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Battles 26-30 were, save for one, all developmeents Garry Kasparov was the world's greatest chess player from 1984 to 2005, and was a major character in CHESSBOARD wants to fight! ... No, you're completely serious. This seems... Oddly familiar. Enemy CHESSBOARD sent out PAWN! KASPAROV sent out ROOK! Enemy PAWN used POUND! It's not very effective... ROOK used SKULL BASH! It's super effective! Critical hit! Enemy PAWN fainted! Enemy CHESSBOARD sent out QUEEN! Enemy QUEEN used ROOK SMASH! ROOK was fully SMASHED! ROOK fainted! But an old dog can learn new tricks, you know. Go, Knight! Go! KNIGHT! KNIGHT used ... CONGLOMERATE? KASPAROV's PAWNs were fully conglomerated! What? KNIGHT is evolving! KNIGHT evolved into MEGACHESSATRON! Enemy QUEEN used SMASH! It's not very effective... MEGACHESSATRON used CHESS BLASTER! Enemy QUEEN was fully blasted! Enemy QUEEN fainted! Enemy KING was fully blasted! Enemy KING fainted! Enemy CHESSBOARD was fully blasted! Enemy CHESSBOARD fainted! KASPAROV won! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. This battle mostly exists because I'm trying to set up story and lore stuff. We'll see how that turns out later. PIRATE used SHIVER! TIMBERS were fully SHIVERED! PIRATE points to MT. WINTER! PIRATE says he feels DAVY JONES' LOCKER here! JANE is correct! PIRATE is also correct! FLYING DUTCHMAN appeared! FLYING DUTCHMAN used FLY! FLYING DUTCHMAN flew into MT. WINTER! PIRATE says FLYING DUTCHMAN must have been FULL! PIRATE says you were both lucky. ROCKET EXECUTIVE appeared! ROCKET EXECUTIVE: That's because that mountain has the way in it to the Land of the Dead. ROCKET EXECUTIVE: Why did you think it was called the Forest of Doom? ROCKET EXECUTIVE: ... Fair. TREE wants to fight! TREE wants to fight! TREE wants to fight! Enemy TREE sent out LEAF! Enemy TREE sent out APPLE! Enemy TREE sent out COCONUT! ROCKET EXECUTIVE sent out LEVELLER! Enemy TREE died! Enemy TREE fainted! What? Enemy TREE is evolving! Enemy TREE evolved into LUMBER! Enemy LUMBER blacked out! So uh... Why do you wanna go there. ROCKET EXECUTIVE says that's a secret! ROCKET EXECUTIVE: No. We do plan to take over the world. ROCKET EXECUTIVE agrees! Battle ended in a draw! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. This battle was written in a hurry over this week after I decided the Thanksgiving-themed battle I'd been working on wasn't up to snuff. Back to basics stuff here. KATE sent out NIDORAN♂! NIDORAN♂ used HORN HAZARD! NIDORAN♂'s HORN is HAZARDOUS! Wild VULPIX used CONFUSE RAY! LOUD SHOUTS of CONFUSION and PAIN come from DISTANCE! It doesn't affect NIDORAN♂! If Horn Hazard doesn't work, try Poison Sting! NIDORAN♂ used POISON STING! STING was POISONED! ...But nothing happened here! It doesn't affect enemy VULPIX! Wild VULPIX used ACME BADGE! Wild VULPIX used MAGNET SEED! Magnetic birdseed scattered everywhere! Nidoran, use Fury Attack! NIDORAN♂ used FURY ATTACK! NIDORAN♂ is FURIOUS that VULPIX tried the old MAGNET SEED GAMBIT on it! NIDORAN♂ attacked! NIDORAN♂ slipped on the MAGNET SEED! Wild VULPIX used ANVIL DROP! Critical hit! NIDORAN♂ fainted! VULPIX is CHAMPION of TOURNAMENT #2! KATE sent out NIDORAN♀! NIDORAN♀ used DOUBLE KICK! DOUBLE was KICKED into enemy VULPIX! DOUBLE bounced off and fell in CONVENIENT DOUBLE SHAPED HOLE! Wild VULPIX is angry! Wild VULPIX used QUICK ATTACK! Wild VULPIX attacked quickly! Wild VULPIX stepped on NIDORAN♂'s HORN HAZARD in its quickness! Critical hit! Enemy VULPIX is in critical condition! KATE used POKé BALL! KATE's attack missed! Wild VULPIX used PYROMANIA BADGE! Wild VULPIX used BURN EVERYTHING! EVERYTHING caught fire! Okay. But. What kind of Vulpix has VULPIX is also CHAMPION of TOURNAMENT #1! NIDORAN♀ was hurt by FIRE! KATE was hurt by FIRE! ... Hurrying up! A critical hit! Wild VULPIX is resisting! 2. 