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Battles 66-70. Isekai Ian returns. Does he reflect on himself and how his flaws led him here? Of course not. Instead he resorts to a river in Egypt. ISEKIAN found ... ANSWER? Which ... didn't have a cash shop, darm. But ... It ... which seems to be down at the moment. Huh, I thought that was supposed to be impossible. UGLY MONKEY CLUB is still FLATTENED under PYRAMID! If that's the case, I still know what I can do... Just do it the old fashioned way. Wild CACODEMON appeared! Enemy CACODEMON is THE DOOM VERSION! Enemy CACODEMON is an 8 FOOT DIAMETER ORB with TEETH! The enemy's a terrifying flying eye monster! Get'm RIDICULOUS SWORD! Ugh... Enemy CACODEMON used FIREBALL! Enemy CACODEMON is a BALL! Enemy CACODEMON caught on FIRE! Enemy CACODEMON's ATTACK greatly rose! Sword, Thousand Cuts! RIDICULOUS SWORD used TEN CUTS! Hit 1 times! Enemy CACODEMON used BITE! It's not very effective... Steel-types are totally resistant to both Dark and Normal-type attacks! RIDICULOUS SWORD fainted! RIDICULOUS SWORD is less a STEEL type and more a SUPERFICIALLY POLISHED SCRAP METAL type! Also, RIDICULOUS SWORD has no DEFENSE or HP to speak of! RIDICULOUS SWORD bent like WET NOODLE! OAK: ISEKIAN, now is not the time to use that! The hero's powers That even goes back to old shows like Digimon! ... ISEKIAN likes DIGIMON? ... NARRATOR's SYMPATHY greatly fell! Enemy CACODEMON's HIDDEN POTENTIAL kicked in! Enemy CACODEMON unlocked NIGHTMARE DIFFICULTY! Time: ... Needless to say, ISEKIAN fainted! Use next POKéMON? If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. I'm alive. Definitely referencing the infamous ANAKIN is watching BOOTLEG ROTS DVD! OBIWAN used UNREPEATABLE LANGUAGE! JEDI COUNCIL was renamed PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH! Glad I'm not that Anakin... ANAKIN turned to DARK SIDE! ... on SCREEN! MACE WINDU died! PADME fainted! OBIWAN wants to fight! ... on SCREEN! ANAKIN used HI JUMP CUT! ANAKIN's attack missed! It kept going and crashed! ... Into OBIWAN's LIGHTSABER! ANAKIN went to pieces! ANAKIN was badly burned! ANAKIN held on using its FOCUS! What? ANAKIN is evolving! ANAKIN evolved into DARTHVADER! DARTHVADER: Where is the plum of PALPATINE: Under your exasperation you killed her DARTHVADER: Do not want But that's right, there've been third stage evolutions now, haven't there?! The Mist Stone started it... PokéDex!? ANAKIN used GOOGLE POKéDEX! ...In reality! GOOGLE POKéDEX: Anakin Skywalker, the Jedi Knight Councilmember Pokémon. GOOGLE POKéDEX: Its hair is amazing, but its emotional maturity is low. It may turn to the Dark Side if people it loves are killed or in danger. GOOGLE POKéDEX: It evolves to DARTHVADER. DARTH BLENDER appeared! DARTH BLENDER: Join the Dark Side. We have great health insurance. DARTH BLENDER: It even covers lightsaber-based dismemberment and family members! ... Nope nope nope nope. Nope! DARTH BLENDER: That's okay, I'll just capture you. DARTH BLENDER wants to fight! DARTH BLENDER: Still only on one blade? Pah! DARTH BLENDER sent out ICOSABER! DARTH BLENDER: That's why they call me Darth Blender. DARTH BLENDER: ... don't remind me... Enemy ICOSABER used THOUSAND CUTS! Enemy ICOSABER swung 50 TIMES! LIGHTSABER used PARRY! Enemy ICOSABER was PARRYlized! It may not attack! DARTH BLENDER: Useless blade... Enemy DARTH BLENDER withdrew ICOSABER! Enemy DARTH BLENDER sent out DARTH BLENDER! Eneny DARTH BLENDER used WILL IT BLEND! ... LIGHTSABER would! ... NARRATOR is tempted to use RELAX-O-VISION... Needless to say, LIGHTSABER fainted! ANAKIN is out of usable POKéMON! ANAKIN was dragged out! Force! ANAKIN used FORCE! Enemy DARTH BLENDER used LIQUEFY! Enemy DARTH BLENDER was FORCED to LIQUEFY! Enemy DARTH BLENDER's DEFENSE greatly rose! ...But, enemy DARTH BLENDER fainted! ANAKIN gained 5463 EXP. Points! What? ANAKIN is evolving! Congratulations! Your ANAKIN evolved into INFINITIES ROTJ ANAKIN! ANAKIN won! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. Pokémon Red and Blue aren't quite required reading, but a good amount of familiarity with them will be helpful for this battle... HM05! He's the fastest man alive! HM05 appeared! HM05 ran away! It didn't affect NARRATOR! ASH appeared! ASH: It's gonna eat me...!!! ASH ran away! MEWTWO appeared, wearing BIB and carrying FORK and KNIFE! MEWTWO ran away! HM05 was left spinning! Enemy WARTORTLE appeared! Enemy WARTORTLE is NOT a WARTORTLE! Slow and steady shan't win the race this time! WARTORTLE: I WARTORTLE: AM WARTORTLE: THE WARTORTLE: SLOWEST WARTORTLE wants to fight! WARTORTLE: MAN WARTORTLE: ALIVE Enemy WARTORTLE sent out WARTORTLE! I shall also send out myself, then! Go! HM05! ... But, WARTORTLE is actually a WARTORTLE! Enemy WARTORTLE is a supervillain! Enemy WARTORTLE sent out WARTORTLE! WARTORTLE is a POKéMON! HM05 is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion! Enemy WARTORTLE used SURF! Enemy WARTORTLE went SURFING! ... Enemy WARTORTLE wiped out! Enemy WARTORTLE fainted! Enemy WARTORTLE is angry! Enemy WARTORTLE sent out WARTORTLE! HM05 used HM05! HM05's attack missed! ... Not surprising considering HM05's ACCURACY is just 38%! Enemy WARTORTLE used WAR! Enemy WARTORTLE declared WAR! ... Enemy WARTORTLE is going through PAPERWORK ... Booted up an HM! It contained FLASH! Teach FLASH to a POKéMON? It's a useless undeletable move anyway... Just fill up his move slots... Enemy WARTORTLE learned FLASH! Enemy WARTORTLE used FLASH! Enemy WARTORTLE completed PAPERWORK in a FLASH! WARTORTLE: SLOW TORTLE ARMY appeared! WARTORTLE: AND WARTORTLE: STEADY WARTORTLE: WINS HM05 ran away! WARTORTLE: THE ... WARTORTLE: RACE! WARTORTLE won! