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Battles 46-50 are a mixed bag. #46 is more Rocket Doompuff arc, a montage. #47 and #48 have Hiber as a major focus - dealing with authorial frustrations and the PokéBattles 23rd Anniversary. #49 is filler, and #50 continues the proud PokéBattles tradition of bringing someone back to life every 50 battles.
>> Read Here <<I finally wrote a battle before the night of. Mostly. But we lost a lot of people and really only beat it thanks to that random Mew's intervention... ... But there's no way Giovanni settled for just us. How's the rest of the world doing? NARRATOR checks! ... Not good! NARRATOR used MONTAGE! ROCKET EXECUTIVE wants to fight! Well, have at you. LANCE sent out DRAGONITE! LANCE sent out DRAGONITE! LANCE sent out DRAGONITE! Enemy ROCKET EXECUTIVE sent out CHAOTICALLY CACOPHONIC ZUBAT OF CONFUSION! ... AKA CONFUBAT! Enemy CONFUBAT used SUPERSUPERSONIC! DRAGONITE was badly confused! DRAGONITE was badly confused! DRAGONITE was badly confused! It hurt LANCE in its confusion! It hurt LANCE in its confusion! It hurt LANCE in its confusion! It's super excessive! ... Needless to say, LANCE died! HOENN was fully HECKED UP! ... NO! STEVEN fainted! Air Shot! BASSEXE used AIR SHOT! It doesn't affect enemy PORYGONER! BASSEXE used HELLS ROLLING! HELLS rolled over enemy PORYGONER! ... It doesn't affect enemy PORYGONER! Enemy PORYGONER used GONER! Enemy PORYGONER: The end comes... beyond chaos... BASSEXE used LIFE AURA! LIFE AURA was instantly snapped in half! ...And it did! BASSEXE fainted! Our intelligence reports they're approaching this position fast. So hold strong! Enemy ROCKET appeared! Enemy ROCKET wants to fight! Enemy ROCKET sent out FEARATTATA! TANKS used CANNON FIRE! CHOPPERS used ROCKET FIRE! ARTILLERY used MASS BARRAGE! POKéMON CAVALRY used MASS BEAM ATTACK! TREE BATTALION used APPLE BOMBARDMENT! Enemy FEARATTATA received 943256894 damage! SMOKE cleared! Enemy FEARATTATA hung on using its DIREFOCUSSASH! Enemy FEARATTATA used ENDEAVOR! UNOVA COMBINED ARMS ARMY fell to 1 HP! Enemy FEARATTATA used QUICK ATTACK! TANKS died! QUICK was torn out! Enemy FEARATTATA's attack continues! CHOPPERS died! Enemy FEARATTATA's attack continues! ARTILLERY died! POKéMON CAVALRY died! TREE BATTALION was instantly snapped in half! TREE BATTALION died! Enemy FEARATTATA'S attack continues! GENERAL MAYHEM died! GIOVANNI wants to fight! GIOVANNI wants to TIE UP LOOSE ENDS! C'mon, you don't want to bump me off, boss. I'm worth more to you alive, you know that. ... Also, go, Casino! Go! CASINO! GIOVANNI disagrees! Enemy GIOVANNI sent out ROCKET DOOMPUFF! CASINO enough! Come back! The enemy's wrecking the entire version! Go! SECURITY! Enemy ROCKET DOOMPUFF instantly devoured SECURITY! CALSINO used SMOKE BOMB! CALSINO ran away! Okay, Narrator, don't mince words with me, on a scale of 1 to something the zombie censor cloud would zap me for saying, how bad are we? ... UNDEAD RSACi CLOUD forbids NARRATOR from answering! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. Meta shenanigans involving the author are an old thing in PokéBattles. Old, old, old. The events depicted in this battle are vaguely true, but also somewhat dramatized and amplified for effect. WRITERSBLOCK wants to fight! Enemy WRITERSBLOCK sent out WRITERSBLOCK! There's no will to fight! Uhh... I've got a pretty good story arc going. Sort of. Go, story arc? Go! STORYARC! STORYARC used ADVANCE! STORYARC advanced... STRAIGHT UP! STORYARC's attack continues! STORYARC used STALL! STORYARC is