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Battles 96-100. Seven-Battle War, Final. This had better not be E1M8's ending all over again. Hurt like a bee... Enemy G-MAN appeared! G-MAN: Missster Doom-Guy. In the flesh. G-MAN: I have recommended your services to my e-e-e-employers. G-MAN: And they have authorized me to offer you a job they agree with me that you have limitlessss-- Where are my guns. G-MAN: I took the liberty of relieving you of your weapons. G-MAN: Most of them were government property. And anyway, they were mostly UNMC property anyway. G-MAN: ... G-MAN: Anyway, I don't expect you'll have any trouble deciding what to do. PORTAL appeared! G-MAN: If you're interested, just step into the portal. G-MAN: Otherwise... Well... I can offer you a battle you have no chance of winning. G-Man: No regrets, Mr. Doomguy. G-MAN sent out UNWINNABLE BATTLE! G-MAN: ... G-MAN: . . . In that case, I suppose your sssservices are no longer required. I shall take my leave-- What? PORTAL is evolving! Congratulations! Your PORTAL evolved into FF PORTAL! HIBER appeared from FF PORTAL! HIBER: G-Man, you're fired. HIBER used FIRE! Enemy G-MAN was fully FIREd! ... NARRATOR will leave the details of being FIREd by a FIRE-TYPE to READERS' IMAGINATIONs! Needless to say, enemy G-MAN fainted! HIBER: ... anyway, I don't even actually know how that guy got here... I think it's inevitable in a Half-Life ending... HIBER: Anyway, we need a battle and you're OP. HIBER: Not anymore. HIBER: You might have been at one point in time. But frankly, if it wasn't onscreen, it wasn't important. HIBER: And I can't make Guy Josselyne funny. Sooo please try not to get hit by any devolution spray. HIBER: Anyway, I have a fanfic to attempt to write and there might be some sort of climactic battle coming up, sooo... Get outta here! HIBER used GREATER TELEPORT! DOOMGUY was sent to DYSTOPIA! G-MAN was sent to INFINITE VOID! HIBER: ... we'll see how he deals with Doompuff. Smug extradimensional sunova... HIBER ran away! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. In the past I've told myself I don't want to go overboard with player colors. I'm going to use two just this once. Hey! You! You just caught the big fluffy guy right as I was starting to get through to him! I'm the hero and he's the Demon King! It's what I do! CATNIP wants to fight! ISEKIAN wants to fight! I mean, I used to just be laser focused on my genre role too! But ... There's more to life than just being the protagonist and overthrowing Dystopia through a lot of personal trauma. Also, Huger is a good crab. ... NARRATOR remembers that ISEKIAN basically used TACKLE on enemy TRUCK! It was not very effective... Send out which POKéMON? Go! BOW! Go! FLOWEY! FLOWEY: ... Howdy. In this world... it's KILL... or BE killed. FLOWEY: ... Is what I'd usually say. FLOWEY: But this guy SOMEHOW found another way, and it turned out to be even worse... FLOWEY: ... Okay. FLOWEY dug a hole! FLOWEY ran away! Get'm! ICE CAP! ICE CAP: ... I've been captured by a human... but my hat is still great! Look at my hat! ... BOW used WILLIAM TELL! ICE CAP was fully WILLIAM TOLD! ICE CAP: ... wait, so incessantly telling people about my hat will make them hate it!? Also, ICE CAP's CAP fainted! What? ICE CAP is devolving! Congratulations! Your ICE CAP devolved into ICE! ICE: ... Now I got a lot to think about. ICE is frozen solid! ... In contemplation! NARRATOR is! But not here! "Ice", return. Go, Undyne! The enemy's a bow! Get'm UNDYNE! UNDYNE: ... Anime was real ... In all the wrong ways... UNDYNE: ... help ... Is that what you call being a Poké Trainer?!? Isn't there supposed to be something about trust and love?! CATNIP used TRUST AND LOVE! OAK: CATNIP! Now is the time to use that! PROFESSOR OAK joined you! Spear of Justice! UNDYNE used SPEAR OF JUSTICE! ISEKIAN was fully SPEARed! UNDYNE used MAXIMUM HEAT! BOW used SUPPRESSIVE FIRE! Forces collide! MAXIMUM HEAT started FIRE! UNDYNE and BOW were fully SUPPRESSED! By FIRE! It's super effective! BOW fainted! It's not very effective... UNDYNE's suppressed! Go! Ethylene! CATNIP sent out ETHYLENE! OAK: CATNIP! Now is not the time to-- But, FIRE is still raging! ETHYLENE used EXPLOSION! OAK: Oh, heck. OAK fainted! CATNIP is in critical condition! ISEKIAN fainted! UNDYNE is in