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Battles 76-80. I seem to remember a brief moment of the worst pain I'd ever experienced in my life in between. Where am I, anyway? PATH appeared! DARKNESS appeared! FULL MOON appeared! LARGE IMPOSING TREES appeared! IMPALED ALGORECORPSES appeared! MYSTERIOUSVOICE: That you will have to answer on your own... ... That wasn't Rocket Doompuff, was it. MYSTERIOUSVOICE: Nope! MYSTERIOUSVOICE was renamed DEATH! DEATH appeared! DEATH: Took you long enough. GIOVANNI used SMOKE BOMB! GIOVANNI ran away! DEATH: ... I only wanted to warn him about the path... ALGORECORPSE: Voooote Gooore in tweeenty fooour... Now, how do I get out of here... ALGORECORPSE: Whatever you do, stay on the path... ALGORECORPSE: I invented the internet, but they took it off on the wrong path and now look where they are... ALGORECORPSE: No, that's just because the tree wanted to fight and you know how that song and dance goes. ALGORECORPSE: Anyway, the most important thing, don't forget... ALGORECORPSE: Vooote Gooore in tweeenty fooour.... DEATH appeared! GIOVANNI ran away! DEATH: Oh wait up I just wanted to warn you... And he's gone. DR. OZ appeared! Oi, you, how do I come back to life!? DR. OZ: Follow the yellow brick road. DR. OZ: The stars say to follow the yellow brick road. We've followed astrology for centuries. DR. OZ: I'm a doctor, would I lie to you? DR. OZ: No I wouldn't, I'm a better doctor than I am a husband. DR. OZ: No. DR. OZ: Follow the yellow brick road. DEATH appeared! GIOVANNI ran away! DEATH: Oh damn it all. OWL: You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you. OWL: I don't have the answers to your questions, I -- actually, I can respect that. OWL: But you know the Yellow Brick Road leads to Oz, don't you? DR. OZ appeared! DR. OZ: I'm sure people think I'm out in left field playing by myself. DR. OZ: But I practice what I preach. DR. OZ: Food is no longer sacred to us: In becoming too efficient we've changed its nature... DR. OZ whipped out MEATCLEAVER! DR. OZ wants to fight! ... Or something! OWL: I'll hold it off! Run! OWL used DIVEBOMB! OWL was instantly CHOPPED IN HALF! OWL died! Go! GIOVANNI! GIOVANNI used CLOSE COMBAT! It's super effective! DR. OZ: I've got... So many weaknesses... DR. OZ fainted! Wild DOOMPUFF appeared! DOOMPUFF: GIOVANNI ran away! DOOMPUFF: ... PUFF... RABID... RADIOMAN appeared! RADIOMAN: Hmm, your aura is full of pride... But also growing fear and despair. RADIOMAN: You're new here, aren't you? MAGNETS: This is the land of broken dreams, where half completed projects go to rot... IRON MASK: Fangames, novels... Anything the author starts and abandons partway through... ROBOT DRAGON: ... The only way out is to have the author start paying attention to you again... That happened to the other Hiber recently... RADIOMAN: GIOVANNI stepped back nervously! MAGNETS: ROBOT DRAGON: FORGOTTEN GROUP's EYES turned UNCANNY WHITE! GIOVANNI ran away! IRON MASK's PSYCHOKINESIS! But, it failed! IRON MASK: You will not escape... And your narrative focus will be DEATH appeared! DEATH: You know, I DEATH: But now I have this sudden and inexplicable urge to kill you. Enemy DEATH used SOUL HARVEST! GIOVANNI's SOUL was fully HARVESTed! GIOVANNI died! IRON MASK: ... You ... Just stole my kill... IRON MASK whipped out SWORD! DEATH: ... DEATH ran away! RT1: As a doornail. RT2: Looks like you've been messed up RT3: Hey isn't that that rich crime dude? Bet he's got great stuff. RT4: Duuuude. He totally is. Hey, aren't we ghosts now? We should spook him. RT5: ... Ghost?! Where!? RT GROUP used PUBLIC NUISANCE! GIOVANNI was fully VANDALIZED! GIOVANNI fainted. Use next POKéMON? Clash of villains. Isekai Ian has acceptable perception, but absolutely nothing resembling common sense. UM RED: First ya gotta get as many names as ya can on board. I'm talking big ticket names, real A-listers. UM RED: Sure ya gotta make sure they get UM RED: You get half a million sign-ups at $20 a pop 'cause some twit with twenty million followers told 'em to, you've got five million