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Battles 21-25 are possibly vaguely leading up to some sort of fanfic that may or may not start materializing soon. They also include among them a first for Foxfire Version - a Halloween special. This was approximately the second battle I wrote. I decided to delay it to avoid giving the wrong impression. Doc Moreau is inspired by H.G. Wells' ...And the animals are not smart enough by half! I have the solution! With my clever surgical tools, I shall uplift the Pokémon of this world into people! DMOREAU is mad! Now, to find a subject! Wild PIKACHU appeared! DMOREAU sent out SCALPEL! Now, for a bit of the old slice-and-dice before the slice-and-splice... SCALPEL used SLICE-AND-DICE! SCALPEL made JULIENNE FRIES! SCALPEL! It SLICEs! It DICEs! Wild PIKACHU used THUNDERBOLT! SCALPEL fainted! ... But I may have an idea. DMOREAU sent out DMOREAU! DMOREAU threw some JULIENNE FRIES. Wild PIKACHU is eating! DMOREAU used NET! PIKACHU is ONLINE! ... and tangled up in LINEs! PIKACHU was caught! DMOREAU used UPLIFT! What? PIKACHU is evolving! PIKACHU evolved into PIKAMAN! PIKAMAN learned WARLOCK PUNCH! PIKAMAN doesn't want to spread UPLIFT! PIKAMAN wants to fight! PIKAMAN disagrees! ...Violently! PIKAMAN used WARLOCK PUNCH! DMOREAU was sent flying! DMOREAU fainted! PIKAMAN won! PIKAMAN wanders off in search of DEVOLUTION SPRAY! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. "Chief", or Silph's Chief / Silph's Manager, was an unused trainer class in the first generation Pokémon games. They didn't actually have a party or a sprite, but used the Scientist sprite. ROCKET: Dum de dum de dum... Security's so easy these days... SAMXCVT used CHICAGO NUTCRACKER! It's super effective! ROCKET was knocked out! So I decided I'd better make like an ant mimic spider and blend in. Give 'em the old razzle-dazzle costume change-o. SAMXCVT used DISGUISE! SAMXCVT was renamed IMPROCKET! IMPROCKET used INFILTRATE! ROCKET HIDEOUT was fully INFILTRATED! IMPROCKET got TECHNIDOCS! It was worse than I feared. Memories that weren't mine flashed through my head at the sight, and I dreamed of another time long past when the world was ripped asunder by fangs and flipper-hands. Did they plan to destroy the world all over again!? CHIEF appeared! CHIEF: Hey, you aren't supposed to be in those! CHIEF: Hey, I have taste in horror. More to the point... CHIEF: ... No Rocket talks like that. IMPROCKET was renamed SAMXCVT! Enemy SAMXCVT used MONOLOGUE! It's super exhausting! Oh, whatever. Go, Electrode! Go! ELECTRODE! Enemy SAMXCVT sent out SLUGMA! ELECTRODE used SONIC BOOM! ELECTRODE is trying to play SONIC BOOM! Not enough HANDS to play that! Wait. That game's garbage, let the Slugma play it. Enemy SLUGMA is trying to play SONIC BOOM! Enemy SLUGMA's SANITY greatly fell! Enemy SAMXCVT used MONOLOGUE! It's super confusing! ELECTRODE is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion! Enemy SLUGMA is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion! Enemy SLUGMA fainted! Enemy SAMXCVT sent out 44 MAGNUM! Enemy 44 MAGNUM used MAGNUM OPUS! Enemy 44 MAGNUM painted MAGNUM OPUS on ELECTRODE's face! HIGH VELOCITY LEAD! ELECTRODE fainted! Oh, shoot! Go, Nidoking!! The enemy's a gun! Get'm, NIDOKING! NIDOKING used THRASH! NIDOKING is blaring THRASH METAL! It's super effective! ... On enemy SAMXCVT! But my head felt like it was being used to play the polka with brass knuckles, now. The chief of Silph Co. had deployed some sort of horrible sonic weapon. My ears and head ached just from the sound of it. It was loud, dissonant, and painful just to be around. I had to get out of here! No! There's no running from a POKé BATTLE! SAMXCVT fainted. Use next Pokémon? If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. The return of Nineties Anti-Hero Man and more attempted send-ups of various nineties anti-hero stuff. KATANAS! You have left me... Whyfore! My love for bloodshed