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Battles 41-45 are big, violent, and consist to a great degree of fallout from Team Rocket's acquisition of legitimate Doompuff spinoffs in Tournament 3.
>> Read Here <<In the official manga, Pokémon Adventures / Pokémon Special, several of the Kanto gym leaders - at some point all but Brock, Misty, and Erika - were members of Team Rocket. A suitable enough plot point to borrow. LT.SURGE: I still don't see why we had to go fly away from that gamblah. It was a doity trick! KOGA: It metaphysically charges the astral properties of the region with the anticipation of battle, so... KOGA: You know what... Never mind. It's a glitch, it's just a glitch. The enemy's the eldritch progenitor of all life on Earth! Get'm PSYBIR! Ally LT.SURGE sent out GOROCHU! Ally KOGA sent out MYSTERIO! PSYBIR used PSYBIRATTACK! PSYBIR took wild MEW's BANKACCOUNTDATA! Wild MEW is BROKE! It doesn't affect wild MEW! Ally GOROCHU used ROLLING THUNDER! JOHNNY THUNDER rolled through in LEGO CAR! It doesn't affect MEW! Ally MYSTERIO used MYSTERY ATTACK! ... No obvious effect! Wild MEW used MEGA PUNCH! Wild MEW made MEGABYTES of MEMORY into FRUIT PUNCH! PSYBIR is out of RAM! PSYBIR fainted! Go! Mr. Mime! Go! MR. MIME! Ally GOROCHU used THUNDERBOLT! THUNDER bolted! Ally GOROCHU is out of usable THUNDER! Ally GOROCHU blacked out! Ally LT.SURGE is out of usable POKéMON! Ally LT.SURGE blacked out! Ally MYSTERIO used MYSTERY! ... but, it failed! What? MYSTERIO is devolving! MYSTERIO devolved into IO! IO flew off to ORBIT JUPITER! Wild MEW used METRONOME! Wild MEW used METRONOME! Wild MEW used METRONOME! Wild MEW used METRONOME! YES! Wild MEW used METRONOME! Wild MEW used METRONOME! Wild MEW used SING! Wild MEW has talent! Wild MEW was instantly recruited by TALENT AGENCY! Wild MEW ran away! How unfortunate. We'll have to report this to Giovanni. Perhaps next time he won't cheap on the Master Balls. If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. Loosely inspired by similar events in past versions. And that against all odds they've somehow managed to SAMXCVT: It was as if all the dreams and nightmares I'd had since that night in the end-of-summer heat. The thought of that shark balloon filled my thoughts, as... NAHMAN: My swords still gone! PIRATE: Yar, so we be menaced by a buoy with more teeth than a greatwhite, but what to MALKAVIAN: Hahahaha. You could say we're all ... AXCRAIG: ... This isn't the Pewter Outdoors Society meeting, is it? I may have made a wrong turn at Viridian. RYOUGA HIBIKI: No, I think it's the Tendo Martial Arts school... NEVA KEE: Keeeee!! We're trying to figure out what to do about Team Rocket's Doompuff clone... Mr.... Excavator? Could you come and explain what you know, please? SAMXCVT: There was no other option. My boots' rubber soles fell heavily as I marched my way to the podium. SAMXCVT: But I told the audience straight away I would have to defer. My compatriot was more suited to explain. RATICATE used RAT! RATICATE RATTED OUT enemy TEAM ROCKET's PLAN! RATICATE: Rat rat rararara ticat cate rate cat! RATICATE: CATE! KATE: Wait, whaaat!? Sorry, I didn't quite catch that? VULPIX: Vul! Vul pix pix! PIKAMAN: The rodent of unusual size, which I have a vague kinship towards, said that it was the doing of Silph Chief, Doc Moreau, and Giovanni. PIKAMAN: Giovanni provided the Earth Badge, to control. Silph Chief provided the improved