in the bag right there if ya split it 50/50. UM RED: Then ya UM RED: Keep 'em caught in the community for pull after pull. Never take too much at once, make sure you UM RED: They're not called suckers for nothing> UM RED: Sure they are kid. Want another one? Twenty bucks, you know the drill. UM RED: Hold that thought, I hear that big red voice. It schemed me into a pyramid once before. Let's go check it out... Congratulations! DISPATER was caught! TERRA: Sloth, gluttony, envy... Now wrath. Three left. ISEKIAN appeared! UM RED appeared! TERRA: ... Me. TERRA: ...Well then I'll just have to dispose of-- TERRA: ... TERRA is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion! ... UM RED is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion! UM RED: ... you must have keener eyes than me, kid... TERRA: ... Okay well you're not ISEKIAN wants to fight! TERRA: ... uh, whatever... TERRA doesn't really want to fight, but was dragged in anyway! UM RED: Yeah, I'm gonna sit this one out. Knock 'em dead, kid. Go, Sword! Go! RIDICULOUS SWORD! Enemy TERRA sent out TERRA! TERRA: ... Sigh... RIDICULOUS SWORD used TASTE MY BLADE! TERRA: ... okay. Enemy TERRA used BEND! What? RIDICULOUS SWORD is BENDing! Congratulations! Your RIDICULOUS SWORD was BENDed into RIDICULOUS PRETZEL! TERRA ate RIDICULOUS PRETZEL! TERRA: ... it tastes like they somehow managed to alloy the lowest quality iron with rejected scrap That was a limited edition replica Hero's Magic Sword from M'Mo Online...!! TERRA: It was a cheap piece of junk, if you paid more than ¥250 on it it was a ripoff... TERRA: ... you are unbelievably gullible. ISEKIAN's IMPOTENT RAGE is building! ISEKIAN's DEFENSE fell! UM RED: Don't listen to him Send out which POKéMON? The enemy's a human annihiliation robot and way out of your league! Get'm ISEKIAN! TERRA: It's my natural hair... insofar as a robot can have hair. TERRA: Anyway... Enemy TERRA used SPARK CHASER! It's super effective! TERRA's attack continues! Hit 7 times! ISEKIAN flinched! Enemy TERRA used DIVE KICK! ISEKIAN was KICKed through ROOF towards nearest DIVE! ISEKIAN fainted! TERRA won! TERRA: Yo, so did you want something? UM RED: Yeah, I'm selling unique collectible bridges, you want one? UM RED: You don't get to actually touch it but you get a certificate on the internet that says you own it. TERRA: ... TERRA used DIVE KICK! UM RED was KICKed through ROOF towards nearest DIVE! UM RED was blown away! TERRA won! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. I don't have anything particular to say about this battle. Enjoy! He's the fastest man alive! NAHMAN appeared! No! Worse! A Nineties Anti-Hero! How many innocents have you collaterally damaged in your quests to stamp out mundane crime in violent and ultimately futile ways?! NAHMAN: ... swords very shiny. Not rusty at all. Must... find more crime. HM05 wants to fight! NAHMAN: ... Okay. NAHMAN doesn't really want to fight! But, enemy NAHMAN will do so anyway! Enemy NAHMAN sent out LARGE HANDGUN! Go! SPEED! SPEED used OUTRUN BULLETS! Enemy LARGE HANDGUN's BULLETS were made to RUN OUT! ... By shooting SPEED! Hit 6 times! SPEED fainted! Doesn't matter. I'll deal with you myself, knave! You can't shoot me if you're out of bullets! Go! HM05! Enemy LARGE HANDGUN used SHOOT LARGE HAND! HM05 was SHOT with LARGE HAND! ... In other words, NAHMAN used MEGA PUNCH! HM05 is in critical condition! Can't escape! Fine! Finish me off! At least give me the dignity of a swift death! Enemy NAHMAN doesn't want to use COUPDEGRACE! Enemy NAHMAN wants HM05 to JOIN HIM! NAHMAN: TERRA is doing bad things. NAHMAN: TEAM ROCKET is regrouping. NAHMAN: SCHEMING PYRAMID is scheming. NAHMAN: World needs heroes. And violence. And violence capable heroes. NAHMAN: ... Then we do things hard way. Enemy NAHMAN used POKé BALL! 1... 2... 3... Congratulations! HM05 was caught! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. This battle literally exists because of the Terra Force joke and because I love Digimon. ...The fallen people... Will invoke the name... of the Undead King... ...When the clock strikes... The Hour of the Beast... The Undead King... Will reveal his true form... As the Beast... CLOCK: 06:06:06 What? MYOTISMON is evolving! ... I'm hungry! There are all those people at the convention center! They're mine! Enemy DIGIDESTINED appeared! Enemy DIGIDESTINED wants to fight! Enemy DIGIDESTINED sent out TOGEMON! IKKAKUMON! KABUTERIMN! BIRDRAMON! ANGEMON! ANGEWOMON! WARGREYMON! MTLGARUMON! Venom Infusion! VENMYOTISM used VENOM INFUSION! VENMYOTISM made INFUSION of VENOM! Enemy TOGEMON IKKAKUMON KABUTERIMN BIRDRAMON used STOCK FOOTAGE ATTACK! It's not very effective... I'll stomp you all into the ground and make Chosen Pancakes! VENMYOTISM is trying to use STOMP! Enemy ANGEMON ANGEWOMON used STOCK FOOTAGE ATTACK: HOLY! It's super effective! VENMYOTISM flinched! You've barely scratched my health pool! Enemy MTLGARUMON used... ... ... NARRATOR isn't sure! NARRATOR sees at least FIVE NAMES! ICE MISSILES! VENMYOTISM was frozen solid! VENMYOTISM snapped FROZEN STATUS in half! Enemy WARGREYMON used TERRA FORCE! TERRA was FORCED to join enemy DIGIDESTINED! TERRA: Ugh... Guess I have to... TERRA used GOOGLE POKéDEX! GOOGLE POKéDEX: VENOMMYOTISMON. It is a demon with the lower body of a beast and an insect-like shell on its upper body. GOOGLE POKéDEX: Myotismon, retaining its reason, intellect, and gentlemanly conduct, is loath to reveal this repugnant form. Do I seriously think that badly of myself! TERRA: ...Yo dude, you're seriously pretty ugly. VENMYOTISM used STOMP! TERRA was STOMPed into GROUND like a FOUNDATION PILE! It doesn't affect enemy TERRA! TERRA: No mortal weapon can hurt me, yada yada, Doompuff snapped me in half and I stuck myself back together when it left... Owwww... Enemy MTLGARUMON and WARGREYMON used SOCCER ATTACK! ... Somehow, it's super effective! Enemy DIGIDESTINED sent out CRESTS! CRESTS used BIND! VENMYOTISM can't move! TERRA: ... TERRA used DYNAMAX ULTRA BALL! Congratulations! VENMYOTISM was caught! TERRA: ... Well, he overlaps a bit with gluttony and envy, but he's big enough for added muscle if I need it... ...Enemy DIGIDESTINED are looking suspiciously at TERRA! TERRA: Oops, time to split. Bye! TERRA ran away! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. The Jolteon's name is CAMARADERY and he was my ace in a run of Blue Version this summer. Wild TURKEY appeared! YES! Wild TURKEY is AT LEAST ONE of these! Well joke's on you, I'm a fox, I can eat turkey in any state. Wild TURKEY wants to fight! Wild TURKEY sent out COYOTE! Hm, I could probably win this easily, but at the same time, if I went full 'phenomenal cosmic powers' I might disintegrate the turkey and I want to eat it... Go Jolteon I guess... Thunderbolt. HIBER sent out JOLTEON! JOLTEON used THUNDERBOLT! It's not very effective... Enemy COYOTE used ROCKET BARRAGE! It's not very accurate... Hit 0 times! Jolteon, Pin Missile! JOLTEON used PIN MISSILE! JOLTEON PINned a MISSILE LOCK on enemy COYOTE! TINY TIM appeared! TINY TIM: HIBER? ... be very quiet... TINY TIM: YOU HAVEN"T BEEN DOING SPECIALS>>> TINY TIM: ARE YOU GONNA STOP? I WOULD BE SAD IF"N YOU DECIDED TO STOP__ TINY TIM used EXPLOSION! TINY TIM fainted! Enemy COYOTE fainted! Enemy TURKEY is about to use TURKEY! Will HIBER change POKéMON? Go, Canberry Sauce... JOLTEON enough! Come back! The enemy's delicious with you! Get'm CANBERRY! Enemy TURKEY sent out TURKEY! Enemy TURKEY used FREE RANGE! Enemy TURKEY gave a FREE estimate of HIBER's RANGE of OUTCOMES! ... Enemy TURKEY looks INCREASINGLY CONCERNED! CANBERRY used CAN! But, CANBERRY CAN'T! It didn't affect enemy TURKEY! Enemy TURKEY used GOBBLE! Enemy TURKEY GOBBLEd up CANBERRY! CANBERRY fainted! Right, no more Mr. Nice Fox... Go, me... The enemy looks delicious! Get'm HIBER! Enemy TURKEY whispered something! Enemy TURKEY NARRATOR said, Enemy TURKEY used PARDON REQUEST! Enemy TURKEY was fully PARDONed! HIBER is confused! Enemy TURKEY ran away in HIBER's confusion! HIBER ran after TURKEY! Battle ended in a draw! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. |