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Battle 26Title: Definitely a super powerful pokemon of death! Player: Brandon Narrator DEATHKARP EVOLVED into SUPER DESTRUCTIVE UNDEFEATABLE GYARADOS of HYDROMATIC UBER-DESTRUCTION! SUPER DESTRUCTIVE UNDEFEATABLE GYARADOS of HYDROMATIC UBER-DESTRUCTION: Please... head hurts... call me something shorter? SUPER DESTRUCTIVE UNDEFEATABLE GYARADOS of HYDROMATIC UBER-DESTRUCTION was renamed to: SUPER DESTRUCTIVE UNDEFEATABLE GYARADOS of HYDROMATIC UBER-DOOM! SUPER DESTRUCTIVE UNDEFEATABLE GYARADOS of HYDROMATIC UBER-DOOM GROWLS at NARRATOR! NARRATOR is FULLY TERRIFIED! NARRATOR RENAMED SUPER DESTRUCTIVE UNDEFEATABLE GYARADOS of HYDROMATIC UBER-DOOM in his TERROR! SUPER DESTRUCTIVE UNDEFEATABLE GYARADOS of HYDROMATIC UBER-DOOM was renamed to: GYARADEATH!! GYARADEATH!:I suppose it wil- hey, what's with the exclamation?! um... hi? GYARADEATH! SNARLS! ulp! GYARADEATH! BITES off NARRATOR'S ARM! OW!!! HOW DID THAT HURT ME?!?! I'M A DISEMBODIED VOICE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!! DISEMBODIED AS IN NO BODY WHATSOEVER! GYARADEATH! ROARS! ACK!! ok... GYARADEATH! was renamed to GYARADEATH GYARADEATH: GYARADEATH sounds a bit corny... oh well... now where was I? Brandon IS TRYING to SNEAK AWAY! Filthy squealing stool pigeon... Brandon TRIES in FUTILITY to RUN AWAY as if HE could ESCAPE the OMNISCIENT SUPER POWERFUL POWERS of the NARRATOR! GYARADEATH: Oh yea... you're the foolish idiot who kicked me... good. doesn't sound like he resents it that much... GYARADEATH is still recovering from headache caused by long name! Gyaradeath has fully recovered from headache! GYARADEATH: MUCH BETTER...TIME TO KILL THE FOOL! Yah!!! Run away! Brandon tried to run away! Kita Tried to run away! Brandon couldn't escape! Kita couldn't escape! GYARADEATH used ULTIMATE KILLING DESTRUCTION BEAM! GYARADEATH missed! A Nearby Planet was destroyed! HOLY KRAP!!! X_ACCURACY fell out of portal! X_accuracy fell on Gyarados! It's super effective! Gyarados has a headache! um... that totally didn't work out like I thought it would... Gyarados used DEATH BEAM! Gyarados has a headache! I'm not complaining! Brandon used complain! No I didn't, I said "NOT" Complaining Narrator decided to listen to Brandon's complaint! Gyarados has fully recovered! oh krap... By illumina@graalmail.com Battle 27Title: Illumina Version, the breeding grounds of the illusive loophole! Player: Brandon Narrator GYARADEATH is about to KILL you! GYARADEATH used HYPER BLAST OF OMNIPOTENT DEATH! Kita: mmm... this cheese sandwich tastes good... What the heck? Kita this is no time to be eating! Anime style sweat drop appears on Brandon! Anime style sweat drop appears on narrator! Kita is wierd! Kita: hah! too late to try to stop me! loophole appeared! Kita and Brandon fell thru loophole! curses... ohh... good move Kita! You may have lost GYARADEATH but you havent lost me! I knew it... Again curses, the loophole appeared before I could stitch it up... ah... so where are we? Some where under a stitched up loophole! yea, big help... I'm Glad I bought this mini-pc during the long time of non-existence! Narrator wants to know how you bought that if you didn't exist! simple, I'm a psychological manifestation of the webmasters thoughts, I simply said... "Buy it, c'mon, you know you want to..." over and over in echoes at different volumes and in different areas of the brain! What you just said actually sounded kinda intelligent! Intelligence potion wore off! oh dang, I was hoping that would last a little longer... Brandon used mini-pc! Mini-PC: Greetings, Eternally Super Powerful master of all that is good! um... you should probably ignore that... Mini-PC: What do you want to do? >Analayze Pokemon Analayze Location Known Pokemon Exit Choose Analyze Location Mini-PC: Why don't you see for yourself? Why did I have to buy that Artificially intelligent PC? Mini-PC: Dont ask me... Question exceeds rational logical thought parameters. Mini-PC: This Program has performed an illegal operation and will now be sent to jail for it! What!? Mini-PC: Cannot find file: "Really Really important file needed to run this computer, if this file cannot be found then your computer is going to explode and be generally destroyed!.htrz" Mini-PC: Warning: Self-Destruction in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. Agh!! Mini-PC: 1.. Brandon threw the Mini-PC far away! Mini-PC: 0.. huge explosion appeared! Huge