paralyzed! It may not attack! Enemy WRITERSBLOCK used BLOCK! STORYARC was fully BLOCKED on SOCIAL MEDIA! Or maybe eaten by the Rockets' ... Half baked Doompuff clone Anyway, return, Story Arc, go, Beta Arc. STORYARC enough! Come back! The enemy's the incarnation of difficulty writing! Get'm BETAARC! ...Uh, Mario and Luigi? They're good at breaking blocks. BETAARC used BLOCK BREAK! It's not very effective... BETAARC was hit with recoil! BETAARC fainted! Go, Filler! BETAARC enough! Come back! Go! FILLER! Wait... Wait just a moment. I'm Filler, use Writer's Block Battle! FILLER used WRITERSBLOCKBATTLE! WRITERSBLOCK was fully BATTLED! It's super effective! WRITERSBLOCK fainted! Well, that buys me a week. Next week's the PokéBattles anniversary, though. I better get cracking... Maybe... In the morning. HIBER fell asleep! ... HIBER won! I've had the idea for this battle for ... A while. I only managed to finish it the very night of the 14th, sadly. Honestly? It's been like 23 years since Jason first put text to screen. PokéBattles as a format came to life when there were only 151 species, and now we're over 900 not even counting the palette-swaps and megaforms. The newer games' narration doesn't even have the same format we're making fun of. We've gone from "ROCKET wants to fight!" to "Team Rocket Grunt Steven would like to battle!" and it just doesn't have the same... Charm? Panache? Something. It just feels... Sort of irrelevant these days. And all the while here I am running myself ragged to try to keep this antique institution running. Last week I had to push through my own struggles with It hasn't gone away, either. WRITERSBLOCK used BLOCK! It's super effective! CREATIVITY was fully BLOCKED! Honestly, I'm just disillusioned with the whole thing. I'm just gonna go back to gaming. NOTEPAD++ wants to fight! 40K VIEWS MILESTONE wants to fight! Speaking of bots... I'm gonna just go blow some up. ANNIVERSARY appeared! Bah. Humbug. HIBER used HUMBUG! HIBER used VIDEOGAMES! ... BOT died! BOT died! BOT died! ... CHARACTER died! What? SCREEN is evolving! SCREEN evolved into STATIC! LIGHTS used DIM! WINDOWS used BANGOPEN! ALARM used RING! It's super unnerving! ??? used SLAMOPEN! DOOR fainted! KASPAROV appeared! KASPAROV: KASPAROV: Hiber! You walk a dangerous road! KASPAROV: And for twelve years I was lost to The Nothing! KASPAROV: And you make light of my madness every time I show up! KASPAROV: The rest of Red Version is down there. KASPAROV: Them, and all the others you've preserved in your Amber trophy case. KASPAROV: They're waiting for you. I still feel their chains. KASPAROV used JUMPSCARE! HIBER flinched! KASPAROV: Know ye this. You will be haunted by three spirits. KASPAROV: The first shall come tomorrow night when the bell tolls One. KASPAROV: The next shall come the next night at the same time. KASPAROV: The last shall come at the last stroke of Twelve. KASPAROV: Oh, there KASPAROV used OMINOUS WARNING! WINDOW used OPEN! KASPAROV ran away! DOOR is LOCKED! DOOR's HP is full! HIBER used REST! HIBER fell asleep! GHOSTPAST: I represent the oldest and the newest and the light of remembrance. GHOSTPAST: The past is naught but shadows. My light illuminates these shadows and brings them into focus. GHOSTPAST: Rise and walk with me! GHOSTPAST used IRONGRIP! HIBER was dragged off! ...Yeah. That's how I found it. Way back then someone smuggled an article on. Being it was 2004-2005-ish, it made it months before getting deleted. I was ... lonely. And reluctant to do anything online that had a face or a