critical condition! ETHYLENE fainted! GARDEN is in critical condition! ???: ... You really are all IDIOTS. If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. Spoilers for Undertale. Personal shenanigans. ISEKIAN fainted! UNDYNE is in critical condition! ETHYLENE fainted! GARDEN is in critical condition! ... GIANT VINE used IMPALE?! ISEKIAN was fully IMPALEd! ISEKIAN died! ???: ... You really are all IDIOTS. THAT: Howdy. THAT was renamed FLOWEY! FLOWEY: While you IDIOTS were fighting... I went and grabbed the other six human souls. FLOWEY: And now, with this guy, that makes seven. Which makes me all powerful. JANE appeared! DMOREAU appeared! JANE: Catnip! Whatever you do, don't let the flower absorb the souls! FLOWEY used ABSORB! SOULs were fully ABSORBed! What? FLOWEY is evolving! HIBER: I am not going to plaster that all over the battle's source code. Pare it down. HIBER used PARE DOWN! HIBER ran away! ASRIEL: Ahem. ASRIEL: As I was saying. I don't even care about destroying this world anymore. ASRIEL: Once I defeat that fox and gain control of the timeline, I just want to reset everything. JANE: Yeah, uh. That's what happens when you let the flower get seven human souls. ... Anyway! You can't do that! We won't let you! Catnip! CATNIP used CATNIP! It doesn't affect ASRIEL! ASRIEL: Do I look like Ralsei... Stupid question. ASRIEL: More to the point, you're in no position to stop me. ASRIEL: And I think with as much as I'm gonna be talking, that JANE: ... We are so screwed... But plant girl's right, we can't just let you out... ASRIEL used FLY! HIBER's biding its time! ASRIEL used STAR BLAZING! ASRIEL's attack missed! ASRIEL used SHOCKER BREAKER! ASRIEL's attack missed! ASRIEL used CHAOS SABER! ASRIEL's attack missed! ASRIEL used CHAOS BUSTER! ASRIEL's attack missed! ASRIEL used GALACTA BLAZING! It's not very effective... HIBER used SHUT! Critical hit! HIBER: ... You really don't know anything about me, do you. HIBER: Yeah, it's determination that's brought me this far. HIBER: But I've given up on more things than I can count on my toes, even counting the dewclaws. I don't know how I haven't managed to give up on this yet. HIBER: I didn't even finish saving them, you know. After I beat you the first time. The real time. HIBER: The only reason I even made it that far was because it was "the right way". Hah. What a joke. ASRIEL used SHOCKER BREAKER II! ASRIEL's attack missed! HIBER: So as soon as the barrier was open. Before they left. HIBER: I skipped into a ASRIEL used CHAOS SLICER! ASRIEL's attack missed! HIBER: ... Yeah. Yeah I did. They're still there. Tethercat principle. HIBER: And you know what. Fighting and overcoming him was more satisfying than saving them ever would've been. HIBER: Because he was actually a challenge. Because it wasn't a cutscene dressed up as a fight with fancy colors. HIBER: Speaking of which, isn't your whole thing "Kill or BE killed"? I play Touhou, why don't you start actually trying to kill me, huh? Disappear! ASRIEL used HYPER GONER! ASRIEL used ANGEL OF DEATH! ASRIEL used HYPERDEATH ERASE BEAM! What? HIBER is evolving! Congratulations! Your HIBER evolved into ! What? is evolving! Congratulations! Your evolved into HIBER! HIBER: . . . All right, my turn. HIBER used BIDE! ... ... SEVEN HUMAN SOULS was blown away! ASRIEL fainted! HIBER: And you know why I didn't care about them... It was because of you. HIBER: You and your fourth wall leaning HIBER: I know, I know. You're talking to "Chara", the narrator, not to me proper... HIBER: But it doesn't make a difference when I'm the one resetting three times after fighting Asgore... HIBER: and you don't even twitch at being denied the SOULs. What? ASRIEL is devolving! Congratulations! Your ASRIEL devolved into KID ASRIEL! HIBER: ... HIBER: ... well, now he's kind of curled up into the fetal position... I feel sorta bad now. HIBER: ... So uh... HIBER: Is the hyperdeathgod thing your OC, or what...? Chara and I used to play pretend as them... HIBER: Better than I had at that age... HIBER: Anyway, the timeline is not getting reset. I'm not letting the version get destroyed. HIBER: Whatever I write, that's what happens. HIBER: ... but the barrier's probably gonna come down soon, 'cause there's like three or four protagonists on the inside by now. (This isn't a setback. I'm dead, right! So I'll just go on to the next world, and reincarnate even stronger...!) NARRATOR would say ISEKIAN's SELF-AWARENESS fainted... But NARRATOR isn't sure ISEKIAN had any in the first place! Wild GOAT appeared! Wild GOAT used LICK! It's super effective! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. ... Ultimately, I started to see why the authors of yore often included themselves as prominent characters... Frankly, it's fun sometimes. In the end, I write for my own sake and nobody else's. ASRIEL is fast asleep! HIBER ran away! (Even if the battles themselves tended towards the ... utter nonsensical chaos ... I mean, DOOM/Half-Life/isekai/Undertale?) I still have that Batman idea, but it's really too soon for that since it's stolen. I could and probably should do something with Gosslord, but... hrmh. ... Wait. Whyyy am I the player. Usually this happens off camera-- Enemy WRITERSBLOCK appeared! Enemy WRITERSBLOCK wants to fight! Go! LOCOMOTIVE! Enemy WRITERSBLOCK sent out OBSTAGOON! Uhhh. Locomotive, use Cowcatcher. LOCOMOTIVE used COWCATCHER! Congratulations! COW was caught! It doesn't affect enemy OBSTAGOON! Enemy OBSTAGOON used NIGHT SLASH! Enemy OBSTAGOON is ROCKING like SLASH on a good NIGHT! ... HIBER's DEFENSE fell! Aaaagh... Locomotive, full steam ahead... LOCOMOTIVE used FULL STEAM AHEAD! LOCOMOTIVE's SPEED is building! Enemy OBSTAGOON used OBSTRUCTION! RAIL LINE was fully OBSTRUCTed by SIGNAL! LOCOMOTIVE's SPEED greatly fell! Locomotive, Runaway Train! LOCOMOTIVE used RUNAWAY TRAIN! LOCOMOTIVE ran away! ... through enemy OBSTAGOON! It's super effective! Enemy OBSTAGOON fainted! LOCOMOTIVE kept going and crashed! ... Off BRIDGE! OBSTRUCTION SIGNAL was real! Enemy WRITERSBLOCK sent out BLOCKHEAD! The enemy's a talking wall! Get'm COW! First, ram it... Uh, Cow, use Bull Rush? COW used instead, COW RUSH! Enemy BLOCKHEAD was COWed by the onRUSHing COW! It's super effective! Enemy BLOCKHEAD's WEAKSPOTS were exposed! Enemy BLOCKHEAD flinched! Now quickly, uhh... Spots! COW used SPOTS! COW SPOTS enemy BLOCKHEAD's WEAKSPOTS! ... And EXPLOITS them! It's super effective! Critical hit! Enemy BLOCKHEAD fainted! ...Maybe not delicious steak after all... Enemy WRITERSBLOCK sent out WRITERSBLOCK! Enemy WRITERSBLOCK used SQUISH! COW was fully SQUISHed! COW fainted! Base damage doubled! Bide. HIBER used BIDE! HIBER is biding its time! Enemy WRITERSBLOCK used SQUISH! It's super effective! Damage doubled! HIBER auto-regenerated! Enemy WRITERSBLOCK used SQUISH! It's super effective! Damage doubled! HIBER auto-regenerated! Enemy WRITERSBLOCK used SQUISH! It's super effective! Damage doubled! HIBER was fully SQUISHed! HIBER auto-regenerated! Enemy WRITERSBLOCK used SQUISH! Enemy WRITERSBLOCK's attack missed! HIBER unleashed energy! It's not very effective... It's just cathartic... Enemy WRITERSBLOCK used BLOCK! Thank you, Writer's Block.~ HIBER used ... THANKYOU?! It's super effective! Critical hit! Enemy WRITERSBLOCK's MORALE greatly fell! Enemy WRITERSBLOCK fainted! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. ... There's a reason for everything here. Well, some of the things, anyway. Last time I remember, I was being licked by a goat... ISEKIAN was LICKED TO DEATH by wild GOAT! NARRATOR is done! GIOVANNI appeared! GIOVANNI: ... hate to break it to you, kid, but you're not the protagonist. GIOVANNI used CLUEBYFOUR! ISEKIAN was KNOCKED OVER THE HEAD with CLUEBYFOUR! Literally and metaphorically! GIOVANNI: Would you get a clue, you egotistical little twerp? Even I'm not as bad as you. GIOVANNI: Chosen heroes don't enslave people en masse with no regrets. GIOVANNI: And chosen heroes don't get used as power fodder by flowers or get licked to death by goats. GIOVANNI: What you are is a deranged manchild with a predisposition to self-absorption and absolutely no self-awareness whose parents didn't know how to say no to you until you were left with absolutely no sense of reality. GIOVANNI: Which is why you ran out in front of a truck one day, only to die and go to Hell. GIOVANNI: Considering Hell had just had our world shoved into it - thanks in some small part to me! - you wound up getting a second chance on life. GIOVANNI: Which you completely squandered making deals with crypto monkeys and throwing Pokéballs at