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. Abaddon is not associated with envy in any major demonology source I'm aware of, but I needed an Envy and I didn't want to use Leviathan. A curse on all those above me in Hell for having less severe punishments and less complicated workloads... A curse on all those lower down for having more interesting punishments to dole out and receive... A curse on all the damned, for no longer needing to make A curse on all the lords and royals of Hell and on all bosses for having better jobs and more power than me... A curse on those who came here unexpectedly for surviving Doompuff or dying to its terrible visage in person... A curse on the Narrator and Webmaster, for their power over us all... A curse on those whom the Narrator visits, for their interesting lives... And a curse on all those who have arms, for having arms when I don't! NARRATOR appeared! ... NARRATOR hasn't even BEGUN to torment ABADDON! The grass is always, Everything I touch turns to ABADDON has no HANDS! ABADDON'S ARMS are MISSING! Even if I had arms, they'd be TERRA appeared! A curse on TERRA wants to fight! Go, Green-Eyed Monster... Go! GREENEYEDM! Enemy TERRA sent out MINOS! Enemy MINOS says that ABADDON is welcome to VISIT! Green-Eyed Monster, use Othello... GREENEYEDM used OTHELLO! GREENEYEDM is playing OTHELLO with MINOS! ...GREENEYEDM lost! GREENEYEDM's ENVY greatly rose! A curse on it for gaining power from envy ... wait... ABADDON's ENVY rose! A curse on those who have powers that raise from emotions other than envy... Enemy MINOS used LABYRINTH! GREENEYEDM was cast into LABYRINTH! GREENEYEDM was blown away! Go, me... The enemy's the judge of the damned! Get'm ABADDON! TERRA says he can put you where BELPHEGOR and BEELZEBUB are! TERRA used ULTRA BALL! Congratulations! ABADDON was caught! YES! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. Sam Excavator hasn't been seen since his untimely death at Doompuff's jaws at the end of the War Event. But deaths in the War Event seem to have been by and large subverted... OPHAN: ... OPHAN: ... how did you even ... Or SAMXCVT read ARCHIVES! First, I learned the whole city'd gone up like O'Leary's cow had gotten boiled as an owl on horse liniment and tarantula juice and made like a firebug in a powder mill. Second, I happened to cross paths with the two renegades in front of me. One of them was a young man in slippers with a tiger-print bandage on his head and an old-fashioned hand canopy, the other, a diminutive naturalist with a face like a bald falcon and a pair of ears that looked like they could hear a senator making graft from the far side of Arlington. RYOUGA HIBIKI: ... RYOUGA HIBIKI: ... Is ... he talking about us? Did you understand a word of that? NEVA KEE: ...Keeee! Chuba! RYOUGA HIBIKI: Wait, what-- RYOUGA HIBIKI: He never stops talking... He even talks in his sleep... RYOUGA HIBIKI: Eventually we got here and he ... got in touch with the local mob, or, RYOUGA HIBIKI: I'm pretty sure he thinks we're in California and I can't say we're not. OPHAN: ... OPHAN: We have a mob? HEAVEN has MOB! MOB is full of GOODFELLAS! ... Speaking of which, DOOR fainted! GOODFELLA appeared! GOODFELLA: Okay, squealer, wese got youse the office, and you go and rat us out to the thrones? GOODFELLA wants to fight! Enemy GOODFELLA sent out RAY GUN! Ally RYOUGA HIBIKI sent out RYOUGA HIBIKI! Ally NEVA KEE sent out NEVA KEE! Go! SLUGMA! OPHAN: ... on the one hand, you are OPHAN wants to fight! ... Both you and enemy GOODFELLA! OPHAN sent out OPHAN! Enemy RAY GUN used RAY! RAY appeared! RAY: ... Gol dang horse feather Vulpies and Golbies and Gristlies and Fishyus-- RAY is confused! It hurt enemy RAY GUN in its confusion! Enemy RAY GUN fainted! OPHAN:... This is getting worse all the time... That's a fourth breach... OPHAN used FLAMETHROWER! OPHAN threw FLAME EMAILS at SAMXCVT, GOODFELLA, RAY, NEVA KEE, RYOUGA HIBIKI! SAMXCVT'S MORALE greatly fell! Enemy GOODFELLA's MORALE greatly fell! RAY's MORALE greatly fell! It doesn't affect ally NEVA KEE! Ally RYOUGA HIBIKI's MORALE greatly fell! Ally RYOUGA HIBIKI used SHISHI HOKODAN! Critical hit! Enemy GOODFELLA was blown away! Enemy OPHAN was blown away! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. |