trace. ... PokéBattles was ... Nice. DECAPITATION 2004 appeared! EERIE BREEZE rustles nearby TREES in OMINOUS WAY! LIGHTING STRIKES in the DISTANCE! HOUSE ON THE HILL appeared! DOORS have STICKERS on them! DOOR ON THE LEFT: Kerry/Edwards 2004 DOOR ON THE RIGHT: Bush/Cheney 2004 It was the second election year Halloween battle and really the one that established that as a pattern. And... Really the last battle, for the most part. Shame, honestly. The elections since would've been ... GHOSTPAST: Come! GHOSTPAST used IRONGRIP! HIBER was dragged off! ... Really, one of my first real exposures to "fanfiction." It exposed me to a lot of things. I think it helped me find some of the old archives I read fanfiction on, back then. Shame. Almost all of them are lost, most even to the Internet Archive version. GHOSTPAST: Come! GHOSTPAST used IRONGRIP! HIBER was dragged off! I remember this version well. Honestly, in retrospect... I'm pretty sure it helped make me who I am now. ... Sort of, anyway. FLAME #35 appeared! I remember this battle. It was the crowded one, wasn't it? MATTCHU: RANDOM DEATH RAY smited MÉLISSA into SPACE! RANDOM TIME REVERSAL brought her back, fully hurt! MATTCHU: MATTCHU: JIM thinks of a way to directly link that with US POLITICS! I'm pretty sure at least one of my parents reads this anyway... Also... ... YES! MÉLISSA evolved into RAICHOUKOU! RAI: SENKOUHI stared at RAICHOUKOU! RAICHOUKOU is ANGRY! RAICHOUKOU wants to EAT SENKOUHI! SENKOUHI ran off in OTHER DIRECTION! TOM used his HEAD to try and GET OUT! TOM is now lying unconscious on the FLOOR! BILL: BILL: BILL waved to MATT and went off! MATT looked to JASON! JASON is the Good ones, anyway. Everything worked out all right, hmmh... And maybe it guided me to where I am today. Where next, spirit...? GHOSTPAST: Come! GHOSTPAST used IRONGRIP! HIBER was dragged off! PAST HIBER appeared! POKéBATTLES COMMUNITY appeared! YAHOO appeared! YAHOO wants to fight! YAHOO sent out GEOCITIES! POKéBATTLES COMMUNITY sent out POKéBATTLES! POKéBATTLES used LAST HUZZAH! It's not very effective... PAST HIBER is distracted! YAHOO: GeoCities, you're no longer profitable. We're shutting you down. PAST HIBER used IGNORE! POKéBATTLES COMMUNITY used ARCHIVE! REDVERSION was archived! BLUEVERSION was archived! POKéBATTLES COMMUNITY's attack continues! Not enough PP for ARCHIVE! GHOSTPAST: The arrow of time flows only one direction. The past is inevitable. YAHOO: GeoCities, Self-destruct. We need your servers. GEOCITIES used SELFDESTRUCT! It's super effective! Critical hit! GEOCITIES died! POKéBATTLES died! POKéBATTLES COMMUNITY fainted! Spirit! Why do you task me! Show me no more! Begone! Off with your switch! HIBER used OFF! GHOSTPAST was fully OFFED! GHOSTPAST fainted! HIBER blacked out! GHOSTPRES: You have never seen the like of me before! Look on me! GHOSTPRES: Never! Though perhaps you have walked with my brothers before. GHOSTPRES: Nine! Well, spirit. What have you to show me? GHOSTPRES: Take my hand! GHOSTPRES: That would be from you procrastinating and working yourself raw... I mean, there's what I've done. But... Not much else. GHOSTPRES: The internet is a different place now than it was then. GHOSTPRES: Besides, you have 40,000 hits and one fansite! GHOSTPRES: Does it really matter? GHOSTPRES: ... Come! GHOSTPRES: You asked whether you had readers. TINY TIM appeared! ... HIBER used LOOKUP! HIBER looked up! SKY is GRAY! HIBER used WIKIPEDIA! It's super effective! My battles are being read by... ... TINY TIM: YES> TINY TIM: I WOULD BE VERY SAD IF"N YOU