Purple Version Battle Archives: #6-#10 #11-#15 #16-#20 #21-#25 Tournament #3 #31-#35 #36-#40
#41-#45 #46-#50 #51-#55  #56-#60
Recap: Shadowstar spreads the news of AquaDoompuff is coming to destroy the whole version. But some new baddies come on the scene. PokeFreak and Evil Nurse Joy are powering their power as AquaDoompuff winds up for the first blow!

Battle #51: The Psycho Survivor (December 2, 2000)
Location: Purple Version Town Square
Player: Shadowstar [Record: 2-2-2] Last Battle: Draw vs. Doompuff (Battle #37)

Shadowstar is ringing crier bell!
Here ye! Here ye!
Grampa: What? Damn thing hadn't rung since the Holocaust of 1938!
We are being under attack!
Freakboy: We were always under attack by that Doompuff ever since Bob let it go!
Bob: I swear I didn't mean it!
Not that, there's something else. The original AquaDoompuff has been released into our version!
Everyone gasps in horror!
Flubby: What did you do?!?!?!
It wasn't my fault, the portal just opened!
Nurse Joy appeared!
NJ: I opened the portal!
Everyone gasps again!
Why, Nurse Joy? Why?
NJ: Because I needed to become alive again!
NJ: Also to destroy this puny version!
What? Nurse Joy is evolving!
Nurse Joy evolved into Evil Nurse Joy!
Evil Nurse Joy is destroying Purple Version City!
Egad! A madwoman in the rage of destruction! This looks like a job for...
The milkman?
No, me!
Shadowstar wants to fight!
Evil Nurse Joy sent out Psycho Chansey!
What the heck is that thing?
Psycho Chansey is chasing Shadowstar around with a chainsaw!
Hey, I'm no coward!

Basing on your reactions, I'd say you are!
Quiet you!
Shadowstar ran into store and PC followed!
Store Clerk: May I help you?
A Milky Way bar!
Store Clerk: That will be 798Y!
I don't have time to pay you now!
Shadowstar slaps out his Superhero Discount card!
Store Clerk: OK, it's free!
Shadowstar bites into Milky Way!
MMMM! Full of carmeally goodness!
Shadowstar is buffing up!
Shadowstar used Laser Beam!
Psycho Chansey fainted!
HA! Beat me now!
Evil Nurse Joy would be glad to!
Evil Nurse Joy sent out Evil Nurse Joy!
Evil Nurse Joy used Lethal Injection!
That tube is huge!
With 1 thousand gallons of lethal killing liquid I see!
Wait a sec...

Evil Nurse Joy is lunging toward Shadowstar!
Shadowstar grabbed Injection!
Ha! Turnabout IS fair play!
Shadowstar injects liquid into Nurse Joy!
Evil Nurse Joy died!
That'll teach her to mess with...
...Shadowstar! Protector of truth, justice and cream puffs!

ENJ: Or so you though!
Evil Nurse Joy is still alive!
ENJ takes out Chainsaw!
Woah! Hold on there!

Shadowstar runs away!

Battle #52: Home Away From Springfield (December 4, 2000)
Location: Purple Version City Market Fair
Player: Homer Simpson [Record: 2-1-1] Last Battle: Win vs. Mr. Burns (Battle #29)

Portal opens!
Bart and Homer fall out!
Holy macaroni! That was some ride!
Portal closes!
Mac is still trapped!
Aw, poor guy…
Where the hell are we anyway?

Homer reads sign!
Sign states ‘Welcome to the Purploid Universe!’
Hmmm…doesn’t seem so bad.
Homer sees mailbox!
OH MY GOD! The mailboxes here are yellow! We’ve gotta get out of here!
Portal opens again!
Yes! Boy, our ticket out of this freak show!
Marge, Lisa and Maggie dumped out and fell on Homer!
Voice from inside portal: Ha-ha!
GRRR! Wa that you, boy?
Bart: Hell no!
Why you little!
Homer is strangling Bart!
Lisa: Stop fighting! If we're going to survive in this deserted place, we're going to have to work as a team.
Wait, I'm planning it out.
Homer is watching motorized football field thingie!
OK, Bart, you vibrate left, two of you fall down, Marge you just spin around in a circle.
Simpsaniac appeared!
Wow! There is life here!
Simpsaniac: I can't believe I'm actually looking at the Simpsons!
Well, believe it chump!
Simpsaniac: Chump?! That's it, now I'm catching you!
Simpsaniac wants to fight!
Hey! We can't just stand here! We have to fight back!
Homer Jay Simpson wants to fight!
Marjorie Bouiver/Simpson wants to fight!
Simpsaniac says to stop reciting full names!
Bartholomew Jojo Simpson wants to fight!
Lisa Marie Simpson wants to fight!
Margeret Simpson wants to fight!
Simpsaniac sent out Grampa!
Grampa isn't being released!
Simpsaniac: He's lost in his Pokeball? What the f***!
Grampa: Who you callen' a f*****, fatty?
Grampa: Son! You lousy good fer nothin'! I oughta smack you good!
That's it!
Homer drank a can of Duff!
Stomach rumbles!
Grampa fainted!
WOO-HOO! Chalk one up for the big guy!
Simpsaniac finds it revolting that you don't care if your own father faints!
Eh, we've had a tight run.
Simpsaniac sent out Kang!
AAAH! Don't eat me! I have a wife and kids! Eat them!
Kang considers it!
Bart used Slingshot!
Bart! You could take out his eye with that!
Homer laughs at his pathetic joke!
Kang aimed his Firggin' Huge Masta Blasta at the kids!
RUN Boy! Run!
Kang is shooting missiles evily at a bunch of helpless children!
Simpsaniac curses by the grimness of it all!
Lisa used Saxophone!
Oh, when the Saints go over there!
Kang is fast asleep!
Get 'em, Marge!
Marge used Vaccum!
Kang was swept up!
Ha-ha, kid!
Simpsons are laughing!
Simpsaniac: WAAH! I'm going to tell my mommy!
Simpsaniac ran away crying!
Now to try some of those market fair goodies!
Homer bit into donut!
Gas spurted out!
Aaah...It's been drugged so...
Simpsons fainted!

