normal narrator... CURRENT narrator is MS_Narrator! impossible... MS_Narrator is too slow too be comprehending that fast. MS_Narrator is v13.9! ah.. that would explain it... ... ... MS_Narrator used FAST-FORWARD! Brandon ENTERS FUCHSIA city POKECENTER! IT's still ASLEEP! Brandon used AWAKENING! Kita WOKE up! Kita: huh? C'mon let's *yawn*go... Kita: I'm still too tired... Let me sleep... Kita USED hypnosis! Brandon fell ASLEEP! Kita FELL asleep! by illumina@graalmail.com Bottom Post your comments on battle42 Title: A Narrative Disgrace.
Player: NarratorTime Written: 10:30 AM, 7 hours sleep Location: Fuchsia City PokeCenter Narrator: MS Narrator/Narrator Activating sensors... Sensors indicate battle start. Activating narration sub-routines. It's STILL ASLEEP! MS_Narrator USED very LOUD voice! It's NOT very EFFECTIVE! Plot sensors activated. Plot level = 1.9. Current calculated BQ = .4 MS_Narrator used TELEPORT! Location: Some random road to fuchsia city Narrator is STILL upset! How could it end like that??? MS_Narrator REMINDS Narrator that he NEEDS to NARRATE battle! ...Badly! Quiet, incompetent one. Narrator used INSULT! It's super EFFECTIVE! Narration sub-routines CRASHED! You will pay for that narrator. MS_Narrator is angry. MS_Narrator wants to fight. Narrator used lightning beam. It's super effective. It's still standing. MS_Narrator used fwap. Narrator was fwapped. It's not very effective. Narration sub-routines reloaded. Bwahaha, you're in for it now, Narrator! Narrator used APOCOLYPTIC FURY Beam of HELLFIRE! BEAM is FURIOUS! BEAM used APOCOLYPTIC FURY! BEAM is FURIOUS in an APOCOLYPTIC way! BEAM was SENT to HELL! BEAM used HELLFIRE! THERE is HELLFIRE in HELL! IT's NOT very effective! MS_Narrator USED Fwap! It's SUPER EFFECTIVE! Narrator's PRIDE FAINTED! HEY! My lion king movie fainted! HAH! Good MOVE! Not GOOD ENOUGH though! MS_Narrator used Fwap! It's super REDUNDANT! Narrator FAINTED! MS_Narrator PICKS UP the BOOK! Huh? It's TITLED "Learning your ABC's"?! MS_Narrator stares AT Narrator! MS_Narrator GRINNED evily! Updating secrets file. . . Deactivating narration sub-routines... Heh, this'll be even better than the thing about Bill Gates taking intelligence drugs! Bwehehehe! Narrator woke up. ugh... what happened... Narrator recieved narrative powers. MS_Narrator logged off. Narrator is DIZZY! Narrator FAINTED! by illumina@graalmail.com Bottom Post Comments on Battle44 here! Title: Sleeping for long periods of time can be hazordous to your health.
Player: NarratorTime Written: 10:36 AM, 8 hours sleep Location: A Mental Hospital in Fuchsia City Narrator: Narrator/MS_Narrator/Narrator(MHE) Narrator IS AWAKE! ugh... barely... Huh? Who's Narrating? Narrator is NARRATING! But I'm the Narrator! You WERE! Your FIGHT with MS_NARRATOR caused your SANITY to FAINT! So, Narrator EVOLVED into an MHP! MHP? Mental Hospital Prisoner! so, you are? I AM your OTHER personality! ...ok. Narrator used TELEPORT! Did I use teleport or you? I did! So then I'm teleporting out of here? No, I AM! But I AM I! NO, YOU are YOU! I AM I! So, I am You? No, You ARE... *snap* Narrator's SANITY Fainted! I thought my sanity already did faint? No, MY sanity FAINTED! So... My sanity fainted? but I thought it already did? I, you, we, me, my... Nice use of pronouns there... you missed the last two... Narrator EXPLODED! No...! Hey, I didn't explode? ... Narrator... narrator? Nurse Joy: Hello! I just came in here to give you your medication! Hi! Have you seen the Narrator? He was supposed to Narrate your entrance! Nurse Joy: yea, sure I did! In fact, Let me give you some medicine that will send you somewhere! Maybe you'll see him there! Yea! hey... wait a min-- checking scene... checking text... Narrator activity undetected... logging on... system is performing maintenence... system will shut down in two minutes... ok, I'll be quick then. It's asleep. Nurse Joy left... MS_Narrator took one of Narrator's Multiple personalities. Narrator's multiple personality was named Narrator. hm.. that could be confusing... MS_Narrator teleported Narrator out of the Mental Hospital. Narrator evolved into Narrator(MHE). System shut down... in 5.. 4.. Narrator(MHE) recieved Narrative powers. 2.. 1.. MS_Narrator logged OFF! Narrator(MHE) is WONDERING what he should DO now! Narrator(MHE) WONDERS where MAIN characters are! Narrator(MHE) used teleport! Location: Fuchsia City Pokecenter It's asleep! It woke up! Brandon RECIEVED player STATUS! ugh... I feel like I've been asleep for... Brandon has a HEADACHE! It's Paralyzed! IT'S Super EFFECTIVE! Brandon has been ASLEEP for two weeks! Oh... that would explain it... but then why does my back hurt so much? Brandon is PARALYZED because Brandon has been SLEEPING while standing UP! Arg, No Wonder... It woke up! Hey Kita could you give me a PARALYZE HEAL? Kita is still TIRED! Kita is GOING back to SLEEP! Haven't you slept enough? Kita REMINDS you that SHE hasn't REALLY SLEPT that MUCH since BATTLE 13! Great... so now what do I do? Kita used HYPNOSIS! It's ASLEEP! Kita used REST! It's ASLEEP! Narrator is WONDERING what he should DO NOW! It woke up! Kita USED Hypnosis! Narrator is getting tired! Kita *yawn* used REST! *yawn*It's *yawn* ASLEEP! Narrator FELL ASLEEP! By illumina@graalmail.com Bottom Post Comments |