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Battles 36-40 are a mixture of filler, further fallout of the events of the fanfic, and advancements of what might ultimately resolve that. Attila and Hun are a pair of obscure Team Rocket members from the made-for-TV anime movie / TV special "The Legend of Thunder!" Given this series' propensity to intermittently use historical figures, here's them beating up on their historical namesake. HUN appeared! ATTILA appeared! ATHUN is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion! ATTILA wants to fight! HUN wants to fight! ATTILA was renamed TRATTILA! HUN was renamed TRHUN! TRHUN: No, we were always with Team Rocket... Enemy TRATTILA sent out SKARMORTAR! Enemy TRHUN sent out DIMONIX! Go! TARKANS! Enemy SKARMORTAR used MORTAR! But, it failed! Enemy SKARMORTAR lacks PESTLE! Enemy DIMONIX used CRUNCH! It's CRUNCH time! Enemy DIMONIX is studying! TARKANS used BURN! TARKANS said enemy SKARMORTAR is more rusty and impractical than AIRACUDA! It's super effective! Enemy SKARMORTAR fainted! TARKANS said enemy DIMONIX looks more like CUBICZIRCONIX! Enemy DIMONIX is studying! Enemy DIMONIX didn't hear! TARKANS's attack missed! Cease this insult warfare and put it to the sword! TARKANS used SWORD! TARKANS said the S WORD! UNDEAD RSACi CLOUD appeared! UNDEAD RSACi CLOUD used CHAIN LIGHTNING! It's super effective! Critical hit! TARKANS fainted! Enemy DIMONIX unleashed knowledge! Enemy DIMONIX got 53%! Enemy DIMONIX fainted! ATHUN sent out CAVARCHERS! Enemy TRATTILA sent out SOLAREON! Enemy TRHUN sent out LUNAREON! YES! ... NO! NARRATOR is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion! HIBER: They're Espeon and Umbreon as they existed in the minds of '90s kids before they were officially released stateside... or at all. HIBER instantly snapped NARRATOR out of confusion! HIBER ran away! CAVARCHERS used PARTHIAN TACTICS! CAVARCHERS's attack missed! CAVARCHERS's EVADE rose! Enemy SOLAREON used MORNING SUN! MORNING SUN got in CAVARCHERS's eyes! CAVARCHERS's ACCURACY fell! TURKEY appeared! TURKEY: Am I late for the Thanksgiving ba-- TURKEY was shot! ... By PAPARAZZI! TURKEY ran away! CAVARCHERS's attack missed! CAVARCHERS used RUN! CAVARCHERS ran away! UNDEAD RSCACi CLOUD used THUNDERCLAP! And as for you lot! I shall deal with you in person! Go, me! IMPOSTER PROFESSOR OAK: ATHUN! Now is not the time to-- Ggck!? DARKSTEVE used FORCE CHOKE! IMPOSTER PROFESSOR OAK was FORCED to CHOKE on its words! It's super effective! DARKSTEVE: Sorry about that, this guy's slippery... IMPOSTER PROFESSOR OAK ran away! DARKSTEVE ran away! The enemy's openly hacking! Get'm ATHUN! ATHUN used SCOURGE OF GOD! HIBER: I don't have a whip and it's way too soon to release a Doompuff spinoff. ATHUN's attack missed! HIBER ran away! ATHUN used PUT TO SWORD! ATHUN put enemy SOLAREON and LUNAREON up to say the S WORD! Enemy SOLAREON and LUNAREON can't speak! ATHUN's attack failed! Enemy SOLAREON used SOLARBEAM! ATHUN was BEAMED with a SOLAR PANEL! Enemy LUNAREON used MOONLIGHT! Enemy LUNAREON is MOONLIGHTING! Enemy LUNAREON's ¥ rose! ATHUN used LITANY OF CURSES! UNDEAD RSACi CLOUD used THUNDERBOLT! Critical hit! ATHUN fainted! Use next Pokémon? If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. Brazenly inspired by Blue Version Battle #24 by