explosion used explode! It's super effective! Tree was burned! What Tree is de-evolving! Tree De-evolved into flaming tree! Huge Explosion fainted! What was a tree doing down here? oh well, now I can get a torch to light up this cavern... Loophole appeared! Agh! noo!! Brandon snapped off a flaming branch off the flaming tree that was somehow close enough to be exploded without Brandon or Kita being hurt while still being close enough to touch! Loophole appeared! Brandon is about to fall! Brandon Jumped back! Flaming Tree fell! Flaming Tree Fainted! Brandon should not have been able to jump while in mid-air! loop hole appeared! Kita fell down! Agh! noo...! Critical hit! Kita Fainted! Brandon Holds flaming branch over loophole! Loophole is too deep! Brandon cannot see Kita! Loophole is closing up! no! err.... dang it! Brandon jumps down loophole! Brandon Lands! On his head! now wait a minute... I went down feet first! you never said you did! dang it Brandon fainted! By illumina@graalmail.com Battle 28Title: Lost and Found Player: Kita Narrator Kita woke up! ow... good thing something broke my fall... Brandon: mmph... help... oops! sorry! Brandon: *gasp* air, oh glorious sweet air... hmm... how did I land on Brandon? I fell in first! Loophole app- Brandon: no! quickly explain it narrator! Muahaha! Brandon: oh, wait, it makes sense now... Loophole is shrinking! Brandon: I weigh more so I fell faster... Loophole is about to faint! huh? it didn’t faint? Kita threw a pokeball! Brandon: no! you already have a gazillion super powerful pokemon! Brandon caught the pokeball and threw one of his own! Brandon caught loop hole! Brandon gave Kita her pokeball! Brandon: hmm.. I've got an idea! Brandon sent out loophole! Brandon: loophole! Move onto the wall and then follow me after I go through! hmm... OH ALMIGHTY WEBMASTER PLEASE TRANSFER THE PLAYER STATUS TO BRANDON!!! Brandon: What are you doing?!?! Kita: There's still a lot more time for more stuff to happen and it always happens to the player which i'm not anymore. but why me?! why not james? Kita: Because you stole my pokemon! Oh give me a break! you already have a bunch of powerful pokemon! Kita: sorry... oh well... I'm sure I can handle whatever the narrator can throw at me! wanna bet? Loophole move onto the ceiling! Loophole is loafing around... dang... OH ALMIGHTY ILLUMINA VERSION MASTER PLEASE MAKE MY HUMBLE LOOP HOLE EVEN MORE HUMBLE! MAKE HIM LEVEL 1! ILLUMINA VERSION WEBMASTER: *GRUMBLE* TWO REQUESTS IN ONE BATTLE... SHEESH... LOOPHOLE became level 1! Loophole move onto the ceiling! Brandon and Kita Climbed through the loop hole! hey! There’s an exit! Return loop hole! Brandon and Kita leave the caverns! ... ... so is the battle going to end yet? nope... It still needs one more inch of page before it is considered qualified by illumina version standards! Does this mean that the narrator will be stretching out statements as much as possible? YES...! IT DOES...! IT CERTAINLY DOES...! ok, think it's one page now? nope Doompuff appeared! Doompuff is hungry! Doompuff wants to kill! Doompuff wants to maim! Doompuff wants to eat! Doompuff wants to destroy! Doompuff used Hyper tornado of improbable possibilities of survival! uh oh... crit- hey, it should be one page now! Doompuff: KILL MAIM DESTROY! DOOMPUFF was sent to a far away deserted island surrounded by alien shark infested waters! Doompuff: NOO!! KILL KILL KILL DESTROY HATE HATE HATE HATE ATE ATE EAT MM FOOD... doompuff ate castaway! uh oh... By illumina@graalmail.com Battle 29Title: go awayz, is' layt an ime tred... muz thik of title lator Player: illumina Version Webmaster Narrator hmm... I dont remember writing a battle with that title... and how come I'm a player? ILLUMINA VERSION WEBMASTER: YOU ARE MERELY AN EXTENSION OF MY MIND EXPRESSED IN LITERARY FORM. oh... that doesnt sound very good... ILLUMINA VERSION WEBMASTER: YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT, ITS 710AM ANDIHAVENT GOTANYYY SLP..