DECIDED TO STOP WRITING>>> TINY TIM: YOU WOULDN"T LIKE ME WHEN I"M SAD> HIBER ran away! BELL charged £11.45! It's super effective! Critical hit! GHOSTPRES's LIFESPAN greatly fell! Spirit, you're aging. GHOSTPRES: You have given me life this very year, but my life upon this server is brief. GHOSTPRES: It is coming to an end already. GHOSTPRES: It ends tonight at midnight. Hark! BELL used TOLL! It's super effective! Critical hit! GHOSTPRES fainted! There's doom written on your round, hooded, features. In your one visible flipper-looking hand. Of course there's no denying it, you're Doompuff in a long black cloak...! GHOSTYTC used POINT FORWARD! Time: JANE: There hasn't been a real update since October, and even then it was phoned-- JANE vanished! SAMXCVT: I looked around for a moment. It was as if I'd felt this before, the echo of a voice I didn't recognize. It was as if she'd been talking to me, but then my memory-- SAMXCVT vanished! KASPAROV: It's the Nothing! No! No nononono not a third time, I'll sooner...! KASPAROV used SELFDESTRUCT! But, it failed! KASPAROV vanished! ... ... but what about the rest? What about Stephen? GHOSTYTC used POINT FORWARD! SMALLTEARINTOTHEPLOTFLOW appeared! SMALLTEARINTOTHEPLOTFLOW used VERSION DESTRUCTION! ... No, I don't want to see all of this again. Spirit! Tell me, what becomes of me in this forgotten future? GHOSTYTC used POINT FORWARD! FUTURE HIBER used SLOW DECAY! It's super effective! FUTURE HIBER's CONSTITUTION greatly fell! FUTURE HIBER'S RELEVANCE greatly fell! FUTURE HIBER withered away! Of all the things I've tried to do out of my own desires... ... This is really the one that's gotten the furthest. If it failed, I don't know where I'd go next. HIBER used STAND STRONG! HIBER's COURAGE greatly rose! Take me back. I know what is to come... SPIRIT instantly snapped HIBER in half! KASPAROV: Ehh, dream, supernaturally induced vision and warning of what might be, potayto, potahto. ... Oh, wait. HIBER used SELF BURN! It doesn't affect HIBER! Anyway, I gotta get this up and think about what I'm gonna do Because I write this for my own fluffy nine tailed self. Even if it wears my paws to the bone, I will. And I'll rebuild my buffer! TINY TIM appeared! TINY TIM: I"M SO PROUD OF YOU HIBER ran away! KASPAROV ran away! TINY TIM: >>> TINY TIM: <>< TINY TIM: JASON BLESS US< EVERYONE!>>> If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. I hope the term "lich" has adequately permeated into pop culture. I know D&D is increasingly so. I haven't played it much since 3.5e, but I like it. CLERIC says it's the WILL OF ST. CUTHBERT! ASSASSIN says the pay's good! FIGHTER says KOBOLDS are squishy! KOBOLDS appeared! KOBOLDS wants to fight! KOBOLDS sent out KOBOLDS! KOBOLDS sent out SKELETONS! KOBOLDS sent out NECMANCER! Cleric, use your Turn Undead ability! Ally CLERIC used TURN UNDEAD! What? Ally CLERIC is evolving! Ally CLERIC evolved into CLERLICH! Enemy NECROMANCER used COMMAND UNDEAD! Ally CLERLICH joined enemy NECROMANCER! ASSASSIN used DEATH ATTACK! ASSASSIN died! Fine. Fighter, use your Spiked chain. Hold them back. FIGHTER used SPIKED CHAIN! BLOCKCHAIN was fully SPIKED! CRYPTO TRANSACTIONS were blocked by SPIKES! UGLY MONKEY CLUB went into conniptions! ... ... NO! It doesn't affect BATTLE! Or anything real! Anyway, time for the big guns! Cloudkill! WIZARD used CLOUDKILL! CLOUD STRIFE was fully KILLED! SEPHIROTH: ... I would've preferred he fall to the darkness. But this works too. SEPHIROTH joined you! SEPHIROTH used SHADOW FLARE! SHADOW flared up! SHADOW is