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Battles 31-35 are greatly and inevitably influenced by the first fanfic, Rocket Ascension, and deal with its fallout.
>> Read Here <<Ramifications of the fic: Team Rocket is getting stronger. Albeit not as fast as they'd like, still relevant. The TCG references here were added in at the last minute, and no, not all of this battle makes sense. Right, I'll go easy on you at first. Totally not grinding experience. Go, Nidoran! Go! NIDORAN♂! Enemy ROCKET GRUNT sent out RATICLAW! GOOGLE POKéDEX: RATICLAW, the Claw Rat POKéGOD. ERROR: POKéGODs do not exist. GOOGLE POKéDEX: ERROR. ERROR. ERROR. ERROR. GOOGLE POKéDEX kept going and crashed! Enemy RATICLAW used CLAW! Critical hit! NIDORAN♂ fainted! Go! MAGMAR! MAGMAR used FIRE PUNCH! MAGMAR gave enemy RATICLAW a glass of PUNCH! Enemy RATICLAW drank the PUNCH! PUNCH was ON FIRE! Enemy RATICLAW fainted! Enemy ROCKET GRUNT sent out HAKKING! Enemy HAKKING used HAKK! HAKKING: I'm in. Enemy HAKKING is IN! ... MAGMAR! Enemy HAKKING was badly burned! Enemy HAKKING fainted! MAGMAR was badly poisoned! MAGMAR fainted! Right. Go, Electabuzz! Go! ELECTABUZZ! Enemy ROCKET GRUNT sent out RAINER! RAINER: DAUGHTER...? ELECTABUZZ facefaulted! Enemy ROCKET GRUNT is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion! RAINER: THIS IS MY LIFE NOW. Enemy RAINER used RAIN! It started raining! Electabuzz. We need to win this for Papa's sake. Thunderbolt! ELECTABUZZ used THUNDERBOLT! THUNDER rolled in! ELECTABUZZ bolted! ELECTABUZZ ran away! IMPOSTER PROFESSOR OAK: KATE! Now is not the time to use that! KATE is out of usable POKéMON! KATE blacked out! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. I have three battles or so buffered but I realized it's Little Christmas Eve so I decided to throw together a Christmas themed one. Even if it's, well, a PokéBattles Christmas. There's a reason we usually only do Halloween in this format, but I wanted to have Santa fight Giovanni and now we're all stuck with it. GIOVANNI appeared! GIOVANNI gave WISH LIST! SANTA used READ! LIST was fully READ! It contained HIGH EXPLOSIVES and RARE POKéMON! Common misconception: I only give out Wonder where that started. Almighty knows they ask. GIOVANNI is angry! GIOVANNI wants to fight! SANTA sent out ELF! Enemy GIOVANNI sent out NIDOGOD! Enemy NIDOGOD used TOXIC INFECTION! ELF was INFECTED with TOXICS! What? ELF is evolving! ELF evolved into INFECTED ELF! INFECTED ELF ran off to ECLIPSE VERSION! Go, Sleigh! Do it! SLEIGH! SLEIGH used ROCKET BOOSTERS! Nearby TEAM ROCKET allies were fully BOOSTED! Enemy NIDOGOD was sent into low orbit! It doesn't affect GIOVANNI! Enemy GIOVANNI is angry! Enemy GIOVANNI sent out NIDOGODESS! Enemy NIDOGODESS used THUNDER RAGE! A thunderstorm rages! SLEIGH was caught in the turbulence! SLEIGH kept going and crashed! ... Into ally WORKSHOP! SLEIGH fainted! Ally WORKSHOP fainted! Go, Krampus! The enemy's a demigod! Get'm! KRAMPUS! KRAMPUS used SWITCH! Enemy NIDOGODESS was switched out! Enemy GIOVANNI sent out RUIN! Enemy RUIN used RUIN! KRAMPUS' SWITCH was fully RUINED! KRAMPUS is angry! KRAMPUS used HELL BUCKET! UNDEAD RSACi CLOUD used LIGHTNING BOLT! KRAMPUS fainted! I have one resort! Go, O Christmas Tree! SANTA sent out XMASTREE! XMASTREE used FALL! ORNAMENTS fell on enemy RUIN! It's super effective! Enemy RUIN used RUIN! XMASTREE's XMASSPIRIT! It doesn't affect XMASTREE! XMASTREE used STAR TOSS! Enemy RUIN was impaled with STAR SHAPED ORNAMENT! Enemy RUIN fainted! GIOVANNI sent out NIDOGODESS! Enemy NIDOGOD appeared! Yes! Enemy NIDOGOD kept going and crashed! ... Into XMASTREE! XMASTREE fainted! Its attack continues! Enemy NIDOGOD kept going and crashed! ... Into NIDOGODESS! NIDOGOD fainted! NIDOGODESS fainted! Enemy