Master Ball, to capture. PIKAMAN: And my creator Doc Moreau provided the evolution. Thaaat may have been a mistake. Gaddommit. And now, somehow, they've got a Doompuff they can actually Sooo... That's water under the bridge. Now how do we KASPAROV: If my long experience has taught me anything it is that there is nothing to do for a Doompuff invasion but to KASPAROV: Oh, fortunate me. HPOTTER: My name's Harry Potter, not C-list fodder! TERRA: Also that's totally not gonna work at all. We still gotta TERRA: I can't make you mortals polish my boots if you've all gotten eaten by a murderballoon, can I? STANESC: Pass a law against it. OFFICER JENNY: And arrest it! JESSEJAMES: Shoot the booger. ATHUN: Tie wild horses to its limbs and pull! D.TRUMPKIN: We should build a big beautiful wall and make Team Rocket pay for it. MAN WITH HOOK: ... hhhooOOOKKkkhhh ... MAN WITH HOOK wants to fight! MGM LION: Build a theme park around it and monetize it. RAY: We oughta just... GOLBAT used CONFUSE RAY! RAY is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion! RAY: Gosh dang muckle darned ANAKIN SKYWALKER: I have a freighter. I could take us off planet. CAPSLOTH: I have a freighter too. CAPSLOTH: But it be an oceangoing freighter. BUCCANEER: Yar, we should bombard it from offshore. CORSAIR: I concur. PIRATE: ... DOOR fainted! DARKSTEVE appeared! IMPOSTER PROFESSOR OAK appeared! DARKSTEVE: Yo I finally got that imposter dude who's been screwing with battles... DARKSTEVE: Also speaking of, uhh... There's a gym leader outside. In a Rocket uniform. SABRINA appeared! SABRINA wants to fight! SABRINA: Unfortunately, I've been tasked to eliminate you and field test the results of the new Doom Stone... Enemy SABRINA wants to fight! Enemy SABRINA sent out MALEVOLENT MEAT-MINCING MR. MIME of MURDER! ...Also known as MURDERMIME! So you'll find out in Battle 43. Battle ended in a draw! If you enjoyed the battle (or lack thereof), you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. I have bitten off more than I could chew with this battle. It's almost 250 lines. As an aside note, I rolled dice for the fates of most participants over this battle's course. ... The dice do not like Murdermime, because while there was a 1/3 chance of defeat or destruction, I'm not sure anyone got it besides Mars and Taser. All the other KOs are scripted because they were funny that way. SABRINA: Unfortunately, I've been tasked to eliminate you and field test the results of the new Doom Stone... Enemy SABRINA wants to fight! Enemy SABRINA sent out MALEVOLENT MEAT-MINCING MR. MIME of MURDER! ...Also known as MURDERMIME! Can we get away? Can't escape! Go! Taser! Go! TASER! SAMXCVT sent out BRANDY! NAHMAN sent out HATCHET! PIRATE sent out SHIP! MALKAVIAN sent out GHOUL! AXCRAIG sent out AX! RYOUGA HIBIKI sent out UMBRELLA! NEVAKEE sent out PODRACER! RATICATE sent out RATICATE! KATE sent out SNORLAX! VULPIX sent out VULPIX! PIKAMAN sent out PIKAMAN! KASPAROV sent out GIGACHESSTRON! HPOTTER sent out RONWEASLEY! TERRA sent out MARS! STANESC sent out LEGISLATEON! OFFICER JENNY sent out GROWLITHE! JESSEJAMES sent out GANGSTER! ATHUN sent out TARKAN! TRUMPKIN sent out WALL! MAN WITH HOOK sent out HOOK! MGM LION sent out FF DECOYPUFF! RAY sent out DEATH RAY! ANAKIN sent out LIGHTSABER! CAPSLOTH sent out BLOW THE MAN DOWN! CAPSLOTH: Aye, a chanty. BUCCANEER sent out ANCHOR! CORSAIR sent out CORSAIR! DARKSTEVE sent out MUK! TELL NARRATOR