Gannon2000 and The Great Train Robbery by Edwin Porter. Jesse James is also in black and white here, though I didn't remember to make a gag about that. Maybe later. Are you here to join the illustrious Team Rocket!? JESSEJAMES says you stole his name! JESSEJAMES wants to fight! JESSIE: Prepare for trouble! Enemy JESSEJAMES used REVOLVER! TRMOTTO fainted! Enemy JESSEJAMES sent out GANGSTER! GO! KOFFID-19! Ally JESSIE sent out EKAKNAP! KOFFID-19 used KOFF! Enemy GANGSTER has a KOFF! Enemy GANGSTER was sent to QUARANTINE! Enemy JESSEJAMES used REVOLVER! KOFFID-19 fainted! Enemy JESSEJAMES sent out HORSE! Ally EKAKNAP used FLAT! Ally EKAKNAP is flat! It didn't affect enemy HORSE! Enemy JESSEJAMES used REVOLVER! Ally EKAKNAP fainted! Go, Vitreebel! JAMES sent out VICTREEBEL! VICTREEBEL used DEVOUR... ... on JAMES! Ally JESSIE sent out LUIGI! Enemy JESSEJAMES used REVOLVER! BELLMITT fainted! LUIGI: Mama mia! LUIGI ran away! Ally JESSIE sent out WOBBUFFET! JAMES sent out PORYGON0! ...They're unevolved too? Enemy HORSE used HORSE! Enemy HORSE is HOARSE! Enemy HORSE was sent to QUARANTINE! Enemy JESSEJAMES is angry! Enemy JESSEJAMES used REVOLVER! Enemy JESSEJAMES used REVOLVER! Enemy JESSEJAMES used REVOLVER! It's not very effective... It's not very effective... Enemy JESSEJAMES' attack missed! Enemy JESSEJAMES is out of usable BULLETS! Enemy JESSEJAMES pulled out FOUR MORE REVOLVERS! PORYGON0 used BANNED EPISODE TACTICS! NARRATOR used CUT! BANNED EPISODE TACTICS were fully CUT! Enemy JESSEJAMES fainted! ... ... YES! ... NARRATOR ran away! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. This battle was written as an example of PokéBattles for the Pokémon University Discord. But I decided was good enough (very short as it is) and it Go! Wartortle! Go! WARTORTLE! WARTORTLE used BUBBLEBEAM! Enemy MEW was BEAMed with a BUBBLE! BUBBLE popped! It doesn't affect enemy MEW! Enemy MEW used POUND! WARTORTLE was sent to the POUND! The enemy's the ancestor of all living POKéMON! Get'm RATICATE! RATICATE used SUPER FANG! RATICATE brushed its FANGs! RATICATE's FANGs are SUPER! Enemy MEW used TRANSFORM! RATICATE was FOURIER TRANSFORMED! RATICATE was rendered down to COMPONENT SINE WAVES! ...Needless to say, RATICATE died! Nope, no more, mythic or no this isn't worth my Pokémon. Smell you later!... GARY ran away! Taking potshots at something that became popular about halfway between the start of PokéBattles and the present. This battle's been sitting a quarter written in my buffer for a while, but with last week's battle and where Steve was last time, it's also sort of relevant. BURIED ALIVE: You're here... I'm trapped... BURIED ALIVE: And I'm lonely... So very lonely... BURIED ALIVE: Won't you join me? BURIED ALIVE wants to fight! Enemy BURIED ALIVE sent out GENGAR! Go! DARKSTEVE! DARKSTEVE used DARKSIDE! DARKSTEVE ran over enemy GENGAR with a SEMI TRUCK! Enemy GENGAR fainted! TWISTED METAL 3! Buy it today! Rated T for TEEN! Enemy BURIED ALIVE sent out WHITE HAND! Me, return! Go! Grimer! The enemy's a rotten disembodied hand! Get'm GRIMER! GRIMER used STICKY HANDS! Enemy WHITE HAND is sticky! It may get stuck! Enemy WHITE HAND used FIST! Enemy WHITE HAND made a FIST! Enemy WHITE HAND is sticky! Enemy WHITE HAND can't unchench FIST! GRIMER used SLUDGE! Enemy WHITE HAND became SLUDGE! Enemy