1. KATE took damage from FIRE! NIDORAN♀ ran away! KATE ran away! KATE won! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. The relationship between Sam Excavator and Stan Escalator is as of yet unrevealed! But the latter seems to have made slightly better of himself. Fighting Let me show you a bill I've introduced lately! Go! BILL! Enemy GERRY sent out COMMITTEE! BILL used BILL! BILL drew two cards from the deck. BILL drew CREDIT CARD! BILL drew GIFT CARD! Enemy COMMITTEE used KILL! It's super effective! Critical hit! BILL died! KILL BILL VOLUME 1&2! Available at VIDEO STORE near YOU, TODAY! Though that gives me an idea... Go, Corruption Charges! Go! CORCHARGES! This is illegal! You'll be charged! CORCHARGES used CHARGE! CORCHARGES's taking in power! Enemy COMMITTEE ran away scared! Enemy GERRY is angry! Enemy GERRY sent out GERRYMANDER! STANESC used GOOGLE POKéDEX! GOOGLE POKéDEX: GERRYMANDER, the Electoral Boundary Manipulation Pokémon. This Pokémon is known to remake electoral boundaries in its own image. Known moves are PACK, CRACK, HIJACK, and KIDNAP. Corruption Charges, use Charge! CORCHARGES used CHARGE! Not enough EVIDENCE for CHARGE! It doesn't affect enemy GERRYMANDER! Enemy GERRYMANDER used PACK! Enemy GERRYMANDER stuffed CORCHARGES into SUITCASE! Critical hit! CORCHARGES fainted! What? Enemy GERRYMANDER is evolving! Enemy GERRYMANDER evolved into GERRYMELEON! Right, go Legislateon! GO! LEGISLATEON! Enemy GERRY is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion! Enemy GERRY used GOOGLE POKéDEX! GOOGLE POKéDEX: LEGISLATEON, the Lawmaking Pokémon. This Pokémon evolves from EEVEE when exposed to a POLITICAL STONE. LEGISLATEON used FILIBUSTER! FILLET was fully BUSTED! Enemy GERRYMELEON is bored! Enemy GERRYMELEON fell asleep! Enemy GERRYMELEON woke up! Legislateon, Sand-Attack! LEGISLATEON used SAND ATTACK! SAND attacked enemy GERRYMELEON! It's super abrasive! Enemy GERRYMELEON used KIDNAP! Nearby BABY GOATS fell asleep! It doesn't affect LEGISLATEON! LEGISLATEON used DOUBLE EDGE! DOUBLE appeared! DOUBLE is EDGY! DOUBLE mauled enemy GERRYMELEON into GROUND HAMBURGER! Enemy GERRYMELEON fainted! Enemy GERRY is terrified! Enemy GERRY ran away! Now, who's this ominous purple man. DOUBLE wants to maul! STANESC withdrew LEGISLATEON! STANESC used ESCAPE! STANESC ran away! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. More stuff leading up to the fic. Evil plans. Enemy OJENNY says YOU are a PUBLIC MENACE! Enemy OJENNY says your EXPERIMENTS are DANGEROUS! DMOREAU sent out TREEMAN! TREEMAN used FALL! APPLES fell on enemy OJENNY's head! Enemy OJENNY is angry! Enemy OJENNY sent out GROWLITHE! ROCKET appeared! ROCKET wonders how DMOREAU was able to catch TREE! Enemy GROWLITHE used FLAMETHROWER! It's super effective! THREE! TREEMAN is MILDLY SINGED! And bias. Treeman, use Tree Time. TREEMAN used TREE TIME! TREEMAN treed up! TREEMAN used BIRDIE! Hit 1 times! Enemy GROWLITHE was sent flying! Enemy GROWLITHE fainted! Enemy OJENNY sent out RIOT GUN! But it's not just trees I can uplift here. Practically Go, Sandman! ANAKIN: I sense a great disturbance in the Force. TREEMAN enough! Come back! The enemy's 12 gauge! Get'm, SANDMAN! Enemy RIOT GUN used 00 BUCK! Enemy RIOT GUN has ZERO BUCKS! Enemy RIOT GUN demands RAISE! Enemy OJENNY says RIOT GUN can have RAISE when DOCMOREAU faints! Sandman, use Sand Attack! SANDMAN used SAND ATTACK! It's super effective! Enemy RIOT GUN was badly abraded! Enemy RIOT GUN used SLUG! BANANA SLUG was shot at SANDMAN! ...It doesn't affect SANDMAN! SANDMAN used SLEEPYTIME! SANDMAN put enemy RIOT GUN in SLEEPER HOLD! Critical hit! Enemy RIOT GUN fainted! Enemy OJENNY used CALL FOR BACKUP! But, it failed! Enemy OJENNY ran away! ROCKET used APPLAUD! ROCKET says you should JOIN TEAM ROCKET! ROCKET explains MEWTWO INCIDENT! DMOREAU joined TEAM ROCKET! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. |