about it! NARRATOR will be HORSE by the end of this one! ... No! Taser, Volt Tackle to the oompa loompas! TASER used VOLT TACKLE TO THE OOMPA LOOMPAS! But, it failed! TASER's attack missed! It's not very effective... Enemy MURDERMIME instantly snapped TASER in half! BRANDY used BRAND! BRANDY poked enemy MURDERMIME with HOT BRANDING IRON! It's not very effective... Enemy MURDERMIME instantly devoured BRANDY! Enemy MURDERMIME's BAC greatly rose! Remains to be seen! HATCHET used HATCHET! HATCHET hatched an ET! ET joined you! SHIP used BROADSIDE! SHIP hit the BROAD SIDE of a BARN! BARN fainted! It doesn't affect enemy MURDERMIME! GHOUL used POTENCE! GHOUL's STRENGTH greatly rose! AX used HACK! AX hacked enemy MURDERMIME's SOCIAL MEDIA accounts! It doesn't affect enemy MURDERMIME! CHURCH OF THE IRON THORN is angry! COTIH wants to fight! ... Enemy MURDERMIME! Enemy MURDERMIME instantly snapped AX in half! UMBRELLA used ROCK BREAKER! ROCK was fully BROKEN! MEGAMAN fainted! HIBER: Heresy. COTIH: HERESY! PODRACER used BOOST! PODRACER threw BOOST BOTTLE at enemy MURDERMIME! ... At 600kph! BOOST! The drink that hits like a hypervelocity shell! MURDERMIME's hit! Enemy MURDERMIME used MALEVOLENCE! PODRACER is MALEVOLENT! PODRACER joined enemy MURDERMIME! SABRINA: Did you really expect a Psychic-type Doompuff spinoff to SABRINA: Okay, not like it would necessarily use or need it on its own. But there is strength in numbers. RATICATE used SUPER FANG! Look! Up in SKY! It's MOLAR! It's INCISOR! No! It's SUPER FANG! RATICATE flew away! SABRINA: We'll get him later. SNORLAX used BODY SLAM! Enemy MURDERMIME was SLAMMED with a BODY! ... of EVIDENCE! STANESC: Your honor, the prosecution rests. Enemy MURDERMIME is GUILTY! Of MURDER! And putting MEAT in MINCE PIES! ... It doesn't affect enemy MURDERMIME! VULPIX used ACME BADGE! VULPIX used ANVIL DROP! ANVIL fell on enemy MURDERMIME! Minor damage! PIKAMAN used WARLOCK PUNCH! PIKAMAN gave enemy MURDERMIME a glass of WARLOCK PUNCH! It's super poisonous! Enemy MURDERMIME was poisoned! Keep layering on those status effects! I'm surprised they work at all... GIGACHESSTRON used CHESS BLASTER! Enemy MURDERMIME was BLASTED with CHESS PIE! It doesn't affect enemy MURDERMIME! RONWEASLEY used FLYING FORD! Enemy MURDERMIME used BACK SEAT MURDERER! RONWEASLEY is in MORTAL PERIL! MARS used PHOTON MISSILE! MARS' MISSILE is made of PHOTONS! MARS flashed HIGH BEAMS! RON's ACCURACY fell! Enemy MURDERMIME's ACCURACY fell! FLYING FORD kept going and crashed! ... Into GIGACHESSTRON! GIGACHESSTRON fainted! FORD ANGLICA fainted! RON fainted! Enemy MURDERMIME is unaffected! Enemy MURDERMIME used MINCE MEAT! MARS was hit with MINCEMEAT PIE! ... At MACH 2! MARS fainted! NARRATOR can't tell with robots! NARRATOR is being optimistic! LEGISLATEON used LEGISLATE! Enemy MURDERMIME is already ILLEGAL! It doesnt affect Enemy MURDERMIME! GROWLITHE used TAKE DOWN! GROWLITHE TOOK DOWN enemy MURDERMIME's WEBSITES and SOCIAL MEDIA PROFILES! It doesn't affect enemy MURDERMIME! GANGSTER used SIX SHOOTER! JESSEJAMES used SIX SHOOTER! GANGSTER used SIX SHOOTER! JESSEJAMES used SIX SHOOTER! GANGSTER used SIX SHOOTER! JESSEJAMES used SIX SHOOTER! GANGSTER used SIX SHOOTER! JESSEJAMES used SIX SHOOTER! GANGSTER used SIX SHOOTER! JESSEJAMES used SIX SHOOTER! GANGSTER used SIX SHOOTER! JESSEJAMES used SIX SHOOTER! Hit 6 times! Hit 2 times! It doesn't affect enemy MURDERMIME! TARKAN used TORCH! TARKAN