is unrequited. I cannot cut anymore! I cannot headshoot anymore! City will be dirty! Ohhh, Mama, Papa, Fridgewoman, I have failed all you memory... And soon DEATH appeared! DEATH used SWEET EMBRACE! DEATH's attack missed! DEATH says it isn't here to kill you! DEATH says it's only a PSYCHOPOMP! DEATH realizes that it is talking to air! DEATH wanders off to seek affection and mutual understanding elsewhere! GANGSTER: Nyet you ain't. GANGSTER: You think you can walk into the Family's territory, after what you've did. GANGSTER: Your lease on life's run out. Kapeesh? NAHMAN used NAHCAN! GANGSTER was thrown in GARBAGE CAN! GANGSTERMOB appeared! GANGSTERMOB wants to fight! Enemy GANGSTERMOB used MASS BEATDOWN! NAHMAN used OVERLY VIOLENT ATTACK! Forces collide! NAHMAN was blown away by the collision! NAHMAN fell in CAN! CAN was renamed NAHCAN! NAHMAN needs a PLAN! PLAN was renamed NAHPLAN! NAHMAN picked up FRYING PAN! FRYING PAN was renamed NAHPAN! NAHMAN wants a VAN! VAN was renamed NAHVAN! NAHMAN used NAHSCAN! NAHMAN discovered SECRET PASSAGE! NAHMAN entered SECRET PASSAGE! SECRET PASSAGE went to ROCKET GAME CORNER! ... I take sword back! Make rusty again!! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. RT GROUP used PUBLIC NUISANCE! Enemy TRICK-OR-TREATER's CANDY was stolen! Nearby HOUSE1 was fully TPed! Nearby HOUSE2 was fully EGGED! Nearby PUMPKIN was fully SMASHED! A critical hit! Enemy NEIGHBORHOOD was knocked out! RT GROUP cheers! Enemy HAUNTED HOUSE appeared! RT2: Heyyy. We should totally go mess up the spooky old hill house. RT3: Bet there's still more stuff to loot there than Halloween candy. RT4: Duuuude. I've heard it's haunted, maybe we can find a ghost! RT5: ... That sounds like a reason ... Heh heh. Look, the door's already open even... BOWL appeared! RT1 looked in BOWL! BOWL contained THREE SKULLS with SNAKE SKELETON moving through them! SKULL 1: Soon, you too will join us in this bowl... SKULL 2: All I wanted was some candy...! SKULL 3: I can hear the sounds of a chainsaw revving up even now... DOOR slammed shut! CHAINSAW WRAITH appeared! CHAINSAW WRAITH attacks RT1 by SAW RT1 went to pieces! RT GROUP used SCATTER! RT2 ran up STAIRWELL! RT3 ran through DOOR! RT4 ran down STAIRWELL! RT5 ran out WINDOW! PIANO appeared! Maybe there's something in it though... PIANO was renamed MAD PIANO! MAD PIANO used HORRIBLE BITING CHARGE! SUPER MARIO 64! Available today at your local GAME RETAILER! RT3 ran through SIDE DOOR! MAD PIANO's attack missed! Huh, what's that, it looks like some sort of Jigglypuff in a glass tube... ... FF DOOMPUFF woke up! FF DOOMPUFF used SNAP IN HALF! GLASS TUBE was snapped in half! FF DOOMPUFF used DOOM! FF DOOMPUFF foretold RT3's DOOM! FF DOOMPUFF: YOU WILL BE RUTHLESSLY DEVOURED BY A TERRIBLE MONSTER IN THIS MANSION. DOOOOOM! RT3 ran back through SIDE DOOR! MAD PIANO used DEVOUR! RT3 was ruthlessly devoured! RT3 died! FF DOOMPUFF flies off in search of PREY! Screw it all, I'm getting out of here... FENCE GATE is LOCKED! UNDEAD RSACi CLOUD used THUNDER! Enemy TRUMPKIN appeared! TRUMPKIN: I won the election, you know. TRUMPKIN: That's fake news. I'm a beautiful carriage. TRUMPKIN: We're going to Keep Pumpkin Patch Great. TRUMPKIN: We built a beautiful Garden Wall to keep you out. TRUMPKIN: It's a beautiful wall, and you're going to pay for it. TRUMPKIN wants to fight! TRUMPKIN used KILO DRAIN! RT5 was fully drained... ...of BLOOD! RT5 died! TRUMPKIN: Vampire pumpkins and watermelons are Lamestream Media Fake News. Our numbers are perfect, the working bats love me. CLOCK TOWER used TICK! UNDEAD RSCACi CLOUD used THUNDER! It is raining. Ya know. While I'm up here, I might as well leave a mark. RT2 used TP! CLOCK TOWER was fully TPed! HAUNTED HOUSE is angry! UNDEAD RSACi CLOUD used LIGHTNING FLASH! FANGED BEACH BALL SILHOUETTE appeared! FANGED BEACH BALL SILHOUETTE landed! FANGED BEACH BALL SILHOUETTE was renamed FF DOOMPUFF! We rekt, that was a fun