Battle #53: An Evil Ally Rejoice (December 4, 2000)
Location: Spooky Old Mansion above Purple Version City Cemetary
Player: PokeFreak [Record: 1-2-0] Last Battle: Loss vs. Mr. Man (Battle #30)

Spooky organ music plays!
Thunder stirkes showing an outline of PokeFreak!
Music is still playing!
PokeFreak romps outside!
PokeFreak finds record player!
See you in hell, record player!
PokeFreak shot record player!
Music stopped!
PokeFreak is gawking!
PokeFreak goes to www.evil.org!
Oooh...how to make a nucular warhead!
PokeFreak built warhead!
SWEET! A masterpiece!
PokeFreak chuckles!
Flubby appeared!
What do you want?
Flubby wants to be your ally!
*sniff* I feel so wanted!
Flubby says you must prove your worth first!
Flubby wants to fight!
Oh, that's how...
Go! Mr. Mime!
Flubby sent out Flubby!
Now, I'll do the most annoying thing a person could ever do!
Mr. Mime used Mime!
Mr. Mime is miming!
Flubby is annoyed!
Mr. Mime is miming climbing upwards!
Flubby is paralyzed!
OK, Mr. Mime. Attack!
Mr. Mime jumped off imaginary ladder and on to Flubby!
Mr. Mime sank into Flubby's fat!
Ewww...that wasn't very pleasent to look at...
Flubby asks if you want to give up yet!
No! I have not yet begun to kick your ass!
Go! Wheezing!
Flubby: My turn!
Flubby used Squish!
Flubby squashed Wheezing!
Wheezing used Smog!
Flubby was blasted away by the smell!
Wheezing doesn't want to be tormented by you no longer!
What are you talking about?
Wheezing is about to commit suicide!
Wheezing exploded!
Everyone is damaged!
Flubby: Truce!
So about that ally thing...
Flubby: Sure.
OK, let's go.
PokeFreak are stumbling about looking for victims!
Ya know, we should really go to a hospital first.
Flubby reluctantly agrees than faints!
PokeFreak does as well!

Battle #54: Rocketed the PokeCenter (December 4, 2000)
Location: Dark Ally outside Purple Version City PokeCenter
Player: Jessie [Record: 0-2-2] Last Battle: Loss vs. Doompuff  (Battle #41)

James was captured by that purple ball of hell but I got a replacement!

RoboJames: I am RoboJames and I am a moron.
RoboJames smacked himself with a giant mallet!
That's a really good likeness really...
Meowth: Enough chat! We need to rob this PokeCenter!
RoboJames: Yes. Losers, ahoy.
Jessie smacked RoboJames!
Jessie's hand is throbbing!
Team Rocket crawled through air duct!
Hehehe...they don't suspect a thing...
Air duct breaks!
Team Rocket falls into back room!
Ow! My back...
Yes, we're in...
Now we can steal all the Pokemon!

RoboJames and Meowth are playing cards!
Meowth: Got any threes?
RoboJames: Go fish.
Jessie kicked Meowth and RoboJames!
GRRR! Do you want to be losers or not?
Meowth: Sorry!
Door creaks!
Eek! We've been spotted! RoboJames, go hide in that cage!
RoboJames: Okey dokey smokey.
Jessie and Meowth hide behind cages!
Nurse Joy: Hello? Is there anyone here?
NJ spots RoboJames!
NJ: Oh! Someone must have brought in a new species! I should test it!
Nurse Joy shoves RoboJames into Probe-O-Nator!
Bloody murder-like screams are heard from inside!
RoboJames melts!
NJ: Hey! That wasn't a Pokemon! That was a robot!
Well, prepare for trouble!
Silence provoked!
Meowth: Screw the motto! It'll give us away!
Nurse Joy says you're already in the wide open!
But...we always do the motto...
Jessie broke down crying!
Nurse Joy looks up!
The works of Team Rocket, haha!
Nurse Joy wants to fight!
What? But you're a kind old nurse! Why would yopu want to fight?
You idiot! She's really Evil Nurse Joy in disguise!
Evil Nurse Joy is enraged that he cover was blown!
Evil Nurse Joy killed Narrator!
Wait! Now there's no one to narrate!
And we don't have a sponser! You will die!