shone TORCH in enemy MURDERMIME's eyes! Enemy MURDERMIME's ACCURACY fell! TRUMPKIN: The wall just got ten feet higher. WALL used TEN FEET HIGHER! It's super effective! ...Against HUMPTY DUMPTY, maybe! It doesn't affect MURDERMIME! Enemy MURDERMIME instantly snapped WALL in half! Enemy MURDERMIME instantly snapped TRUMPKIN in half! Enemy MURDERMIME instantly snapped TRUMPKIN HALVES in half! ... MAYBE! HOOK used HOOK! HOOK set up PLOT HOOK! ... But, PLOT is already in FULL SWING! Enemy MURDERMIME used FULL SWING! HOOK fainted! FF DECOYPUFF used DOOM! FF DECOYPUFF foretold enemy MR. MIME's DOOM! FF DECOYPUFF: YOU WILL DIE EXACTLY AS YOU AND ALL OUR KIND HAVE KILLED>>> FF DECOYPUFF: ERROR, YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO RECEIVE DOOM AT THIS TIME. ADDITIONAL CUSTOMERS CAN PURCHASE TICKETS AT-- Enemy MURDERMIME instantly snapped FF DECOYPUFF in half! DEATH RAY used DEATH! Enemy MURDERMIME used MURDER! Forces collide! ... DEATH fainted! What? DEATH RAY is devolving! DEATH RAY devolved into RAY! LIGHTSABER used SLASH! SLASH hit enemy MURDERMIME with LIGHTSABER! Minor damage! Enemy MURDERMIME used MIME! Enemy MURDERMIME used SLASH! SLASH hit LIGHTSABER with enemy MURDERMIME! Minor damage to enemy MUDERMIME! ... Enemy MURDERMIME instantly snapped LIGHTSABER in half! ANAKIN: Not again... BLOW THE MAN DOWN used BLOW THE MAN DOWN! THE MAN was fully BLOWN DOWN! WIDESPREAD SOCIETAL CHANGE appeared! WIDESPREAD SOCIETAL CHANGE used CHANGE! Enemy MURDERMIME's HP was CHANGED! Downward! ANCHOR used ANCHOR! Enemy MURDERMIME's SPEED greatly fell! CORSAIR used STRAFE! It doesn't affect enemy MURDERMIME! MUK used ACID ARMOR! MUK used ACID for ARMOR! Enemy MURDERMIME is trying to use MINCE MEAT! Enemy MURDERMIME used instead, MINCE MUK! It didn't affect MUK! Enemy MURDERMIME's MINCING KNIVES were hit! Enemy MURDERMIME is angry! Enemy MURDERMIME's ATTACK rose! Enemy MURDERMIME's hurt by poison! But it's also over 200 lines long already and it's Battle ended in a draw for remaining participants! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. Mew is the origin of all Pokémon and also an adorable pink cat-fetus-looking creature. It was also big in ye olden days, especially notable around Flame Version, the rediscovery of which may have been an inspiration to create Foxfire Version. I wrote this battle last night in a fit of fury so it's probably not my best or wisest decisions but my buffer is empty and I flatly refuse to fall to hiatus now. MEW appeared! MEW is adorable! Watch your tongue, Narrator. I don't let anyone swagger over me. MEW used GLARE! ... NARRATOR is intimidated! It may not attack! Oh? What's this making so much noise?~ SABRINA appeared! JANE, SAMXCVT, NAHMAN, PIRATE, MALKAVIAN, AXCRAIG, RYOUGA HIBIKI, NEVAKEE, KATE, VULPIX, PIKAMAN, KASPAROV, HPOTTER, TERRA, STANESC, OFFICER JENNY, JESSEJAMES, ATHUN, MAN WITH HOOK, MGM LION, RAY, ANAKIN, and CAPSLOTH appeared! Enemy MURDERMIME appeared! And... What's this...? FOXFIRE RESISTANCE used MASSIVE ONSLAUGHT! It's not very effective... Enemy MURDERMIME used MIME MASER! AXCRAIG died! OFFICER JENNY died! VULPIX fainted! MAN WITH HOOK fainted! MGM LION fainted! ANAKIN fainted! CAPSLOTH fainted! But you know. The more carefully you scheme, the more unexpected events come along. MURDERMIME used BLADE BARRIER! FOXFIRE RESISTANCE was CUT OFF! SABRINA wants to fight! SABRINA sent out MURDERMIME! Enemy MURDERMIME used