hapless monster people. GIOVANNI: There were at least seven perfectly legitimate demon kings whom you could've gone after and you managed to find none of them. GIOVANNI: In short, you're not any sort of chosen one. You're a narcissistic nitwit. ... NARRATOR is impressed! GIOVANNI: His parents had a big debt to Team Rocket keeping up his lifestyle. If I hadn't had bigger concerns I would've left him sleeping with the fishes to make a point. GIOVANNI: And since I died I've been keeping up reading the site. We do have cell service down here. ISEKIAN used SELF-REFLECTION! For the 0TH TIME in his LIFE! ISEKIAN is trying to learn REDEMPTIONARC! But, it failed! ISEKIAN is already DEAD! GIOVANNI: ...Speaking of redemption arcs and monsters turning back, weren't there an outbreak of Gosslord up topside?... Enemy GOSSLORD appeared! GIOVANNI: Chosen ones don't scream like brats when a rare Pokémon appears, either! Prepare yourself, Gosslord! GIOVANNI: ...Wait, it already looks thoroughly thrashed. And what could've possibly killed one of those... What? Enemy GOSSLORD is devolving! Congratulations! Enemy GOSSLORD devolved into COWORKER! COWORKER: ... pant ... pant ... COWORKER: We had the city... Then there was ... some jacked dude with a helmet and a chainsaw... COWORKER: ... I don't ever want to touch gossip again as long as I live ... GIOVANNI: Anyway, it's Battle #100, so I'm going to go to the portal site and come back to life. GIOVANNI: And for that, I need Pokémon. GIOVANNI: So get in the Ball. GIOVANNI used ROCKET BALL! 3... Congratulations! ISEKIAN was caught! BEED: It's been a long time since the last battle at this facility, but time is something you've all got plenty of! BURIED ALIVE II appeared! FODE: It's Buried Alive II, regenerated from one of the White Hands! BEED: Not that he's ever been alive to begin with down here, ha ha ha! CLOUD STRIFE appeared! FODE: From the land of Gaia, it's Cloud Strife! BEED: There'll be plenty of strife clouds ahead if he wants to get through that portal! GIOVANNI appeared! FODE: It's Giovanni, of Team Rocket! BEED: I'm sure he's put plenty of people here himsel-- GIOVANNI used BOOT TOSS! It's super effective! FODESINBEED fainted! GROUND used RUMBLE! UNOVA COMBINED ARMS ARMY appeared! GENERAL MAYHEM: Onward, troops, and make for the portal! This time we'll see it through! FF COMBINE ARMY appeared! UNOVA COMBINED ARMS ARMY used COMBINED ARMS ASSAULT! Enemy FF COMBINE ARMY used COMBINE ARMS ASSAULT! Forces collide! FULL SCALE BATTLE broke out in the background! BURIED ALIVE II wants to fight! BURIED ALIVE II: I was born as a result of some brutally shredded bars! BURIED ALIVE II: I'm not buried alive, I'm born dead! BURIED ALIVE II: But I will live and you won't stop me- BURIED ALIVE II wants to fight! BURIED ALIVE II sent out DEAD HAND! Enemy DEAD HAND sent out SURFACE HANDS! ISEKIAN: AAAAAAAA... ISEKIAN: Wait. Waaait... I know that thing. I remember this! ISEKIAN: My parents got me a Lorelei Games guide on that game way back whennn... ISEKIAN used RIDICULOUS SWORD SPINATTACK! ... Surprisingly, it's super effective! SURFACE HANDS fainted! Enemy DEAD HAND popped out! Enemy DEAD HAND is trying to use HORROR BITE! ISEKIAN used RIDICULOUS SWORD! Enemy DEAD HAND flinched! . . . Attacks continued for some time! BURIED ALIVE II: Well it works just fine if you try to do normal things to the hands and let it grab you... ... TIME passed! Enemy DEAD HAND fainted! Enemy BURIED ALIVE II is about to use GRIMER! Will GIOVANNI change POKéMON? Return! ISEKIAN: Waitwaitwaitnotbackinthe-- Enemy BURIED ALIVE II sent out GRIMER! The enemy's only kind of overleveled! Get'm NIDOGOD! Enemy GRIMER used HARDEN! NIDOGOD used FISSURE! Forces collide! Enemy GRIMER's body HARDENed enough for a FISSURE to split it in half! Enemy GRIMER fainted! GIOVANNI used ROAR! Enemy BURIED ALIVE II ran away scared! PORTAL opened! EVERYONE STILL PRESENT immediately ran at PORTAL! GIOVANNI used RUN! GIOVANNI is in the lead! IRON MASK appeared! ... at about 80 MPH! No, that's not possible--!? IRON MASK used 1,000 CUTS! Hit 718 times! GIOVANNI went to pieces! ... Needless to say, GIOVANNI fainted! IRON MASK went through PORTAL! PORTAL closed! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord.
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