GIOVANNI sent out DUGCHORUS! Rudolph? RUDOLPH is playing REINDEER GAMES! There's no will to fight! JINX is not here! JINX was chased off by UNDEAD RSACi CLOUD! IMPOSTER PROFESSOR OAK: SANTA! Now is not the time to use that! SANTA is out of usable POKéMON! SANTA blacked out! NARRATOR is confused! CHRISTMAS EPISODE ended unhappily!? NARRATOR thinks THAT would have been a better battle! We've also just passed 12,000 views, and I want to thank all of you for that. Moreover, happy Christmas, and happy holidays, and happy New Year. There'll be one more battle before 2022, so keep your eyes open. BATTLE ran away! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. The plot thickens and Steve returns. Buuut it's still just more of the same, day in, day out. ROCKET GRUNT appeared! Hey, you doing anything later? Wanna go get dinner with me? DARKSTEVE used HIT ON! It's not very effective... ROCKET GRUNT wants to fight! Enemy ROCKET GRUNT sent out GRIMER! Go! CLOYSTER! Enemy GRIMER used GRIME! CLOYSTER was fully GRIMED! It doesn't affect CLOYSTER! Cloyster use Filter! CLOYSTER used FILTER! Enemy GRIMER was stripped of GRIME! What? Enemy GRIMER is devolving! Congratulations! Enemy GRIMER devolved into R! Enemy R was added to TEAM ROCKET UNIFORM SUPPLIES! Enemy R ran away! Enemy ROCKET GRUNT sent out SPOOKY! DARKSTEVE used GOOGLE POKéDEX! GOOGLE POKéDEX: SPOOKY. The GHOST POKéGOD. It's so terrifying I'm not staying here with you! GOOGLE POKéDEX ran away! Cloyster, use Water Gun! CLOYSTER's too scared to move! SPOOKY: Go away... Go away... IMPOSTER PROFESSOR OAK: STEVE! Now is not the time to use that! Then I'll just return Cloyster and send myself out. The Dark Side is strong against this one. IMPOSTER PROFESSOR OAK: STEVE! Now is not the time to do that! I say it's the perfect time to do it! IMPOSTER PROFESSOR OAK: STEVE! Now is not the time to say that! STEVE used FORCE CHOKE! IMPOSTER PROFESSOR OAK: STEVE! Now is not the -- ggck! IMPOSTER PROFESSOR OAK was FORCED to CHOKE on WORDS! IMPOSTER PROFESSOR OAK is silenced! It may not speak! IMPOSTER PROFESSOR OAK ran away! CLOYSTER enough! Come back! The enemy's terrifying! Go! DARKSTEVE! Enemy SPOOKY used SPOOK! It doesn't affect DARKSTEVE! DARKSTEVE used DARK HUMOR! Enemy SPOOKY was sprayed with DARK HUMOURS! It's super effective! Enemy SPOOKY fainted! Enemy ROCKET GRUNT sent out SMOKE BOMB! Enemy SMOKE BOMB used SMOKESCREEN! Enemy ROCKET GRUNT ran away! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. The return of both Harry Potter and Garry Kasparov. CHESSBOARD appeared! KASPAROV appeared! KASPAROV: Get your own giant chessboard, I already caught this one. KASPAROV: Oh, you mean that man with the turban? I caught him too! KASPAROV: And you're next. KASPAROV wants to fight! Enemy KASPAROV sent out CHESSBOARD! BLACKPCS joined enemy KASPAROV! GO! RONWEASLEY! WHITEPCS joined RONWEASLEY! RONWEASLEY used CHESS SKILLS! It doesn't affect enemy KASPAROV! HERMIONE: Wait! Harry! That's world champion Garry Kasparov! Whatever you do -- Enemy KASPAROV used CHECKMATE! It's super effective! Critical hit! A one-hit KO! RONWEASLEY fainted! Ally WHITEPCS fainted! HERMIONE: -- Don't ... Play ... Chess with him. All right, go Hermione! The enemy's godly at chess! Go! HERMIONE! HERMIONE used KNOWITALL! HERMIONE: Garry Kasparov is the undisputed strongest chess player in the world. But I don't know what he's doing down here! HERMIONE's attack missed! KASPAROV: Not since the '90s I'm afraid. You're not in Oklahoma either anymore, Toto. HERMIONE: Wait, what?! HERMIONE was hit with recoil! It's super effective! KASPAROV: That red text, haven't you noticed it? KASPAROV: That booming voice that announces our actions and warps their results. KASPAROV: It's been over 20 years. It's not even