>1!HEHEHEWHEREAS YU R AWKE NUFFTOBECOM[PLEYLY SAME uh oh, the one who is in charge of the survival of the illumina version is currently insane! ILLUMINA VERSION WEBMASTER: HERE, YOULOOKR BOREDDDD WHYDONTYOUPLAYWIT DOOMY HERE, HURH, *SNORES* Doompuff appeared! oh no! The webmaster has just unleashed a terrible force and is now asleep! Brandon appeared! Kita appeared! Run for the hills! Kita is running! Kita ran to the hills! Brandon is running! Brandon ran for hills! Vote Brandon for the hills! That made no sense whatsoever! Arg... Note to self:"must not unleash horrible illumina version on the world ever again" illumina version webmaster is running for the hills! couldnt escape! noo! doompuff: KILL MAIM DESTROY EXPLODE CAUSE CHAOS DESTRUCTION MMM FOOD grr... Doompuff wants to fight! grr... go me! Me! use spooky webmaster powers! illumina version webmaster used spooky webmaster powers! doompuff was hit by thunder! doompuff was hit by thunder! doompuff was hit by thunder! doompuff was hit by comet! doompuff was hit by solar flare! Saturn landed on doompuff! MMGHAM,nerra-tore(is the name right?),santa claus, trunks, goku, rampage, and LV100 tree inexplically appeared! MMGHAM, nerra-tore, santa claus, trunks, goku, rampage, and LV100 tree attacked doompuff! MMGHAM used Fire Ball Barrage! Nerra tore used high powered lazer beam! Santa Claus flew up high! Santa Claus fell on doompuff! Trunks sliced doompuff 25 times, then Ki blasted him and knocked him into a mountain! Goku powered up to SSJLV5 and crushed, sliced,punched,kicked,ki blasted and generally kicked the crap out of doompuff! Rampage went into tank mode and ran over doompuff while firing laser beams at him! LV100 Tree ensnares doompuff, uses branch toss on him and uses branch whip! Doompuff is momentarily distracted! Everyone: OH HOLY KRAP!!! MMGHAM goes back to aqua version, nerra tore runs away to red version, santa claus sent out rudolph, trunks and goku go back to the dbz universe via trunks' time machine,rampage follows in close pursuit of MMGHAM,LV100 tree fainted, santa ran away via rudolph, brandon and kita ran even further, and illumina version webmaster ran away! By illumina@graalmail.com Battle 30Title: School is so uncool! Player: Brandon Narrator Brandon and Kita are walking in the hills! no! really? I think we're actually walking under the ocean! Brandon and Kita are walking under the- ah! wait! no, no, you were right! well, I was about to say brandon and kita are walking under the ocean wearing water suits and exploring a barge with approximitely 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 yen in it! but as you wish... no!!! oh well. Narrator is feeling particularly cold and merciless today! uh oh... Venasaur appeared! Charizard appeared! Blastoise appeared! Mewtwo appeared! Raichu appeared! Luke Clone appeared! Android 16 appeared! hehehe, I believe I will use the "Kefka" Capture technique.(play final fantasy 3 and watch how Kefka captures a bunch of espers simultaneously and you'll see what I mean) oh look, I have 7 master balls! Gameshark! Buy it now at stores world wide! Sellout! Brandon threw Masterball! Brandon caught Venasaur! Brandons attack continues! Brandon caught Charizard! Brandons attack continues! Brandon caught Blastoise! Brandons attack continues! Brandon caught Mewtwo! Brandons attack continues! Brandon caught raichu! Brandons attack continues! Brandon caught Luke Clone! Brandons attack continues! Brandon caught Android 16! grr... Looks like i'll have to up the ante!! oh yeah?! I can take anything you can dish out! Muahahaha! James rode by on a Motercycle and snatched Brandon's Wallet! James throws the wallet over a cliff and into a charizard's mouth! NOOO!!! Charizard is choking! My money was in there!! Charizard fainted! AND MY POKEMON TRAINERS LICENSE! NOO!!!! COP APPEARED! OH NO!!!!! James ran away! Cop forces Brandon to go back to school! All of Brandon's pokemon were released! Player: Kita Um... I think you went a little too far this time narrator... ILLUMINA VERSION WEBMASTER: *YAWN* WHAT'S UP KITA? oh nothing, the narrator went to far, destroyed brandons pokemon license forcing him to go back to school and also caused all of brandon's pokemon to be released... ILLUMINA VERSION WEBMASTER: WHAT!!@!!@!!@!!@!!@!!@!!@!! PREPARE TO BE BANISHED EVIL ILLUMINA VERSION NARRATOR!!! EVIL ILLUMINA VERSION NARRATOR was sent to JAIL FOR EVIL ILLUMINA VERSION NARRATORS!. NEW ILLUMINA VERSION NARRATOR was hired! Pokemon License magically reappeared out of no where! Brandon was magically teleported out to the hills! Brandon Recieved Magikarp! Brandon Recieved loophole! Brandon Recieved Egg! Brandon: um... thats it? I had a lot of good pokemon before that happened! Unfortunately according to rules you can lose pokemon for any reason whatsoever! Brandon: Where??! Where does it say that?! Narrator used END! Brandon: Hey! Wait a minute! answer my qu- by illumina@graalmail.com |