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Battles 61-65. The Bug Battles. This battle is set halfway into the real world. The flies are real, though reactions have been exaggerated for comedic effect. HIBER is fast asleep! Wild FLY appeared! Enemy FLY used BUZZ! TOWER was fully BUZZED! ...TOWER was renamed HIBER'S EARS! HIBER woke up! ... shoo, fly. HIBER used SHOE FLY! HIBER threw SHOE at enemy FLY! HIBER's attack missed! It kept going and crashed! ... into KEYBOARD! Enemy FLY used BUG BUZZ! Enemy FLY BUZZed the TOWER with BUGS! TOWER was renamed HIBER's COMPUTER TOWER! FOXFIRE VERSION was filled with BUGS! HIBER used SMACK! HIBER's attack missed! HIBER used SLAP! HIBER's attack missed! HIBER used DOUBLESLAP! Missed five times! HIBER used SWAT! HIBER called in SWAT TEAM on enemy FLY! ...But, it failed! ... It did, didn't it. YES! Enemy FLY flew up high! HIBER used THUNDER! THUNDER rolled! ... HIBER's POWER fainted! FFVERSION BATTLE 62 was lost! Enemy FLY used FLY! It's super annoying! I have phenomenal cosmic power over the version and I'm getting bullied by a fly?! HIBER used PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER! EARTHQUAKE appeared! Magnitude 10! TORNADOES appeared! ION STORM appeared! METEORS appeared! GLITCH CITY devoured FUCHSIA GYM! CINNABAR ISLAND erupted! RINGS OF HELL were fully ROTATED! PLANETS were fully REALIGNED! It's super imposing! It didn't affect enemy FLY! Enemy FLY used ROOST! Enemy FLY annoyed wild ROOSTER! Wild ROOSTER used PECK! It's super effective! Critical hit! Enemy FLY fainted! ROOSTER used CROW! It's super loud! It looks delicious, but on the other hand, it Better return it... HIBER opened DOOR! Wild FLY appeared! Wild FLY appeared! Wild FLY appeared! HIBER's ODDS OF SLEEP greatly fell! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. This battle works well in the context of the previous one, I think. It is almost entirely coincidence and good fortune. Almost. This food isn't fresh at all! Its best-by date was thirty seconds ago, I can FLY WAITER says FOOD is fresh from KITCHEN! FLY WAITER says BEELZEBUB has been eating for THREE HOURS! I demand it be replaced, or it'll be flies FLY WAITER goes pale! FLY WAITER recalls what went in this batch! FLY WAITER ran away! FLY WAITER2 appeared! FLY WAITER2 offers FRESHLY OPENED CHAMPAGNE! BEELZEBUB used TEETOTAL! TEA was fully TOTALED! ... Anyway, where's that food!? FLY WAITER2 says KITCHEN is HELD UP! But they don't call me Lord of the Flies for nothing! Go! Fly Swarm! Go! FLY SWARM! Enemy BUG HORDE used BUG! FLY SWARM was fully BUGGED! FLY SWARM's MOVEMENTS and SOUNDS were fully REPORTED! It's not very effective... Fly Swarm! Use Bug Bite! FLY SWARM used BUG BITE! Enemy BUG HORDE was compressed to BYTE size! Enemy BUG HORDE's EVADE greatly rose! SPARK appeared! SPARK CHASED down BUG HORDE! BUG HORDE fainted! SPARK's attack continues! SPARK CHASED down FLY SWARM! What kind of unfair homing attack is that?! FLY SWARM fainted! SPARK's attack continues! FLY WAITER2 fainted! FLY CHEF fainted! FLY SOUSCHEF fainted! TERRA appeared! You're the one who captured Belphegor, aren't you!? That's right, I had a fly on the wall the whole time! TERRA says he is! TERRA wants to fight! Enemy TERRA sent out TERRA! BEELZEBUB is out of usable FLIES! BEELZEBUB was dragged out! Enemy TERRA used SPARK CHASER! It's super effective! BEELZEBUB flinched! Enemy TERRA used ULTRA BALL! Press A rapidly to escape! 3... 2... 1... Congratulations! BEELZEBUB was caught! FLY WAITER: You never finish your meals. If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. Written in the early morning today. Only marginally on time. Life has been hectic. This battle is a direct sequel to Battle #45... after several months and over a quarter of this series' runtime. KOOPATROL: Go fish. PEACH: Go fish. GREAT HOOGLY-BOOGLY: Go fish. ... Does BOWSER know how to play GO FISH!? KOOPATROL: ... PEACH: ... GRETA HOOGLY-BOOGLY: ... But the Mario Brothers haven't shown up for months and the internet's been down for weeks. And when you're bored stiff, you play Go Fish. Sooo... What've we missed? NARRATOR used ARCHIVEBINGE! ... Yes! Current STORY HOOK involves BUGS! The hooked BUG attacked! I, the great King Bowser, am going to fight... Enemy BUG took BOWSER into the sky! Enemy BUG used SKY DROP! BOWSER greatly fell! BOWSER used WHIRLING FORTRESS! BOWSER'S FORTRESS is WHIRLING around! BOWSER'S FORTRESS's STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY greatly fell! Do I at least get the recovery!? It doesn't affect BOWSER! BOWSER kept going and crashed! Into GROUND! Parakoopa, get that bug... BOWSER enough! Come back! Go! PARAKOOPA! PARAKOOPA used SHELL SHOT! PARAKOOPA loaded KOOPA SHELL into CANNON! PIRATE appeared! PIRATE: Why be ye stealin' me cannon... Enemy BUG used BUG! PIRATE's PIRATED SOFTWARE was fully BUGGED! PIRATE:... good enough reason for me... Yar... PIRATE joined you! PARAKOOPA used SHELL SHOT! SHELL was renamed BLUESHELL! BLUESHELL: Calculating. Bowser: [1-0-0]. Pirate: [3-2-4]. Bug: Estimated [1-0-1]. BLUESHELL: First place detected. Draw detected. BLUESHELL: Violence commencing. ...NARRATOR used RELAX-o-VISION! RABBIT used FLOP! GRASS used GROW! It's super relaxing! READERS used IGNORE HORRIFICALLY VIOLENT BACKGROUND NOISE! ... I hope ... BOWSER fainted! PIRATE fainted! BUG fainted! BOWSER'S FORTRESS's STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY greatly fell! ... Battle ended in a draw! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. With respect and credit to Ogden Nash. Enemy FLY is SIX FEET LONG! HPOTTER used FLEE! Wild FLEA appeared! Can't escape! HERMIONE: There's a fireplace there! Use Floo Powder! HPOTTER used FLOO POWDER! FLUE was fully POWDERED! FLUE is angry! FLUE wants to fight! That gives me an idea! Go, Ron, send out Scabbers! Go! RONWEASLEY! RONWEASLEY sent out SCABBERS! SCABBERS used FIGHT! SCABBERS is a CORNERED RAT! It's super effective! Critical hit! Enemy FLY is in critical condition! Enemy FLY used FLEE! Enemy FLY fled! Enemy FLEA used FLOW! Enemy FLEA tapped SCABBERS' blood FLOW! SCABBERS is out of usable BLOOD! SCABBERS fainted! Enemy FLUE used FLU! RON caught FLU! RON's hurt by the FLU! Ron, Diffindo! RON has the FLU! RON: ...Diffingdo... RON used DIFFINGDO! RON DID DIFFING on enemy FLEA! Enemy FLEA is FIRST REVISION in FOXFIRE VERSION! RON's attack failed! RON's hurt by the FLU! Enemy FLEA used FLY! Enemy FLEA flew in FLAW in FLUE! Enemy FLEA's DEFENSE greatly rose! Enemy FLUE used FLOOD! RON was hit by FLOOD of SOOT! RON fainted! ... Go! Hermione! The enemy's a tongue twister! Get'm HERMIONE! Enemy FLEA used FLEET! Enemy FLUE became FLEET! Enemy FLUE's SPEED greatly rose! Enemy FLUE used FLOUT! Enemy FLUE is FLOUTing is KNOWLEDGE! HERMIONE used KNOWITALL! Forces collide! ... HERMIONE and FLUE are engaged in DEEP PHILOSOPHIC DEBATE! HERMIONE and FLUE are no longer able to battle! Enemy FLEA reappeared! Enemy FLEA used FLAY! ... ! HPOTTER fainted! Use next Pokémon? If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. ... Look, battles go where they go. Definitely some inspiration from the 2000 and 2004 Halloween Battles here... As you all know, I've had Cloud Man get in through the cloud, Freeze Man freeze the prison systems, Burst Man burst through the walls for me and Junk Man take out their security, because if you're not buying WilyTech, you might as well be buying junk! WASP appeared! We talking the bug or the sociological group here?! Enterprising viewers want to know! WASP wants YOU out of BACKYARD! WASP wants to MAKE COLONIES! WASP wants to INTERRUPT PICNICS! WASP wants to EAT BEEF! WASP wants to fight! ...WASP is a HARDLINE CALVINIST BALDFACEDHORNET from PETERBOROUGH! TERRA used SPARK CHASER! It's super effective! Enemy WASP fainted! TERRA appeared! TERRA: Ymay overcay asn'thay eenbay ownblay etyay! ... NARRATOR is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion! ...NARRATOR's CONFUSION greatly rose! TERRA: Shhh! ... TERRA used NIXON SHHH! ... But, NIXON refused to SHHH! NIXON: It is necessary for me to establish a winner image. Therefore, I have to beat somebody. NIXON wants to fight! NIXON: There are some people, they think the way to be a big man is to stomp and shout and raise hell and nothing ever happens. NIXON: I'm not like that I never shoot blanks. NIXON used SHOOT! NIXON shot DRWILY! It's not very effective... ... But more to the point, I haven't even sent out a Robot Master yet, you crook! NIXON: I am not a crook. ... Or an inanimate object... Really, it's not super restrictive! NIXON: When the President does it, that means that it's not illegal. NIXON used SHOOT! NIXON shot DRWILY! It's not very effective... Hit 3 times! The enemy's a crook! Get'm FREEZEMAN! Enemy NIXON sent out WIRETAP! Enemy WIRETAP used BUG! FREEZEMAN's SYSTEMS were fully BUGGED! TERRA: ...Here we go again... FREEZEMAN used FREEZECRACKER! FREEZEMAN ate a CRACKER! FREEZEMAN FROZE due to BUG! Freeze Man, return, go, Cloud Man. FREEZEMAN enough! Come back! The enemy's a fiddly little electronic device! Get'm CLOUDMAN! Enemy WIRETAP used TAP! Enemy WIRETAP opened the TAP! WATER appeared! CLOUDMAN used THUNDERBOLT! It's super effective! Critical hit! Enemy WIRETAP fainted! ELECTRICITY ran through WATER! TERRA was shocked! It doesn't affect TERRA! DRWILY was shocked! It's not very effective... NIXON was SHOCKED! It's super effective! NIXON: I can see clearly now... That I was wrong... In not acting more decisively and more forthrightly in dealing with water gate... NIXON closed TAP! But, WATER didn't run away! NIXON: Once you get into this great stream of history, you can't get out. Cloud Man, another Thunder Bolt! NIXON: A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits. NIXON ran away! DRWILY won! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. |