KASPAROV: But then again, it'll Enemy KASPAROV used TRUTH BOMB! TRUTH exploded on HERMIONE! It's super effective! HERMIONE fainted! The enemy's a terrifying POKéBATTLES running gag! Go! HPOTTER! Enemy KASPAROV used CONGLOMERATE! What? Enemy BLACKPCS is evolving! Enemy BLACKPCS evolved into GIGACHESSTRON! Uhh... Wingardium Leviosa! HPOTTER used WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA! Enemy GIGACHESSTRON flew up high! Enemy GIGACHESSTRON greatly fell! ...on KASPAROV! A critical hit! It's super effective! Enemy KASPAROV fainted! YES! It doesn't affect enemy GIGACHESSTRON! Enemy GIGACHESSTRON is angry! HPOTTER ran away! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. The return of Malkavian. He's absolutely a fishmalk but he's also still a vampire. I think I forgot to have him actually slap anyone around with a fish this battle. Next time. Not even a chance I was given! NARRATOR is impressed that MALKAVIAN was not SNAPPED IN HALF! I'm still a vampire. I got better. BUCCANEER appeared! BUCCANEER wants to RAID, PILLAGE, PLUNDER, and PILFER! BUCCANEER wants to fight! Go, Barrier'd! GO! MR. MIME! Enemy BUCCANEER sent out LONG NINES! MR. MIME used DOUBLESLAP! MR. MIME slapped LONG NINES around a bit with a large trout! MR. MIME slapped LONG NINES around a bit with a large trout! It's not very effective... Enemy LONG NINES used CASE SHOT! Enemy LONG NINES shot MR. MIME with a COURT CASE! Assault with a deadly fish? ... How absurd, its continued survival shows it was less than deadly. Now, Barrier'd, use Barrier! MR. MIME used instead, MIME! Enemy LONG NINES was fully MIMED! What? Enemy LONG NINES is evolving! Enemy LONG NINES evolved into LONG MIMES! It would seem nothing. So go heighten your C and sightseeing elsewhere! Enemy LONG MIMES agrees! Enemy LONG MIMES ran away! Enemy BUCCANEER is angry! Enemy BUCCANEER sent out ANCHOR! But the bigger they are, the deeper they sink. Enemy ANCHOR used SINK! MR. MIME sank... ...into DEPRESSION! There's no will to fight! MR. MIME fainted! ... MALKAVIAN is angry! MALKAVIAN sent out MALKAVIAN! MALKAVIAN used BLOOD DRAIN! It doesn't affect enemy ANCHOR! MALKAVIAN was hit with recoil! NARRATOR's not sure what MALKAVIAN expected, biting LARGE HEAVY METAL OBJECT! Enemy ANCHOR used ANCHOR! MALKAVIAN was fully ANCHORED! Dementation: Fire Voice! MALKAVIAN used FIRE VOICE! MALKAVIAN's VOICE is on FIRE! It's super effective! Critical hit! Enemy ANCHOR fainted! MALKAVIAN used ROT... ROTSHR... RöTSK... FLIP OUT! MALKAVIAN flipped out! MALKAVIAN did a BACKFLIP OUT of ARENA! MALKAVIAN landed in OCEAN! Already the guns have run and the anchor's on the melt. Raise the anchor and run up the sails, make ready to sail! Return, ANCHOR! Go! SAILS! SAILS used FULL! It's not very effective... SAILS used RUN WITH WIND! Ally WIND ran away! Can't escape! Enemy MALKAVIAN is swimming towards you! SAILS used TACK! SAILS threw TACKS at enemy MALKAVIAN! Enemy MALKAVIAN is TACKY! It's not very effective... Enemy MALKAVIAN reached SHIP! Enemy MALKAVIAN is climbing towards you! There's no will to fight! Enemy MALKAVIAN is walking towards you! Enemy MALKAVIAN needs blood! SAILS enough! Come back! The enemy's a hungry vampire! Go, SABER! Enemy MALKAVIAN used BLOOD BOOST! Enemy MALKAVIAN used BEND! SABER has THE BENDS! SABER fainted! Enemy MALKAVIAN needs blood, badly! BUCCANEER sent out BUCCANEER! ...Parlay? BUCCANEER used PARLAY! It's super effective! Enemy BUCCANEER is amazed that worked! Enemy BUCCANEER is relieved! I hate to impose, but I've been fighting for over a hundred lines now and I'm MALKAVIAN used BLOOD DRAIN! Critical hit! Enemy BUCCANEER fainted! Oh, he's having a nap. Fine, we can parlay at a later time. MALKAVIAN won! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. |