year. ... I'm gonna die now huh. FF DOOMPUFF used DOOM! FF DOOMPUFF foretold RT2's DOOM! FF DOOMPUFF: YOUR END WILL BE PAINFUL AND OVERDONE. DOOOOM!! RT2 is overconfident! RT2 used EGG BOMB! FF DOOMPUFF was fully BOMBED! FF DOOMPUFF's VENEER was hurt by the bomb! FF DOOMPUFF was renamed FF DECOYPUFF! ...Actually looks less scary. FF DECOYPUFF used RAM! FF DECOYPUFF's attack missed! It kept going and crashed! ... Into STAIRWELL! UNDEAD RSACi CLOUD used THUNDERBOLT! CLOCK TOWER's LIGHTNINGROD! CLOCK TOWER was fully TPed! TP caught fire! CLOCK TOWER was badly burned! FIRE is spreading! RT2 was burned! RT2 ran away! ... Off of BALCONY! RT2 greatly fell! RT2's BURN went out! RT2 kept going and crashed! ...Into GROUND! RT2 died! BASEMENT used UNCANNY ECHO! BASEMENT: Spooky down here... BASEMENT: Key down here... BASEMENT: Keep you down here... TIGER ROAR was heard! ZOMBIE AL GORE appeared! ZOMBIE AL GORE: Run away.... RuuuUuun AwAAaaay... Enemy MGM LION appeared! Enemy MGM LION used MAUL! ZOMBIE AL GORE was dragged off by DARTH MAUL! MGM LION: Ah, that takes care of that escape... MGM LION: Now, what about you... Oh. MGM LION: You got the date wrong, the grand opening isn't for another year yet. MGM LION: Yes, of MGMLand. That filthy rat's haunted mansion won't have anything on our MGM LION: More to the point, it seems like your friends broke my "Foretell your Doompuff" attraction. That won't be cheap to replace. MGM LION: And all your friends are dead, so you better cough up. MGM LION: MGM LION used TIGER ROAR! MGM LION wants to fight! RT4 sent out HALCANDY! Enemy MGM LION used DEVOUR! HALCANDY fainted! HALCANDY's TOOTH ROT! Enemy MGM LION's TEETH were badly poisoned! MGM LION: ... Clhvhr. MGM LION: ... Bh I shtll hve clwhs. MGM LION used MAUL! MGM LION whipped out SPLITTING MAUL! RT4 ran away! MGM LION ran after! MGM LION is gaining! DEATH appeared! DEATH: Oh don't worry. I'm just a psychopomp. DEATH: I'm not gonna kill you, but you're absolutely about to die. RT4 used COYOTETIME! RT4 looked down! RT4 already ran off PIT EDGE! RT4 greatly fell! RT4 died! MGM LION: This does MGM LION stalks off, to MALEVOLENT LAUGHTER! The return of Steve. And some of the dubious reality / game mixing that especially early PokéBattles had. Steve works as a pollster. ...Hey, guess it pays the bills. Wild RESPONDENT appeared! ... RESPONDENT was renamed LINE GLITCH! LINE GLITCH fainted! DARKSTEVE gained 0 experience points. Wild RESPONDENT appeared! Enemy RESPONDENT used BARRAGE! STEVE was BARRRAGED with QUESTIONS! Enemy RESPONDENT used HANGUP! It's super effective! Critical hit! DARKSTEVE's MOTIVATION greatly fell! Enemy RESPONDENT ran away! Wild RESPONDENT appeared! Hi! I'm Steve from Sketchy Research and we're conducting a short survey over the ... phone ... Enemy RESPONDENT used GLITCH! DARKSTEVE's SOFTPHONE was glitched solid! Enemy RESPONDENT was renamed MISSING NO.! Enemy MISSING NO. used GLITCH! DARKSTEVE's TERMINAL was glitched solid! DARKSTEVE used ANALOG MUTE! It doesn't affect enemy MISSING NO.! Enemy MISSING NO. can still hear you! DARKSTEVE ran away! BOSS: All right, just a moment... Huh, what's this? Enemy MISSING NO. appeared! Enemy MISSING NO. used GLITCH! BOSS's WORKSTATION was glitched solid! BOSS: Hang on, it'll be back up in a minute... Enemy MISSING NO.'s attack continues! OFFICE NETWORK was glitched solid! BOSS: ... Okay, the whole network's down. I might have to send you home early while we work this out. Can't escape! Enemy MISSING NO.'s attack continues! BOSS was glitched solid! BOSS: 🕈︎♒︎♋︎⧫︎ □︎■︎ ♏︎♋︎❒︎⧫︎♒︎ ♓︎⬧︎ ♑︎□︎♓︎■︎♑︎ □︎■︎ ♒︎♏︎❒︎♏︎✏︎✍︎ Run away!! Can't escape! Enemy MISSING NO. used LEVELUP! Enemy MISSING NO. grew to level 225! In that case... I'll just have to use. My special attack! DARKSTEVE used DARK! The room became dark! Enemy MISSING NO. used SUPER GLITCH! Enemy MISSING NO.'s attack missed! DARKSTEVE ran away! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. |