MIME MASER! Enemy MURDERMIME's attack missed! Enemy MURDERMIME used KNIFE SPAM! MEW used TELEPORT SPAM! Enemy MURDERMIME's attack missed! MEW used DEVOLUTION BEAM! What? Enemy MURDERMIME is devolving! Enemy MURDERMIME devolved into MR. MIME! BLADE BARRIER fainted! All of you are too weak for me. FOXFIRE RESISTANCE used MASSIVE ONSLAUGHT! Hit 16 times! It's super effective! Critical hit! MR. MIME died! Enemy SABRINA used TELEPORT! Enemy SABRINA ran away! But it was me, Mew! MEW won! FOXFIRE RESISTANCE won! FOXFIRE RESISTANCE ran away! MEW used MENACING! MEW is MENACING! ... NARRATOR ran away! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. This battle was written around the time of battles 6-10 and was scheduled for release with them. It was the last reserve in my buffer. Things have been stressful lately. And those half-baked Mario Brothers won't stop me this time! PEACH says that MARIO and LUIGI will stop you! PEACH says this is getting old, though! PEACH wants to fight! PEACH says that your plan will eventually be foiled, but it'll cause a lot of destruction first! PEACH wants to nip it in the bud this time! PEACH sent out TOADSWORTH! GO! KAMEK! KAMEK used MAGIC! KAMEK's attack missed! It kept going and crashed! Into BRICK! What? BRICK is evolving! BRICK evolved into 1UPMUSHROOM! PEACH ate the 1UPMUSHROOM! CASTLE's STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY fell! TOADSWORTH used GREAT HOOGLY-BOOGLY! GREAT HOOGLY-BOOGLY appeared! BOWSER is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion! That does it! Kamek, finish him off! KAMEK used FINISH HIM OFF! HIM was fully FINISHED OFF! TOWNSVILLE is saved! It didn't affect TOADSWORTH! TOADSWORTH says he's only just started! TOADSWORTH used SMASHING TIME! TOADSWORTH is about to have a SMASHING TIME... TOADSWORTH pulls out BASEBALL BAT and MANIACAL GRIN! ...NARRATOR used RELAX-o-VISION! BIRD used SING! FLOWER used BLOOM! It's super relaxing! READERS used IGNORE HORRIFICALLY VIOLENT BACKGROUND NOISE! ... I hope ... KAMEK was fully SMASHED! KAMEK fainted! PEACH is mildly horrified! But... You! You just messed with the wrong Koopa King! BOWSER is the only KOOPA KING! BOWSER sent out BOWSER! BOWSER used TERRORIZE! It's super scary! TOADSWORTH: TOADSWORTH ran away scared! GREAT HOOGLY-BOOGLY ran away scared! CASTLE'S STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY greatly fell! PEACH was dragged out! Ah, yes! I was kidnapping you! Again! PEACH doesn't think so! PEACH used PSYCH BOMB! BOWSER was PSYCHED OUT with BOMBS! BOMBS went off! BOWSER was badly BOMBED! CASTLE's STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY greatly fell! CASTLE collapsed! BOWSER greatly fell! BOWSER'S HP greatly fell! PEACH used FLOAT! PEACH floated down gracefully! Unfortunately for you, Peach, we've done this song and dance so many times before this should be a breeze! BOWSER used REPEAT BALL! It's super effective! Congratulations! PEACH was caught! BOWSER surveys SURROUNDING DESTRUCTION! PEACH'S CASTLE was renamed PEACH'S CASTLE RUINS! NARRATOR reminds BOWSER that BOWSER did more than half that damage! BOWSER ran! LUIGI appeared! MARIO surveys CASTLE RUINS! MARIO: OH NO! LUIGI found BOWSER FOOTPRINTS! LUIGI: Agagagagag! MARIO jumps up and down a few times! MARIO: Let's go! LUIGI Jumps up and down a few times! LUIGI: Okie dokie! MARIO BROTHERS set off to find BOWSER! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. |