Narrator #2 took over!
Evil Nurse Joy wants to fight!
OK, you wanna play? We'll play!
Go! Arbok!
Meowth sent out Meowth!
Evil Nurse Joy sent out Psycho Chansey!
That thing's scary!
PC used Chase!
Psycho Chansey is chasing Meowth around with a chainsaw!
You big baby!
Meowth says he doesn't want to be decapitated!
Meowth's arm was cut off!
That's enough! Arbok, attack!
Arbok is surfing other Pokebattles sites!
Arbok gets an idea!
Arbok, use Wrap!
Arbok used Rap!
Purple is ripping off Aqua extremly as Arbok turns on rap music and shades and wiggles about!
Meowth is dancing the Arbok's rap!
Arbok: Chabok! Cha-cha-cha-chachacha Chabok!
Psycho Chansey is enraged!
Psycho Chansey cut boom box in half!
Woah...tough call.
Meowth and Arbok are mourning!
Boom boxes current malfunctions!
PokeCenter fizzles!
PokeCenter explodes!
Thousands of Pokeballs fall!
Hey, Pokeballs! Meowth, help me grab them!
Meowth used one arm to pick up Pokeballs!
Use both!
Meowth picked up an arm and picked up more!
Arm belonged to Evil Nurse Joy!
Uh...let's skeedoo!
Jessie and Meowth ran away!

Battle #55: Scraps of Sailor Scouts (December 7, 2000)
Location: The firey pits of hell
Player: Satan [No Record]

Sailor Scouts escaped through portal!
Wait! You can't leave! I command you to stay! You have to-
Eh, I tried.

Satan uses Frank's head to light his cigar and smoke it!
Frank: D'OH! The humanity!

Location: Bob's Front Yard
Player: Bob the Cameraman [Record: 11-10-3] Last Battle: Win vs. Erika (Battle #42)

Bob is bored!
Nothing exciting happens around here!
Narrator #2 reminds Bob about Doompuff, PokeFreak and Flubby's revenge return and AquaDoompuff who wants to destroy this entire version!
Well, besides all that...
Portal opened!
What's with all these portals! That's the third one this week!
Sailor Scouts fell out!
Bob gazes mesmirizingly at Sailor Scouts!
Jupiter: PERVERT!
Jupiter smacked Bob!
Owie...I wanna fight!
Sailor Scouts accept your challenge and will happily beat you!
No way, mon frier!
Narrator #2 informs Bob that he is not French!
It's just one of those stupid thingies I say, OK?
Go! Pikachu!
Sailor Jupiter sent out Sailor Jupiter!
Sailor Venus sent out Sailor Venus!
Sailor Mars sent out Sailor Mars!
You don't have to spell it all out, ya know!
Sailor Mercury sent out Sailor Mercury!
Sailor Moon sent out Sailor Moon!
GRR! Narrator #2 is no more as annoying the the first!
Not to mention as witty!
Yes yes..'witty'.
Narrator #2 zaps Bob for that bit of sarcasum in his voice!
Pikachu used Thunder!
Thunder missed!
Sailor Merucry used Shine Aqua Illusion!
Aqua Illusion shows Eric winning the Pokemon League!
Now that's an illusion!
Narrator #2 says not to push your luck of you doing it either!
Illusion bonked Pikachu with a la crosse stick!
Pikachu fainted!
Hrm...Pokeball, go!
Go! Ditto!
Hmmm...this will be mighty smitey interesting, Ditto, Transform!

Ditto used Transform!
Ditto transformed into Sailor Moon!
Weird yes is...
Sailor Moon is insulted to the extreme!
Sailor Moon used Moon Tiara Magic!
Tiara got stuck between Ditto's bre-
AAAAAH! STOP! Kids might be reading this!
Ditto is insulted!
Ditto threw back tiara!
Tiara beaned Sailor Moon!
Ditto fainted from embarrassment!
Go! Bob!
Bob used Hit!
Bob hit on Sailor Venus!
Sailor Venus kicked him away!
OW! I got an ouchy-booboo!
AquaDoompuff appeared!
AAAAAAAH! What the hell is that?
Bob used Pokedex!
Pokedex: Doompuff, the hellion Pokemon. This is the Aqua Version Doompuff and will kill any knock-off of him and its version!
AquaDoompuff wants to know if you're Bob the Cameraman!
Uh-no, that's him.
Bob points to innocent bystander!
AquaDoompuff started to rip bystander to shreds!
Bob used Pokeballs!
Sailor Mercury and Jupiter were caught!
Sailor Venus and Mars rans away!
Sailor Moon remains!
Sailor Moon: Give me my friends back!
Make me!
Sailor Moon is coming to get you!
What can you do, sweetie?
Sailor Moon is mad as hell!
Bob and Sailor Moon are in a chasing frenzy!
Sailor Moon: Release my friends!
AquaDoompuff vows to destroy this puny version!
After his snack!

After this event, the first Purple Version Fanfic: Doompuff vs. Doompuff starts. Click to read!
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