WHITE HAND fainted! Enemy BURIED ALIVE sent out WHITE HAND! Enemy WHITE HAND used BRUTAL! Enemy WHITE HAND whipped out GUITAR! Enemy WHITE HAND played some BRUTAL METAL RIFFS! GRIMER is headbanging! Enemy WHITE HAND is SHREDDING! Enemy WHITE HAND fell to SHREDS! WHITE HAND: ... \m/ Enemy WHITE HAND fainted! GRIMER is headbanging! It kept going and crashed! ... into CONVENIENT STEEL BAR! GRIMER's HEAD was fully BANGED! GRIMER fainted! Enemy BURIED ALIVE sent out MUK! The enemy's horribly overleveled! Go! CLOYSTER! Enemy MUK used ACID ARMOR! Enemy MUK is wearing ACID for ARMOR! It's not very effective... Enemy MUK was burned by ACID! Cloyster, use Filter! CLOYSTER used FILTER! Enemy MUK was filtered of MUCK! Enemy MUK was renamed -C! Enemy -C is BELOW 0 C! Enemy -C was frozen! Enemy -C's frozen solid! Enemy -C's hurt by the burn! Enemy -C fainted! DARKSTEVE won! ... ... ... BURIED ALIVE: Oh, that's because my script doesn't actually have an ending. BURIED ALIVE: So basically you either lose and I eat you or you win and I crash the game. BURIED ALIVE: Preferably the former. I'm so lonely and I want fresh meat... That's like super off tone. BURIED ALIVE: I'm a badly written edgy ghost story, I don't have to be on tone. BURIED ALIVE: Anyway, I'm gonna crash the game now. I'll be here when you reload, and I'll get you one of these times...! Enemy BURIED ALIVE used GAME CRASH! ... But, it failed! HIBER: No breaking the universe. HIBER instantly snapped BURIED ALIVE in half! HIBER burned BURIED HALVES into SMOKE! HIBER threw BURIED SMOKE into HOCAKT! HIBER: Okay, HIBER: He could've at least HIBER: That said, I'm here to be entertaining, not go on an author tract. TOO LATE! HIBER used AUTHOR TRACT! HUGE TRACT OF LAND fell on AUTHOR! HIBER: Ow. Well, I asked for that. HIBER: Yes. This battle's gone on too long anyway. DARKSTEVE won! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. Lord Sloth and Emperor Sloth were major characters of PokéBattles: Red Version, and Lord Sloth was also the author of Sloth Version and co-author of Slime Version, both available in the Amber Archive. Captain Sloth is tribute to Lord Sloth. "A Drop of Nelson's Blood," also known as "Roll the Old Chariot Along," is a very old traditional sea shanty. (♪ And we'll roll the old chariot along, ♫) ♪ And we'll roll the old chariot along, ♫ ♪ And we'll all hang on behind! ♫ CAPSLOTH used SHANTY! It's super effective! Chanties are a wonderful thing. NARRATOR used WONDER! NARRATOR wonders whether CAPSLOTH is a PIRATE! CORSAIR appeared! And CORSAIR wants to fight! Enemy CORSAIR sent out CORSAIR! I will send out my chanty, then. Go, Roll the Old Chariot Along! The enemy's the terror of the Pacific! Go! RTOCA! RTOCA used ROLL IN CLOVER! Enemy CORSAIR did a roll! It kept going and crashed! ... Into CLOVER! Enemy CORSAIR fainted! CLOVER is angry! CLOVER wants to fight! ... Enemy CORSAIR! ♪ Oh, we'd be all right if the wind was in our sails... ♫ RTOCA used WIND IN SAILS! It's super effective! CAPSLOTH ran away! ... DEVIL appeared! DEVIL wants to fight! RTOCA used ROLL OVER DEVIL! Enemy DEVIL was fully ROLLED OVER! Enemy DEVIL fainted! CAPSLOTH ran away! But me goal here be met. To make to safe harbor! ...NARRATOR will accept this logic! CAPSLOTH won! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. |