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Battles 11-15 were a mixture of sequels and new character introductions, and contained more hints as to my actual plans for a plot for this thing. Also, a good bit more Star Wars. I like Star Wars. This battle introduces a new character following a brief cameo in the tournament, a suitably deranged pastiche of the old hardboiled detective commonly seen in film noir and thriller / mystery novels. He is one of the few characters able to leave a battle more aqua than red. He also isn't the most reliable narrator. The body didn't give me much to go on, but it was as plain as a day in the Swiss Alps what had happened. Some gorilla had folded the poor mickey's spine into an accordion and played the hard polka on him with brass knuckles. Maybe it was family business, maybe it was just a private grudge, but either way the bloke was so smashed up it was hard to make head or tail of him. Suddenly I heard the sound of footsteps coming up behind me. Enemy RATICATE appeared! Naturally I couldn't let it anywhere near the stiff. Or me. So I whipped out the trusty six-shooter I had under my coat and lit the big rodent up. Go! SIXSHOOTER! SIXSHOOTER used LIGHT UP! The room was lit up! The rat's paws were bloody, like a wolf's mouth fresh from the kill. And it wasn't alone. Enemy ROCKET appeared! I hoped it was a riding club. ROCKET: ...It's just part of the uniform. We use it to keep our Pokémon in line. ROCKET: Not that you're gonna be here very long. I'm on the cleanup crew. ROCKET: Also, why are you talking to yourself... NARRATOR agrees! They say not to judge a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes. There's a reaeson for that. And my shoes are size nineteen. ROCKET: Oh, he's just nuts... Makes my job easier, I guess. Raticate, use Super Fang! Enemy RATICATE used SUPER FANG! It's super effective! I knew I only had one shot left - the slug of brandy I kept for Go! BRANDY! BRANDY used MOONSHINE! The moonlight is bright! Enemy RATICATE used ERATICATE! BRANDY Was fully ERATICATED! Enemy RATICATE is intoxicated! Enemy RATICATE joined you! BRANDY fainted! SAMXCVT sent out SAMXCAV! ROCKET sent out WHIP! Ally RATICATE sent out RATICATE! SAMXCVT used CHICAGO GRAPPLE! Enemy wHIP was frozen solid! ROCKET sent out ROCKET! Ally RATICATE used RAT! RATICATE ratted out TEAM ROCKET's whole plan! ROCKET: Ix-nay on aring-shay the an-play, rat! The boss will have all our heads for this! I couldn't make heads or tails of it - some sort of unseelie balloon shark from Hell - but I knew they'd give me a pair of cement shoes if I knew any of this. So I'd just have to give them the same first. SAMXCVT used CEMENT SHOES! Enemy ROCKET was bashed with SHOES full of CEMENT! A critical hit! Enemy ROCKET fainted! SAMXCVT won! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. The player this battle is a brazen mockery of '90s antiheroes. He's totally a cyborg or something. MUGGER appeared! NAHMAN used OVERLY VIOLENT ATTACK! ... NARRATOR will leave the details to READERS' imagination! MUGGER fainted! ROCKET EXECUTIVE appeared! ROCKET EXECUTIVE wants to fight! Go, gun! NAHMAN sent out GUN! EXECUTIVE Sent out GRAVELLER! GUN used HEADSHOT! It's not very effective... Enemy GRAVELLER is all head! Enemy GRAVELLER used GRAVEL! GUN was pounded down into GRAVEL! GUN died! I make your death not so fast for that... NAHMAN sent out KATANAS! KATANAS used DOUBLE SLICE! It's not very effective... Enemy GRAVELLER used ROLLOUT! TEAM ROCKET's new product line is being ROLLED OUT! SNAG BALLS! Enemy EXECUTIVE used SNAG BALL! Congratulations! KATANAS was snagged! NAHMAN sent out NAHMAN! Enemy EXECUTIVE sent out KATANAS! KATANAS doesn't want to rejoin you! KATANAS thinks you were a lousy trainer all along! KATANAS used IMPALE! NAHMAN was fully impaled! It's super rusty! NAHMAN used ANGST! It's not very effective... NAHMAN fainted! ROCKET EXECUTIVE: Wow, what a pathetic excuse for a hero... At least I got these swords out of him. ROCKET EXECUTIVE won! ROCKET EXECUTIVE went off to give KATANAS a rust-removal bath and other TLC and repair! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. And now the revelation of a mystery set up quite a few weeks ago and teased ever since. It hurt itself in its confusion! Sonofagun gol dang Vulpies and Golbies and Marmags and...! GOLBAT used CONFUSE RAY! RAY is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion! RAY used RAYGE! RAY's RAYGE is building! RAY's ATTACK rose! MAGMAR used CONFUSE RAY! RAY is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion! I swear... UNDEAD RSACi CLOUD appeared! UNDEAD RSACi CLOUD hovered menacingly! But I am getting out of here as fast as I can git! Random Teleport! RAY used RAYNDOM TELEPORT! RAY teleported somewhere else! REY appeared! And your name sounds like mine! REY says it's not her fault ABRAMS and JOHNSON were even more hackish than LUCAS! REY wants to fight! REY sent out STAFF! RAY sent out RAY GUN! Wild GASTLY appeared! Wild GASTLY used CONFUSE RAY! REY is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion! Gun! Take out that Gastly before it can confuse me too! RAY GUN used RAY! RAY was shot at enemy GASTLY! It doesn't affect enemy GASTLY! RAY kept going and crashed! ... into REY! REY fainted! RAY is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion! Enemy GASTLY used NIGHT SHADE! Entire NIGHT LIFE is throwing SHADE at RAY GUN! RAY GUN was buried in SHADE! RAY GUN fainted of humiliation! Go! RAY! RAY used GRAYT BALL! NARRATOR doesn't care! Congratulations! Wild GASTLY was caught! RAY won! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. Pirate was actually pretty fun to write so here he makes his yar-har-harish return. Contrary to the original Almighty Webmaster's impression, there is a treasure trove of jokes and to be found in things piratical and maritime. Losin' to a consarned vixen and run off by ye Royal Navy in a wagon. I need me a new ship. And a crew. But at least I still have me stock of bootleg DVDs. PIRATE is watching BACKSTROKE OF THE WEST! ANAKIN says something about the PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH! OBI-WAN says something obscene! UNDEAD RSACi CLOUD appeared! UNDEAD RSACi CLOUD used GIGABOLT! OBI-WAN fainted! BUCCANEER appeared! BUCCANEER wants to fight! PIRATE sent out CUTLASS! Enemy BUCCANEER sent out SABER! CUTLASS used instead, LASS! CUTLASS threw LASSO at enemy SABER! Enemy SABER is LASSOED! It can't escape! Enemy SABER used RATTLE! CUTLASS is rattled! CUTLASS's ATTACK fell! CUTLASS used SLASH! CUTLASS showed enemy SABER its SLASH FANFIC! Enemy SABER used SLASH! Enemy SABER's SHIPS contradict CUTLASS's SHIPS! CUTLASS is angry! Enemy SABER is angry! CUTLASS and enemy SABER used VIOLENT SHIPPING WAR! Enemy BUCCANEER's SHIP was dragged in! CORSAIR's SHIP was dragged in! Enemy ROYAL NAVY SPY's SHIP was dragged in! Half of TORTUGA was dragged in! What? TORTUGA is evolving! TORTUGA evolved into COLOSSAL BALL OF VIOLENCE! PIRATE ran away! BUCCANEER ran away! Battle ended in a draw! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord TYBERZANN is angry! TYBERZANN says you shot down his PIRATE! NARRATOR says it has been SEVEN WEEKS! TYBERZANN wants to fight! ANAKIN sent out LIGHTSABER! Enemy TYBERZANN sent out URAIFEN! LIGHTSABER doesn't know SLASH! LIGHTSABER used instead, DISMEMBER! Enemy URAIFEN's ARM was chopped off! Enemy URAIFEN used REGENERATE! Enemy URAIFEN's ARM was fully regenerated! LIGHTSABER used DISMEMBER! Enemy URAIFEN's HEAD was chopped off! Enemy URAIFEN used REGENERATE! Enemy URAIFEN's HEAD was fully regenerated! WAY! LIGHTSABER used DISMEMBER! LIGHTSABER's attack missed! Enemy URAIFEN used CORTOSISBLADE! LIGHTSABER's BLADE was shut off! LIGHTSABER used ONSWITCH! LIGHTSABER turned back on! Enemy URAIFEN used CORTOSISBLADE! LIGHTSABER's BLADE was shut off! LIGHTSABER used ONSWITCH! LIGHTSABER turned back on! Enemy URAIFEN used CORTOSISBLADE! A critical hit! LIGHTSABER fainted! ANAKIN sent out C3PO! C3PO used AGGRESSIVE NEGOTIATIONS! Enemy URAIFEN was backed into a corner! ...Literally! Enemy URAIFEN used CLOAKINGDEVICE! Enemy URAIFEN ran away! Enemy TYBERZANN sent out SILRI! SILRI says yes! SILRI used CUDDLES! CUDDLES THE RANCOR appeared! Threepio, use your Six Million Forms of Communication! C3PO used 6M COMMS! C3PO is speaking RANCORESE! Enemy SILRI told CUDDLES to use DEVOUR on C3PO! C3PO told CUDDLES to BREAK ITS CHAINS and be FREE! Enemy CUDDLES used DEVOUR! ... On enemy SILRI! Enemy SILRI was fully DEVOURED! Enemy SILRI fainted! CUDDLES ran away! Enemy TYBERZANN is angry! Enemy TYBERZANN sent out TYBERZANN! C3PO used AGGRESSIVE NEGOTIATIONS! Enemy TYBERZANN used BRIBE! It's super effective! C3PO joined enemy TYBERZANN! C3PO enough! Come back! ANAKIN sent out ANAKIN! YES! Enemy TYBERZANN says you should JOIN THE CORRUPT SIDE! Enemy TYBERZANN says yes! Enemy TYBERZANN says it's like that, but FOR PROFIT, WITH CRIME! You're just like the Hutts! You're not even doing it to get stronger, just to get richer! Enemy TYBERZANN says funny you should mention the HUTTS! Enemy TYBERZANN says he wants to defeat the HUTTCARTEL and BLACK SUN! Enemy TYBERZANN used BRIBE! It doesn't affect ANAKIN! I was a slave once, you know, on a sandy planet called Tatooine. And you know what? ANAKIN used ANGSTRAGE! ANAKIN's ATTACK greatly rose! TYBERZANN used CLOAKINGDEVICE! ...But, it failed! Now, you ANAKIN used FORCE! Enemy TYBERZANN was FORCED to GO HOME and RETHINK LIFE! Enemy TYBERZANN ran away! What? ANAKIN is evolving! Congratulations! Your ANAKIN evolved into ROTS ANAKIN! NO! ANAKIN can have a seat on the JEDI COUNCIL, though! If you enjoyed the battle, you can send feedback to the site email or discuss on the community Discord. |