angry! SEPHIROTH: Good. I sense much darkness in your heart as well. SHADOW: Are you kidding me? The only darkness in me is bad writing. SHADOW: I was doing perfectly fine for myself. In the end, I'm SHADOW: Not to mention that that wasn't even a pump action gun... Damn it, SEGA. SHADOW: Now it's always Edgy this, Hedgy that, I can't even be the hero anymore, I have to be a darn antihero. SHADOW: Anyway, if you're looking for Ow the Edge, I suggest looking up "hedgeheg", because it's not me... SHADOW used INFLAMED RANT! FLAMING T was RAN through SEPHIROTH! SEPHIROTH fainted! HIBER: Don't blame him, the other option was a joke about making them smooch back in the 2000s, and that's not happening... KOBOLDS ran away during FLAMING T INCIDENT! WIZARD won! ... Enemy CLERLICH wants to fight! Well, here we go again... If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. Ax Craig tied with Rowdy Teenager Group for coming back to life. I was gonna make a whole tournament out of this (Four is Death and all) ... but then I caught a cold and I do not feel up to it. So here we go. At least my component atoms appear to be in the right place. RT1: No they're not. You died too. RT2: Like C-list fodder. RT3: Was it worth it? RT4: Duuude. We don't even get to haunt people here, bummer. RT5: I FODE: What's this? Only the version's third place player character? BEED: He won't be winning third place in lifespan, that's for sure. LANCE appeared! LANCE: ... all things considered, I probably got off lucky, Team Rocket doesn't like me. LANCE: Lot of good it did me... LANCE: ... This place sure is empty. I guess not very many people have died yet. UNOVA COMBINED ARMS ARMY appeared! ... Above LANCE! LANCE: I spoke too soon. UNOVA COMBINED ARMS ARMY used FALL! LANCE fainted! GENERAL MAYHEM: Troops, form up! G.MAYHEM: It's Battle #50! The portal back will open any minute! G.MAYHEM: If we hurry we can outflank them at the pass and attack again! G.MAYHEM: Of course! But a true soldier's honor never dies! G.MAYHEM: Also, it's battle #50. Any minute here the portal is gonna open and let one of us out. Wild PORTAL appeared! G.MAYHEM: Speak of the... G.MAYHEM: ...No, that would be tempting fate. FATE was fully TEMPTED! DEATH appeared! DEATH: If you're going back to the land of the living... DEATH: Tell that hunky dreamboat NAHMan to stop fearing the Reaper so much... DEATH: Oh don't act like you've never had a crush... G.MAYHEM: Never mind that! Portal! Let's do battle, let the winner take all! FODESINBEED sent out PODRACER! FODE: It's the reigning champion of the Foxfire Deathland Circuit, Fodesinbeed! BEED: You'll be hard pressed to catch up with us on the way out of dodge. LANCE: Count me out, Team Rocket would just waste me again... PODRACER used RACE! PODRACER RACED for the PORTAL! CLOUD appeared! PODRACER's attack continues! It kept going and crashed! Into CLOUD! PODRACER fainted! CLOUD fainted! FODESINBEED fainted! RT1: Anyway, it's time I go through that portal! RT2: RT3: No, I still hadn't even spent my allowance yet! RT4: Duuude! I wanna spook people! Be all like "Yo I'm undead now!" RT5: None of you lot deserve to come back to life. What? RT GROUP is evolving! RT GROUP evolved into BIG BALL OF VIOLENCE! G.MAYHEM: Yes! A proper battle is decisive! G.MAYHEM: Now get out of the way and let us through! We have a war to win! G.MAYHEM wants to fight! AX CRAIG ran away! ... Into PORTAL! It's super effective! AXCRAIG was revivified! G.MAYHEM: Oh, come Battle ended! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. |